Haunted On Bourbon Street - Part 9

Part 9

"Don't worry. I'll have it done before you know it." He guided me into the cafe, ignoring my protests.

"Thank G.o.d," Pyper said when she spotted us. "We've had one tour group after another this morning. Jade, I thought you had cla.s.s this morning."

"She does," Kane said as he joined her behind the counter. "She needs a chai before she goes."

Pyper immediately started fixing my drink.

I protested, but neither of them paid any attention and wouldn't let me pay. "Thanks. You didn't have to do that."

Pyper smiled. "There have to be some perks to this thankless job."

As I left I sent the blonde clones a sickly sweet smile and toasted them with my cup. It was a petty thing to do, but for some reason I couldn't shake my mood, even after Pyper and Kane had been so kind. I quickened my step, hoping to walk off some tension. Otherwise, teaching would be a disaster.

I cleared my mind and imagined holding a gla.s.s rod in my hands. Melting gla.s.s was my pa.s.sion. The first time I'd lit a torch and introduced the gla.s.s into the flame, everything else in my life ceased to exist. I focused on that feeling, letting everything else go. My shoulders relaxed as the tension eased.

For years, making beads had been my sanctuary. I didn't know if it was the concentration required when working with molten gla.s.s or the mesmerizing flame, but when focused on a piece, I didn't feel anyone's emotions. No one's but mine. It was a gift I cherished.

I arrived a half hour early and went to work prepping torch stations. The eight-week beginner's course was designed to teach students how to set up a studio, understand the properties of working with gla.s.s and master the art of round beads. How advanced we got in technique all depended on how fast the cla.s.s progressed.

At eight-forty the bell indicating a visitor rang. Pulling the door open, I said, "You're a little bit early, but..."

The older woman from The Herbal Connection stood in front of me, casually dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved cotton shirt. If it hadn't been for her light energy invading my senses, I wouldn't have recognized her.

"I'm sorry, dear. I hope I'm not an imposition." She wore a pleasant smile.

"Oh no! I'm sorry. Come in. I was just surprised. It's Bea, right?"

She nodded, peering thoughtfully at me like she had the first time we'd met. "I was hoping I'd run into you again."

I wasn't. Had she known I was the teacher here? I bit back the frown threatening my lips and smiled. "Would you like some coffee while you wait?" I gestured toward the snack counter. "I only have decaf. I stopped serving the caffeinated kind after students got too jittery. Shaking hands and hot gla.s.s are never a good mix."

Her arm brushed mine as she moved toward the coffee carafe. She paused. "No need to be nervous. I don't bite."

Had she read me, or was my mental state just that obvious? I busied myself, arranging work stations until the bell rang again. I practically ran to let the other students in.

The first hour of the cla.s.s I spent lecturing on proper safety procedures involving the torches, propane lines and eyewear. After answering all their questions on setting up a home studio, we got started. The group took to the techniques faster than any of my other cla.s.ses. By the third hour I found myself relaxed and thoroughly enjoying myself. Bea turned out to be the star of the cla.s.s, mastering the lessons first.

"Done!" she exclaimed, proudly holding up her bead.

I carefully took the cool end of the metal mandrel she'd wound her bead on and admired it. "Wow, you did an excellent job. Perfectly round, with even dots spiraling around it. Okay, someone open the kiln so we can get this beauty in there."

A young woman, just barely eighteen, jumped up and held the metal door open for me. I slid the mandrel in, beaming at Bea. "Okay, make another one. Then you'll have a pair."

Bea settled back into her chair, intent on her task. I scanned the rest of the cla.s.s and found they too were almost finished and doing quite well. I wondered if Bea's energy had anything to do with it. Pure white essence mixed with a calmness and joy radiated from her, circling everyone in the room, including myself. It's typical for people's moods to affect each other, both good and bad. I'm in a unique position to witness it firsthand. Despite my impulse to stay away from Bea, I found myself undeniably drawn to her.

"Bea! Look, I did it!" Sandy, the eighteen-year-old, exclaimed. She held her mandrel up. "It's not as nice as yours, but at least it's round."

"It's beautiful, Sandy," Bea said from the station next to her. She rolled her chair back and held the kiln door open. "Put it in next to mine, and then get another one made. Next week, Jade will show us how to make earrings."

