Haunted On Bourbon Street - Part 23

Part 23

She forced a smile. "My brother."

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Your brother?"

She nodded, her smile still plastered on her face. "Yes. I wanted to know how he's been treating you."

Putting down my fork, I stared at her. "Who's your brother?"

"Robert Wilson. Or Bobby is what I called him." Bea's smile faded into a sad wistful expression.

"I'm sorry. I don't know a Robert or a Bobby." I had no idea where she was going with this. Maybe she was confused.

"You do. You just didn't know that's his name."

"Who are you talking about?"

She picked up her lemonade gla.s.s, took a long sip and carefully placed it on the table. "Have you ever known a ghost before, Jade?"

A shiver shook my body as her words sank in. "Known? No, but I've seen one."

Bea nodded. She held her hand up indicating I should wait and then disappeared into her house. She returned, holding a silver picture frame. "Do you recognize this man?"

I gasped. "That's my ghost." I took the frame from her, studying it in detail. There he was. My Mr. s.e.xy, standing next to a much younger-looking Bea. "When was this taken?"

"Over thirty years ago." Her eyes stayed on the picture. "That was just before he died."

"Thirty years ago," I said in a soft voice. I looked up. "How did you know?"

Her eyes rose to mine. "Bobby followed you out of The Herbal Connection that day you came in."

Setting the frame on the table, I leaned back. "He followed me?" My eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"Yes. I knew right away you had a gift. I just wasn't sure what it was."

"You think ghosts are my gift?" Maybe she didn't know about my other talent.

"Oh, it's one of them, but not the main one." Her smile returned, only this time it looked natural.


Ignoring my question, she picked up the photo. "Is he treating you well?"

"Um, he's been...interesting." How could I tell her about what he did to Pyper? Or me, for that matter.


I shook my head. "Never mind. Why did he follow me?"

"Because of your energy, of course." She said it as if talking to a simpleton.

Like that cleared things up. "Has he done this before?"

"No. For thirty years he's been a presence in my life as a spirit. Mostly he hung out at the shop, as he seemed to enjoy the interaction with people. That day you walked in I knew you were special, but when Bobby followed you out...well, I just needed to find out more about you."

"And that's why you signed up for my cla.s.s?" I asked, making the belated connection.


"I thought it was a bit of a coincidence." I glanced at the photo again. "Why me? I've never collected a ghost before."

"Well," Bea paused, "As I said your energy probably attracted him."


"And the way you look."

"The way I look?" I frowned.

Bea got up. "I'll be right back." She disappeared into the house.

I set my fork down, pushed the plate away and got up to pace the garden. Why did the ghost choose me? Surely I wasn't the only one with interesting energy to ever walk into The Herbal Connection. Was there something about my particular ability that attracted him? Rounding a corner, I eyed the large golden retriever bounding up to me.

"Hi, cutie pie." I smiled and reached down to pet it. Just as I thought I would connect with its head, it vanished. "What the h.e.l.l?" I jumped up, looking around.

"What is it?" Bea came around the hedge.

"Where did the dog go?"

"What dog?" Bea frowned.

"The golden retriever," I said still searching.

"You saw a golden retriever?"

I nodded.

"Oh wow." Bea grinned.

"Wow, what? What the h.e.l.l is going on?" Agitation took over.

Bea waved me over. "Come back to the table. I have something to show you."

As I reclaimed my seat she handed me another old photo in a silver frame. "Take a look at this."

"Oh my G.o.d! Who is this?" I pointed to the strawberry-blond woman standing next to Bobby.

"It's a remarkable likeness, isn't it?"

I gaped.

"That was his wife," Bea said.

"Was his wife? Is she-"

"She's still living, but she moved up north years ago. After Bobby died, she couldn't stand being here, so she moved to be closer to her family. I haven't talked to her in years. But you look just like her."

"I guess that explains why he attached himself to me." I felt downright creepy now. Visions of our nightly encounters flashed through my mind. Ick. He thought I was someone else.

"Now look at this." She handed me another photo. This one showed Bobby a few years younger and a dog. A golden retriever.

