Heaven's Intention - Chapter 63-84

Chapter 63-84

Chapter 63 Contact (Start)

A period of free-time will always pass quickly. In the blink of an eye, a week's worth of time had passed by, it was again the days for the Adventurer squads to enter Briar Forest.

However, entering Briar Forest this time, there wasn't only 1 squadron, instead, there were two groups of squadrons who had formed an alliance.

And just like last time, early on, Rumont and Fafnir, the two of them had already done all kinds of preparations for entering the forest; and this time, Fafnir did not arrive late again.

The pair followed the squadron in advancing towards Briar Forest.

"Rumont, this roads appears to be way harder than last time ah." just exiting the small town, because the of the heavy rains from the previous day, the roads had become muddy; making quite a lot of people crease up their foreheads.

It was even after Fafnir narrowly tumbled in, that he had moved closer to Rumont at the front, to whisper depressingly.

Rumont nodded his head: "indeed, according to this kind of situation, it seems that not only will it take even more time travelling, this time the mission is also the capturing of a Scarlet Fox; their kind is comparatively more difficult to handle by quite a bit. Looks like wanting to complete the mission is not going to be easy ah."

"Yeah." Fafnir struggled while nodding his head. As carefree as he was, he also treated this mission with not too much of optimism. "However, we're still good. After all, I'm accompanying you here and you're following along the squadron to draft the map. You haven't seen the Commander's face, once we entered the forest it's been stoic." the Commander he referred to was Howard.

Ever since Commander Howard entered the forest, he had been a bit melancholy. He could also see it that for the present condition of the road, the originally well planned journey, again needed to be deferred for no small amount of days. In addition, the mission itself this time, in capturing the target of a Scarlet Fox was not at all an easy to deal with beast. Moreso, adding on to the problem of the journey, the mission this time was looking increasingly more pessimistic!

Of course, it was also related to what Rumont had talked about. In the previous few days, Rumont had formerly spoken with him, informing him that all animal killing matters from now on wouldn't have his participation. This one was the final timelacking Rumont, a lot of matters would be difficult to manage.

"Commander Howard." at this time, the normally rather silent Lancas, who always conversed with his own squad members, had suddenly gone to Howard's side: "I have a matter I wish to discuss with you."

"Commander Lancas is it ah, speak, what matter is it." Commander Howard regarded this youth with a rather good feel. Seeing that the other had come over to consult with himself over something, it at once lifted his spirit.

Lancas smiled: "it's like this, honestly, a few years prior I had once passed through this forest, I'm quite familiar with this area. You also know that with the current circumstances of the road ahead of us and to proceed on with this kind of path, the time we would need is absolutely not enough. I know of a shortcut that can even lead us to the area we need to go. The route will be comparatively shorter by half. Although it's similarly as muddy to go through, but summing it up, it ought to still save us a bit of time. If you approve, then let my squad lead the way on. Otherwise, even if we do manage to catch the Scarlet Fox, after the time is gone, it is also a mission failure."

Hearing Lancas' words, Commander Howard was silent for a while. Finally, he had decided: "okay then, we'll do as you say. However, the road ahead of us will require you to lead the way for everyone. I'll be troubling you."

"Be at ease. I'll definitely lead properly. After all, we're currently allies." Lancas beamed a smile as he spoke.

However, due to Commander Howard then turning himself around and informing his squadron for the matter, thus, he did not see at all that which had laid underneath Lancas' smile, masking a flash of killing intent.

Rumont and Fafnir had been walking behind the squadron the whole time, while they walked along, Rumont carefully recorded the situation and information of the area they walked through. In regards to preparatory work of the map drafting, Rumont had already gone from initially being at one's wits' end, to the current experienced and making easy progress.

In accordance with his own plans, he waited until it was time for resting again, before he then officially draft out the prior rough sketches. As for Fafnir, who was worried for Rumont's safety, would therefore, when Rumont was seriously surveying the geographical situation, always be cautious and prudently guarding by his side.

The two good friends at this time were already beginning to metamorph from greenhorns to real Warriors. A real Warrior did not necessarily need to possess greater fighting skills.

Awareness of the team, a sense of responsibility, and able to face danger without fear when encountering harm. These were the standard measurements of a good Warrior.

No matter if they're only a Rank 1 Warrior, so long as they possessed the 3 things mentioned above, then, they could be proud of themselves and say, I'm already a genuine and worthy Warrior.

As for Rumont and Fafnir, at this very moment they were just experiencing this kind of metamorphosing process.

"Rumont, say, will the Baron really fulfill his promise? Drafting well this map, he will then simply bestow you a piece of land?" Fafnir asked with a touch of hope.

Rumont just nodded his head, who was travelling along while recording the surrounding conditions. "Probably."

This was the promise of the Lord; he would generally uphold it. Of course, what was even more important was that along with the 3 months of cultivating, another pile of medical herbs was already completely gathered. The spatial region was already nearing promotion. In accordance with his experience, so long as the spatial region upgraded once, his own Druid Rank would also increasethe importance of a Rank 3 Druid was again unique.

"Then that's good. My father told me that a Druid that didn't have his own medical garden would have many more difficulties in cultivating. Let's hope that this time you'll be able to possess a plot of land that you can really call your own." Fafnir was sincerely anxious for his friend.

Rumont could naturally discern this. He lifted his head and said with a smile: "what are you afraid of, even if the Baron didn't bestow me a plot of land, I'll still continue on with cultivating as a Druid. There'll eventually be a day that I would become a great and renowned Druid. You're the same, you will also become a well renowned and mighty Warrior.

Patting his good friend's shoulder, Rumont himself also gave encouragement to him.

Speaking honestly, whether or not he had the land at the present time, it truly did not have too large of an influence on his cultivation; because Rumont possessed the Shennong Horn spatial region. Planting medicinal herbs via this spatial region, he could still as before, carry on cultivating smoothly. It's just that, without land or a medicinal garden to act as a shield, the various future developments all couldn't be conducted on a grander scale.

During the moment the pair were chatting, news had arrived over from the front. Which was that the squadron would need to continue on with an alternative route.

At the very beginning, Rumont had only felt that it was a bit odd. However, once he considered that the ongoing road was indeed difficult to travel, he neither thought much about it more. But when they travelled a short distance, and he then saw the back of the person at the lead of the squadron, Rumont's heart soon had a kind of uneasy feeling.