Sandy grinned and did as instructed.

I nodded an acknowledgement at Bea, thankful for her help, as I instructed another student on adding molten gla.s.s to her bead.

Before long I stood in front of the work stations, calling the cla.s.s to order. "Excellent first day!" Pride radiated off them. "Next week when you come in, I'll have the very first beads you ever made. Don't worry about how they look." Though I already knew they were much better than any of my other students. "Whatever they look like, we're going to turn them into a piece of jewelry just for you. Think about how cool it will be to tell anyone who asks where you got that fantastic jewelry-you can say, *I made them, even the beads.'"

A cheer went up, and the cla.s.s dispersed.

"Thanks for your help," I said to Bea.

"Me? I didn't do anything." Her smile gave her away.

"Right. Okay, but thanks all the same."

"You're welcome. Since you seem to think I did you a favor, I'm wondering if you can do something for me in return?"

I waited.

"Come have tea with me sometime after cla.s.s when you're free. There's something I'd like to show you." Her face gave off nothing, and suddenly her energy vanished.

"Mysterious." I gazed at her. Very unusual. Bea hid her emotions from me as if by will, but all day I noticed her energy putting the students at ease. It could be a dangerous combination if she really did have control over what she was doing, and I was certain she did. However, I hadn't felt anything but pure white light from her, a sign of goodness. I had to admit, I was intrigued. So what if she was a practicing witch? It wasn't as if she had asked me to join a coven. And if she did, I'd walk away.

Besides, she seemed too pure to be a witch. I didn't have a clue what she was. "All right."

Her white light brightened with my agreement. "Wonderful! I can't wait." She waved goodbye as she headed toward the door.

I sat down, exhausted and contemplated heading home to take a nap. The idea sent my heart racing. Ian hadn't shown up with the protection wards yet, and I really didn't want to face the possibility of more ghost sightings. I hadn't seen or felt anything the night before, but I'd slept like the dead (if the dead dreamed of hot guys, that is). A whole room of ghosts could have been loitering and I wouldn't have noticed.

Sliding my protective gla.s.ses on, I picked up a flint striker and lit my torch. The familiar orange flame calmed my pulse as I picked up a rod of gla.s.s and introduced it to the heat. My attention focused as the gla.s.s formed a soft, molten ball. Soon all other thoughts left my head as I pulled thin strands of gla.s.s to use later as decoration. With my work station full of prep, I grabbed a steel mandrel and started creating a complicated focal bead.

Hours later, after packing my kiln full of beads, I organized my work station and cleaned up gla.s.s sc.r.a.ps until the work surface shined. A true testament to how much I didn't want to go home. Organization was not my middle name. With a sigh, I turned out the lights and headed home.

Walking past the line formed in front of Wicked, I waved to one of the dancers standing out front and entered the side door. With nervous energy making me nauseous, I forced myself up the three flights of stairs. Please let the ghost be taking the night off.

As I slid my key into the lock, a note taped to the door caught my attention.

Jade, if you need to, for any reason, come on down to Pyper's apartment. I'll be there. Kane.

A silly grin broke out on my face. For any reason? I'd keep that in mind. Feeling a weight lifted, I entered my apartment and flipped the lights on. I peered around the room. Everything looked calm. Still hesitant, I stepped inside, let my guard down and tapped into the emotional energy. Nothing unusual. To be sure, I circled my apartment three times. Faint waves of familiar comfort washed over me, and I knew nothing lingered except traces of my own essence. I sighed in relief and got ready for bed.

Not long after I pulled the covers back and snuggled in, the dreaming started.

My eyes flickered at a movement and I sat up, startled. Across the room a man leaned against the window frame, unb.u.t.toning his shirt as his pale blue eyes searched mine.

Automatically I covered my bare chest, feeling exposed and aroused at the same time. His familiar energy engulfed me, and my breath caught. Finally, I could put a face to my dream lover.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he ran a hand through his tousled, sandy brown hair and moved toward me. He reached out, soothing the side of my face.

Tingling with the caress, I clasped my hand over his and leaned back.

"Join me," I urged.

