Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor - Chapter 448: You're thinking too much (1)

Chapter 448: You're thinking too much (1)

Chapter 448: Youre thinking too much (1)

Translator: 549690339

At the very least, his loyalty would be suspected, and he would be driven out of the situ family, leaving him with nothing.

If it was serious, it was possible to exterminate him.

Thinking of this, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, he gritted his teeth and said, no one is allowed to tell anyone about what happened today. If any of this is leaked, Ill exterminate your entire family!

The soldiers present were all terrified, and no one dared to take the risk to say anything.

Right now, the only one who knew was Xia qingchen!

Ill rush back to the family immediately. You guys take care of the scene! Jin xuans.h.i.+s heart trembled, and he immediately left.

He didnt know that one of the soldiers eyes flickered.

After he left the underground, he quietly released a Messenger pigeon.

Three days later.

In the marriage city.

At the entrance of the situ familys mansion.

After much consideration, Xia qingchen still decided to pay a visit.

He had thought that it would be difficult for him to visit the master of the situ family.

Who knew that when he reported his name, the cold guard seemed to have changed into a different person and became extremely enthusiastic.

So its young master Xia. Please enter the guest room for some tea. Well immediately inform the master. The guard enthusiastically led the way.

Xia qingchen was slightly surprised.

Even if lady situ had a good impression of the tingxue house when it was first established, it shouldnt have gone to this extent, right?

The guard led Xia qingchen into the VIP room.

Xia qingchen discovered to his surprise that the young man who was accompanying situ Feng earlier was also in the VIP room.

Other than that, there were many other youths gathered together to discuss.

Zhang Gu, youve lost big this time. You lost hundreds of millions of skymoon dollars in the underground arena of caijing city, right?

I heard that situ Feng won eight rounds in a row with that young man. Hes already earned hundreds of millions of celestial lunar dollars! Thats right, Zhang Gu, why didnt you follow that young mans bet?

Zhang Gu was the young man accompanying situ Feng.

His muscles twitched slightly.

The conversation between the few of them had obviously touched his sore spot.

If I learn from them, this day next year might be my death anniversary, he said with a sneer.

Everyone understood what was going on and sighed, that underground arena is controlled by people who cant see the light of day. They only allow others to lose and not win. How overbearing!

This is where that person thinks hes smart, Zhang Gu laughed.

You dare to win so much money in that kind of dog eat dog place? What a pigs brain! Now, not to mention money, I dont even have my life!

Everyone agreed.

Indeed, that young man had been too careless.

To dare win money from the underground arena, he really didnt know how to write the word death.

Just as he said this, the guard led Xia qingchen inside. Young master Xia, please take a seat.

The guard immediately left to inform the family head.

When Zhang Gu saw Xia qingchen, he was stunned. Its you? How are you still alive?

That was impossible!

The people in the underground arena were not like Hong he, who was a Street thug.

They were all ruthless and ruthless Desperados who killed without blinking.

Xia qingchen had actually returned unscathed. How miraculous.

Are you very disappointed? Xia qingchen retorted.

Zhang Gu regained his senses and sneered, what does your death have to do with me? I just hope that you grow some brains and dont be so reckless. Otherwise, you wont know when youll die next time!

Just as he finished speaking.

His vision blurred, and then he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

It was Xia qingchen. He had kicked his stomach, causing him to fall to the ground. youre right, Xia qingchen said calmly. you probably think that Im easy to bully?

This persons mouth was really unpleasant.

He was hopelessly stupid, but he still shamelessly asked others to grow their brains.

You dare to hit me? Zhang Gu stood up and jumped up in a rage, slapping toward Xia qingchens face.

His cultivation base was only at the peak of the major constellation stage. He hadnt even reached the minor constellation stage.

The star power on the surface of Xia qingchens body trembled violently. Not only did Zhang Gus slap fail, it was even bounced back by the Qi and landed on his own face.

Zhang Gu was finally shocked,you Youre a minor star-level expert?

No wonder Xia qingchen was able to escape!

Shut up and be quiet, okay? Xia qingchen looked at him coldly.

Zhang Gu covered his face, but he did not shut up. Xia, my second uncle is the son-in-law of the situ family. Your minor star-level cultivation is not even worth mentioning in my second uncles eyes!

Second uncle?

Isnt he just a son-in-law who married into the family?

Xia qingchen felt contempt in his heart. If it was because of love, it wouldnt be much.

However, if they were like Jin xuans.h.i.+, marrying into his family for the sake of their own benefits, Xia qingchen could only look down on them.

I said, shut up! Xia qingchen raised his hand and struck out with his palm. The cold and sharp star power immediately caused Zhang Gu to spin on the spot.

After being beaten up twice, Zhang Gu finally calmed down.

However, his eyes were staring straight at Xia qingchen.

At this moment.

Outside the door, the servants knelt down respectfully. We pay our respects to


In the situ family, the only one who could be addressed as Madam was master situ ya.

The group of people immediately went to the two sides of the door to welcome him.

Zhang Gu was the most proactive, standing at the front and bowing,

Greetings, Madam.

Situ ya was still graceful and luxurious, and her Jade-like face revealed a trace of elegance.

She nodded slightly and simply looked around at the people who welcomed her.

Seeing that lady situ was not paying attention to him, Zhang Gu stepped forward and said, Im your son-in-law, Zhang Chongyangs nephew, Zhang gu. Im here to pay my respects to you, Madam. I hope to marry into the situ family. Please

The purpose of his visit was to marry into the family.

With his age and cultivation, he had a great chance of marrying some women from the situ family who did not have any martial arts talent.

Moreover, he still had a layer of connections.

The higher the loyalty, the more the situ family would consider.

Unexpectedly, lady situ didnt even look at him, and said, Yes, stand aside.

Lady situs maidservant pushed Zhang Gu away with a disdainful look and reprimanded him in a low voice, Dont block the way!

Lady situ entered the room and scanned the room, only to find a young man sitting calmly and sipping tea.

Her dignified Jade-like face was immediately filled with joy.

She quickly stepped forward and said,master Xia, is it really you? When I heard the Guards report, I almost didnt believe it.

Xia qingchen knew in his heart that he was just being polite. He stood up and bowed. Greetings, patriarch.

Lady situ a.s.sessed Xia qingchen, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she felt. Young master Xia, if you are willing to marry into the situ family, I will definitely betroth the best woman to you.

Madam, the situation is urgent, Xia qingchen said seriously. please allow me to talk about the serious matters first.

Yes, speak! Lady situ retracted her smile, feeling curious. What was it that was so serious?

I came here to remind lady situ that the Shura family is about to make a move on the situ family. Their target is the broken Sword pieces, so please make preparations as soon as possible.

Hearing this, lady situs expression remained calm, and she didnt take his words seriously. She asked, Where did you get the information?

This I cant tell you for now. Xia qingchen spoke. If he revealed this, he would definitely expose the great demon of West Ridge.

Lady situ chuckled. young master Xia, you worry too much. Our situ clan and the Shura clan have been friends for hundreds of years. Weve never violated each other.

His gaze gradually turned deep, revealing a hint of suspicion as he re-a.s.sessed Xia qingchen. (Upload the other two chapters at 11..)