Heaven's Intention - Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Esquire (End)

Distinct to the circumstances of the townsfolk, the construction materials of the Barons castle was entirely constructed of masonry. Different to the reserved wooden houses, the extravagant castle manifested the bearings of a nobility household, the authority and strength of the Baron.

Himself, along with the man that appeared to be the honour guard had gone to the front of the castle. Afterwards, after a round of informing, they had just stood there, awaiting for the people within the castle to do their routine inspections and questionings.

Surrounding the outside of the castle was a moat; the drawbridge was suspended high up.

Probably due to the fear that others would harm himself, or perhaps the magic beasts from the forest, outside of the town, had cast a too large of a shadow over the Barons heart. The moat at the castle exterior was extremely wide. The water inside emitted a faint fishy scent. When Rumont smelt it, he couldnt refrain from furrowing his brows.

At this time, probably due to it being the changing of shifts for the honour guards in the castle above, nobody had bothered with them yet. Thus, they could only await calmly at the foot of the castle.

Rumont, bored senseless, could only stare foolishly at the moat. Occasionally, there would be stout fishes inside that broke the surface of the water, leaping about.

Alright, the drawbridge is already down, hurry in now. unaware of how long had passed, the honour guard that was leading the way had suddenly spoken out. Rumont only then discovered, that the drawbridge was already dropping down slowly in front of his eyes.

As for the entrance of the castle, it had revealed its genuine appearance after the drawbridge was fully down. Similarly, it was also constructed of masonry. A huge solid rock, was at the hands of a skillful artisan, casually made into two panels of heavy yet imposing doors. Presumably, when it was pushed opened, it would be hard to move it in the slightest without using 5 or 6 people.

Treading onto the drawbridge, Rumont followed behind the honour guard in crossing the moat. And as his legs just stepped onto the solid grounds, the opposing two stone gates had slowly been opened by others.

However, different to how he had thought, the people that pushed open the gate seemed to not at all strain themselves, it also merely had 1 person behind each panel pushing. Watching attentively and it would be understood, it turns out that under each of the heavy stone gates, there was surprisingly 4 small windlasses assisting.

After waiting for them to cross the gates, the drawbridge behind them was then immediately suspended up by others. The gates were also being slowly closed by the others. There were a few sturdy wooden bars that were erected within the doors. Seeing this, Rumont couldnt help but sigh inwardly, those aristocratic Lords really cared about their lives ah.

The honour guard that lead the way did not love to talk, just as before. Only, along the way at places en route, several checkpoints where the official businesses of the Baron was handled, did the honour guard have no choice but to repeatedly open his mouth to explain about Rumonts identity.

Possibly due to obtaining prior notification, after the inspections, after ascertaining that Rumont did not bring any effective implement that could jeopardize the Barons safety, those people successively allowed them to pass through.

Rumont followed along, again going no short distance of the way. Eventually, in front of a lounge, the honour guard stood still.

You await here first, Ill go report to the Baron. the honour guard said to Rumont lukewarmly.

Rumont nodded his head. His mind secretly loosened in manner, on the whole he had arrived. At the same time, his mind again let out a sigh at the opulent lifestyle of nobles of this world.

Only a Baron, yet his castle was established quite imposingly. If it was those major nobles in those larger regions, their extent he reckoned were already something he couldnt possibly imagine.

Rumont who had once seen the world at large independently, at this time couldnt help but also retract his own contented heart a little. No matter the people of any world, they really couldnt be allowed to be belittled.

Everything else aside, his power compared to the Baron at this time, it was distinctively clear whos was better. Under this kind of circumstance, it wouldnt tolerate him to show even a bit of self-content in his attitude.

Alright, you may go in now. the honour guard at this time, who had already gone to the into the lounge had come out. Upon seeing Rumont, he had conveyed the Barons intent.

Consequently, not long afterwards, Rumont had for the first time at an extremely close distance, seen the master of the town of Riccathe Baron, at this place which was largely a tacky lounge.

Possibly due to demonstrating his own wealth, or perhaps the original quality wasnt very high, but when Rumont entered this large lounge, it had given him a strong type of irritation.

It was all shining brilliantly in a golden hue. It nearly dazzled his eyes.

The walls were painted in a golden lacquer and the floor was layered with golden bricks. The tables were golden, the chairs were a gold hue and even the flower vase was made gorgeously of a similar shade.

At the same time it was gorgeous for people, it also made the corner of Rumonts mouth twitch about. Yet he still said nothing. However the room was decorated was the concerns of others and it was unrelated to to him.

And right in the centre of the lounge sat a gorgeously dressed middle-aged man, who had also continuously taken measure of Rumont as he walked in. As for Rumont, he had also taken a glimpse, seeing the countenance of the man clearly.

Miss Elenis countenance was probably due to her mother, therefore, when Rumont first saw him, it was honestly hard for Rumont to take the appearance of the wrinkly old man in front of his eyes and relate it together with the loveable, angelic like young maiden.

The Barons complexion at this time was not in any way good. The corner of his eyes also had the vestiges of age, deeply set and causing people to feel lament. Although he was wearing a gorgeous gown, it was already hard to conceal his showing elderly body.

Seeing Rumont enter, he lightly sounded a cough. Afterwards, he asked despite knowing the answer: youre Rumont?

