Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

1029 User 333 has requested to add you as a friend

However, it was already past eight o clock that night.

It was already 8:10 a. M., But the legendary Golden Dragon King had yet to land.

Not to mention, every night after boss 333s mean three times in a row, the audience would be banned by waist-length girls.

It had already been 10 minutes, but it still hadnt started.

The onlookers were about to protest!

[333 wheres the big boss?]

[Big Boss, let me see your little hands ~]

[boss, were begging for tips. Were all your little puppies waiting to be fed.]

For a time, the comments were all over the screen.

Some were asking questions, some were questioning, some were suspicious, and some were cursing.

At this moment, the girls clear voice sounded, everyone, theres no need to wait for the dragon egg to drop. Ive already applied to the superadministrator for user 333s account and permanently sealed his ID and IP.

Id meant account.

His ID had been sealed forever, so he couldnt use this account to enter the live broadcast room.

However, he could still change his account.

However, IP and ID had different meanings.

The IP referred to the internet address.

In other words, if a persons IP was permanently blocked, then no matter how many accounts he changed, he would not be able to enter the live broadcast room.

Unless he changed his Internet address.

Many people would only use one IP address to surf the internet at home.

As long as the IP was blocked, it was the same as being shut out forever.

Im very grateful for user 333s tips and thank him for his long-term support. Its just that every time after I give him a reward, he would always say a lot of annoying things, and Ive always just banned him from speaking as a reminder. But after a few times, I realized that the ban didnt have any effect on users of 333.

After careful consideration, Ive decided to permanently ban 333 users from entering the live broadcast room. This way, he can save a lot of money on tips.

After saying that, the girl no longer explained the matter.

She didnt care that the other audience members couldnt get the golden egg to slander her because they didnt have any rich people to give her gifts.

She pretended that she couldnt see the bullet comments and started another round of the game very calmly, starting the live broadcast.

And with her live broadcast, there was no longer the arrival of the 333 local tyc.o.o.ns and the fixed performance of being banned every night.

The live broadcast room that was originally full of popularity and had almost broken through the 10 million popularity mark.

In an instant, it returned to its original state and became a live broadcast room with only about 100000 viewers.

Looking at the screen, her popularity fell from more than 9 million to 100000. The girl did not feel fl.u.s.tered, but instead felt more at ease.

To make money, one had to pay attention to morality.

Those 9 million fans did not come from her ability, but from other peoples pursuit of the nouveau riche and their flattery of the big boss.

And all she needed was these 100000 sincere fans.

Compared to the superficial 9 million, ruan Mengmeng cherished the 100000 fans who really liked her more.

Alright, Ill just privately message 333 and settle that matter.

After finis.h.i.+ng a game, the girl took the time to click on the fan bar.

At the top of her fan ranking, she found user 333, who she had just announced to be permanently banned.

Clicking on 333s profile picture, the girl hesitated for a moment before sending a message-

[ when my long hair reaches my waist: 333 Big Boss, are you there? I have something to talk to you about. Can I add you on WeChat? ]

After waiting for a minute, the message he sent was like a stone sinking into the sea. There was no response.

Hes probably angry that she sealed him off forever. Forget it, Ill find another way to contact him.

With this thought in mind, the girl was about to switch back to the game screen and start the next round of preparation.

A system notification suddenly popped up on the lower right corner of the live streaming platform.

[user333 has requested to add you as a friend.]


The girls index finger paused for a moment, and then she lightly tapped on the confirmation b.u.t.ton.

[Ive finished updating. See you tomorrow night at 8 O clock~]