Heroes of Israel - Part 48

Part 48


383. Sometimes the n.o.blest heroism is just to refuse to be frightened away from doing right. Who was the man who prayed three times a day when the king had commanded that no prayers should be offered except to himself. Tell the story of the den of lions. (--100.)

384. Write down these seven heroic names. Which of them was honored as the kindly helper of the needy and the wise adviser of his nation in days of trouble? Which was the gallant soldier who defeated the tyrant?

Who risked life and fortune to save the people? Who started out in his youth to be a good judge and ruler of the people? Who was loyal to his conscience at the risk of his life? Who was the stern rebuker of injustice? Who gave up his ease to work for his troubled people? Note that there are many ways to be a hero.