Hakushaku to Yousei - Volume 22 Chapter 3 Part4-5

Volume 22 Chapter 3 Part4-5

When Edgar returned to the mansion, the sky was already bright. 

He took the stairs up to the private room, and while softly opening the door to the master bedroom, he caught a glimpse of Lydia’s beautiful caramel-colored hair. She was wrapped in blankets, by the window side of the s.p.a.cious room that was surrounded by luxurious furniture and furnis.h.i.+ngs. 

At that moment, a ball of gray fur in front of the sofa slowly started to move.  Nico was shaking his fluffy tail as he sat up, giving Edgar a resentful look. 

“Can I come in?”

After Edgar asked in a whisper, Nico snorted through his nose. 

“After the marriage, I shouldn’t have to look after Lydia anymore.”

“I’m sorry, you took care of Lydia for me, didn’t you?”

“Please don’t let this happen again in the future.”

“I hope so too.”

He slightly moved toward the bed. Lydia was curled up, sleeping in a corner of the broad bed. 

Edgar was careful not to wake her, as he stroked her hair with his fingertips. 

“I’m sorry……”

There were tear stains left on her cheeks. Edgar felt a pain in his chest and frowned. 

He wanted to stay by Lydia’s side until she was awake, and hoped to talk with her and find ways to reconcile.

But, he also had “Scarlet Moon” and Slade’s matters to take care of. Since it was already determined that there was an unexpected important figure behind it, the matter had completely fallen into a state of urgent action. 

We have to take the opportunity to attack them while they are still unaware that we already know of their satanic rituals.

Edgar softly kissed Lydia’s head and left her side; Raven was already waiting outside the room. 

“Mr. Florey was in a brothel when we caught him. The prost.i.tutes had already been well bribed.”

“Got it. Raven, I will go visit the n.o.bles that have a relations.h.i.+p with the church next, and find out about bishop in the painting. You can leave Florey to “Scarlet Moon” to take care of. Just in case, you mustn’t let Lydia out of your sight.”

After all, Lydia had visited the monastery that they were likely using to hold their rites. 

If at that time, the ones tracking Claire were members of the group, they might feel that Lydia going to that kind of place alone was very suspicious. 

Edgar and “Scarlet Moon” were linked, and Lydia was his wife, so the possibility of them watching her was very high.

As long as they have Raven, there shouldn’t be a problem. 

After saying that to himself, Edgar left the room. 

“This omelet is truly delicious, and adding all this cream and milk is simply too extravagant. Right, Lydia?”

Nico cheerfully ate his breakfast in big mouthfuls.

He had sat on many soft cus.h.i.+ons that were specially prepared for his chair, and then hooked the napkin onto his tie, and was dexterously using a knife and fork. 

“Are you still angry? It’s about time you forgive the Earl. He is a philanderer, which you should know as well.”

Lydia didn’t know how many times she’d sighed last night. She sighed once again, stopping the hand that she was eating with. 

“……I’m not angry. Because I also said too much.”

It was because of this that she didn’t know how to fix the situation. 

“Then you just have to apologize to him for that matter, don’t you?”

“What if he doesn’t forgive me?”

From Edgar’s view, he was probably very disappointed with Lydia yesterday. 

It was clearly because of the magic’s influence that she was hugging other men, yet she only refused Edgar. Moreover, she went as far as wanting to return home. 

“You’re speaking of the Earl that pampers women? He can’t not forgive you.”

Lydia thought, I wonder about that.

No matter how sweet he is to girls, it’s not like he won’t get hurt.

“Perhaps that there’s no way for you to simply change his feelings.”

Because Lydia herself was like that. 

Regardless of the reason, she didn’t want to see him saying sweet words to Claire on her wedding day. 

Not only that, Edgar had also once kissed Claire in a situation without special feelings.

Though the matter had already happened, Lydia was unable to comprehend why he did that kind of thing, and so she had been unable to sort out her feelings.

Perhaps Edgar also embraced the same feeling. Regardless of the reason, no matter who they were, the bride would embrace other men in front of him as soon as she encountered them, so it was natural he would feel unable to forgive her. 

Nico sighed. 

“I had originally thought I could eat however much I wanted from now on...... Raven, bring another cream omelet!”

Did he want to take this opportunity and eat a little more? He waved at Raven who had just come into the morning room. 

“Miss Lydia, would you like to eat some more as well?”

Raven suddenly came over and asked with a serious face. 

“I already……” 

“Well, is there anything else you want to eat?”

“No need, I’m full.”

“As long as it’s something you like, I will prepare it for you regardless of what it is.”

For some reason, he was particularly enthusiastic.

“Regardless of whether it’s fried fish or Scottish whiskey; we also have chocolate with liqueur.”

“Raven, those are all the things I like.”

Nico laughed loudly. 

“……Raven, I didn’t marry Edgar because I was attracted by the food.”

He contemplated a little, as he seemed a bit confused. 

“Then, what were you attracted by?”

Nico held his stomach as he laughed again. 

Although Lydia felt puzzled, she understood that Raven was trying hard to think of how to make her stay in the mansion. 