"No way." I set the picture down.

"I'd say it has to be him. His name was Duke, and he belonged to Bobby."

"Have you seen him lurking around?"

"No. Never." She shrugged. "But they lived in the big house, not this one."

I got up and moved around the hedge. The golden retriever was sitting exactly where I'd seen him before he vanished. "Heya, Duke." The large golden dog lifted his head in response. "So it's true." How freaking odd! Just then my pants started to vibrate. I jumped, forgetting I'd set my phone on vibrate before cla.s.s started. "Oh c.r.a.p." I laughed and pulled it out of my pocket. "Excuse me a moment."

Bea nodded.

I strode across the lawn. "h.e.l.lo."

"Hey, girlfriend," Kat said. "Long time no see."

"Hey, yourself. Phone tag was getting old. Where are you?"

"Whole Foods, where are you?"

"At Bea Kelton's house in the Garden District."

"Who?" she asked.

"A student. She owns The Herbal Connection and asked me for lunch."

"That's, cool. I called because I wanted your help with something. What are you doing later?"

"I was planning a nice long soak in my tub." I eyed Duke as he moseyed up to me.

"Do you think you can put it off? I need something special for an order, and I want to raid your bead stash." Kat was a silversmith and periodically bought gla.s.s beads for her jewelry line.

"Sure. I don't know when I'll be home, though. I'll need to get a ride from Bea."

"You're on my way. I can pick you up."

"Perfect." I walked back to Bea, relayed the address and sat down at the table. "My friend Kat is on her way. I hope that's okay."

"Of course."

I pushed the lettuce around on my plate and for the first time that afternoon I realized I wasn't getting any of her emotions.

"Bea, what is it about this place? It's...different." I wasn't sure what to say. I was seeing ghosts, and my emotional radar was out. Not that I minded. It was kind of nice to not be tuned in.

"It's a protection ward. I like the silence."

Uh, okay. A protection ward. She had to be a paranoid witch. I started to get really uncomfortable. I'd known plenty of witches, and they scared the c.r.a.p out of me. And for good reason. They were the reason I'd lost my mom.

"What's wrong?" Bea peered at me.

"Nothing. I just-wait, can you see Duke?" The retriever had moved and was currently sitting next to me.

"No. Is he here?" she asked, looking around.

"Yes." I pointed to my feet, then looked up and swallowed. "And now Bobby is sitting next to you." Did he follow me everywhere? This was too weird.

She turned to the empty chair and chanted something under her breath I didn't understand. The warm air chilled, and Bea's anxious excitement washed over me. Bobby's outline grew stronger. The golden retriever bounded up to him, tongue wagging. He reached down to pet him with a grin on his face.

I jumped again when the phone started vibrating.


"I'm out front. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'll be right there." Flipping the phone closed, I turned to Bea. "My friend is here."

Disappointment swirled around her, but her smile didn't waiver. "Of course."

I took a deep breath. "Before I go, there's something I have to ask."

She sat up and nodded.

"Does Bobby have any history of violence?"

Her brow creased. Defensiveness crept into her voice. "No. Not ever. Why would you ask that?"

Closing my eyes, I forced the words out. "He's been hurting my friend, Pyper. It happens in her sleep unless she's near me."

Fierce denial engulfed me, squeezing until I sputtered, "Bea, stop. Please."

Her energy vanished. Gooseflesh popped out on my bare arms. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice stiff. "I have trouble believing Bobby would ever hurt anyone."

I stood on shaking legs. "Thank you for having me and telling me about him."

She stared across the yard with unfocused eyes. After a moment she spoke in a detached eerie tone. "I sense the truthfulness of your words, though what you believe to be true doesn't make it so." She turned back to me. Her expression cleared. "Please ask your friend if we can meet. I'll see what I can do."

"I will. I'll call you tonight. Thank you." I gave her a tentative wave as I crossed the yard, making a beeline for Kat's car.

"Thank G.o.d you're here. That place was starting to freak me out," I said, jumping into the pa.s.senger side.