Watching as he stepped out of his jeans, I inhaled sharply at the sight of his well-defined thighs. His thumbs reached the elastic of his boxers, slowly sliding them over the concave of his hips. My eyes fixated on his silhouette as he stood there completely exposed, adoration streaming off him.

His obvious love filled me with a heartbreaking tenderness as his eyes roamed slowly down my body and back up again. The action reminded me of someone carefully memorizing every detail. With a slow, seductive smile, he lowered himself and caressed my hair, fanning it out behind me on the pillow. I reveled in the silky smooth sensation, losing myself. When his hand finally stopped he leaned in close, his warm mouth hovering over my own. Too impatient to wait longer, my hand shot out, pulling his head down the last few inches and tasted the sweet warmth beneath his lips.

A small sigh turned into a gasp as he jerked back, his surprise and anger filling my senses. Intense jealousy blocked his emotions, startling me. My senses followed the stream, and I found Kane, his fists raised, standing just behind my lover. Realization dawned. Kane had pulled the man off me.

With my heart pounding, my eyes flew open. Moonlight spilled through the darkness of my empty apartment.

The next day, Ian arrived with dried herbs. He mounted them near my front door and balcony window then took off to do the same for the club. He'd said his aunt had put them together and invoked them to ward off evil. I hoped Auntie knew what she was doing. Not just anyone could invoke a charm.

After two ghost-free days I decided the ghost repellent was working and took an afternoon off from the gla.s.s studio to work on my Etsy website. It had been too long since I'd updated it. I set my laptop up on the balcony and settled in for some serious photo editing. After a few dozen or so pictures my mind started to wander.

A small smile played at my lips as I recalled the X-rated dreams I'd continued to have. They started out exactly the same, with the sandy-haired, blue eyed man I now referred to as Mr. s.e.xy appearing at my bedside. His light-as-a-feather touch sent my senses into overload, simultaneously relaxing me and sending electric shock waves through my veins. But each time as Mr. s.e.xy leaned in, intent on replacing his fingers with his lips, Kane appeared.

In that instant, Mr. s.e.xy evaporated and Kane replaced him. His roving hands and eager lips set off my already primed body with a pa.s.sion so fierce and memorable, all of my past real-life experiences paled in comparison. Though, to be honest, I didn't have a lot to compare it to. Dan happened to be one of only two people who had actual carnal knowledge of my body.

Heat rose to my face as I recalled the intimate details of my dream. Who knew my subconscious could be so imaginative? And with two men. Too distracted to work, I hauled my laptop inside and went to the kitchen, searching for a bottle of wine. I knew I'd brought a few bottles with me from Kat's house. I'd emptied one, but where had I put the other? Ah, yes, in the suitcase I hadn't yet emptied. Leaving it close to the closet was good enough, right?

Inside, I found an unopened cream envelope. I picked it up, reached for the wine bottle sitting in the middle of the bag and headed back to my kitchen.

After uncorking the bottle, I poured a gla.s.s and sat on my couch, fingering the neat scrawl of my name in Kat's handwriting. I took a sip of the rich cabernet and pulled the card out. Two women huddled close on the front, with a single word at the top. Girlfriends.

A gift-card-sized envelope fell out as I opened it. Kat's handwritten note read: Jade, I know things have been difficult with the "situation," but I want you to know you're my best friend, and no man will ever change that. I love you, Kat.

P.S. Put the label on your bathroom door. Every girl needs privacy.

Searching the envelope, I found the black and white label. No Ghosts Allowed.

I laughed, remembering our ghost speculation the night before I'd moved out. Kane had said it was haunted, but none of us had taken him seriously.

The thought wiped the grin from my face. I ripped the gift card open and found a generous gift certificate to a local home furnishing store. Tears sprang to my eyes. I'd let my feelings about Dan get in the way of our friendship. I hadn't heard from or spoken to her since we'd argued that day in the cafe. While I wasn't mad anymore, I was disappointed. In her quest to remain Switzerland between me and Dan, she'd all but shut me out.

I reread her card, letting the words sink in and then grabbed the phone. Her voicemail picked up on the third ring.