The man that lead the way was precisely Commander Lancas of the Lancas squadron. For some unknown reason, every time that he faced that person, Rumont's heart would always have a type of uncomfortable feeling.

Rumont furrowed his brows. With Lancas leading the way, the Adventurer alliance that was composed of two squadrons, was beginning to leave the main path and was advancing towards the smaller paths.

"What kind of crappy road is this huh, it's still as difficult as the road just then." as Fafnir travelled, he whispered in a low voice. Similar to Rumont, he had rough and frank disposition, but Fafnir surprisingly, also had an unfavourable opinion of Lancas.

However, different to Rumont's reasons, the reason of his disgust of the guy was actually quite funny.

"You're forever going to be more handsome than me. As friends we can't always bicker over this. But this unknown white face that came from who knows, is unexpectedly also so much more handsome than me. Tell me! How can I view him with a favourable eye huh."

When hearing this initial explanation, Rumont nearly split his sides while laughing.

"Be careful, this path is increasingly more desolate, perhaps we would encounter some dangers. Liven up." Rumont cautioned in a low voice. In actuality, he didn't need to remind him, Fafnir's state at this time was incomparably clear-headed.

Not only him, even the other squadron members that were traveling along the small path, that was increasingly more desolate, had also roused their minds; guarding against any dangers that could happen at any time.

Abruptly, a squadron member called out loudly at the front; he had fallen onto the ground. On top of his shoulder, a crudely made arrow was just unceasingly waving about.

"There's a group of goblins in the front. Everyone, get ready for battle!" while using his sword to ward against the constantly shot arrows, Commander Howard had yelled out.

At this time, a group of bugbears with long protruding jaws with long pointy tusks, grizzly hair, and a long bear-like face, had issued out a shrill screech, before raising their wooden clubs high, throwing themselves fiercely towards the Adventurers.

In fact, Commander Howard didn't need to yell out. The moment that a squadron member was discovered to be injured by a goblin, the other members had practically begun to fight.

It could be said that this battle was completely without suspense.

The side to first incite the battle, the goblins, what they possessed was but crudely made weapons. The bows and arrows that they all used, also seemed to be all obtained from elsewhere occasionally; they were not at all adept in useage.

After recklessly shooting a few arrows and then fighting with the Adventurers at close quarters, they had already abandoned their bows and arrows; starting to use their wooden clubs and attacking viciously towards the humans.

This kind of vicious fighting strength of the goblins was honestly not that bad. However, this group of Adventurers were originally the strongest of Adventurers, what's more was that it was also an alliance comprised of two squadrons. Thus, even though there was a few members who received injuries in the midst of battle, in the very end, the goblins were still completely wiped out by the Adventurers.

Because the battle concluded quite fast, the contrasting strengths was also extremely evident. Thus, Rumont who was acting as the rearguard member, did not at all participate in the battle.

As for Fafnir who although did get to join in the battle, yet because of a momentary accident, not only did he not bring out his fighting capabilities, he was even surprisingly struck on the arm by a wooden club of a goblin. Even though the injury wasn't serious during the midst of battle, it was neither something to be proud of. Thus, once the battle was concluded, Fafnir was more than vexed.

Different to them, the Lancas squad members all performed outstandingly.

Bearing the brunt at first was naturally Commander Lancas. Every time his sword was swung, it was capable of ending a goblin; displaying extraordinary battle skills. As a result, after the battle was concluded, a lot of people had all surrounded the sides of Commander Lancas who had created a big stir; to consult about battle skills.

Lancas was deserving to be a professional that had trained at the Shrine of the War God, being able to in such a circumstance, smoothly give out a few pointers. It indeed enabled the people to have the feeling of a gain.

Chapter 64 Contact (End)

However, Rumont's status among the squadron was still higher.

As a Rank 2 Druid, on the treatments side of things, Rumont's abilities was honestly not at all that strong. On the side of synthesizing medicines, he wasn't even remotely close to those that had a specialized teacher to guide them.

However, relying on the fundamental knowledge of medical synthesis he had once learnt, along with the later supporting of the strengthened medicine brands, within the Adventurer squad, his current popularity was exceedingly high. Afterall, even if Lancas was even more badass, he was still only a Warrior and was unable to give out treatments. As for fighting skills, even though there was a bit of a gap, the mercenaries that had experience over a hundred battles, all had their own set.

Hence, during the time that Rumont was carrying out treatments, the squadron members that were often injured, would all have gazes of confidence in him.

As for this battle with goblins, it ultimately ended with the concluding victory for the Adventurer alliance, but as the victors, the Adventurers still had to pay a cost of having 6 people being injured.

Out of the six, four of them were members from Howard's squad. The other two people were from Lancas' squad.

If it was said that just then was the stage for Lancas, then currently it was Rumont's stage. Who, on the whole, would let a Priest set out with an Adventure squad huh?

Sitting on the side at this time, an injured male and female from Lancas' squad was watching Rumont give treatment to the other four, the female who didn't seem to be too convinced, whispered: "say, think he'll be any good eh!"

The appearance of the male was elegant, carrying a bow on his back; he was an Archer.

It was precisely the male that was moving unhurriedly the other day, when he heard the female speak, he only smirked, before saying: "he should be good right. Otherwise, how would they believe in him so much."

"What do you know?" the female seemed to be in utter contempt of him, hence, her tone was not particularly polite. "It would be the same if they didn't trust him. In this place, you can't even find anyone else. If they didn't let him treat them, who are they going to find? However, I'm not willing to let him treat me."

Saying this, the female twisted her head away, gazing towards the not too far distance and precisely onto Commander Lancas who was discussing with the others: "Commander Lancas once mentioned that he had a special medicine from the Shrine. My injury is on my leg, leaving a scar behind wouldn't be good. I'll go look for the Commander, with my relationship with the Commander, he's sure to give the medicine to me."

Saying this, she struggled to stand up in desiring to go over.

Seeing that the Archer was still focused on Rumont, his body not budging, the female couldn't help but disdain even more, while going towards the place Commander Lancas was standing.

The Archer who was left behind, continued to sit on top of the boulder, lost in his thoughts. Only dejectedly stroking the big bow that was placed lying by his side. Afterwards, his face displayed an expression of incomparable solitude.

