Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 1205

Chapter 1205

1205 He kissed her, a light kiss

Li junyu stared into the young girls bright and clear eyes, lowered his gaze, and said, If I say that I didnt break up with you because of your bad behavior, what would you do? Get back together with me, huh?

The ending of the note was dragged out, with a hint of desire that even li junyu himself did not notice.

He was hoping that she would say yes.

He longed to get back together.

However, he also knew that it was impossible. It was impossible for them to reconcile.

Even if ruan Mengmeng knew the reason for the breakup and was willing to get back together with him, he could not agree to it.

Because wanting her, loving her, and marrying her would all hurt her in the end.

Li junyu could not be selfish enough to watch the girl he loved get hurt.

Even if he had a 99% chance of protecting her, the remaining 1% was something he could not afford to gamble on.

Get back together? When the young girl heard li junyus words, she could not help but laugh.

She looked at li junyu, her watery eyes seemed to be able to speak. how can we get back together? Ive never thought of getting back together with you.

The mans eyes flickered, clearly not expecting such an answer from the girl.

Ruan Mengmeng explained in all seriousness, I came to ask you because I was reminded by someone that theres a hidden story. At that time, you broke up with me for no reason. I admit that it hurt a lot, so much so that I almost couldnt stand up. However, Yingluos past is all in the past. Its not important anymore.

At this point, ruan Mengmengs beautiful almond-shaped eyes were covered with a layer of darkness.

But very quickly, it regained its l.u.s.ter.

The reason why Im sitting here today and asking you this question is not because I want to get back together with you. I simply want to know the truth and the answer. I just cant get over it. But weve already broken up, and thats an established fact. My injured Yingluo wont be so stupid as to repeat it again.

Ruan Mengmengs tone was relaxed, and her expression was calm. Like a bystander, she told him about the breakup.

Only the heavens knew that her heart was actually already clenched, tightly clenched.

Even ruan Mengmeng herself did not expect that she would be able to sit in front of li junyu so calmly and talk about the past in such a carefree tone.

But Yingluo didnt lie. They really couldnt go back.

Even though her heart was in extreme pain, she still couldnt go back.

Because she was afraid, extremely afraid.

She didnt dare to hand herself over to someone without any defense like she did in the past.

She loved him deeply and trusted him deeply.

She held his hand and was firmly held by him. She thought that holding his hand would mean a lifetime.

However, that person had mercilessly let go of her hand when she needed it the most.

She was as timid as she had been in this relations.h.i.+p.

Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of ropes. This was probably a description of people like her.

Silence, endless silence.

After ruan Mengmeng said those words, li junyu, who was sitting opposite her, fell into a strange silence.

He stopped talking and did not respond to her.

The young girl sat in the coffee shop that was filled with the warmth of the afternoon, but she felt the air pressure around her getting lower and lower.

In the blink of an eye, the ordinary coffee shop seemed to have gone through Four Seasons.

It was suddenly cold and then unbearably hot.

The mans dark eyes were covered with cold hostility and were filled with bloodl.u.s.t.

After a long time, his deep black eyes finally stopped.

Her dark jade-like eyes lost the last trace of crazy impatience and returned to normal, indifferent and cold.

Li junyu sighed. His eyes were filled with endless profoundness.Mengmeng, youve grown up, Yingluo.

So, whats the answer? Ruan Mengmeng met his gaze and only revealed a business-like expression.

However, she did not know why, but when she met li junyus gaze, she actually felt her heart Twitch.

Answer? The answer was no longer important. You just need to know that youre good, and youve always been good.

After saying that, the man got up and leaned over to plant a kiss on the girls forehead before she could react.

It was a light kiss, with his unique cold breath.