Haunted On Bourbon Street - Part 4

Part 4

A cool breeze caressed my shoulder, prompting me to pull back the thin sheet. I welcomed the reprieve from the warm, humid night. I didn't need to feel the mattress shift to know I wasn't alone. His playful energy engulfed me, and a slow smile spread on my lips when his warm breath tickled my ear. Purring as he caressed my neck, I tried to roll toward him but his arm clasped around my middle, trapping me.

Wiggling, I tried to escape from his firm grasp but stilled when he trailed his fingers from my belly upward between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

How had I ever gone so long without this?

I held myself still, reveling in the building tension as he explored. But when he brushed his thumb over my nipple, I trembled, and a small moan escaped from my lips. His desire shot through my veins, overriding any self-control. I reached out, aching with need, desperate to feel his body pressed tight against mine. My arms circled, pulling him close. As I pressed my lips to his, he vanished. An agonizing pain shot through my heart.

My eyes snapped open. I clutched my chest and sat up, my body still trembling from the invisible touch. I focused on the eerie yellow moon shining through the window. Who exactly had I been dreaming about? No face or build came to mind. My only recollection was the imprint of his touch and lingering, wicked desire. With a sigh I lay back down on the pillows.

What was that about? Okay, hanging out in the strip club had side effects. Or was that a benefit? My thoughts drifted to Kane, and the desire returned full force. d.a.m.n it! That man was just too s.e.xy for his own good.

Chapter 4.

The rest of the week fell into a comfortable routine. I worked the cafe in the mornings and spent the afternoons at the gla.s.s studio-the real reason I'd moved to New Orleans. The hot gla.s.s school had offered me a job teaching beadmaking. I'd been making and selling gla.s.s beads online ever since college and had built a pretty solid business over the last seven years. But the income wasn't really enough to afford to live here, hence the part-time cafe gig.

Kat, who already lived here, had referred me and did more than a fair amount of coaxing to get me to move. Too bad she'd neglected to mention Dan had relocated from Idaho or that they'd started dating. Otherwise I'd still be living in Boise.

By Friday I'd decided I'd earned an afternoon off. I'd just poured a large gla.s.s of wine when a knock sounded at my door.

I opened it to find Pyper, with new streaks of neon pink running through her black hair. "Wow! Where'd you find time to do that? Your hair looks awesome!"

She raised her hand to a freshly dyed lock. "Right after I left the cafe. It came out great, right?"

I nodded as she made a beeline for my counter. "Thank G.o.d," she said dramatically. "You have wine."

I laughed. "Rough day?"

"You have no idea." She filled her gla.s.s to the rim and drank half of it before taking a breath. "Better already."

"I'd offer you a seat, but..." I waved a hand around the empty room. "I haven't had time to look for furniture yet. I'm planning a date with Craigslist tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I can't stay. One of the girls just called and quit. Something about taking a job in Miami. Now we're really in a bind. We have three VIP parties tonight." Desperation seeped from her. "Please, Jade? Would you help us out tonight?"

"At the club?" I asked, surprised.

She nodded.

"I don't-"

"Please?" Pyper pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in stripping."

"What? Oh, no. Charlie needs help tending bar, and I'm filling in for one of the waitresses. You do such an excellent job at the coffee shop. I know you'd be perfect."

I frowned, biting my lip. "I'm really not interested in working at the strip club." Even though I could use the extra cash, it would be rough trying to block all the energy flying around that place. And on a Friday night. I cringed.

"Oh. Well, I guess..." Pyper drank the rest of her wine and studied the room. Her lips turned up in a slow grin. "I'll tell you what. You help me out tonight, just tending bar, and I'll hook you up with some furniture and movers."

"Huh? How?"

"We have a whole storage room full of old furniture downstairs. I'm sure there's plenty there to fill this place. You said you were looking for used stuff anyway." She shrugged. "Plus, I can get a couple of the guys to haul it up here."

Free furniture and movers? Maybe I could suffer the energy land mine for one night. "How long do you need me?"

"Yes!" Triumph streamed off her. She knew she had me. "Three, maybe four hours."

"All right, but I've never tended bar before. Don't expect what you get at the cafe."

"Don't worry. Charlie will have plenty for you to do. Thank you very much! Come down around nine so she can catch you up to speed before it gets busy." Pyper twirled and danced to the door. "You're a lifesaver."

After Pyper disappeared I searched for my phone, intending to call Ian. We'd been playing phone tag for the last two days. I still didn't have the results from his ghost hunt. It didn't seem to matter much, since I hadn't seen or felt anyone since the day he'd taken the readings. I was just curious at that point. If the ghost left me alone, I was more than happy to let it be.

I dialed and waited.

He picked up on the third ring. "Jade! Finally, we connect."

"About time. You're busier than me, it seems."

He laughed. "I don't know about that. Our schedules just seem to be clashing. However, I managed to free my calendar for tomorrow night. Are you up for dinner and maybe a little jazz music?"

"Sure, sounds great. I'm working until two, so any time after that I'm free."

We settled on six p.m., meeting at my apartment. I looked around, wondering where Ian would sit. The bed was the only surface in the room, leaving the other option the floor. Wonderful. Instead of indulging in the nap I'd been hoping for, I grabbed my keys and went in search of Pyper.

Pyper wasn't at the cafe so I rapped on the club door, hoping to be heard over the faint music pulsing inside. I waited and then knocked harder. On my third try the club door swung open mid-knock.

"Oh, h.e.l.lo," I stammered, staring into Kane's chiseled face.

"Jade." He smiled, and his curiosity pushed at my consciousness. "You're not here for the auditions, are you?"

