He Is Warmer Than Time - Chapter 2166: Her willpower is indeed shocking

Chapter 2166: Her willpower is indeed shocking

Chapter 2166: Her willpower is indeed shocking


How is she?

She seems to have recalled many things, but she was in so much pain that she almost fainted. Second sister, please save her.

Ye Ting pointed at the sofa. put her on the sofa first. Ill give her a shot of tranquilizer.

She just used calm yesterday, and today shes tired.

Its okay, dont worry.

Shen Zhaozheng then carried Gu Nian to the sofa. Gu Nian was already curled up in pain.

The a.s.sistant gave her a shot of tranquilizer, and the person who was struggling violently slowly calmed down.

Ye Ting picked up a suitcase and opened it. There was a simple measuring instrument in it. She measured it briefly and then nodded slowly.

send her to my lab for observation immediately. She has recovered 80% of her memory on her own. Theres no need for surgery. We just need to observe her physical functions to see if her brain is full of brain damage. || Blood shock and other symptoms.

Alright, he said.

He carried her and rushed out of the house. The car sped all the way and they soon arrived at Ye Tings laboratory.

On one hand, he was glad that he had the help of the second miss of the ye family.

On the other hand, he was also a little worried that the second miss would be furious when the truth came to light.

After all, she had been used by someone. With her personality, she would not be so easily fooled.

After niannian recovered, he planned to confess and fight for a lenient sentence.

When they arrived at the laboratory, Ye Ting asked Shen Zhaozheng to stay outside. He then asked a few staff members in white coats to push Gu Nian into the laboratory.

It was almost all transparent gla.s.s, and Shen Zhaozheng could clearly see niannians every move inside. He could also see the lines jumping on a huge screen.

It seemed to be niannians brain waves. One could clearly see that her brain activity was unusually intense.

And that line fluctuated without any pattern. One moment it soared into the sky, and the next moment it fell into the bottom of the valley.

He couldnt bear to look at her anymore. He knew that she must be in pain.

In order to remember what happened between them, she had suffered a lot. This girl made his heart ache too much.

He turned around, his eyes slightly red.

He stood there for a long time before the laboratory door finally opened.

He immediately turned around and looked at Ye Ting,second sister, she, she, she, she, she, she, she

Ye Ting smiled at him. the little girls willpower is indeed amazing. She actually managed to completely remember the erased memory on her own. Of course, she also admitted that the pain was unbearable for ordinary people. Zhaozheng, Im very glad that you like such a strong girl. She must love you very much, so she can endure this excruciating pain and try her best to remember everything that happened between you and her. Shes fine now.

Shen Zhaozheng felt his legs go soft. This was a sign that he had relaxed after an extreme worry.

He reached out and supported himself against the wall.

Are you okay? Ye Ting was worried.

He smiled. Im fine. Im fine. Can I see her?

Of course you can. You can bring her back now.

Is there anything I should pay attention to?

actually, theres nothing much to pay attention to. She has already recalled everything and is not afraid of any stimulation. Its just that she might feel uneasy after being deceived and used by others. You should comfort her a little.

Okay, thank you.

Ye Ting patted his shoulder. Ive always hoped to have a younger brother. Im happy to do anything for you.

Shen Zhaozhengs eyes flickered. Once niannian had settled down, he would definitely go to her and ask for forgiveness.