On the other side, Rumont had already smoothly treated the 4 members well; their injuries weren't too severe.

"Thank you, Rumont. " one of Howard's squadron members, who was originally loosening up, expressed his thanks towards Rumont.

"No problem, you guys first take a rest okay. I'm guessing that we still need to hasten on. Recover your strength well while we still have the chance." Rumont smiled towards the other 3 and said.

The 3 repeatedly nodded. Rumont just wiped the sweat off his forehead, while sighting towards the somewhat depressed Fafnir.

This time, because he suffered a club, he had also became another honourable casualty. Even though his injury wasn't heavy, Rumont still treated him slightly, before pronouncing him to be healthy and lively. However, in regards to sentiments, Fafnir was quite downcast.

Fafnir was even more depressed, especially when he saw that people were encircling Lancas. However, Rumont nevertheless did not admonish him too much, after all, without experiencing ups and downs, one wouldn't mature. Right now it was only a small setback, if Fafnir still couldn't get over it, then, in his future path as a Warrior, it would become incomparably difficult.

And while finishing up with the work of treating Howard's squadron, Rumont couldn't avoid but to go face the problem of treating the members of Lancas' squadron. Because he disliked Lancas, Rumont also linked it with the members of his squadron; being neither too fond of them.

Similarly, because the looks of Rumont and Lancas were both quite handsome within the town of Ricca, people had compared the two of them together. As a result, the Lancas squadron members were utterly supportive towards their own Commander, while towards Rumont who was unexpectedly being related to the Commander by others, they had a type of excluding sentiment.

Although this kind of sentiment wasn't clearly shown at all during normal times, but, during the process of treatment, which required a certain degree of trust, it was quite evident.

Equally, Rumont also did not have any good feelings towards those people who were of a high opinion of themselves. Thus, he had chosen to first assist and treat the members of Howard's squad. Only when they were treated well, did he then pay attention towards the members of Lancas' squad.

Only sweeping a glance, Rumont then saw that the female had an injury on her leg. There was no helping it, the girl at this moment resembled extremely like a splendid turkey, wishing for people to not notice was impossible.

At this moment, she had already leaned her alluring body against a tree, in front of her, Commander Lancas was just watching her with a smile. As for her, she also had a brilliant smile while talking to Commander Lancas about something.

As Lancas smiled and listened to her talk, he also replied in a low voice. Thereupon, the female's smile was increasingly more brilliant.

Rumont only swept his glance at them once and disapproved, then shifting his vision to another area. Afterwards, he noticed another person of Lancas' squad that was injured in the midst of the battle.

In an area not too far from where Lancas and the woman was, sat a man atop of fragmented rocks at this moment.

Rumont had an alright impression towards the bowman, seeing that the person was all alone and sitting there with his head hanging low, he took the chance and went over.


Hearing that someone was calling his own name, the Archer immediately lifted his head. Seeing Rumont, he gave a smile.

"Let me have a look at where your injury is." Rumont also returned a smile before saying.

Archer Sukhar nodded and from his shoulder, he then pulled his sleeve up his right arm. Shortly on his forearm, an extremely distinct bruise was shown.

Rumont nodded. "The injury isn't too serious, let me help you treat it a bit."

Afterwards, under the other's grateful vision, he placed his hand over Sukhar's forearm. A green layer of misty light was emitted from the palm, afterwards, under the astonished gaze of Sukhar, the bruising quickly faded out of sight.

"Your injury doesn't need the use of a complete divine spell to be treated. You're a good bowman ah." Rumont helped the other pull his sleeve down, before saying with a heheh smile: "but, why did I see you use a dagger just then eh."

Hearing him ask this, Archer Sukhar sighed. "Because, I received an injury to my wrist on one of my missions, and I've never fully recovered. Whenever I use a bow again, the arrows lose its accuracy."

It was also why prior to entering the forest, his demonstration was sufficient enough to attract the attention of Lancas and company. And after entering the forest, it was the reason why everyone disdained him.

His performance from beginning to end was unique, quite easily letting people feel it was like an embroidery pincushion. Only Rumont could see that the reason why his martial skills was used with fluster, during the enemy attack, was basically because he wasn't a close-combat personnel. Again looking at the bow that had all along been on person's back, which hadn't been used, it was quite evident that the bow was not merely a decoration, but was the Archer's true weapon.

Seeing that the Archer quite easily spoke about his wrist injury.

Rumont then said: "is that so? Extend your arm out and let me have a look."

"It's this arm. It's because one time I was bitten by a toxic bug within the forest, I never noticed at the time. Afterwards, I discovered that the fingers and wrist of this arm, would frequently have spastic movements. When I'm drawing the bow, I don't have the slightest power or control. It's because of this reason, that I haven't used a bow for a while now."

Saying this, Archer Sukhar took his bow down, constantly rubbing it within his hands. "I've been interested in archery every since I was young. Once I'm in close-quarters, my heart would beat irregularly. Entering the forest this time, I had also hoped to raise my own fighting ability during actual combat. Only, it's still no use even if I learn better martial skills. Once I confront the enemy, I can't do anything properly. Ai, I'm a burden on everyone"

"Don't say that, able to enter the forest is already a type of courage demonstration. What's more, you're neither a burden on everyone. If you want to talk about burdens, I'm more likely to be everyone's burden. Look at me, apart from healing skills, I don't have a single shred of ability to protect myself. I've learnt a few martial skills, but the moment I face a monster, it's also useless. At least, your injury doesn't lack a hope of treating it eh."

Rumont examined the Archer's arm injury, being certain that this was the symptom of a prolonged poisoning. On this world, spells to treat poison wasn't something that a low Rank Druid could utilize. And the treating expenses of a high leveled Druid was astronomical. It wasn't something a common mercenary could afford. This was also the reason that after being injured, the Archer could never treat it in time.

However, by lucky coincidence, Rumont was culturing many toxic plants. The books that he had obtained from the Thieves' lair were even studied by him; being able to learn many methods of creating and treating of toxina. Thus, he could treat the Archer's injuries.

But to treat it, he still needed to wait until after this adventure was concluded. The preparation of medicines required a bit of time.

After Rumont informed the Archer of the matter, the eyes of the Archer was brightened at once.

