Heaven's Intention - Chapter 89-100

Chapter 89-100

Chapter 89 New Products (Start)

This was a day where the sun was radiant and enchanting. Each day the temperature at this time was already warmer than the last. The great earth was entirely covered in greenery. The leaves on a tree were also evidently verdant and lush.

The Adventurers within Briar Forest were also increasing as the days went on. The Adventurers Guild announced all kinds of missions, sending innumerable Adventurers to distant locations and attracting them to this remote little town.

And different to the Adventurers that came repeatedly, Rumont's drugstore in town had, in the recent times, quieten down by quite a bit. It wasn't that the customers at the drugstore had decreased, but it was unlike the previous bustling clamour before. Currently, most of the customers would hurry about. It was because the soul of the store, Rumont, had basically in the recent times, not appeared once within the drugstore.

"Nick, grab me a bottle of healing medicine." the drugstore that was evidently quite tranquil today, had once again welcomed another customer. It was an Adventurer that had just came out from Briar Forest.

Nick lowered his body, and took out a bottle of medicine from the cupboard below. Beaming a smile: "the last bottle for today, 10 silver coins."

"For you." at the same time he received the medicine, the Adventurer handed over 10 silver coins onto the countertop, before curiously looking around left and right. "Rumont's not in at the store today, right?"

"For the sake of peace and quiet, he's studying at Fafnir's house!" Nick shook his head: "I've not seen him for a good few days. It's already been half a month since he's been eating and sleeping there. The medicines are also sent over each day."

It had already been many days like this, countless amount of people had asked this. Thus, Nick, without thinking, had just gave an answer straightaway.

"Studying?" this Adventurer was curious as he asked.

"Yeah, Banner from the Mage Association had given Rumont a set of Druid teaching materials. Rumont is just carefully studying it, when he finishes learning, he'll then head to his base. That place should also nearly be established!"

"Base? Rumont is setting up his own Druid base? Man that's quick hey." although he knew that Rumont had already finished his own mission, and had obtained a conferment of land from the Baron, this was but a matter he had learnt of before entering the forest. He that believed that the base wouldn't be established this quick, he never thought it had already started on construction.

"Yeah, the days are already warmer, the base is to finish by this year. Naturally, the earlier the better. However, they're still currently only clearing above the ruins. This should be the what takes the most effort though." Nick said: "fortunately, Rumont recruited a lot of men, before summer arrives, the base ought to be completed."

These words had similarly been repeatedly said many times already. Hence, without needing to even ponder about it, he had answered straightaway.

"Oh, is that so? Later I'll bring some food and visit him there, I reckon that that period of time would be quite hectic. Can't do without any liquor." the Adventurer laughed haha, before waving his arm and leaving.

Watching the Adventurer leave, Nick shook his head and continued with his lead lowered at the account books. What he counted was the money Lancas' squadron had returned last time.

Because gold was divided to each person from Howard's and Lancas' squadron, their pockets had been filled. Thus, the two squadrons of Adventurers had gone their separate ways after the matter of the divine judgement.

The people of Lancas' squad had mostly taken their money and returned home, furthermore settling their accounts with surplus. As for the one called Sukhar, the Archer, he had remained behind. He had even been hired to the base.

Howard's squadron, after having accepted Rumont's issued mission of safeguarding, had simultaneously completed various kinds of missions. This was because Rumont's territory just so happened to be next to the entrance of the foreset. The missions accepted could be completed by alternating half of the people to execute it, the other half was just enough to be left at the territory for recovery; this was a win-win situation.

And in the corner, Rolak's complexion when he saw this situation, was temperamental. He pulled out a book that he had always kept in his bosom.

Looking at the initiates magic book that he had browsed over innumerable amounts of times, which Rumont had placed at the store, the youth's inner eyes were displaying an even more intense desire: "so long I'm given the chance, I can also become a prominent person. I'll definitely be a person that no longer needs to act on the face of others. Onlyopportunity, where is my opportunity!"

Originally, ever since Rolak had secretly studied those Rank 0 spells, he had, because of the lack of even higher Rank 1 magic books, been unable to even further progress in his studies. He who was characteristically gloomy, had never mentioned this matter to another. However, practically each moment of each day, he would always dream about the opportunity of himself obtaining another step in the progress of studying magics.

Only, magic books were different to the other kinds of books. These kinds of books, not only were they expensive, they could neither be bought solely with money. Thus, even though Rolak had learnt the two spells in accordance to was written on the book, the two spells were merely Rank 0. He evidently possessed the potential of being a Magician. However, he basically didn't have the even higher Rank 1 spells, not to mention that he couldn't even learn more.

Because of this reason, he couldn't lift up his spirit all along in the recent times.

The dream of being a Mage was difficult to realize, which was a massive blow to him. Furthermore, Rumont, who was a youth that came from the lowest levels and was once the same as him, was currently a person who not only possessed a status, he also possessed his dream. He also wished to possess the attention and applause of others, he even wanted to possess his own territoryRumont, the youth, had already become a legend within the small town. As for him, he was only a nobody that looked up to a legend. With regards to such a situation, Rolak found it hard to accept.

As a result, on one side he had accepted Rumont's aid, working as an assistant at Rumont's drugstore, and on the other side, he would periodically detest Rumont. Detesting how his luck was better than his, detesting Rumont's status, detesting Rumont's wealth, detesting everything that Rumont currently possessed. Everything was all what he wished to possess. He also wished to become the focal point for everyone. He also wished his father to see him in a new light.

His envies was similar to a dagger, each a scraping cut on Rolak's heart. And when he discovered he had no way of continuing his studies of magic, in order to change his own destiny, his long accumulated resentments had finally erupted forth entirely.

"Perhaps, I ought to think of a method to change my destiny." he murmured to himself. Afterwards, his hand was holding onto a cleaning rag as he looked outside.

Practically, at the same time, at the distant house of Fafnir's, it was noticeably empty. It was because Fafnir's mother had taken Fafnir's younger brother Vardon1, and had already gone to the territory to help out; some of the furniture had already been relocated.

Currently, it had completely become Rumont's place.

Within the house, it was tidied up quite clean. There was a bookshelf in the surroundings, with only about 10 books on it. These were the Druid fundamental textbooks that were worth 1000 gold coins.

The centre was placed with a smoothed off marble work desk. By the side of the table were about 40 small wicker baskets. These wicker baskets weren't big, but when they were all placed together, it was obviously amazing. Each basket was filled with the same medical herb, the smell of these herbs mixed together and had formed the current queer smell within the room.