Rumont had also only seen him first hand from a far distant, seeing he asked out like this, he could only conduct well with propriety, responding with: yes sir, respectable Baron. I am Rumont.

Rumont, in the events of this time, youve conducted yourself quite well. Elenis explained the whole matter to me. Its all thanks to you that my within my estates, that Im able to be less of one such of a termite. To express my thanks to you, I intend to bestow to you an Esquires estate, allowing you to build your own residence and herbal garden seeing that Rumont had entered with a neither servile nor overbearing manner, the Baron increasingly felt that Rumonts mind was profound. Neither over thinking it, he spoke out the words of his own thoughts he had pondered long on.

Rumont was at once stumped for words. He had thought the reason the Lord had called on him was to reward him or to say something. Yet the other had suddenly spoken of this conferment. It was exactly what he lacked most at this moment. A man that was quickly starving was then suddenly gifted a meat pie to him by the heavens. This kind of coincidence actually made him unable to speak for a period.

Seeing his manner, the Barons mind was constantly sneering and his mouth continued on saying: however, with only this merit as the reason in conferring you this Esquires estate, Im afraid that the others wouldnt accept it. Therefore, I intend to give you a mission. This mission might be a bit risky. However, so long as you can bring it to a smooth close, I will immediately honour the promise I had just spoken of. About this, to do you need to consider it?

Arriving at this point, Rumont also understood that this world had a fief was the remuneration given to a Knight sort of premise. An estate of a Knight was to the extent of roughly a thousand mu. However, beneath the Knight, there was actually still another social Rank. These people would rely on their crafts, knowledge and martial skills, to work for the Feudal Lord to be conferred their lands. In practice though, the people below a Knight were actually of a military profession or a governmental profession and such types.

They would likely possess between 200 to 300 mu worth of land. In times when the Lord was facing disasters, it would require one to prepare a lance, leather armour, shield and sword to be in active service. Without a doubt, they wouldnt be able to buy a war-horse with armour. What the Lord required of them wasnt the same as a Knight.

Although it was like this, an Esquire would also divide him from the commoners. Strictly speaking, his status would be equivalent to a Tax Official and such types.

The Lords words was polite and with ample pay. Yet, Rumont truly wouldnt treat the others politeness as real, he quickly asked: may I inquire as to what the mission the Baron is referring to is?

The Baron narrowed his eyes, laughing. The forest at the exterior of the small town is the boundary of Briar Forest, it has continuously been difficult to manage it better. Today, Ive called for you is to wish that you, along with Adventurers, would enter into the forest and help me draft up one map of the forest. With a map, in regards to the management of the forest, it would then be possible to really manage it effectively. Furthermore, the future defenses against the attacks of magical beasts would also then be arranged to be the most effective. How about it, do you accept this mission?

Seeing that Rumont lowered his head to consider it deeply, the Baron also added onto the fuel: Ive heard from Eleni that youre a kid with an exceptional sense of responsibility. For the purpose of cleaning the town of a pest, you even risked yourself willingly to be used as bait. Although the mission this time is comparatively more dangerous than your last activity, yet if you succeed, your contributions would be even greater. Honestly, selecting you to draft the map is also something that I had considered before deciding. One, was to give you an opportunity to render a meritorious service. Two, was that as a Druid you could choose the Adventurers for your group. Compared to the others that entered the forest, you would have more of a guarantee. Thirdly, I would rather have more confidence in you than others, I would doubt the authenticity of the mapfor the benefit of the territory and the townsfolk, think it over alright!

Seeing that Rumonts complexion was changing to be more cautious, the Baron was repeatedly laughing coldly in his mind. This was the method he had suddenly thought of in the horse carriage. The good idea to isolate Rumont from his second daughter.

Even though the current circumstances between his daughter and Rumont only possess a slight amount of danger, yet he who was cautious, was unwilling to risk such a danger.

Therefore considering it carefully on the road, when he eventually ran into those Adventurers, he had thought of such a good method; which was to let Rumont participate in an Adventurers operation.

The Adventurers that entered the forest foray on one hand, would spend quite a long time there. If Rumont was permitted to participate in this, it would let his daughter be separated from him.

Furthermore, Briar Forest was full of dangers. Even if it was a highly skilled and strong fighter, they would also have the precedent chance of suffering injuries. Letting him go there, just in the off chance he encountered some sort of mishap and was unable to return alive, it would also save him the strenuous headache of thinking of another reliable method of killing him.

However, how to let Rumont participate was the big question. After all, the current Rumont was considered to be financially well off, along with formerly obtaining a huge inheritance. Why would he need to adventure out? He believed that Rumont would no longer bat his eyes at a general bestowment of property.

Thinking of what things Rumont would require nowadays, the Baron simply used the excuse of drafting a map to summon Rumont over. Furthermore, he was promising that once this matter was successfully accomplished, he would bestow him a Esquires estate; letting Rumont possess his own territory and medicinal farm. With so much tempting conditions, the Baron had sufficient reason to believe that Rumont would definitely agree to it.

However, for the purpose of preventing Rumont having the reason of being a coward to refuse, the Baron had simply flattered him to a high state.

Therefore, once the Baron had finished speaking about the above mention, he had calmed his anger and awaited. Waiting for Rumonts response.

As for Rumonts complexion, it had changed a few times. After a moment of silence he had finally lifted his head, making the decision: this mission, Im willing to accept.