I frowned, eyeing my dusty threadbare jeans. What was with these people? Did I look like a stripper? I smoothed my hair. More than a few locks had fallen out of my ponytail. I opened my mouth to protest then noticed Kane's c.o.c.ky smile and a fair amount of amus.e.m.e.nt clinging to him. "Funny. Is Pyper here?"

He chuckled and waved me in. I glanced around, taking in the blue, crushed velvet walls, chairs and love seats I hadn't noticed before. Things looked different in the daytime. Even the ceiling was done in velvet.

He stepped beside me and guided me with his hand on the small of my back. Electric heat ran up my spine, causing me to shiver. I could almost feel his ego swell as pleasure ran through him. d.a.m.n it. He'd felt that. It was all I could do to keep walking and not run for the door. "Have a seat. I'll grab you something to drink. Pyper might be a while," he said.

I sat at the bar, watching Kane glide behind the counter.

"What's your poison?" he asked.

"You don't have Guinness, do you?"

"Guinness?" He raised one eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know-the Irish pub beer?" I tapped my fingers on the bar. "What? It's been a long week." And my wine sat untouched back at my apartment.

"Nothing. I just don't know many women who drink Guinness." He reached into a small refrigerator and pulled out the dark bottle. "In a gla.s.s?"

"Doesn't matter."

He popped the cap and handed it over. I grabbed it and turned around, checking out the scene on the stage in front of me. A group of five women stood listening intently to Pyper.

Kane came out from behind the bar and sat next to me, his own beer in hand.

"Drinking on the job?" I asked.

"One of the perks to being the owner." He raised his bottle in a mock salute.

I couldn't argue with that. Nodding, I touched his beer with my own and drank.

We sat in silence, our attention on the stage. Pyper seemed to be giving some sort of instruction. Intrigued, I leaned to the right, trying to see past one of the girls blocking my view. Kane's musky scent filled my senses. My world tilted. Reaching out, I grabbed onto the closest thing. Kane's thigh. His muscles tensed, and I wanted nothing more than to run my hand higher along the firm surface. My eyes met his. The deep pools of melted chocolate made me bite down on my lower lip. His eyes shifted at the movement and just when I thought he would lean in...

"What's goin' on?" Piqued interest invaded my senses.

The spell broken, I jumped, s.n.a.t.c.hed my hand back and turned my attention to Pyper as she came to a stop in front of us.

"Love the pink," Kane said in his normal tone, apparently unaffected by whatever had just happened.

She smiled. "I thought you might."

"Jade was waiting for you." He got up and left without saying another word.

"What's that goofy look about?" Pyper asked.

"Huh?" I tried to put my face into a neutral expression. "I don't know. Just out of my element, I guess. Sorry to bother you while you're working, but I was hoping I could get a look at the furniture."

"No problem, you're not bothering me. My a.s.sistant has this under control."

I grabbed my beer and followed Pyper to a door at the end of the hall. After unlocking it, she flipped the light and ushered me into a room reminiscent of Aunt Gwen's attic. A tiny walkway had been forged through the clutter of cardboard boxes and old furniture. Dust covered every possible surface, making my nose twitch.

"All of this has been left by past residents?" I asked in disbelief.

"As far as we know. Most of it was here when Kane bought the building."

Kane. Just his name sent my stomach into flip-flops.

Stop that. You are not interested in a strip club owner. Too bad he was so d.a.m.n yummy.

"Jade?" Pyper waved her hand in front of my face.


"Did you hear me? I said, feel free to take anything you want. We're planning to donate it anyway."

"Oh! Thanks." I moved around the room, inspecting the old furniture. The place was packed with everything from antique settees to metal folding chairs. Moving slowly, I selected a small writer's desk, an old couch destined for a slipcover, and a lamp base in desperate need of some paint. I needed a chair for the desk, but decided to hold out for something a little more comfortable.

"Jade, check this out!" Pyper called from the back of the room.

I picked my way through the mess and followed the direction of her pointed finger. In front of me stood the most beautiful, thick, honey oak headboard I'd ever seen. Intricately carved wooded vines trellised from the center out to the edges. I ran my hand over the tiny blossoms nestled in the cl.u.s.ters of leaves and let my guards down. Love and joy radiated from it. "What flower is this?"

"Bougainvillea. You see a lot of them around here."

"It's perfect."

"I think you'll want those, too." Pyper pointed to two matching nightstands.

Grinning, I nodded.

She pulled out her iPhone and dialed. "Kane, I need you to come to the storage room." She huffed in exasperation. "No, we're not trapped under anything heavy. Just get your b.u.t.t in here."

My smiled faded. This stuff belonged to him. I was no expert, but even I could tell the bedroom furniture was worth a pretty penny. "How much do you think he'll want for it?"

"Who? Want for what?" Pyper asked in confusion.

"Kane. The furniture." I waved to the headboard. "That other stuff, the desk and couch, well it's seen better days. I can see giving them away. But the bedroom set, just look at it."

Pyper shook her head. "You can ask him, but I doubt he'll take anything for it. He really wants to turn this room into an office, so the more stuff gone, the better."

"I'm here. What do you want?" Kane said from right behind us, sounding irritated.

Pyper smiled, unleashing all of her charm on him. "Kane, darling, we need you to flex those bulging muscles and help us move some stuff up to Jade's place."

He rolled his eyes. "Your charms don't work on me." However, he smiled, and I sensed amus.e.m.e.nt entering his energy.

"Wanna bet?"

His smile turned into a grin. "Don't start something you can't finish." He glanced at me and nodded.

I waved, feeling like an intruder.

Pyper showed him the bed and night stands. "We'll get the rest."