There were about 20 or so glass instruments placed on top of the marble desk, one of them was just issuing a strange gulu gulu noise. And by the side of the table, a youth was just carefully paying attention to the reactions of these instruments; even his breathing was strained.

Within this glass instrument, a pale green layer of mist was being emitted. And a type of transparent liquid was just gradually changing into a green hue under the effects of the mist. In addition, it was also bubbling endlessly. Afterwards, the green mist had an abrupt change.

At such a time, Rumont was silent at once. A green light ray passed through the opening of the glass. In a flash, the liquid had all of a sudden, become a completely dark green hue and thereupon condensing.

"Haha! I've succeeded!" once Rumont saw the situation, he immediately couldn't help but laugh out.

He then carefully took the compound within the glass bottle and poured it into 3 vials. He then sealed it well and named the 3 vials as "Detoxification", each bottle was worth 10 silver coins. Once it was completed, Rumont sighed in satisfaction and sat down on a seat for a rest.

Looking atop of the marble desk, there was a long row of glass instruments that were interconnected. Funnels, beakers, test tubes, distillers, as well as a collection of books from the shelf. Rumont showed an expression of heartache and satisfaction: "luckily, it was worth it. I've finished learning from this book. I'm now no longer just a Druid in name."

Ten books with the value of 1000 gold coins. Which was equivalent to 10,000 silver coins. It could have bought over 100 cows. Knowledge in this world was truly the the equivalence of power ah. Rumont had already finished reading them to the end. These 10 books touched upon the principles of a Druid, the knowledge of fundamentals, the knowledge of herbs, as well as some basic formulas for compounding medicines. All that he had learnt in prior, from Jeff, was roughly one fourth of all that was detailed.

Rumont's figure within the Shennong Horn was originally a 13, which was equivalent to an IQ of 133 on Earth. Now, thanks to the unclear transformation of him, his Intelligence had increased to 14, which was the equivalent of Earth's 145 IQ.

In a typical modern day IQ test, the average IQ was 100. Half of the population's IQ was between 90-110. 14.5% of the population occupied 110-120. The people at 120-130 accounted to 7%. 130-140 were 3%. The rest, 0.5% of the people's IQ was above 140. Consequently, an Intelligence of 14 was already a talent of 1 out of 200 people.

This kind of change was not directly reflected in one's experience or ability to scheme. But Rumont nevertheless was able to feel that studying was easier by far. Within this past half month, he had already studied the greater part of these 10 books, and although he was not thorough with the rest, he still remembered them.

This Detoxification was one of the formulas out of ten from within the books. He had experimented just then and had succeeded. He could also increase the products for the store by one.

Of course, the experiments of the Earth catalysts had also succeed. It was able to be included in many medications by relying on his sensation of Nature's power; he could also increase the quality of the original Detoxification compound by a touch. But exactly how much it was raised, whether it was a tenth, would necessarily require the practical applicationSukhar's injury could then be slowly treated.

Although the clothes Rumont currently wore could not be considered to be dirty, it was neither the kind of neat and tidy appearance he had at regular times. He wore a dark hued gown, stained with countless remains of herbs. Even his face had the powderings of herbs from the bubbling of the liquid just then, when he didn't dodge in time from the sputtering of the gases. At this time, when he was laughing to his heart's content, there was no small amount of dust that fell from his self at once.

Seeing this kind of scenario, Rumont also thought that he himself was quite ridiculous. However, seeing that he finally had a result from half a month of compounding, his heart was still all the while more joyful.

Ever since he was recently reminded by Nick, saying that the range of products of the drugstore was still few, and after he had carefully pondered it over, he had also felt that it would definitely be greatly welcomed if he was able to develop these kinds of medicines. After he explained it to Nick and Fafnir, the fact that the store was still sorely lacking in these products, he had then thrown himself into the research of medicines in the recent half a month.

1. [ Wa Deng]

Chapter 90 New Products (End)

The books and instruments of this underground laboratory were mostly found from Banner's place. Since the territory was yet to be established, Rumont had moved the temporary laboratory to this place; endlessly getting items related to a Druid and endlessly converting it into his own knowledge.

Digesting these experiences, as Rumont would put it, was of a major benefit. However, when it came to putting it into practice, these antidotes were not that easy to produce. After nights and days of experimentations by Rumont, he had only managed it today.

Now, he had finally obtained success. Each step was not taken without substance!

Rumont's mood right now was relaxed and cheerful: "since I've already synthesized it, then the other medical compounds that have a lowered difficult, but have a use for the majority of the townsfolk, for example medicines that treat and alleviate pain for ailments can also be createdfurthermore, with the Shennong Horn providing superior herbs, as well as having a catalyst to increase the quality by about 10 percent, I'll definitely make big profits in the future!"

"There's still 10 days until the end of the current month, it just so happens I need a short period to revise and consolidate my knowledge, as well as further familiarize myself with it. If there's no errors, I can then" after getting rid of the medical solution, Rumont again continued on with his task.

"First, I need to mess about and find an even more accurate scale, to determine the standardized specificity." Rumont pursed his lips and said.

Over the course of these few days, he discovered that the original prescription of synthesizing the medicines, there was no standard specificity; especially the weight. Measuring scales existed in this world, but the inaccuracies were rather high. For the discipline of herbal concoction, it was evidently inadequate. Perhaps in this world, there would be an even more accurate weighing scale, but Rumont currently did not have the fundings nor connections for it. He had no choice but to rack his brains, searching through his knowledge from the previous world and utilizing his Nature force to measure more accurately, conducting improvements for the equipments.

Time quickly passed by. Rumont who had digested the knowledge, had synthesized several varieties of medicines in accordance to modern day concepts. These medicines, not only were they targeted at the different tiers of Adventurers in supplying various kinds of medicines, it also targeted the common townsfolk. The various kinds of compounds that he researched and developed were medical products which did not contain any components with an increased spell efficacy. The effects of these medicines were slow acting, but at the same time they were really economical. Additionally, they did not have the obvious expiration period the spell infused medicines had. For ordinary ailments and residents, it was a good fortune.

Eleven days later, Rumont brought out his results from the laboratory.

And on one afternoon, Rumont's drugstore had then listed a public notice. Announcing various kinds of medicines that were directed at the varying tiers of Adventurers, its pricing, and that it was even cheaper than the ones in the cities by 10 percent.