Making Raven worried wasn’t her intention. She perked up and smiled at Raven.

“Eh, Raven, you don’t have to worry…… This isn’t a serious matter at all, it’s just the kinds of small disputes that we’ve had before, nothing more.”

Although Lydia said that, she thought that perhaps only she thought it was nothing serious, and became dismayed.

After breakfast was finished, Lydia changed into her outdoor clothes, and in result, she was found out by Raven. He expressed that he wanted to go together. 

Since this morning, Raven stayed near Lydia, like he was watching over her. 

Although Lydia still doesn’t have any maids, Raven’s work probably wasn’t just serving Lydia breakfast, however he stayed in the morning room all along.  It must have been Edgar who ordered him to do this.

But if this was Edgar’s order, Lydia felt that there probably wasn’t a way to stop Raven from traveling with her. 

“Where would you like to go?”

“Hmm…… I want to go to the church.”

In fact, she was very concerned about the sixth yarn spinner fairy.

“However, Raven, I’m looking for something related to fairies, so if I’m not alone, the fairy might ignore me......”

“I’ll stay at a distance.”

Regardless of how, he seems to have to come with her. 

Lydia arrived at the church; it was different from when the wedding was being celebrated, as it was both peaceful and empty. She asked Raven to wait outside, and he nodded sincerely, which made her relax. 

When she pushed open the giant door and entered the chapel, Lydia sighed deeply. She gazed at the altar with a strange nervous feeling.

The feelings from when she had said the marriage vows naturally revived in her chest.  This was something that wouldn’t change for a lifetime. Lydia became so obstinate because she loved him, and she felt troubled that she might have hurt Edgar.

She sorrowfully looked away from the altar to the corner of a pew. 

There was an old lady sitting there. Only Lydia’s eyes could probably see this. 

Her height was approximately that of a child’s, and her limbs, which seemed like short wooden sticks, came out from her mustard yellow coat. She was hunched over like yesterday, gripping a spindle, eyes opened wide, which were buried in wrinkles, and staring ahead without blinking.

Was she still waiting for the chance to stop the wedding?

Lydia approached this yarn spinner fairy, speaking softly to her. 

“Granny, the wedding has already ended.”

The old lady looked up and stared at Lydia. 

“So it’s about time you returned.”

Staying in a church for a long time, should be equivalent to them having to exercise patience with difficulty in regards to fairies.

Therefore, Lydia came to remind her, however the old fairy stared at her, trembling incessantly.

Had she gone mad? Although Lydia started to be cautious, the old lady suddenly lowered her head as if she lost her strength.

(The Blue Knight Earl of this time pushed me aside as well...... in any case, I am a nuisance, no one is willing to say my name.)

The fairy looked very lonely, and Lydia couldn’t help but tilt her head. 

It wasn’t because the fairy hated the Blue Knight Earl that she tried to create mischief?

“That’s because no one knows your name. If you are willing to tell me, then I can invite you.”

(You want me to tell you my name? Fairies can’t just tell their names to human beings! If I say my name, I’ll have to use magic for humans!)

Of course, for fairies, humans knowing their name would be quite troublesome. However, the Blue Knight Earl knew the names of the other five yarn spinner fairies, and invited them to the wedding, moreover from them, being able to grant their magic blessings seemed to be a very prideful matter.

It was a fairy’s instinct to keep their names unknown, but on the other hand, if their heart wanted to trust someone to call out their name, other fairies had ways to cleverly give humans hints and make humans find out their names.

“Ah, granny, I hope you won’t create mischief for the Earl family anymore. If there is anything I can do for you, I’ll lend a hand.”

(I’ve already decided to hate the Blue Knight! Regardless of what you do, it’s useless. I’ll curse your children, and your children’s children!)

She really was a stubborn and difficult fairy. But, this could be because she hoped for other people to discover her name, yet her expectations weren’t achieved and so she became hostile.

As soon as Lydia thought this, she sympathized with this old woman.

“But, why doesn’t a person like the Blue Knight Earl even know your name?”

While she was pondering, she sat down beside the old lady. 

Was it because this old lady’s vigilance was especially strong? Or did the Blue Knight Earl deliberately ignore her existence in order to discipline her, who was both stubborn and bad-hearted?

(In any case, the Blue Knight is the person who ought to be destroyed. Unless a man gets married, he will won’t be able to maintain his family.)

It seemed that she tried to stop the wedding as a result. 

“Your name, it probably isn’t Gilitrutt*, right?”

(What? No!)

“Then, is it Peeriefool*?”

(Wrong, wrong!)

Next, Lydia said all the fairy names she could think of, but it was to no avail. 

(I don’t want anything to do with you!) 

The fairy said this and immediately disappeared. 

Lydia was worried whether or not she had offended the fairy, but she might have disappeared because a person had entered the chapel. 

Would it be that Raven wasn’t able to wait? Just as she thought that, an unfamiliar young man appeared.

After he approached Lydia, he casually handed her a letter. 

“Just then, a person outside asked me to hand this to you.”

Lydia promptly opened the envelope, and saw a blue ribbon and a letter inside.

