Heaven Awakening Path - Chapter 82

Chapter 82

As Yun Zhong stopped everyone from arguing, Xia Bo Jian slapped the table and walked away from the library . He was walking out with a grim face and an anger in his mind . Luo Ting, the hardworking student, was accused in rape crime-SHAME!

Shame on him, and shame on Xia Bo Jian himself . It is embarra.s.sing!

He was going downhill right now . An old man, with a pale beard and insane eyes, appeared in front of him: “Yo, Xia Bo jian, long time no see! How are you doing?” He said, but Xia Bo Jian didn’t care at all as he was too angry .

“Uncle! Uncle! They have killed Luo Ting!”-screamed Dao Ran .

“I know, and he deserved it!”-Xia Bo Jian said .

“What? How can you say that?”


Dao Ran and other students of Xia Bo Jian were leaving, but Qiao Cheng stalled behind them . Luo Ting deserved to die? And those are teacher`s words? How can it be possible?

“Hurry up, Qiao Cheng!” s.h.i.+ Zhong Tian called him .

There were half less people in a meeting room now . Chu Min, Yun Zhong and other students were still there .

Xi Fan was laying on the table, and doctor was trying to heal his wounds . Wen Yan seems to be less injured . She heard a voice outside and realized that her mentor had arrived .

“Little Wen Yan, are you okay?”- said the old man with a pale beard .

His name was Chen He, master of sound of soul techniques and the oldest man in the whole Tian Zhao school .

“Something is wrong with this little boy . ” He said, while pointing at Mo Lin . People turned around and saw that Mo Lin was trying to light up an incense that he pulled out from his pocket . He was doing light-up motions with his hands, but there was no fire in his hand . He was repeating those motions again and again .

“He is poisoned indeed . Or maybe not?” Chen He walked towards Mo Lin . When he reached him, he squatted and said:

“Boy Oh boy, is this execution of soul I am witnessing right now? Chu Min, have you forced this little baby to go through that?”-said Chen He with a smile .

Lu Ping walked toward Mo Lin . He tried to pull him up and noticed that his eyes were filled with anger and hate . Mo Lin looked at Lu Ping with empty look, as if he was a ghost, and then raised his hand, with QI inside it . He was casting a spell!

“The h.e.l.l are you doing? It is me! Lu Ping!” It seemed useless to talk to Mo Lin right now, so Chu Min just splashed her wine on his face . Mo Lin tried the famous “swipes” of Chu Min . He still couldn’t control his own body, but he understood one thing-his teacher, Chu Min, was nearby, so he could relax .

“Okay, so this Luo Ting is dead, right? I want to find his freaking corpse, decompose it and make an amazing refining drug! Ha hah!”-Chen He said .

“Don’t say this disgusting stuff, old Man!”-screamed Wen Yan . She was rude to the old man, which felt strange to other people in the meeting room . But she was a student after all, and most talented user of Sound of soul and Pivot of soul techniques as well .

Chen He was also not as simple and reckless as he looked like . He was extremely picky for students . Even if you were the most talented person around, he would also be looking at your appearance, personality, hobbies, character and other stuffs before taking you as a student .

He was looking for a person like Wen Yan for many years . And now, she was right in front of him, he couldn’t lose a chance to take her under his supervision .

“Yo, Chu Min, this is your girl, right? Give her to me”-Chen He said .

“I refuse!”-said Wen Yan . This old man was strange as h.e.l.l . The moment before he was screaming something about making a drug from the corpses, and now he wanted to take her as his student!

“WELL I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING, YOUNG GIRL! I WILL BE YOUR TEACHER FROM NOW ON!”-screamed Chen He . Other people, such as Yun Zhong, Lu Ping, Chu Min and others were stunned . They could do nothing but enjoy the two people screaming at each other . Chen He was always acting in this loud and weird manner, and Wen Yan was also fierce and straightforward girl . Plus, her Sound of soul abilities were almost on the same level as Chen He`s . So, their screams were like a thunder for other people .

Old screamer and young screamer- weird teacher and amazing student – such a good tandem!