As for the ones directed at the common residents, Rumont's drugstore had also launched several types of medicines. These medicines, because their synthesizing method was simple and effective, used inexpensive production materials, as well as employed the addition of Rumont's special strengthening compound, the final manufactured product was way cheaper than the original medicines that his store was selling. These kind of prices for medicines could make the vast majority of the ordinary townsfolk accept it easily.

As a result, once these new medicines were launched at Rumont's drugstore, it had immediately received everyone's welcome. What's more, the title of a Rank 3 Druid had already enabled the townsfolk to have confidence in it.

When the store was filled with customers, at the time when Nick was busy with transactions, Rumont had already followed a carriage fleet and gone to his territoryto the location christened as the Remnant territory.

Within this month, because there were all kinds of people that came to live at the territory from the town, and furthermore transporting items, a road path could already be seen. The remaining wooden tree stumps could often be seen, as well as the tracks of a wheel having passed by. However, despite all the carriages having been reinforced, the horse carriages still struggled with bumps and jolts. After all, it was a road that was created in the interim.

Rumont followed behind on foot, lightening the burden for the exhausted horses.

"Sire, we've arrived." the driver spoke.

Being called a Sire for the first time, Rumont felt pleased as he looked over. In the far distance he then saw the surrounding enclosure of the territory. This was constructed from solid wood. It looked extremely firm. Almost 3 metres high.

There was even a drawbridge at the gate, there was also what looked to be a guard tower; construction appeared to have already finished.

"Rumont!" at the gate entrance, Merchant Banner, Fafnir and Sukhar had all come out to greet him, additionally swarming Rumont as he entered.

The region within the enclosure was quite large. What he saw first were the 5 wooden houses, one 2-storied house, which also had a granary, stable and barnespecially within the barn, it already had 4 cattle inside eating grass; 2 cows and 2 bulls.

"These are all created in accordance with the standard designs of a feudal land from the city." Banner point at the buildings and spoke proudly: "they're all here, which will save a lot of effort in the future!"

Rumont swept over his vision and repeatedly nodded. He was again swarmed to enter one of double storied house, the wooden house emitted the scent of fresh wood.

Rumont, from top to bottom and from inside to out, had issued out sighs of approval.

"This is the downstairs lounge, it can accommodate 20 people for a meal. This is the underground storage room with nothing currently, later on it can store plenty of liquor and provisions. This is a small guest room for future guests to stay at. This is the kitchenah, the above is the master bedroom, the bed has been well made, it's just missing a mattress"

"This is the conference room, the bookshelves are also done." pushing open the entrance to the conference room, a long table could then be seen. The area was neat and tidy with 8 wooden chairs. There was also a fireplace made of masonry inside, the walls above had a few cupboards.

"Everyone, have a seat!" Rumont voluntarily went to the head of the table and sat down. Banner, Fafnir and Sukhar also sat down.

"It's really comfortable, I like it." Fafnir spoke. He seemed to be happier than Rumont, looking all around in joy; this was their base.

"If there were also a few maids, it'd be perfect." Banner also spoke with a touch of envy.

Although Banner was the constructor, but this did not belong to him. Although he had money, he couldn't build such a house for himself.

If it wasn't of a vocation and he based it solely on the amount of money for this area, Banner would have needed to sell off his house at the city and sell off his entire wealth, just to afford this area. This was naturally a matter he couldn't do.

Being of a vocation was good. Banner squinted and sized up Rumont. One's own household also needed to cultivate one of a vocation.

"Maid? It's still early for that, getting a cook is more proper, the provisions are all here." Rumont waved his hand back and forth, saying: "having a cook, our inn can then start up."

"Yeah, there's already been a few Adventurers that have passed by, willing to stay here and help build. After all, returning to the town in one trip is also one day and night, it wastes a lot of time." Fafnir slapped his forehead in recalling something: "right, Commander Howard introduced a Mercenary over, used to be part of the squad, name's Ruse1. He's currently handicapped, his wife has some skill in cooking."

"That's great, we'll invite him over then!"

"He only has a request, which is that he wishes for autonomy and not as a tenant." Fafnir spoke. Not a tenant means that he doesn't need to pay a tax, his later generations wouldn't need to either. This required the consent of Rumont.

"Then so be it. Look for another 2 families, let's get 5 families with autonomy!" Rumont dreamily said. With 5 families worth of people, this small territory would then be able to operate.

"If it's autonomy, I can also introduce two households, a farmer and a carpenter!" Banner spoke.

"That's good then. Hopefully we'll be able to finish in these couple of days. Oh, Mister Banner, I've synthesized my medicines. One is a Detoxification compound, the other is a pill for treating ailments. I can guarantee that the quality is better than its kind from the city. The pricing is also much cheaper."

"Oh, is that so, that's excellent then." Banner shortly stared with his eyes wide open.

Rumont lowered his head slightly: "regrettably though, there's a limit to my current Force of Nature, the Mending vulneraries requires my healing spells, the most I can make in a day is 10 medical products. I probably can't supply it to you, but the Detoxification compound and ailment treating pill are entirely made from herbs. You can be at ease, there's a sufficient supply."

"Having this is already great, I believe that we can cooperate even more in the future!" Banner was slightly disappointed, but he still expressed understanding: "currently it's still early, how about we go have a look inside!"

"Okay, let's go have a look!"

It was currently the afternoon, there was no small amount of people. Some were workers, some were Adventurers. These people were all under the sunshine, working earnestly.

Because it had already been a month, the originally filthy Shrine could basically no longer be seen. Rumont walked in and discovered that most of the main structure of the Shrine was still there. Even though there were vestiges of decay on the rocks, the truth of the matter was that it was intact on the whole. It could be restored after a touch up.

"Rumont, the greenhouse is down below?" Fafnir asked. At this time, there were already workers that had gone to through the underground passageway, cleaning up the chamber down below. Of course, at the start, the bones and corpses had caused them to jump greatly in fright.

Rumont had already designed a blueprint to use the underground chamber as a greenhouse. It had already begun construction. The blueprint referenced theories from quite a bit of greenhouses from Earth.

"Right, just like that. Excellent." Rumont went down to have a look and discovered the originally filthy underground chamber, already had a space cleared up. It no longer had bat like animals. The air had cleared up. As for the nurseries, each of it had already been set. They were already compacted with soil, and was just waiting for seeds. His face couldn't help but have a longing smile.