And during the time Rumont was joking with him, Lancas also noted Rumont's every action and movement. During the situation just then, when Rumont was staying at the back, he had even noted within his mind that Rumont practically didn't act out at all.

Of course, Fafnir's performance was also noted by him. Gradually, he displayed a thin cold sneer.

When Rumont then turned around, seeming to have discovered his own blunder, Lancas promptly restored his smile, before, lowering his head and whispering something in a small voice into the lady's ear.

Laughter shortly sounded out from the lady's mouth.

And at this time, the sky was already darkening.

1. [ Su Ka Er]

Chapter 65 Pitching Camp (Start)

At this time, the skies were almost black.

The road that Lancas had pointed out was originally desolate and difficult to transverse. Adding on that they had experienced a battle with goblins afterwards, everyone was all exhausted.

Currently, the lighting within the forest was already increasingly absent. The road ahead long couldn't be seen clearly. At this time, it seemed like wanting to continue rashly and leading the majority of the squad forward, they would not only come across danger, but even risk being lost.

Furthermore, because they had battled with the goblins while journeying, at this time when the battle had concluded, everyone had only just discovered that their current position not only had deviated from the main road, they were afraid that even the small path that Lancas pointed out was also a fair distance away.

As a responsible Commander that was serious, Howard proposed straightaway to create a small squad of people that were strong and in addition, experienced with the forest; to go and investigate the surroundings.

The small squad soon returned. They also brought back bad news at the same time.

Their current position at this time was already quite deviated from the original route. They feared that before the skies were dark, they wouldn't be able to reach the location they had planned beforehand.

"Rumont, are you hungry?" while watching Commander Howard discuss something with Lancas on the other side, Fafnir was holding onto some meat jerky as he neared Rumont.

Rumont shook his head. "I'm currently not hungry, what's your thoughts currently? Feeling better?"

What Rumont referred to was the undesirable outcome midst of the battle this time. Because of a moment of carelessness, it resulted in an injury. This kind of depressing event which occurred for Fafnir, who had the aspirations of becoming a mighty renowned Warrior, had made him unceasingly vexed

Honestly, anyone who hadn't experienced tempering, would all encounter this kind of problem of distress or deficiency. What was important was how to take this problem and deficiency, after the midst of tempering, and gradually change it into superior success and strength.

Rumont found it funny as he watched this man-child in front of him; who was gnawing on the jerky, while gloomily keeping his face scrunched up.

"Great, and you said that you were equal to some might Warrior eh. With just this bit of setback and it's enough to flatten you?" Rumont jested: "you weren't defeated by the goblins right. Next time, when you meet goblins again, just be more careful and you'll be able to recover your face right?"

Fafnir nodded: "mm, that's a matter of course, otherwise, I'll really have no way of washing clean this disgrace."

Looking at it as a Warrior, because goblins were really an uncivilized type, a lowly born existence; their kind was comparatively far from humanity. Eating raw meat, ignorant, with a low fighting ability. Thus, being successfully ambushed by them, as Fafnir saw it, was something difficult to swallow.

At this point in time, Fafnir who was still only full of a Warrior's glory, was still incomparable to the Adventurers who had matured from already experiencing tempering. In their view, being able to come out alive after a round of battle was already the best result. As for how Fafnir saw it at this time, through the maturing process of a mighty Warrior, they would not permit such a kind of defilement.

Honestly, practically every single young adolescence that had a target they worship or dreamed of would all even have a short period of, as others would see it, relentlessness.

And in the future of continuous battles and polishing, they would cast off their soft and immature exterior, turning mature and genuinely growing up; becoming a true Warrior. Provided that they could prior to maturing, live through each and every battle.

Rumont was currently only a youth, but from his previous life, he was long of an age that was way older than Fafnir. Hence, seeing this man-child in front of him being constantly upset of the smear on himself, he found it both quite funny, as well as a feeling of returning back to his teenage years. Certainly though, ever since he arrived at this place and becoming Rumont hereafter, this kind of feeling would always persist time and time again. Merely, it was never as strong as it was now.

"Fafnir, you need to understand, there hasn't been a single Warrior that was flawless since birth. Not a single Warrior was a good role model before they were heralded by the thousands. Without experiencing tempering, without raising one's self each time, they wouldn't have a way of becoming an outstanding and mighty Warrior deserving of respect. So long as you remember that one setback isn't considered to be anything, instead from where you fall and where you climb back up is where you should learn from; slowly bettering yourself. So long as you can survive, there will eventually be a day that you will achieve your dream." Rumont spoke for Fafnir as well as himself to hear, while looking earnestly at Fafnir.

Although his current cultivation was considered to be smooth, and his livelihood also appeared to be quite stable, the foray this time, was even for the struggle for his own land. Only Rumont knew that all of this was temporary.

Wanting to become a mighty Druid, with all that he currently grasped, it was greatly insufficient. As the future came, what he needed to face was possibly an endless amount of difficulties and setbacks.

As for himself, he needed to be accomplished. Such that he could even encourage Fafnir, even if he was once a person of another world, even if on this world he would always have a subtle type of loneliness. But, since he wanted to come settle it, he needed to persist to the end.

Struggling to live. Living well. Living with an unbounded scenery.

"Mm!" on the side, Fafnir nodded, a face full of acceptance. And within his mind at the same time, Rumont also resolved his heart.

"With the present conditions, as I see it, continuing to journey on is not feasible. The sky's so dark. We should also depart from the pathway that you were leading on; waiting for daylight tomorrow to search again. The problem we should currently resolve first, as I believe, is to find a temporary camp. After all, the later it gets in Briar Forest, the more dangers there would be. We just moments ago had conducted a battle with goblins, currently everyone's already tired. If we don't rest, whether we can continue the journey tomorrow is another problem. Commander Lancas, your thoughts?"

When Commander Howard finished explaining his suggestions, he asked Lancas who was listening by the side.

This handsome youth, even though he had just carried out a fight at close quarters, with splashes of bloodstains on his clothes, his manner and speech was still as before, like he was cheerfully strolling through flowers.

It was an easy-going atmosphere brought about from being steadfast. He truly attracted attention on just this point; possessing the charisma and ability of a leader.

