Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 -Phoenix (1)

T/N: Wrongly edited part in the last chapter; they are currently at the capital and NOT in the border town lol so sorry everyone, hope no one’s confused!

Ye Zhen had a long dream. A dream of her past life and her sister’s, leaving her a rather forlorn feeling at her wake. The details were so vivid that she felt like she was actually there looking at a tanned girl with hair swaying with the howls of the wind while she laughed her heart out as her brother slipped on one slimy rock.

Almost abruptly, the sight became distorted and she found herself in familiar territory, dressed with a wedding frock she couldn’t possibly forget. A terrible choice that day was, she realized. She tried to flee from the scene, but even before she could, her dream took another turn.

A shift in her sur