In the past, he was always envious of the land that belonged to Jeff himself, able to have a true Druidic base of operation that belonged to oneself.

Not only was this an enjoyment, it was also an actual need. Even if he himself possessed the Shennong Horn spatial region, he couldn't reveal it at all. Therefore, even if he could harvest herbs within his own spatial region 4 times a year, when it came time for selling, he still needed to separate it into batches. Furthermore, he still needed to be careful and prudent in hiding it constantly. This kind of matter truly made him not know what to do.

Currently though, possessing his own herbal garden and possessing his own greenhouse, even if he sold herbs repeatedly, there wouldn't be anyone to suspect him.

Furthermore, half a year had already passed. The Shennong Horn spatial region was already on the verge of promotion once again. The chances of his Druid Rank being levelled directly from this promotion was not that big, after all, he had just gone up 1 Rank. But in accordance to the previous cases, the spatial region would once again expand by one fold. This would be 10 mu, he could again increase the plants to grow, additionally it could supply even more Nature essence.

Under such a situation, wouldn't he continue to progress regardless of his Druid Rank?

1. [ Lu Si]

Chapter 91 Assarting (Start)

Rumont's map was formally acknowledged by the Baron; the outskirts of the forest was officially named.

Rumont was also currently an Esquire. Not a Knight nor a Baronet, which was why he didn't have a surname. But his territory was being christened as the "Forest Home" territory, and also marked with this.

The early summer of the sixth month, wind and rain would frequently appear.

That's why on this day, drizzling rain was falling with a pipa1; weaving about to form a curtain of water, washing all over the forest, placing it into a world of water. Black clouds covered the entire sky, causing it to darken and appear like nightfall. Often, lightning would flash and issue out an ear-deafening boom.

And amidst the rains, a group of sorry looking Adventurers were throwing themselves into Forest Home.

Even though they were amidst rain, the Adventurers could still see the thick and solid fencing enclosure and the vast farmlands that had already started up. They also saw several already built establishments. One of them, was the inn.

At this time, the oil lamp within the inn was already lit, shining the interior space magnificently. This was animal fat. It could be created by simmering fatty meat, which could be bought from the Adventurers with a bit of money. Although it had a slight smell, the Adventurers would neither be bothered by it.

"Boss, bring the meat and liquor!" Commander Bicks2 ordered with a loud voice.

He was a middle-aged man who had facial hair, you could vaguely see that he was handsome in his younger years, but his face was already filled with traces of wind and frost.

At this time, the bottom of the inn was already filled with people. There was no place to sit. You might as well just spread a pelt on the ground and sit on the floor. Bustling sounds filled the inn. The heavy aroma of alcohol and meat filled up the air completely.

"Coming!" a busy youth was just wiping his sweat. There was also a maiden that was doing odd jobs. This youth was Fafnir's younger brother, Vardon. Due to the changes in income, and also because it was just the period of development, in this half a year, he had grown taller rapidly.

The maiden that followed behind him was originally a neighbouring girl from town, Ellie3. They were a couple who had been friends since childhood. Marriage was early in this world; being of marriageable age by 15 years. Currently, the two families more or less treated them as a married couple.

Looking at the bustling scene, although Fafnir's mother was busy, she still showed a satisfied smile.

Vardon's body was more frail. The probability of him having a career as a Warrior by learning martial skills wasn't high. But the family already had 50 mu worth of land, and adding on this inn, they would have properties in the future. They estimated that next year they would be able to let Vardon and Ellie get married.

Meat and liquor was brought forth with a delicious fragrance. The inn only offered cider which was cheap. More importantly was that it wouldn't be mixed with water. This made it so that the Adventurers tired at the days end would be immediately filled with a greater appetite.

Commander Bicks indicated a toast, before then sitting his butt into the wooden chair, drinking a mouthful. A spicy texture then went abruptly from his mouth, flowing into his throat and again spreading throughout the pit of his stomach. Satisfied, he relinquished a sigh, his eyes closed to form two narrow slits.

"I've heardthat 7 or 8 tenant families moved from the city today? How is it that there's anyone willing to come here from the city and not get autonomy?" in the surroundings, there was a man who spoke while eating the roasted meat in big bites, his lips were all covered in oil.

"Mm! When I went out, they had just arrived at the entrance, I even recognized one of the families. It was Fudi4, who was once a Commander of an Adventurer's squadron. He had even greeted me!" an Adventurer placed his cup down and tore off some meat, placing it into his mouth to chew: "as for the autonomy, without any food, even if they're free they'll still starve to death. These are all people that couldn't go on making it in the city."

"Fudi is a Rank 3 Warrior though, how'd he end up in such a state?"

"What use is a Rank 3, he had an arm bitten off at the shoulder by a wolf, the treatment also costed a fair amount. He's old, handicapped, and useless. Rumont willing to shelter him is already quite excellent. What's more, his family also has autonomy; that Rumont is quite courteous. The other families are also of an Adventurer background but without such a treatment, being honest tenants."

"Hey, Adventurers are exactly such a life. Once they get old and handicapped, it gets difficult."

Hearing this, Bicks shortly sunk into a mood. His left hand subconsciously grasped tightly into a fist. Though he himself was not handicapped, he was almost 40. How many more years could his Adventure squadron also exist for?

"Commander, drink!" surrounded by old comrades, one of them spoke suddenly. He took the pitcher of wine and filled the half-empty cup of the Commander, who he had followed for 20 years, to the brim. Soon after, he also poured himself a cup.

"Cheers!" Bicks vigorously grabbed the cup, lifted his neck and sculled it clean in one breath. The ice-cold liquor followed the throat down, scorching up his throat and stomach.

You drink to me. I drink to you. Amongst the Adventure squadron, they began to shout about unbridled, greatly chatting and laughing away. Half an hour later, their bodies in a stupor, swayed about as they climbed the stairs. When they entered their rooms, they had just collapsed onto the floor, snoring away.

Close by, Rumont was just chatting with Fafnir, Nick, Sukhar, as well as with the Fudi that was just mentioned.

"Sukhar, how's it going?" Rumont asked.

"Not that bad, my hand is nearly recovered. In another month, I reckon it'll be fine." Sukhar spoke joyously. He looked over his own palm. His originally stiff fingers due to a poison was already quite nimble.

"Then that's great. Fafnir frequently goes out to temper himself with missions, you can just take charge for the safety of this territory then!" Rumont said.