"We'll do as you suggested, Commander Howard. Presently, I also feel that this road is a menace to everybody's safety. The skies are already darkening. Might as well take advantage of while the skies aren't completely dark, to send people to search for a place in the vicinity where we could reside in or perhaps pitch a camp. This place is cramped, if we pitched a camp here and if we encountered dangers, we would have difficulties in retaliating." spoke Lancas, expressing his approval of Howard's suggestions, while also proposing his own suggestions.

Consequently, the small experienced squad just then, was immediately then dispatched out. As for the rest of the people of the two squadrons, they waited at their former location and awaited for news, preparing to depart at anytime.

Seeing that the small group wouldn't return for a short while, Rumont then sat at a place that wasn't too far from the rest of the squadron, opening the small bag he carried and taking out the equipment for drafting a map.

At last, after the second time of entering the forest, Rumont had finally decided to officially begin drafting the map.

"There's a brook here, I'll use this pen to draw it" as Rumont compared the rough sketched and records from before, he collated it together; blueprinting on the official map drafting paper.

The map he created was quite delicate and fine, not only did he mark the pathways down, even the areas with large water sources within the forest, were all clearly marked by him.

Because there was a lot of map drafting equipment, apart from previously using a few rough sketches to be more versed and familiar, he had only became more familiar with a certain textbook. All of it, was conducted as preparations for today's first official map drafting.

Honestly, the reason why Rumont was taking it so seriously wasn't entirely because of the Baron's mission. He who was so prudent, had purchased enough tools because truthfully, from the very beginning, he had decided to give himself a backup copy after drafting the map.

Furthermore, the map he had officially prepared to give to the Baron, was already sufficiently detailed enough. However, what it contained, still wasn't the complete contents he had recorded on the rough sketches.

The reason why he had written down such various detailed information of the pathways, as well as the information he had obtained from the mouths of the Adventurers, was all for the sake of preparing for his own future operations.

On the map that he would eventually hand over, what he drew was only the routes, geography and large water sources. The map he would certainly leave for himself would be finely detailed; all that he had saw, heard, the various distributed territories of the monsters, water sources, constructs, selected strategic points as well as necessary events to pay attention to and so forth, all of it would be drafted up. As a Druid, along with progressive increases of the future cultivation stages, the forest fringes was sure to be difficult in satisfying his needs, or perhaps, in the later days following, he would again need to enter this forest; he recorded it all down, so that he also have another safeguard.

Just when Rumont was earnestly drafting his map, abruptly, a faint cold intent, had suddenly attacked from his behind.

Rumont wrinkled his brow, raising his head from amidst of his busy work of map drafting, he then saw Lancas standing in a not too far distance, smiling and watching him.

"Rumont, you seem to be always busy? What are you working on?" Lancas came over and asked.

Rumont could only helplessly pack up his drafting equipment into his bag, before similarly returning a smile: "nothing, just my task."

"Really?" Lancas' handsome face had maintained a smile from the beginning to the end. Hearing Rumont give a simply reply, he laughed: "I often hear others speak of you. Being able to work with you this time is a great honour for me."

"Heheh, same for me."

And at this time, a bout of footstep sounds had arrived from the far distance. Everyone quickly grabbed their weapons and took precautions.

But they merely saw the dispatched squad members returning. Everyone appeared with all sorts of happiness; it seemed that the search wasn't going to end with failure.

Leading the way was a member of Howard's squad, as he walked over, he laughed: "Commander, we found a place to pitch camp at. There's some ruins close by, we can temporary stay there the night!"

Chapter 66 Pitching Camp (End)

Hearing his words, everyone's spirits were all roused,

At this time, the sky was already truly dark. The night winds blew. Although it was springtime, it was still chilly.

And everyone's current position was at a small open space. Although the surroundings of the open space had trees, it nevertheless wasn't able to used for blocking out the cold or sheltering from the winds.

For the sake of easier movements, everyone didn't wear too much. Currently, they weren't able to warm themselves with a open fire either in this narrow location. This narrow location was neither suitable for pitching camp, thus, after being aware of the winds while waiting, they naturally felt uncomfortable.

Hearing that there was some ruins ahead of them, thinking that they could have temporarily have a place to rest, everyone at this time naturally couldn't wait any longer; they all got up successively, expressing their desire to go there.

"How far are the ruins from here? How's the situation of the surroundings? First tell us the situation in details." however, as a competent Commander, Howard still persisted in querying it clearly first before deciding.

Two members of the group of people that went to investigate was from Howard's squadron, they presented the details of the situation for their Commander to listen. Similarly, the few people of Lancas' squadron, had also spoken to their own Commander and team members of all that they had seen of the situation.

In light of what they all said, the ruins that was discovered by them was roughly 10 minutes away from their current location. Although mid route the pathway wasn't easily tread, but luckily, it wasn't at all a too far of a distance. And the surroundings of the ruins had quite a bit of lush trees; which was also why they did not discover the ruins existed at the very start. Because of incidentally finding the ruins afterwards, they then carefully examined the surrounds; but they did not discover any traces of a haunt of magical beasts at all.

According to their descriptions, this ruin ought to have been quite the imposing establishment in the past. Although it was currently abandoned, with many an area being utterly destroyed, there were yet a few rooms which could still be temporarily used reluctantly to dwell in.

"I believe that this place is quite appropriate. Commander Lancas, your thoughts?" hearing all this, Commander Howard had already understood the approximate situation, furthermore thinking that it was a place they could go to; seeing Lancas standing by his side, he inquired with a smile.

"I also think it's appropriate. The sky is about to turn completely black. Before we can't even see the roads at all, selecting a good campsite is a necessity. Hearing their descriptions, the ruins ought to lack any dangers. We should go there then." Lancas nodded his head, expressing his opinion.

Consequently, the two squadron Commanders each instructed their own members respectively, getting them to hurriedly tidy up and get ready, before advancing towards the ruins. The location of the ruins was said to be only a travel of more or less 10 minutes, however, because it was dark, everyone that went all found it rather difficult.

It was unknown whether the geography situation of the area was naturally formed, or whether it was deliberately made by man. Many places that would appear safe, would frequently have hidden unexpected dangers appearing.

Although there was a small pathway linking directly to the ruins, travelling along the road, quite a few people would still furrow their brows.