"Kat, I just found your card and am calling to say thank you. I'm sorry about our fight. It's not fair to put you in the middle of me and Dan's B.S. Call me so we can make plans to spend this ASAP. I love you, too." Setting the phone down, I wiped the fresh tears from my eyes and headed back for my wine. On the way I picked up the No Ghosts Allowed label. Snickering, I placed it in the middle of my bathroom door.

"Do you see that, ghost? You are not allowed in the bathroom. Some things are private." I retreated back to the couch, and an image near the window made me spin. I gasped. A vague, shadowy, outline grew stronger until a man, a man I recognized stood near my window. Mr. s.e.xy.

Oh. My. G.o.d. My dreams were haunted by a ghost. I stood paralyzed, transfixed, waiting. Our eyes met and Mr. s.e.xy's lips quirked up. Then he dissipated.

I ran to the phone and dialed, still staring at the place he'd vanished from.

"He's back," I said into the receiver.

"The ghost?" Ian's voice climbed an octave higher.

"Yes. I just saw him." Draining my gla.s.s, I wondered what I should say. I'd been having dream-s.e.x with my ghost? I reached for the wine bottle.

"What did he do?"

"Nothing. He just appeared, then left."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think so. Just a little freaked out." I sat down, afraid I might fall.

"Understandable, but he sounds harmless enough. That kind of apparition is pretty tame. What happened right before he appeared?"

"Uh, I spoke to him. Told him to stay out of the bathroom. You know, privacy."

Ian chuckled. "That's what you get for talking to him. If I were a ghost, I'd follow you in there too."

"Perv." I cleared my throat. "You really think there isn't anything to worry about?"

"Probably not. He likely appeared because you spoke to him. As long as nothing sinister is happening and you don't feel threatened, it should be fine."

Threatened? Not exactly. More like invaded. "Okay, but will you be around later if I need you?"

"Sure. Do you want me to come over?"

I mulled it over for a minute. I really did want to relax and work on my online store, but at the same time I knew any hope of concentrating was shot now. "Do you want to come watch a movie?"

"Sure. Give me about forty-five minutes, and I'll be over. Want me to bring a DVD?"

"Yes, surprise me." I didn't really care what we watched. I just didn't want to be alone. "And if you have any more ghost repellent, bring it too."

"Will do."

I sat rigid on the couch. A ghost invaded my dreams. How was that possible? I'd seen an outline of him before in my apartment, but not a detailed one. It couldn't just be my subconscious. I'd never seen him before.

Shaking my head, I recalled the very real emotions of Mr. s.e.xy. Every day I let my guard down in the apartment and didn't feel his intense emotions while awake. Only while dreaming. I shivered. If he did visit me in my dreams, did he stick around to witness my intense and very private scenes with Kane? I didn't think so. In those scenes the only emotions I remembered were Kane's, which felt just as real.

Lowering my head to my hands, I rubbed my temples. Kane certainly wasn't a ghost, and I dreamt of his emotions too. Dreaming while reading emotions was something I'd never experienced before. I'd just thought it was a new dimension in my dream world. Now I didn't know what to think. I guessed it was possible Mr. s.e.xy visited me in my dreams, and then my subconscious took over, pushing him out and replacing him with Kane-the one I actually wanted to be with.

Should I tell Ian about the dream visits? What would I say-that I spent my nights getting intimate with my ghost until Kane showed up and things got even more imaginative? G.o.d, no! I could barely even think about my dreams without heat burning my cheeks. They were like nothing I'd ever experienced before and way more intimate than anything I'd ever shared with anyone, including my two ex-boyfriends.

Maybe I could just tell him Mr. s.e.xy appeared in my dreams and leave Kane out of it altogether. I sighed heavily. I didn't want to talk about any of it, but if I wanted help, I'd have to.

The alarm buzzed at four-thirty a.m., and the springs creaked as Ian rolled over. I slid out of bed, eyeing the coffee maker. I bypa.s.sed it and tiptoed my way to the bathroom. I could get coffee at the cafe, but I just didn't function well until I'd had my first cup.

After showering, I spent ten minutes applying a bit of makeup and arranging my wet hair into a bun. When I emerged I found Ian upright, his hair tousled, sipping fresh coffee.

"Oh, you are a G.o.d!" I squealed and pivoted to pour my own cup of glorious java.