Heartstrings And Diamond Rings - Heartstrings and Diamond Rings Part 39

Heartstrings and Diamond Rings Part 39

I'll tell you why. You're a screaming bore. "No idea at all?"

"No. I cooked dinner for her the other night. I lit candles. Played music. But...nothing. She said she needed to get up early to do some work from the office, and she left right after dinner."

Brandon felt a surge of pleasure over that, only to slap it away. This is what she wants, so help the guy get it right. You want her to be happy, don't you?

Yes. He did. So he said the words that almost made him choke. "Maybe you should take her away for the weekend."

"A weekend getaway? I've heard women like those. Hmm. I have a certificate for a free night's stay at the Holiday Inn in Waco. My TV wasn't working the last time I was there, so they gave me a voucher for a free night."

Was this guy as clueless as he sounded? Yeah, it was the ultimate seduction scenario, all right. A crappy double bed with kids screaming next door and a free buffet breakfast.

"No," Brandon said. "Someplace nice. Go to Austin or San Antonio. And think five stars."

"Hmm. They have that river in San Antonio. And the Alamo."

"Justin. No Alamo."

"But she likes old stuff."

"This isn't a sightseeing weekend. You're there for romance. Two hundred people died at the Alamo. Death is not romantic. No Alamo."

"Yeah. Okay. I hear you."

"Take her to the Hotel Contessa on the River Walk. Dinner at Le Reve."

"Sounds expensive."

"Is she worth it?"

The man hesitated. He actually hesitated. Brandon had the urge to smack him one to get him really clear about the woman he was hesitating about.

"Yes. Of course she is."

Damned right she is.

"And I do want to take things to the next level."

"Then pull out all the stops," Brandon said. "Romance her like you've never romanced a woman before."

"Thanks," Justin said. "I really do want to do this right. I like Alison. I like her a lot. I think we could...you know. Eventually get serious. But sex is the next step, right?"

"Yep. That's the next step." A step he didn't really want to talk about anymore since he wasn't the one taking that step with her.

"Thanks for the advice," Justin said. "I'm going to try to set something up for a week from Friday."

Then he shook Brandon's hand. For the first time. Brandon noticed what a weak grip Justin had. He'd always believed that men with weak handshakes were weak in other ways, as well. Why hadn't he noticed that before?

It didn't matter. He was the right guy. Just what Alison was looking for.

Weak handshake and all.

A few days later, Brandon slid onto a bar stool at McCaffrey's, intending to relax for a while and catch a Rangers game. The place was rarely busy on weekday afternoons, so he usually found himself sitting on the same stool and ordering the same beer. Heather was behind the bar when he came in, and before he even sat down, she had that usual beer in front of him.

He'd come to realize that, in general, Heather ran the business end of the place with a firm hand, while Tony's job was to make sure anyone who walked through the door felt comfortable enough to sit down and stay a while. Their marriage was clearly a case of opposites attracting, but anyone who stopped long enough to watch them saw just how much they loved each other.

Until now, Brandon had been the kind of guy who wouldn't have noticed that in a million years. But in the past few months, he saw love and romance wherever he turned. A young couple pushing a baby in a stroller down State Street. An elderly couple sitting in lawn chairs beneath their magnolia tree. Twentysomethings in this very bar executing every imaginable kind of mating ritual. And the people who came to him looking for that one special person to make their lives complete. He'd become so immersed in getting new clients and making one match after another sometimes he almost forgot what his life had been like before.

Heather rested her forearms on the bar. "So did you see who's sitting in the corner booth?"

Brandon turned around to look, and he immediately wished he hadn't.

Alison was there with Justin.

Just then she turned and saw him staring. She froze for a moment, then looked away, turning her attention back to Justin. No wave, no smile, no nothing. So she wasn't even going to speak to him. She was going to act as if he wasn't there. But did he really want to talk to her? Especially when she was sitting with the guy who was going to be spending a romantic weekend with her?

By what seemed like mutual consent, he and Heather hadn't discussed Alison at all these past few weeks. It was as if the moment he set her up with Justin, the topic became off limits.

"I thought Alison worked until five," he said.

"She took the day off to take her cats for their annual checkup," Heather said. "Evidently that's quite an ordeal."

"Justin skipped out of work, too?"

"He's the boss. He can do anything he wants to."

Yeah. He was a highly successful businessman who could put a diamond ring on Alison's finger and promise her forever.