Without mentioning how narrow the road itself was, weaponry fragments would appear on this road from time to time; frequently making the members stumble and fall suddenly, or perhaps make them stagger about.

Even though they were warned by the investigating members, and everyone had all early on prepared themselves for it, the various kinds of circumstances that appeared on this road, still yet made everyone's moods, which was originally great, be greatly reduced.

A lot of them were all thinking, at the end of this road which was almost hard to walk through, that in such a remote location where the ruins were located, could it actually allow them to spend the night in safety at all?

Everyone's confidence, while they unceasingly travelled this small path, was lessening as they went on. And afterwards, when everyone had finished travelling the road which they all felt was quite long, which was really quite short, the place that was called a ruin by the investigating team, had finally, appeared in front of them.

A type of vicissitude mood washed over everyone.

"The ruins you spoke about, is this it?" Commander Howard lifted his head slightly, observing the worn out area. While lamenting at the decline, he also marvelled at the former glory.

A dilapidated palace. A ragged altar with weeds growing atop of it. There was also a statue of a God, lacking arms, shoulders and a foreleg, that was long since unrecognizable in front of the palace. This all demonstrated the merciless passages of time.

Although what appeared in front of them was currently only a small historical remain, the remaining indications of the architectural designs was still clearly seen. Before it was abandoned, it was still quite possible that this place used to be a Shrine.

Whether it was caused by mankind, or whether it was the ravages of time, this location had long already become a genuine ruin; abandoned by both the world and mankind. However, the former streaming colours of its former glory, remaining on top of some tiles was still shown to everyone, making everyone stare blankly for a good while.

Rumont who stood among the crowd, also stared at the ruins peacefully.

While everyone else was still exclaiming over the former glory the ruins represented, he had already noticed at this ruin, the other values of this temporary campsite.

He walked over, feeling over the dilapidated pillars and walls of the building, discovering that, after passing through the ravages of time, they were still as firm as in the past. And apart from the few hallway rooms at the very front that were no longer liveable for people, the back of the building still seemed to be dwellable for a while.

Similarly discovering this point were the two squadron Commanders.

"Not bad. The ruins looks like it's very beaten, but after tidying, it should accommodate us." Commander Howard nodded while looking it over.

There was even a few people, when they were tidying the junk of the ruins, discovering a room at the back of the ruins. "Come quick! There's a chamber here!"

Everyone that heard the news went over, discovering, that was really was a chamber, by the side of a large hallway. Because the colour of the door and the hall was similar, thus, at the initial beginning, nobody had discovered it.

At this moment, the chamber door was opened by them. Looking from the outside, the inside was absolutely empty, there was nothing at all.

Probably because it was sealed for a long time, being opened suddenly, a type of pungent air rushed out of the chamber, dashing towards everyone. Everyone quickly covered their nose, waiting for the vapours to clear away, before congregating at the entrance and looking inside again.

The space of the chamber wasn't small, probably because the four walls were made of masonry, thus, when the other rooms were all already dilapidated, this room was basically preserved intact as before.

The floor was also of masonry, although it was presently fill with dust, but looking at the degree of preciousness of the masonry, of the masonry that this room was entirely made of, as one could well imagine, the use of the room was sure to be out of the ordinary.

However, at this moment, the functional value of this chamber was what everyone had noticed at this present time.

"Commander, it's not bad, it's also sealed off and safe. We should rest here tonight."

"Yeah, this really isn't that bad. I never expected that within Briar Forest, there was still such a place. I really never noticed it in the past."

In regards to the origins of this ruin, everyone wasn't too clear, however, everyone was all happy at being able to have a good sleep tonight.

"Okay, we'll rest here tonight. However, before we rest, we should clean the chamber up first." consulting with Lancas, Commander Howard gave a haha laugh.

Once everyone heard this, they immediately bustled about with cleaning the area.

Quickly, the chamber was completely cleaned up. The floor which was originally full of dust, wasn't beautifully polished by others and was only given a simple sweep, yet the precious masonry could still show off its former glory.

"Say Rumont, we frequently come to the forest, how come we've never discovered this place before?" Fafnir felt up the walls, while also looking at the exterior establishment, not quite understanding as he shook his head.

Rumont simply laughed: "what's so odd about it, this place is so remote, the road is also difficult. If it wasn't because we encountered goblins, we simply wouldn't have been able to come here. What's more, there's thick trees all around the ruins, if it wasn't in front of us, we simply wouldn't be able to discover it. It's quite normal that we never knew in the past eh."

"That's true." Fafnir nodded. "If we knew in the past, we would have long since had a look. It's not far from town either, coming and going is also pretty convenient."

While it was spoken carelessly, it was interesting for the listener.

And it was after Fafnir had spoken this, that Rumont quickly fell into contemplation. In fact, since always, in regards to the Baron's promise, Rumont was always nurturing a half-believing and half-doubting attitude.

Although it was said that no matter from where it was said, the chances of the Lord Baron acting shameless wasn't large. However, if he really wanted to act shamelessly, as a low Ranking Druid, he was really helplessif nothing else, solely on the hundreds of Warriors in the barracks, as well as the several Rank 4 or 5 Warriors, it was sufficient enough to suppress him.

However, as a Druid, if Rumont wanted to better himself further, not only did he require himself to strive on, it still required various kinds of external pressuring factors to push him. So to speak, he required a place that belonged to himself.

Thinking of the current small town, of all the lands that the Lord owned that he was capable of being bestowed, they were increasingly more scarce and expensive; Rumont didn't dare raise his hopes towards that piece of land.

These ruins weren't far from the town, if it wasn't because they were delayed by a battle so to speak, it would only take the greater part of a day to reach this place. The safety could be guaranteed with some difficulties. If it was altered a bit, it could become his own base for a Druid.

If the time ever comes when the Baron wasn't willing to give him some land so to speak, then he would occupy this area. After all, this place could be considered to be ownerless. Compared to the subjected restrictions in town, expanding his own powers in this place was honestly as Rumont saw it, even more suitable for him.

So long as he cleaned up the building completely, he could then wholly begin. The area here wasn't small, even if he saved some areas for a medicinal garden, it was still absolutely enough.

Such a large piece of land within the town would practically be impossible to obtain. Even the Rank 5 Jeff had searched for a location within the forest to establish his own Druidic base. It seemed that if Rumont wanted to establish his own suitable base, he could also only decide on within the forest.

