Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093

1093 Chapter 1158-actually staying here!

Ya, they actually live on the fifth floor too!

Seeing the Li family servant carrying a large pile of luggage up to the fifth floor, an chaozhao quickly shrank back.

She didnt dare to follow too closely, so she could only fall far behind.

An chaozhao hid at the corner of the fourth-floor staircase and whispered to the two girls behind her.

Manman, that girl is so pretty and elegant. Do you think shes from your Dance Department?

With her carefree personality, she had already started to gossip about other peoples faculty.

Well find out if shes in the dance Department when we get up there, Yingluo. Youre so warm-hearted, go ask her!

Song Yiman smiled and tapped an chaozhaos nose. Then, she left her alone.

Lets go. Mengmeng, lets go back to the dormitory and ignore this little detective. If she goes to her dormitory later and is found out, lets see what shell say about Yingluo.

After laughing at an chaozhao, song Yiman held ruan Mengmengs hand and walked upstairs.

At this moment, Shen LAN and the girl had already disappeared from the staircase on the fifth floor.

By the time song Yiman had pulled ruan Mengmeng up the stairs, the four or five a.s.sistants and servants who had been following Shen LAN with their luggage were nowhere to be seen.

Aiya, Ive lost him! An chaozhao clapped her hands in frustration.

Wisdom private academy was rich, and the entire dormitory building was extremely s.p.a.cious and luxurious.

In the large corridor, there were only a few girls who came out to make phone calls.

The Li family must have all entered the dormitory.

If the door was closed, an chaozhao wouldnt have knocked on the door and asked.

The chubby an chaozhao was vexed that she had missed out on such a big piece of gossip.

Ruan Mengmeng, who was still in a daze, heaved a sigh of relief.

She was not ready to see the Li family again.

Not even the Li familys third branch.

Shen LAN entered the room with the girl so that they would not have to meet face to face.

With that thought, ruan Mengmengs nervous mood relaxed. She smiled and pulled an chaozhao away.

Its fine. Were all in the same school. Youll have the chance to meet Yingluo in the future. Lets go. Lets go back to the dormitory and rest for a while. We still have a cla.s.s meeting at night.

On the first day of school, after dinner, the students from each department had to go to the designated cla.s.sroom to meet their cla.s.smates and counselors.

Although the first day was relaxed, the military training would begin tomorrow, so there were still many things to do.

Okay, okay. Lets go back to the dormitory to take a walk. an chaozhao had no choice but to be dragged back by the two of them.

However, they had just reached Room 510, not even room 511.

Ruan Mengmeng then heard Shen Lans voice coming from Room 511.

Niyun, look at this kind of dormitory, how can anyone stay in it? Yingluo, youre a n.o.ble, unlike those ordinary people. Auntie has already said that she will arrange a separate dormitory for you to live alone. I really dont know what youre thinking. Why do you have to hang out with those ordinary students?

The Li family was one of the most wealthy families in S country. They might be considered a wealthy family to others, but they were nothing in Shen Lans eyes.

Even though most of Wisdom Academys students were rich, Shen LAN still felt that living with those nouveau riche would be a waste of her outstanding niece.

thats enough, aunt. Its my own business. I know about it myself. In the future, youd better not say such things. The walls have ears. You should know better than me.

Her voice was as cold as an orchid, and it carried a sense of arrogance.

The girls voice was as cold and cheerless as her voice.

She was completely different from Shen LAN.