"You can relax, leave it to me." Sukhar stroked the long bow that was never a moment apart from himself and displayed a smile. Once he was recovering, the kind of excellent sort of Archer temperament had then appeared.

"Fudi, later when everyone begins to cultivate the land, I'll then hand it over to you. Oh, you also have to take care of the 6 farming cattles."

"Sire, be at ease. I can manage this minor affair." clearly being allocated a house and 30 mu of private farm lands, Fudi felt he was correct in his selection this time: "with the farming cattle, turning over the entire soil within the enclosure will not be a problem."

Rumont nodded. Fudi was originally a squadron Commander. Even though he lacked an arm, he could still manage to develop 100 mu of soil completely, which was practically all of the territory within the enclosure.

The total population of the Forest Home was 11 households, several dozens of people. Furthermore the place was remote and with rough roads. However, as the central hub for Adventurers, at least in this short period of time, it was presumably operating without any problems.

Speaking a few words, Sukhar and Fudi then departed. Rumont directed Fafnir and Nick the two to remain behind, discussing together the relevant arrangements of the territory.

"A tax of 10 percent, is overly favourable to the autonomous and the tenants!" Nick had crammed a lot of knowledge, as well as independently managing a drugstore; he was considered to have matured: "without an established standard, what's the point of a Lord. Even if it's my family, we also have to be in accordance to this."

"Mm, it's fine if you have this kind of thinking." Rumont spoke: "10 percent for those with autonomy, 30 percent for the tenants, this is already not bad."

Sometimes in the long run, reducing the taxation may not be a benevolent policy.

"Rumont, I wish to assume position as an Internal Affairs Official for your territory." Nick recorded roughly and said.

"Oh, then what are you going to do about the store in town?"

"We can give it to Rolak, he's already familiar with the work in the store, and he knows how to read." Nick said: "in addition, I would be clear on how much profits the store ought to have."

"This" Rumont felt faintly uneasy towards Rolak. Yet after a careful ponder, Nick's idea wasn't bad, he'll just go with the flow; Nick had also improved his thinking. Furthermore, the business within the store in town was indeed relatively stable; there wasn't much margins for fraud. He then didn't persist and spoke with agreement: "okay then, we'll give the store to Rolak. We can also consider him to be a companion of our younger times. You can stay here then!"

Nick immediately smiled. He wrote on the paper, recording down the command just a moment ago. He wasn't wrong, Rumont was indeed someone that took care of others.

Fafnir who sat on the chairs by the side, broke into a yawn from boredom. He had no interest whatsoever. Furthermore, he had quickly promoted to a Rank 3 Warrior, he had already proved he was a gifted Warrior scion. Assuming the both the roles of Peace Officer and as the new Territorial Captain was inevitable and a rightly matter.

All of a sudden, thinking of a certain matter, Fafnir immediately interrupted: "Rumonthow come I haven't seen you go to the Shrine lately?"

Rumont was stumped and gave a few low coughs. The transaction between the Baron had not been leaked out and neither could it be divulged. He could only go over it vaguely, speaking of a new topic: "how much provisions is currently in the warehouse?"

Nick lowered his head and estimated a bit within his mind: "there's still sufficient provisions, it can last for another month. After that, we'll need to replenish it. However, Merchant Banner is also due to arrive, he'll bring a batch of provisions, saving us the troublesome procedure of stepping out; merely the road is still not that great to travel ehonly, I've heard that 4 Daylight Crystals are being delivered, do we still have enough money Rumont?"

Speaking to this point, Nick flipped the account book: "the cost of building the enclosure, building the houses and buying the cattle was more than projected. We've already used up 411 gold coins. Last time you spent 1000 gold coins to buy those Druid textbooks, the accounts only have 89 gold coins left. Currently, the store is relatively stable, each month the maximum is about 600 silver coins of profits"

Three thousand gold coins, Rumont had taken half out. The accounts truly did not have much money left. Rumont spoke: "Banner agreed to lend me it."

"Even though Banner agreed to lend it, he still needs an interest. Additionally, if the time comes that you can't pay it back, he can then mortgage our territory. I'm just planning for the worst case. Just to be sure, it's best to return as much as possible."

"Mm, it's not that serious. I'll solve this issue" when Rumont heard it, he also felt that clearing it as fast as possible would be good. Thinking of the new batch of herbs had already matured within the Shennong Horn spatial region, his mood then calmed downed. This batch of herbs was an uncommon, relatively expensive and superior variety. If it was to be sold off, there would be at least 300 gold coins.

The problem was that harvesting a 5 mu medicine field all by himself was a truly a cumbersome task!

Currently, toiling away was still manageable, tired is was tired as.

Only, after harvesting the herbs this time, he estimated that the Shennong Horn could once again be promoted. In accordance with the prior patterns, this time the area would possibly expand to about 25 mu. Deducting the original 5 mu worth of fruit trees, then there would be 20 mu of land. Needing to manage so much farmland was not at all easy!

It also wasn't possible to call people in for work. Thinking of this, Rumont was unexpectedly worried.

1. []

3. [ Ai Li]

4. [ Fu Di]

Chapter 92 Assarting (End)

Early summer was still summer. Thunderstorms arrived quickly and also going just as quick.

Each month, Banner's caravan would trudge with difficulties on the muddy roads. Finally, in the afternoon, he had finally reached the Forest Home.

What first entered the eyes was a large crowd just working away with fervor.

This crowd had amongst them ordinary workers, it also had strong and robust Adventurers. Recently, the numbers of Adventurers that entered the forest had increased, but the Adventurers Guild had on the contrary, issued missions that weren't as good as previously. The aggravated competition directly lead to some Adventurers being more idle. Thus, some Adventurers had also then come here to work temporarily when Rumont had recruited workers.

Compared to those workers, the strength of the Adventurers were greater with more skill; they could also work even harder. If it wasn't for the fact that the Adventurers that came forth weren't many, it would be presumable that those ordinary workers wouldn't have been hired at all.

And between the Adventurers, there was a person that was the most conspicuous. At this moment, he was just naked above the waist, really giving his all moving a large boulder from the ground and to the Shrine that was more or less already repaired. The surrounding people all sounded out a round of acclaim.

And at this time, a person who carried a longbow was just patrolling, watching these people. Banner's heart was moved. This Sukhar's identity was currently of an overseer, he had already quelled several matters. His archery was extremely formidable. With bow and arrows in hand, killing 10 soldiers was not any problemwho would have thought that Rumont would unexpectedly find such a talent.