"So I guess they're getting along pretty well," he said.

"You haven't talked to her lately?"

"Not since right after her first date with him. Once I know things are going well, I usually just step aside. So what's he doing here with her today?"

"He had a meeting in East Plano, so they met for a late lunch." Heather wiped some water drops from the bar with a dishrag. "Do you know why they're sitting in a booth?"

"Uh...no. Why?"

"Because Justin says the bar stools are bad for his back. He has slight curvature of the spine, you know."

Actually, Brandon didn't know that. And really, he could have lived from now on without ever knowing it.

Heather wiped some more, even though the water drops had long since disappeared. "He doesn't like her hot pink pumps."


"You know the ones."

He did. He'd go to his grave with those shoes indelibly imprinted on his brain. "Why doesn't he like them?"

"Because he's only three inches taller than she is, and when she wears them, she can look down at the top of his head. I think he's self-conscious about his bald spot."

Brandon wanted to ask why Justin was concerned with his bald spot when he could be looking at Alison's legs in those incredible shoes, but who was he to judge?

"When he eats, he doesn't like one food on his plate to touch another one," Heather said.

What did she want him to say to that? The truth? That it was just a little bit weird?

"He has three humidifiers in his house," Heather said, just about wiping a hole through the bar. "He says he needs to keep his nasal mucosa moist."


Heather threw the dishrag down and leaned in, her voice an irate whisper. "So why did you set her up with him?"

Brandon drew back with surprise. "What?"

"Okay, I know I shouldn't say anything, but Justin is such a drag." She pointed to the dishrag. "Alison turns about as animated as that every time he walks into the room."

"He's everything she said she wanted in a man."

"Then maybe you need to read between the lines."

Brandon turned away. "Not my job."

"Beg to differ. It's your job to set her up with the right man."

"There's nothing wrong with Justin."

"But there's not much right about him, either."

"Yeah, there is. He's smart, decent looking, successful-"

"He's a bore."

"Alison is my client. She's the one I answer to."

"Okay," Heather said. "Better question. What's going on between you two?"

Brandon's heart skipped. "What do you mean?"

"Something was happening between you that night at the bar when her father was taken to the emergency room, and it looked like a good thing to me. And then you set her up with that guy."

And that was just about to kill him, no matter how much he wanted to say it didn't.

"And when you turned around just now and saw her with Justin...well, let's just say you weren't a happy man."

"Hey, you wanted me as far away from Alison as possible, remember? So I'm giving you what you wanted."

"Yeah. About that." She exhaled. "I was wrong about you, Brandon. You're not the kind of guy I thought you were. I treated you like crap, and I'm sorry."

No, damn it, she hadn't been wrong. She'd been so right it was scary.

"I appreciate that," he said. "I never wanted any hard feelings."

"I can't get anything out of Alison. She just keeps saying she thinks Justin is the one, and that she's very happy."

"Then I think you need to take her at her word." Brandon rose from his bar stool.

"She hasn't slept with him yet," Heather said.

Brandon kept his face impassive, as if it didn't matter at all. But for some reason, it mattered very much.

"But that won't last for long," Heather went on. "He's taking her to San Antonio this weekend. They're staying in a nice hotel on the River Walk." She paused. "One room."

He wished Heather hadn't brought that up. Not that he intended to tell her he was the one who had suggested the trip in the first place. He just could have done without somebody else saying it out loud when he was already having such a hard time pretending it wasn't happening.

"How do you feel about that?" Heather asked.

Brandon tossed a few bills on the bar. "I think San Antonio is fun. The weather should be nice. If they get there before sunset-"

"It's you she wants."

Don't tell me that. I already know, and it's killing me.

He knew it in the way she'd looked at him that night, the way she'd kissed him, the way her eyes had been filled with disappointment when he'd turned her down. But he could never be the kind of man she needed. Justin could.

"No," he said. "It's Justin she wants. And that's the end of it."

With that, he left the bar, telling himself it was the last time he was going to risk stepping foot in McCaffrey's again.

On Monday afternoon, Alison was sitting at her desk reading her e-mail and eating her third Mallorific bar of the day, when Lois sidled up next to her.

"So...you got any jobs for me?"

"No," Alison said. "Not right now."

"It's been a while. Sure you don't need some letterhead?"




"Door hangers?"


"Surely that matchmaker guy needs something else."