For a few moments, Yan Hui was quite grateful that she had left the mountain village in Tong Luo Mountain .
Otherwise, who knows how many villagers would've been scared to death when that unstoppable horde of demons rushed over .
Yan Hui subconsciously withdrew into Tian Yao's embrace so that he could hug her tighter . Tian Yao looked at Yan Hui who had retreated within herself . His lips twitched, but he made no other movement .
The demons on the riverbank searched for a while but didn't see anyone . One by one, they headed downstream . It wasn't long before most of the demon army had left .
The black shadows by the river's edge were becoming spa.r.s.e . There was only one left, close to where Tian Yao and Yan Hui were . It was still looking around for the scent . The two people in the river watched it closely .
When the demon finally left to join the leaving army, the rock Tian Yao was holding onto suddenly dislodged . A stream of bubbles burbled up toward the water surface .
Tian Yao hurriedly grabbed onto another rock to anchor themselves . However, it was too late to stop the bubbles heading toward the surface .
The bubbles disappeared with a faint "popping" sound when they reached the surface .
It was extremely quiet . Under the night sky, almost no one would hear it . However, the demon's ear twitched . He looked at the bubbles popping on the water's surface and narrowed his eyes . He started to walk over, getting closer with every step .
Tian Yao grabbed Yan Hui's hand and lightly wrote five words on her palm, "Kill it in one shot" .
He said it so simply . Yan Hui sweatdropped . In this situation, she had to be subtle and not alert the other demons to this demon's death . Furthermore, she had to do this while holding her breath underwater . . . . . . .
Yan Hui thought about it . She drew a Telepathy Technique sigil on Tian Yao's hand : "This seems difficult . If this doesn't go well, I'm going to knock you out and hand you over to plead for my life . I'm telling you right now, so you won't call me out later for not being righteous "
" . . . . . . " Tian Yao lightly said: "Telling me counts as you being righteous?"
"At least I told you . "
Without waiting for Tian Yao's response, Yan Hui stealthily condensed magic into her palm . Her body started to slowly heat up .
Tian Yao felt the person in his arms becoming hotter, burning hot, but he didn't let go . Contrarily, he held Yan Hui even tighter . He liked this boiling heat .
He was originally a dragon who favored Fire out of the Five Phases . His body was suppose to be the same scalding temperature as this girl . However, now he constantly felt like he was in ice . Living was suffering .
It was only when holding her, drinking her blood, that he could relax . Only then would he feel like living wasn't so painful .
Tian Yao clearly understood that for the current him, Yan Hui was his only cure and also his poisonous addiction .
But it didn't matter if it was good or bad, he couldn't leave her .
While he was thinking about this, the heat in Yan Hui's hand turned into a sharp jian . She plunged it between the eyes of the demon who had stuck his head into the water . Magic didn't enter him; she had controlled her strength very well . The jian pierced his head but didn't go through the back of his head .
The demon opened his eyes wide, and his body became rigid . It fell into the water with a splash .
Silence .
The demon's corpse slowly floated down the brook .
Yan Hui withdrew her hand and wiped it on her clothes . If the circ.u.mstances didn't call for it, she actually wasn't willing to kill .
"Using magic consumes too much inner breath," Yan Hui transmitted to Tian Yao . "I can't hold my breath for much longer . "
"Endure . "
Yan Hui's face slowly turned red: "I can endure pain, but this isn't something I can endure just because you say to . Let go of me, so I can take a breath . I'll be careful not to be seen by the demons downstream . "
"You just killed one . You can't go . "
Yan Hui really couldn't hold it in any longer . Her head started to pound, and her face was bright red . Her limbs were gradually losing their strength . If this continued, although she evaded the demons, she would still suffocate to death .
Yan Hui swatted at Tian Yao's hands to make him let go . Tian Yao didn't budge . Yan Hui immediately started to pry at his fingers .
Yan Hui hadn't finished prying away two fingers when Tian Yao suddenly let go of her waist . He pressed against the back of her head, forcing it upwards . Then her lips touched Tian Yao's soft lips .
She was caught off-guard .
Yan Hui was shocked, blinking two times in the water .
Tian Yao wasn't the least bit courteous toward Yan Hui . Sealing off her mouth, his tongue pried into her mouth, and he transferred a breath of air .
It seemed like he feared that wasn't enough because he pa.s.sed another long breath of air .
It seemed like he feared that wasn't enough because he pa.s.sed another long breath of air .
This . . . . . .
This was the second time!
Yan Hui pushed aside Tian Yao's head . He looked at her and used Yan Hui's Telepathy Technique, which hadn't disappeared yet, to tell her: "Stay here for another quarter . "
He said it so cold and heartlessly like he hadn't just hara.s.sed a girl . . . . . . .
Alright, even though from his perspective, he didn't really hara.s.s her . . . . . .
Yan Hui wrung her hands . If the previous time when their lips touched counted as "biting" when it was a full moon and Tian Yao wasn't in full control of himself, then this time really was . . . . . . . lip contact .
This dragon demon didn't like being touched, didn't like being close to people, but according to his actions, it wasn't like that at all!
This soft kiss also had tongue . . . . . .
f.u.c.k, she was taken advantage of again!
Yan Hui's mind was in turmoil . The demons on the riverbank suddenly s.h.i.+fted .
The army of demons started to slowly move back upstream for an unknown reason . Tian Yao was in no mood to decipher Yan Hui's mind . He casted a cold eye toward the water surface then frowned . His gaze swept over the surface .
Then his expression darkened .
