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There's lots of snap and vim in this HIRES' ROOTBEER. There's lots of pleasure and good health in it, too. A delicious drink, a temperance drink, a home-made drink, a drink that delights the old and young. Be sure and get the genuine
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Models for Boys, Girls, Ladies, Gentlemen are included
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Roche's Herbal Embrocation.
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[Ill.u.s.tration: If afflicted with SORE EYES USE Dr. ISAAC THOMPSON'S EYE WATER]
Commit to Memory
the best things in Prose and Poetry, always including good Songs and Hymns. It is surprising how little good work of this kind seems to be done in the Schools, if one must judge from the small number of people who can repeat, without mistake or omission, as many as Three good songs or hymns.
Clear, Sharp, Definite,
and accurate Memory work is a most excellent thing, whether in School or out of it, among all ages and all cla.s.ses. But let that which is so learned be worth learning and worth retaining. The Franklin Square Song Collection presents a large number of
Old and New Songs
and Hymns, in great variety and very carefully selected, comprising Sixteen Hundred in the Eight Numbers thus far issued, together with much choice and profitable Reading Matter relating to Music and Musicians. In the complete and varied
Table of Contents,
which is sent free on application to the Publishers, there are found dozens of the best things in the World, which are well worth committing to memory; and they who know most of such good things, and appreciate and enjoy them most, are really among the best educated people in any country. They have the best result of Education. For above Contents, with sample pages of Music, address
Harper & Brothers, New York.