It doesnt matter if its to day tomarrow or the next I will never join your school and
its sad that you cant take a hint from saying no to drawing a b.u.t.t with a middle finger attached to it AND FOR THE LAST TIME MY NAME IS NOT HARRY ITS PERCY THE SON OF THE f.u.c.kING SEA G.o.d sorry fr swearing you just p.i.s.s me off
besides if it is magic I could All ways learn from hecate this year As I already Have my work cut out for me being the child of prophecy If you Keep doing this and start to come here than prepare to face the wrath of the G.o.ds
sincerly percy jackson hero of olympus son of posiedon and child of prophecy
ps: If you even come close to percy I will drown you underwater and feed you to the sharks- poseidon
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