Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 110

Part 110

=nido,= nest.

=niegue,= _pr. subj. of_ =negar=.

=nietecita= (_dim. of_ =nieta=)=,= little granddaughter.

=nieto, -a,= grandson, granddaughter; _pl._, grandchildren.

=nieve,= _f._, snow.

=Nieves= (_lit._, snow, snowy weather), _prop. noun_.

=nigromante,= _m._, necromancer, magician.

=nimio,= excessive, tiresome.

=ninguno,= no, not any, none, any (_after a negative_); =los --s conocimientos,= the absolute lack of knowledge.

=nineria,= childish action.

=ninez,= _f._, childhood, youth.

=nino, -a,= little boy, little girl; child; =muy nina,= very young; =Nino Dios,= Christ child; =-- de pecho,= baby; =tan -- como,= as much of a child as.

=nirvana,= _m._, nirvana (_in Buddhism the final emanc.i.p.ation of the soul, by annihilation or absorption into the Divine_).

=no,= no, not; =que --,= no.

=nocturno,= nightly, lonely.

=noche,= _f._, night; =por la --,= at night, in the evening; =Noche-Buena,= Christmas eve.

=nombrar,= to name, mention.

=nombre,= _m._, name; =mal --,= nickname; =a --,= in the name.

=nonada,= trifle.

=noramala= (= =en hora mala=)=,= in an evil hour; =nos mande --,= may tell us to begone.

=noroeste,= gale from the northwest.

=nos,= us, ourselves, each other.

=nosotros,= we, us.

=nota,= note.

=notable,= very great.

=notar,= to perceive, notice.

=noticia,= news, notice; =tener --(de),= to have heard of.

=novedad,= _f._, novelty, news; =no hay --,= all is well.

=novela,= novel.

=novicia,= novice.

=novio, -a,= betrothed, sweetheart.

=nube,= _f._, cloud.

=nubecilla= (_dim._)=,= little cloud.

=nubla.r.s.e,= to be covered with clouds; cloud.

=nuca,= nape of the neck.

=nudillo,= knuckle.

=nudo,= knot.

=nuera,= daughter-in-law.

=nuestro,= our; =el --,= ours, of ours.

=nuevamente,= again.

=nueve,= nine; =las -- y media,= half-past nine.

=nuevo,= new; =de --,= again, anew.

=nulo,= null, void of effect.

=numero,= number.

=numeroso,= numerous.

=nunca,= never, ever.


=no= = =senor=.