Banner had also once tried to entice him over, but Sukhar's heart was firmly steadfast. Even if there were better items placed in front of him, he absolutely wouldn't waver.

This was also precisely the reason Rumont took a liking to him. This time, when Rumont obtained the land around this remnant, when he had prepared to go to work, the first person he had thought of was Sukhar. Furthermore, he had turned into the deputy peace Officer and Vice-Captain; even if the squadron was yet to be established.

Even though Fafnir and Nick were his best friends, Nick was already quite busy. As for Fafnir, in this period of time, he was just in the process of advancing up as a Warrior, and once again visiting his Master; training arduously each day. Furthermore, many a times he had taken missions to temper himself, leaving early and returning late. When he returned home, he was just the same as a dead dog; really couldn't rely on him to be a Peace Officer.

Thus, Sukhar was currently the first line of defense for this land.

"Everybody, time for food." at this time, Rumont had already brought a large pile of food out from the inn. There was liquor and meat. Once everyone saw this, they immediately swarmed up with joy.

"Sukhar, how are things, tired?" Rumont went near Sukhad and asked. "Even though you've been detoxified, you still need to take care of yourself for a bit. In the future, you can overseer this place, you don't have to personally work with this job. It's not good to tire yourself out eh."

"Heheh, I'm fine. I'll pay more attention to it in the future." Sukhar smiled.

Rumont patted his shoulder. Afterwards, his vision turned towards Banner.

Banner gave a praising sigh as he looked. He felt that the former Shrine had already finished its repairs. The stone halls were packed with all kinds of long tables, glass instruments, scales and the sort. Evidently, the base camp where the medications were synthesized had already been relocated to within the stone hall.

"Aiya, you're already prepared?" Banner inquired.

"I'm prepared Mister Banner. Come in and have a look, especially the underground room." Rumont still spoke quite enthusiastically.

The Shrine that was originally used for prayers, it's area was naturally quite large.

It was originally constructed of marble. Currently, after being polished a bit, getting rid of the exterior weatherings, it was now completely cleaned.

The originally large cavity had currently been sealed with glass, the sunshine penetrated through the glass and filled the grand hall full of sunshine.

Three hundred years prior, glass was a rare material and its pricing was extremely costly. But now, glass was only said to be a touch luxurious as a material. Within the city, there were 2 glass workshops. Even though they couldn't produce large glass products, small glass products was still manageable. This kind of glass in general was something the townsfolk couldn't even use. Some country gentlemen or perhaps of a Merchant household would then inlay a panel of glass works into the window, proving that they were of a household with status and Rank.

However, the piece of glass in eyesight was a metre high and wide. This kind of large piece of glass would have needed to be custom made.

Seeing Banner examine it, Rumont smiled and said: "our Lord Baron had once renovated his villa and castle, he had once custom made a batch of glassware, there were a surplus left over that was given to us for purchase."

So that's how it was, Banner felt more relieved inside as he said: "not bad, truly not bad at all!"

But the most eye-catching was still the lengthy, over a dozen metres long table, it was filled with various kinds of equipment.

Furthermore, it was also surrounded by enormous cupboards, with innumerable drawers filled with herbs. All of it were labelled on top with the names of the materials.

Seeing this, Banner's heart was extremely envious, this was to be the alchemy room.

Within the eyes of a Merchant, this was to be a steady flowing silver mine, able to therefrom put out bright sparkling silver coins.

Mages and Druids, even Priests would all touch upon a bit of Alchemy. As the Merchants would put it, the difference between them would basically have no significance, what was important was that it was able to make money.

Synthesizing medicines, supplementing magics to weapons, manufacturing magic wands and oddities. So long as anyone was proficient in one category, they would then surge in financial resources. There was no need to speak of providing for a family, even if they provided a small territory, it would also be generous enough with spare.

What didn't need to even be said was that Rumont was also a Rank 3 Druid, he would still continue to go onward later on. This investment was truly profitable.

Not knowing of Banner's thoughts, feelings and envy, Rumont guided him towards entering the underground chamber.

The underground chamber was quite dim, Rumont spoke in silence for a moment and a light globe had then gently floated out, just like a light bulb. It floated above Rumont's head, following along with Rumont's footsteps, illuminating within 10 metres of the scene.

Illumination was a Rank 0 spell, which was a basic cantrip of Druids and Mages. It was able to create a light globe above the top of one's head, issuing light just like a torch and illuminating the surroundings. The time was 10 minutes for each Rank. Merely, Rank 0 was just 5 minutes. With Rumont's current Rank, in one day's worth of use, it could last for half an hour without extinguishing; this was already enough.

The underground chamber being illuminated, separated rows of nursery cradles that could then be seen. The nursery beds were piled up with thick fertile soil; only it currently did not have seeds on it yet.

"Mister Banner, it's just lacking the Daylight Crystals you brought over."

"Oh oh, it's here, it's here." Banner who was looking foolishly, had then promptly taken out a case from within his bosom. The case was opened. Four small crystal globes the size of a hen's egg were inside, emitting out a faint radiance. They were already filled with energy from the sun.

"I'll then install them." Rumont spoke. He wasn't polite in taking them, and extracted one of them out. He climbed a ladder he had prepared beforehand and approached the ceiling, which had a lamp like object. This was actually a small spell array, customized to stimulate a Daylight Crystal.

Placing the crystal in, setting it and pouring some power in, the crystal shortly shone, releasing out a light and causing all the surrounding people who saw it to immediately close their eyes.

"It's finished then?" when Banner opened his eyes, he discovered Rumont had already extinguished the Illumination spell. As for the crystal, it was emitting a light similar to sunlight, illuminating the entire underground grand hall.

"Of course, it can illuminate for 8 hours, additionally the underground chamber is basically confined. The temperature will be relatively stable, this then is a greenhouse." Rumont was also proud as he supposed: "I can now plant the seeds."

"Oh oh!" Banner's expression was complicated as he took measure, this was also another silver mine!

"Mister Banner, let's settle our accounts then!" Rumont sized it up before just saying.

This was official business, Banner recovered his mind and followed him, sitting within a small room by the side of the grand hall. This room was quite simple, there were a couple of sofas and a long table.