This b.l.o.o.d.y smell . . . . . . .
The dead demon's blood couldn't evade Tian Yao's unreasonably keen sense of smell .
Tian Yao shook Yan Hui, shaking her back to the present: "You can go up to breathe now . "
Those words echoed in her mind . Yan Hui looked up, and her face blanched .
This wasn't good . . . . . .
This wasn't good . . . . . .
Yan Hui focused within herself to examine her inner breath . She guessed she had enough to gather her strength together . Sticking a hand out, she grabbed Tian Yao . His eyebrow twitched . He remembered what Yan Hui had said earlier: she would knock him out and then offer him up to save her life .
He didn't get the chance to speak when Yan Hui cut in: "If you're scared, close your eyes . "
Tian Yao thought that was funny: "Are you talking to me?"
Yan Hui quirked her mouth and laughed, revealing a canine: "Usually I'm fine . However, when I've been backed into a corner, I'm terrifying . "
Yan Hui had planned it out . Those demons hadn't taken a human form yet, so their magic wasn't strong . However, they had the advantage in numbers . Right now, she hadn't completely recovered her inner breath . She couldn't fight long nor cast anymore Techniques . However she had the advantage of surprise . As long she found an opening and caught them off guard, she could piece it all together and escape without a hitch .
"Get ready . I'm about to leave the water . "
Yan Hui held Tian Yao tight .
Tian Yao's hands, which had been free-floating in water, automatically wrapped around Yan Hui's back .
When was the last time he had held someone like this?
In Tian Yao's memory, Su Ying hardly ever allowed him to touch her . Back then, he just thought Su Ying didn't like being touched . She was the distant moon . Naturally, she shouldn't be touched .
The one time they hugged was before Su Ying returned to Guang Han Sect . She had repeatedly warned him: "In ten days, you have to come to Guang Han Sect to pick me up . " At that time, his heart was filled with love, and he couldn't resist hugging Su Ying . Back then, she didn't refuse .
That was the first time he had hugged someone like that .
It was like hugging a heart filled with ice, bone-chillingly cold . He had thought he had an entire lifetime to slowly warm her up . His hot blood had all sprayed out onto the moonlit snow . His boiling pa.s.sion from the beginning had only burned himself, nothing more .
"We're going up . "
Yan Hui's voice recalled him from his thoughts .
Tian Yao unknowingly tightened his hold on Yan Hui's hands------ so warm .
This body was so warm . It heated him up .
Yan Hui focused her power into her legs and shot out like an arrow released from a bow . They suddenly hurtled off the riverbed and broke the water surface . Power stored in her hand streamed out . They spun in a circle, and the magic unleashed, knocking down the approaching demons .
The demons wailed in pain . With a turn of her hand, Yan Hui summoned the jians from the fallen demons . Yan Hui leapt in mid-air and used the Propelling Sword to go . Right when she was about to leave, a metal hook was suddenly flung into the sky . It snagged onto Yan Hui's leg .
Yan Hui focused her power into her legs and shot out like an arrow released from a bow . They suddenly hurtled off the riverbed and broke the water surface . Power stored in her hand streamed out . They spun in a circle, and the magic unleashed, knocking down the approaching demons .
The demons wailed in pain . With a turn of her hand, Yan Hui summoned the jians from the fallen demons . Yan Hui leapt in mid-air and used the Propelling Sword to go . Right when she was about to leave, a metal hook was suddenly flung into the sky . It snagged onto Yan Hui's leg .
It pulled Yan Hui down . The Propelling Sword Technique couldn't get her away .
In this momentary lapse of action, the demons at the bottom were already starting to climb up the chain .
Tian Yao immediately said: "Cut off your leg . "
Yan Hui's eyes bugged out in astonishment: "Some help you are! What kind of rotten idea is that?!" While she was speaking, she gestured with her hand and cut the iron chain binding her leg . However the iron hook had already embedded itself into her lower leg and couldn't be removed .
At that moment, Yan Hui didn't even have the ability to cry out in pain . All her focus was on using the Propelling Sword to get away . However, the demons below wouldn't let them off so easily .
From the below, another iron hook was flung out . This time it was aimed directly toward her head . Tian Yao's eyes narrowed, but he had nothing at hand . He saw from the corner of his eyes, a piece of broken jade swaying from a string around Yan Hui's neck . He didn't hesitate and reached out, pulling off the jade . Before Yan Hui could react, Tian Yao treated it as a hidden weapon and threw it at the eye of the demon who held the chain of the iron hook .
The demon shrieked and collapsed, rolling on the ground in pain . The constantly hara.s.sing iron hooks finally disappeared .
Tian Yao urged her: "Go . "
Yan Hui was stunned . She couldn't believe what had happened: "What did you do?!" The Propelling Sword tilted . She actually planned to go back to retrieve the broken jade .
Tian Yao deeply frowned . He berated: "You're seeking your own death!"
The demons below continued to yell . The bird demons Yan Hui had struck earlier slowly started to spread their wings .
Yan Hui glanced at the jade . In the end, she had to grit her teeth and rapidly flew away into the distance .
The whistling night air blew Yan Hui's thoughts into disarray . She was extremely angry at Tian Yao . However behind the anger was a constant wave of helplessness .
She thought she could sneakily steal away a small memento, but what a person planned did not overrule what the heavens planned .
As it turns out, what wasn't hers would never become hers . That which she had stolen, had picked up, would slowly disappear from her life into some mysterious place . . . . . . .
This is probably called . . . . . . . .
Heaven's will .