Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 81

Part 81

=estela,= wake, track (_of a ship_).

=estenso= = =extenso=.

=estilo,= style, manner of speaking; =por el --,= similar (things), such as the following.

=estimar,= to esteem, deem.

=estirar,= to pull.

=estofa,= condition, quality, kind.

=estofado,= stew.

=estomago,= stomach.

=es...o...b..r,= to bother, be in the way, detain.

=estrago= _or_ =--s,= havoc.

=estrambotico,= eccentric, odd.

=estrangular,= to strangle.

=estrategico,= strategic.

=estrechamente,= closely.

=estrechar,= to tighten, close in upon.

=estrechez,= _f._, narrowness, stringency.

=estrecho,= narrow, tight; =-- abrazo,= affectionate embrace.

=estrella,= star, fate.

=estrellado,= starry, full of stars.

=estrellar,= to dash to pieces, break.

=estremecerse,= to shudder, tremble, quiver.

=estrepito,= bustle, noise.

=estrepitoso,= boisterous.

=estribo,= stirrup.

=estrofa,= strophe, stanza.

=estruendo,= crash, noise.

=estrujar,= to squeeze; =-- como una breva,= to squeeze the life out of one.

=estudiar,= to study.

=estudio,= study, application (_to books and learning_).

=estupefacto,= stunned, amazed, stupefied.

=estupendo,= stupendous, wonderful.

=estupido,= stupid, dull.

=estupor,= _m._, stupor.

=estuviera, estuviese,= _imp. subjs. of_ =estar=.

=estuve, --iste, --o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =estar=.

=etc.= = =etcetera,= et caetera.

=eter,= _m._, air, highest regions above.

=eterno,= eternal, long.

=etiqueta,= etiquette; =anda.r.s.e con --s,= to be ceremonious, formal.

=evadir,= to evade.

=evangelico,= evangelical, gospel --.

=evangelio,= gospel.

=evitar,= to avoid, avert, save (_from disagreeable things_).

=evonimus,= _m._, p.r.i.c.k-wood (_Euonymus europaeus_).

=exact.i.tud,= _f._, exactness.

=exagerar,= to exaggerate.

=exaltacion,= _f._, enthusiasm, exaltation, imagination.

=exaltar,= to exalt, excite.

=examen,= _m._, examination.

=examinar,= to examine, investigate.