Rumont queried and Banner had also just said: "we can already forget about the other funds. Just the Daylight Crystals is 1200 gold coins. The value of the others, the load of provisions, seeds, equipment and such is only 100."

"One thousand three hundred gold coins huh!" Rumont paused for a bit and used his fingers to tap on the sofa. After a pause, he showed a trace of a smile, suddenly saying: "the greenhouse you just saw, it's quite big right?"

"It's really big." Banner was just prepared for Rumont's bitter cries, before then suddenly expressing a load and consequently owing him a favour. Being asked of this all of a sudden, he was stumped.

"The greenhouse is really big, the alchemy room is also really big. It's just a pity that it's lacking in manpower hey!" Rumont spoke quite vaguely about this.

But how intelligent was Banner, his eyes shortly lit up: "excuse me for being presumptuous, but you're wanting to take on students?"

Banner was acquainted with several Mages, business deals during normal times was still possible, but wanting to assign his own younger relatives to become an apprentice was yet very, very difficult. These kinds of skills and powers were all a strictly limited strength that was obtained.

Actually speaking, who Rumont needed to find and truly express his thanks to was the Baron. That year when Jeff had settled down at the town, the Baron only had one condition, which was to recruit a few apprentices. The end result was that the sons of the respectable households had difficulties in comprehending Nature. Instead, Rumont had gotten the advantage. Of course, even if it was like this, what Jeff taught was really the most basic and the most superficial. If it wasn't for the Shennong Horn, he currently wouldn't have been able to breakthrough.

"Apprentices, no no. I'm not prepared to instruct apprentices. But I can let them stay here and help out in the process." Rumont spoke.

"Then what conditions do you have?" Banner's eyes were still shining, not at all caring that though they wouldn't be a definite apprentice, they could still learn quite a bit during the process eh. Later on, even if they did not have the chance to become a Druid, they would still learn about medicines in general and the basic energy meditation; which would allow them to become a specialized Alchemist.

This was different to the textbooks. Textbooks wouldn't have a person to guide them. Solely on jargons and magic spell words, it was already enough of a deterrence to a large group of people; there was no need to even mention the cost.

"My requests aren't that high, able to be obedient, a bit of intelligencemmmm, young females would be the best!"

Young females eh, hiring prepubescent young female servants. This was an quite often seen mattergood to teach, could be pushed down, easy to provide forBanner did not mind in the slightest for his own daughter to assume such a role, only he didn't have one. Figuring out the prepubescent young girls within the family, he probed out a query: "how many do you want?"

"5 or so!"

"Done, leave it to me then."

"Mm, then I'll leave this matter to you, also, as for the matter of money, in another 3 months, is that alright?"

"Without a doubt, this is an honour for me, I'll even waive the interest!" Banner immediately replied in one breath, speaking straightforwardly.

Speaking to thus, the pair couldn't help but look amongst themselves and laugh.

Chapter 93 Manifestation (Start)

Underground Chamber.

The heavily layered soil beds had sprouts that were springing up in arranged orders; green and tender.

The ceiling above had a lighting device and set with glass, the centre of it emitted sunlight, illuminating the entire grand hall as if it were daytime.

"Huu, finally finished."

All of a sudden, a bundle of herbs appeared in midair, emitting out a distinctive clear fragrance. Rumont stood there for a short moment before opening his eyes wide, recovering his mind back. He placed the well harvested herbs onto a clean animal hide.

He chose to let Banner take it away tomorrow. It was worth at least 300 gold coins!

Rumont pondered. But at this moment, he did not have the mood to consider it. He could clearly sense that the inside of the Shennong Horn had already given rise to a change, causing him to feel a shock with his spirit.

The promotion for the Shennong Horn this time seemed to be many times different to the past!

Rumont's mind entered the spatial region once again.

A light globe was suspended 50 metres high in the air, emitting out a golden radiance and warming the region.

The entire spatial region was about 10 mu, it was all enshrouded in the midst of a beautiful halo. The small streamlet also had water plants growing out, and schools of fat fishes swimming about. Rumont noticed they all had a gained few kilos.

On 2 mu of land, the fruit trees and other plants that were brought over from Earth had continued to grow. The rest of it, roughly 8 mu worth, had already been harvested. It was currently an empty space. A type of seemingly there and yet not kind of vapour, carried about a clear fresh fragrance, permeating through the entire region.

A semi-transparent data screen automatically appeared, the data screen floated within vision and gave off a dull light. A large amount of figures appeared in the front of his eyes: "Rank 3 Spatial Region has already reached the criteria for promotion. Promote?"

"Promote!" Rumont said immediately.

Just as the command was said, a green light flourished greatly. The distal boundaries of the spatial region was covered in green, expanding fiercely; giving birth to new land in the void. And practically at the same time, the light globe's luminosity had also increased. The spatial region expanded upwards to about 100 metres, not only did the light globe float upwards, it kept illuminating the entire region. Furthermore, its volume had as a matter of fact, also swelled up a few folds.

But it was at this moment, something unexpected occurred.

"During the promotion of the spatial region, an unusual power has been detected within the body, synchronizing resonance. Do you wish to assimilate and merge into this spatial region?" along with the voice, the semi-translucent data screen also lighted up.

Rumont was taken aback, thinking of the Goddess idol, he considered it for a moment and asked: "what kind of power?"

"Unknown property, wait until assimilation for discernment!"

Rumont hesitated a moment before saying: "assimilate it!"

As the words fell, he then felt the interior of the spatial region produce a vortex. This vortex appeared inside of the spatial region and practically at the same time within his body, there were also overflowing waves, with traces of power being extracted. It was heading from inside the body and towards the vortex, arriving within the spatial region and transforming it into waves of energy.

The vortex revolved rapidly as it assimilated this power. But the power within the body, seemed to have felt something and began to have a disturbance.

The originally concealed power began to appear unceasingly. One thread was being extracted, while the remaining portion concentrated at some mysterious location within the body. Rumont could clearly sense that this mysterious location within his body, was just beckoning and palpitating, growing gradually.

Rumont was feeling quite terrified, he also thought of the day when he was at the underground chamber, the dangers of practically being exploded. But at this time, it was nevertheless too late, he could only wait it out.

Gradually, at some area within his body, a small itch began. Something seemed to growing rapidly, and the power that was slumbering away was increasing in power, gradually heating up.

"Hurry and assimilate it!" this scene was far from good ah. Rumont could only hope for the vortex to assimilate faster. Only, the vortex of the Shennong Horn seemed to have its own rules, neither slow nor urgently assimilating one thread at a time. Each time it looped, it would assimilate a touch more.