And this place, no matter if it was the geographical location, environment, or even the space, it all allowed him to be satisfied.

Exactly when Rumont was surveying this historical remnant, having his own thoughts, practically at the same time, in an area not too far from him, Commander Lancas was also surveying the remains. Furthermore, his face similarly showed an expression of having certain thoughts.

Chapter 67 Ambushed (Start)

After a period of sweeping, the two squadron members all rested within the chambers. Because the space within the chamber was indeed not small, there was more than enough for accommodating 30 odd people.

Thus, after the initial bustling, the estrangement between the two squads during the time they rested was fully distinct.

Although the two current Adventure squads had organized an alliance, and was considered to be of the same team, yet in times of lacking combat, everyone all started to look out for their own selfish benefits. This estrangement was naturally unavoidable.

For instance, when they rested, no matter which member of either squad, they would all be more willing to be grouped with their own squadron mates. Perhaps it was because of the tacit agreement and trust that was formed from a long period of training, or perhaps it was for the honour of being the same squad.

Apart from when the Commanders of the two squadrons would be together and discussing affairs, the other members of the two squadrons, when they saw each other, they would only nod their heads; the situation of them having an intimate discussing would basically not happen.

Afterall, they all understood that after the mission was accomplished, the two squadrons, would still be as before and be two separate squadrons; unable to stay together as a comprised alliance.

Increasing the capabilities of their own team members, as well as the concern of the degree of their own intimacy was what they cared about the most. It was also what was of most use in regards to their futures.

On this point alone, Rumont was neither an exception. During the period of resting, he and Fafnir, would stay with the other members of Howard's squadron.

"Come, eat slower. Here's your water." seeing Fafnir who was by his side and eating the dry dull meat jerky, suddenly choking unexpectedly, he couldnt help but shake his head, handing over his own water pouch to him.

Fafnir was neither polite in grabbing it for a drink. Straightaway he gave a few good satisfying belches after washing down the jerky in his throat. Seeing him eat with such gusto, Rumont also felt the hunger of his own stomach at this moment. As a result he took out a pouch of jerky from his own bag, and began eating it as well.

Only, as he chewed, he suddenly found that the taste of the meat jerky within his hands was somehow off, there appeared to be a kind of stench. Carefully sniffing it, it also didn't seem to be emitted from the meat jerky.

At this time, Rumont had lifted his head, before noticing the situation within the chamber at this time.

A fire pile was flaming in the midst of everyone, allowing this slightly gloomy and cold area, a bit more warmth.

Wanting to create a fire within the forest was extremely easy; because the materials were already present. A fire could be sparked by casually selecting the drier branches and igniting it with a fire lighting device. However, because it was easy to start a fire, as a result, unless it was an open space, Adventurers in general would not easily start a fire up.

And this place was a sealed off chamber, there was naturally no misgivings of sorts here. Besides, the windows above the chamber were already opened, the lit flames wouldn't create a deprivation of oxygen.

Close to the fire pile was basically all the members of Lancas' squad. Although their battle skills and ability to face a battle was alright, but probably because it was a long time since they had entered the forest, therefore, they were momentarily unable to cope with the temperature difference in the forest.

As for the members of Howard's squadron, since last year when they arrive in the town of Ricca, they long ago had an understanding of the climate within Briar Forest. Their bodies had long ago spent time in adapting, thus, even though there was a big difference in the temperature during the day and at night, they still spoke freely and joked about as before, not at all minding.

Incomparable, so to speak of them, as the opposite members of Lancas' squadron were roasting themselves by the fire, they all wore a gloomy face, constantly straightening their own clothes and footwear.

The strange odour that Rumont had just smelt, had arrived over from their location.

Because they had been busy during the day, they were indeed tired. Thus, the current majority, who had suddenly after arriving at an safe area, had relieved themselves.

No small amount of people had not only thrown away their coats to roast themselves by the fire, they had even removed their footwear; they had all successively cleaned with a frown, the grime and dirt on their footwear and legs.

The fire roasting in front of them continuously emitted a pala pala1 sounding, and giving off a heat from the fire; endlessly warming up everyone's body.

Rumont had no choice but to watch as those people from Lancas' squadron tidy up their footwear and roast by the fire. When he again lowered his head to look at the meat jerky within his own hands, he immediately lost his appetite. Thereupon having eaten casually for a while, he had placed the bag of meat jerky back into his bag.

"Rumont, go to sleep. We still need to hasten on tomorrow." seeing that he had followed up with drafting his map again, Fafnir, who already couldn't keep his eyes opened, had tried to advise.

"I'll rest after I finish drafting this." Rumont recorded in detail the location of the ruins onto the rough draft before stretching out.

At this time, a lot of people had nestled together, and begun to sleep.

Rumont also felt a bout of sleepiness attack him, as a result, he leant his head against Fafnir's shoulder, and also began to rest.

As a Druid, even if they were sleeping, in regards to the surrounding situation, they would still respond accordingly. After an unknown amount of time, Rumont, who was just in midst of dreams, had suddenly felt a murderous intent attacking towards him. He then immediately awoke, opening both his eyes just in time to see a wooden club smashing towards his own face.

Practically a conditioned reaction, Rumont propped his arm against the ground, violently rolling himself to the side. The wooden club smashed against the boulder behind him, emitting a heavy sound. It was obvious that if wooden club had hit against his skull, it would have definitely resulted with his brains splattering!

And meanwhile, Fafnir who had also jumped away together with him, a strange creature with a big stature was also in front of him. Just waving his wooden club mean and ferociously, all the while wailing about.

This strange creature was grown quite oddly, the lower mandible was long with pointy tusks, an ashy fur, and a long bearish face. It's stature wasn't too high, yet quite sturdy. Speaking overall, it still had a human-like shape.

"It's a bearbug!" once he saw this creature, its name was immediately rushing out from Rumont's memory.

According to Rumont's understanding of resources, this kind of goblin appeared to be taller than the ordinary goblin, and it's combative strength was even higher than a common goblin by more than a fold.

However, they were even more pure-blooded, as well as ever more brutal. Because their figure was bigger than the common goblin, their strength that appeared to be associated with a bear, and even having the fierce characteristic of a bear; they were thus called a bugbear by humanity.

