He's Not A Non-Entertainment Circle
by Dropped A Pit
Chapter 10: Unworthy People
When Bai Mo asked about it, Bai Mo said in surprise, "Oh, sure buddy. You've all learned how to keep young stars. I told you earlier why you should not hang with another unworthy people!"
"Don't talk nonsense, what do I have to do?"
"It's not easy. It's about giving money and resources, and then letting the other person serve you well in bed."
"Shut up, we're not going to sleep together!"
"d.a.m.n it, you're not sleeping with your lover? Do you get it back?"
Then he looked at Lu Ran and said, "Dude, can't you tell the truth?"
"Shut the f.u.c.k up."
To tell the truth, Lu Ran really didn't want to sleep with xiao longtao[1]. He just liked his eyes. He thought he liked Yan Qiubai. He just wanted to protect him because he was too small in the entertainment circle.
The problem was that xiao longtao[1] doesn't want anything, and xiao longtao[1] was very good. Since they live together, they had been helping themselves to manage their lives, took good care of themselves, and doesn't need a nanny to come to heir house. However, Lu Ran don't really like nanny coming from his own place, but they doesn't know how to cook and fry an egg.
Xiao longtao[1] couldn't cook, but after living with Lu Ran, he began to learn how to cook. From the beginning, he won't cook anything until later, he would cook many delicious homemade dishes.
In fact, Lu Ran has not finished his study at the university completely, but now he was slowly getting in touch with the company's matters.
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Published September 12, 2019 1:05 PM GMT +7
Update at September 13, 2019 1:05 PM GMT +7
Read only at White Cat blog msvijaya(dot)blogspot(dot)com
*All credit goes to the original author
*Feel free to pinpoint me if there any grammar error or typos
*Sometimes using Chinese suffix here
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[1] Xiao Longtao (小龍套: xiǎo lóng tào): minor characters; costume of minor characters in opera, featuring dragon designs; walk-on
[2] Gold Master (金主: jīn zhǔ): financial backer; bankroller
[3] White Lotus: someone who is pure in appearance, but opposite inside, literary like a G.o.ddesse