As time passed, the power was increasingly seething, it was like the interior of the body was gradually being burnt up by a great flame, beginning to cause a pulling effect on the body.

Similar to the pains he had last time at the underground chamber, it gradually appeared. Rumont could only grit his teeth and prepare to meet the pain.

Gradually though, he felt the body's tearing sensation was increasingly stronger. Rumont clenched his teeth. He had also bitten through his lips; fresh blood started to drip.

Slowly, the mysterious location within the body had eventually reached saturation, causing a type of pain. However, this pain was not considered to be anything. Rumont was dismayed to discover that this saturation had the unexpected desire to explode.

Rumont did not have the slightest doubt that in case it did explode, not even the corpse or the bones of himself would remain.

However, at the time when Rumont was increasingly more frightened, after a short moment, the power that was originally rising non-stop had gradually reached its peak and did not keep rising. It was obvious that this power had already reached a limit.

Rumont immediately relaxed a breath. Even though this time the pain in his body was still there, he was still feeling relieved. He could feel that along with the one thread of power being extracted and transformed by the Shennong Horn spatial region, the energy was continuously lowering.

A familiar ice-cold sensation again appeared from the depths of his body. As for the Shennong Horn, a green light permeated through and endlessly extracted the energy of the Goddess idol from within his body. In the moment when the entirety of the energy was extracted from within his body, Rumont felt his entire body relax. He then heard a voice: "Unknown Bloodline has reached Rank 3, do you wish to activate?"

At this moment, Rumont had yet to select, he hesitated a moment before saying: "Activate!"

His body received a shock, the semi-translucent data screen gently unfolded: "ascertained information of the unknown. Elven Bloodline. Your life expectancy will increase by 10%. Obtained infrared vision. Integrated into Spiritual Detection."

Elven Bloodline? Not of a God, Devil or Dragon bloodline? Rumont felt some regret, but he then immediately inspected it.

Name: Rumont (Qian Pinji)

Biological Race: Human (Elven Bloodline)

Attributes: Strength 12 (10), Agility 16 (10), Constitution 12 (10), Intelligence 14 (10), Wisdom 16 (10), Charisma 15 (10)

Occupation: Highest Authoritative Spatial Overlord, Rank 3 Druid

List of Skills:

Permanently set Spiritual detection Level 2

Elementary Footwork Level 3

Elementary Swordsmanship Level 3

He discovered that it did not elevate any of the qualities. It was then amidst of pity that there was another new piece of information: "ascertained unknown information, an unusual change has occurred in the spatial region. Please withdraw promptly from the spatial region for 5 minutes."

An unusual change occurred in the spatial region?

Rumont could only withdraw and await anxiously. He could sense an intense transformation occurring within the whole Shennong Horn spatial region. Even though it was merely 5 minutes, it was still hard to remove his anxious mood. Rumont could only clutch onto his hair and pace about in the underground chambers.

When the time arrived, Rumont with a "cheng" sound, threw himself into the spatial region.

A semi-translucent data screen automatically appeared, the data screen brought a dull light as it floated within view. A large amount of figures appeared at the front: "the spatial region has already finished promotion. You shall obtain a domain, do you wish to accept?"

"Domain? Isn't that a prerogative of a Priest? Why would it be my time to choose that?" Rumont currently also knew of this point and couldn't help but be startled. He was baffled as he looked around.

The spatial region had again become larger. The light globe hung 100 metres in the air, emitting a golden radiance, warming the region. Rumont keenly sensed that the fire globe seemed to have transformed. Threads of flames were spat and swallowed around the globe.

The entire spatial region had transformed into about 25 mu. The area had increased again. As for the streamlet, it had also enlarged as well. It currently could be considered to be a brook; streaming throughout the entire region. Only the size had expanded, the water had therefore become shallow. The schools of fat fishes in the shallow water were all jumping around in fright.

Needing to refill the water once again, Rumont stared blankly for a moment before then sobering. He asked: "what Domain can I choose?"

"Domain of Fire!" on the data screen, it only had the one symbol for fire.

Stumped for quite a long time, Rumont couldn't help but be greatly depressed (). So there's actually only domain ah. Then what am I choosing? I'll just choose it at once.

The dull light that the data screen brought within his field of view. The result of his selection was the immediate displayed: "having selected the Domain of Fire, annexing to the Druid procession. Druid has been promoted to a Druid of flames."

"Promotion of the spatial region is complete. Beneficial planting effects has reached 20%. Emergence of a consolidated effectOptimization of Seeds!"

"In the future, any seeds in the spatial region, when they fully complete a grow cycle for the first time, it will result in seeds with the retention of optimized efficacy at 20%. After leaving the spatial region, they will successively weaken each generation. Each generation will have a reduction in 5%!"

Finally, it then displayed Rumont's current status. Afterwards, it slowly disappeared.

Name: Rumont (Qian Pinji)

Biological Race: Human (Elven Bloodline)

Attributes: Strength 12 (10), Agility 16 (10), Constitution 12 (10), Intelligence 14 (10), Wisdom 16 (10), Charisma 15 (10)

Occupation: Highest Authoritative Spatial Overlord, Rank 3 Druid of Flames

Rumont was spiritless for a moment. He then became aware that truly within the former Shennong Horn spatial region, there was a trace of fire elements. The light globe was being used as the core as the elements flowed towards it.

In accordance with a Druid's meditation practice, he carefully observed the Heart of Nature of a Druid within his body. As expected, the centre of the Heart of Nature had a trace of flames blazing away. In accordance with the meditation, he controlled his consciousness and attempted to touch this trace element. Just as he accessed it, in that split second, he then understood the significance of its representation.

Fire. It was to decompose, provide heat and lighting.

This allowed Rumont's mind to be filled with joy. Again through careful studying, he felt that there was some kind faint indistinct sensation. He wrinkled his brows and thought it over. Looking around the underground chambers, he seemed to have come to an understanding. He then went to the corridor and came out from within the underground chambers.

Chapter 94 Manifestation (End)

Once he exited out of the underground chambers, the outside sunshine was illustrious.

The time just so happened to be midday. At this time, it was already the last 10 days of the 6th month. The sun was scorching. But outside and within the enclosure, there were a few dozen men who were just working away at the land.

After the land had gone through a tidying processing, it was a