Although bugbears were a type of goblin, they were however quite brutal, unexpectedly even treating common goblins as their own food. Encountering them this time, they would unconditionally need to go through a hard fight.

Only hurriedly sweeping his eyes over the situation, Rumont then inhaled a large breath.

What he saw within this wide spacious chamber was unexpectedly a large group of bugbears appearing at this time; seeing approximately 30 odd units.

They seemed to have suddenly emerged from underground, all successively brandishing the wooden clubs within their arms, hollering about and attacking everyone who were completely unprepared. Because they didn't have any sort of preparations, thus as it started, everyone was all unable to put up a guard against the hits.

A good few members whose reaction abilities were worse, were even torn apart by a group of bugbears; broken into pieces. Fresh blood sprayed the floors. The stench of blood reeked the air, practically causing people who smelt it to feel nauseated.

And after paying such a disastrous cost, the members of the two squadron immediately reacted. They all successively took up their own arms in fighting with this group of bugbears.

In the midst of the battle, because Rumont needed to rescued a seriously injured member, he was therefore arranged to be protected by 2 squadron members by Howard.

Even though from time to time there would still be a bugbear that ran over to his side in attacking their small group, depending on his own strength, as well as a few squadron members, they were able to overcome it quickly.

However, even if no bugbear was able to approach his side, a good few times, he was still yet able to while amidst of scrambling to rescue a teammate, feel a killing intent appearing by his side.

Yet probably because of how the situation was currently so critical, probably because there were still people by his side, the killing intent that would always appeared, would then just as quickly disappear.

This kind of scenario had appeared a few times, making Rumont increasingly raise his guard. Even if was rescuing a seriously injured member, he still prepared for battle at anytime.

And along with the human's side of increasingly more wounded personnel, the bugbear's side of corpses on the floor was also gradually increasing.

In fact, with the capabilities of the two squadrons, the only reason they would pay such a disastrous cost of such casualties, was only because they had treated it lightly at the very start. It was because they saw the chamber as being absolutely safe, even if an unforeseen event had appeared on the outside, they would have also been able to raise an appropriate response.

As a result, with the sudden appearance of this large batch of bugbears, the squadron team was unable to, in any way mount a guard and had eaten a large debt. As for those people that were already alert, after the initial panic, they had also adjusted quickly into a battling mode.

Amidst of this battle, Fafnir seemed to have acted because of the previous disgrace, yet also acted seemingly because he was stimulated by the fresh blood all over the floor. In brief, his performance in the midst of this battle was utterly outstanding.

"Come." a short distance from Rumont, Fafnir who had just moments ago killed a bugbear, had his whole face covered with fresh blood spurting from the enemy's neck region.

As for the enemys headless corpse, after sustaining a kick from him, it had toppled over loudly; one of many toppling over into the dust.

However, Fafnir did not pay attention to it, he only absent-mindedly wiped the bloodstains on his face and laughed a haha. He then started waving his big sword towards another bugbear and again dashed over.

Fafnir's hair was also messy at this moment, his clothes also had a few good tears, yet his eyes were still flickering with the radiance of wanting to continue in battling.

With his current fierce-looking face all covered in blood, it could still be seen that he was an adolescent in his teens.

If it was said that in the previous battle Fafnir was from a moment of carelessness, successfully ambushed by the goblins, then this time, he whose battle skills was alright, had surprisingly known how to go utilize a few techniques that he had learnt from the last battle with the goblins; making a good few bugbears, who had sturdy physiques, endure an unknown loss. His martial skills this time was even brilliantly displayed in full abundance.

Not despising any enemy, not relaxing under any circumstances. Exhausting all routes of possibilities. Learning the ability to allow one's strength to become stronger.

This was what was needed to be noted from battle.

As for the youth Fafnir, he had already, from the midst of continuous battling, gradually matured.

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Chapter 68 Ambushed (End)

The final end of the battle was the annihilation of all the bugbears by the two squadrons.

Only, not the slightest iota of a smile belonging to victors was shown upon everyone's face.

The atmosphere within the chamber was even of an unprecedented crisis. Even when people conversed, it was done softly, seemingly afraid of startling the already passed souls. Six dead corpses. Six mutilated corpses. Symbolically laid out. Placed in the centre of the room. Placed in front of everyone.

Because of the lack of a big enough cover, at this time, what covered the six bodies were only a few clean pieces of clothings. Even though the clothes couldn't completely cover up the six bodies, it at least covered each of the blood soaked faces; eyes full of grievances1.

As Adventurers, death was forever something that accompanied them. And the Death God was even resembling their reflections in general; inseparable from them.

Maybe they would even say that death was not at all scary. But an insignificant joke of a death was what troubled their hearts the most2. Their constant battling, constant fighting, constant completing of each mission, was on one hand for the money, and the other hand, wasn't it to have the taste of increasing their own capabilities. Was it also not for the sake of having a day, where themselves could become a great Adventurer, allowing their own parents, allowing their own family, all to have glory in themselves.

As for the present, there were six people dead. They had died from the sudden surprise raiding of the bugbears. There were even some that were amidst of dreams, there were even those that didn't know who had murdered themselves. There were even those that had eyes wide open, watching their own bones break and muscles twisted helplessly by the wooden club striking themselves. Because they still didn't have enough time to to muster a response, the beckoning of the Death God had already descended upon their bodies.

Blood. Constantly flowing on the ground. Because the death of the 6 people was quite miserable, thus, for the sake of letting each Warrior leave the mortal world with as intact of a human body, Rumont couldn't avoid but use thread and needles to connect their smashed limbs back together.

Only, even if this was done, the clothes that covered their bodies, still had blood constantly seeping out. All those that laid on the ground still had blood flowing.

Fresh red blood. Flowing by in front of everyone. Afterwards, it slowly dried up. Blood reeked the air, constantly spreading from within the chamber room. It was pungent, yet under the current restrained atmosphere, who would be bother with it.

Everybody all seemed to have a giant boulder constantly weighing upon their hearts, hindering its beating. This kind of suppressing feeling made them even have troubles with breathing.

As it were, death amongst an Adventurer's squad wasn't something that never appeared. Only, such an uncomfortable death was not something everyone could presently accept.

If it was a death du