This ribbon was an item that Habetrot had enchanted. On the letter, it was briefly written: “I want to apologize to you no matter what. I’ll be waiting for you in Birdsfield.”

Lydia immediately stood up. 

Although there wasn’t a signature, it must have been written by Claire. As expected, the ribbon was with her.

“Excuse me, is the person who gave this to you still nearby?”

“No, that person immediately got in a carriage.”

The young man merely said this and left.  Lydia gave up on pursuing Claire, and started thinking. 

What should I do? If she went to see Claire, then Edgar would naturally be talked about, and she didn’t really want Raven to hear. 

She also remembered, Edgar had once said Claire was related to someone who had wanted to frame “Scarlet Moon”. However, Edgar also said she was only being used, and she didn’t seem to have any direct contact with that organization.  In addition, Lydia had come to think of Claire as a woman, and these two matters were unrelated.

She certainly liked Edgar and was unable to forget him. The reason why she took the ribbon was probably because of that. As she thought this, Lydia felt that she really wasn’t able to understand her frame of mind.

Lydia believed that they were same, girls that had fallen in love.  She became determined, and headed towards the chapel’s back door. 

Lydia got off the street carriage and headed towards the market alone; Birdsfield was unexpectedly empty.

Lydia knew that the celebration had already ended at that time. 

The red brick building’s entrance had been closed, and although the nearby plaza still contained some lorries and wooden boxes, it still felt very s.p.a.cious. 

When the celebration was held, the street peddlers were tightly lined up next to each other, and the place was so narrow that the vehicles and people were unable to move through comfortably, but it unexpectedly turned out this way and it practically didn’t feel like the same place.

The pavement which had been heavily treaded on still had many wheel marks and footprints remaining, but also because of this, the uninhabited plaza gave an eerie feeling. 

Lydia started to regret coming here alone, but Claire had probably came here alone as well. She pulled herself together and moved towards the building. 

She saw a woman standing by the red brick wall, who at the same time also noticed Lydia, and came scurrying over. 

She stopped not far away before Lydia, lowering her head and saying: 

“Miss Lydia…… Uh, I’m really sorry for yesterday……what’s wrong with me….a person who already has a wife won’t turn to me at all……”

Lydia didn’t know what to say, so she stayed silent. 

“At the time, the Earl definitely tried to make me go back obediently...... I thought so as well, confronting a sad woman who came into the mansion uninvited. If a cold approach caused the other to be too emotional, then the banquet would definitely have gone badly.”

Claire had such an explanation of Edgar’s att.i.tude at that time?

“But, I don’t want to bring trouble to the Earl, I only want to save him.”

“Save him?”

“I beg you, please don’t betray Earl Ashenbert.”

“Are you speaking of me?”

As the topic suddenly veered in an unexpected direction, Lydia gaped at Claire, dumbstruck. She was looking at Lydia with a sense of justice in her eyes. 

“You’re a member of that religious order, aren’t you?”

Religious order…… What’s that?

Lydia was becoming more and more confused. However, Claire seemed to be firmly convinced of something and continued speaking. 

“You mustn’t be like Lord Bourton and do terrible things like sacrificing your family. Even if you sell your soul to the devil, nothing good will come of it!”

“Y--you said devil……?”

Lydia listened up to this point and couldn’t help but cry out. 

“I know everything. There are black ma.s.ses held at the monastery ruins of the church. Lord Bourton who spoke of devils and such things is related to the religious order…… you also……”

Did Edgar want to know about that religious order’s affairs from her own mouth? While Lydia was thinking, Claire continued speaking in one breath.

“Miss Lydia, you wanted to confirm whether or not I knew the secret, and called me out for that?”


“Although I feel…… that this could be a trap, I still want to talk. The Earl really trusts you, so you mustn’t betray him!”

Claire didn’t know what feelings they harbored to finally arrive at the marriage step, and it was fundamentally impossible for her to understand. But compared to refuting this, she felt more concerned about something.

“Hold on, you said that I called you out? It was you who wrote a letter to me.”

Lydia immediately took the blue ribbon out of her pocket for Claire to see. 

Claire flinched, pursing her eyebrows with a complex expression of doubt and shame. 

“That letter…… I couldn’t gather up the courage to send it, it should have already been thrown out……”

“So you’re saying that this isn’t the letter you asked someone to send?”

“……Who did this……?  It shouldn’t……”

(Run away!)

At this time, Lydia’s ears heard someone’s voice. That voice was very hoa.r.s.e, resembling a fairy voice. 

(Bride of the Blue Knight, quickly run away!)

Was it the yarn spinner granny?

A figure suddenly scuttled out from the shadows of the building. As that was registering in Lydia’s mind, two men appeared from behind before she knew it, they roughly grabbed onto her shoulders. 


Lydia was tightly pushed down, unable to move, and could only gaze at the figure from just now holding Claire.

“Who are you people?! Somebody, help……”

Although she wanted to shout, her mouth was covered by a hand. It looked like Claire was. .h.i.t, and she collapsed on the spot. 

“Are you Lydia Carlton?”

Although her last name was already no longer Carlton, she still subconsciously nodded. The man glanced toward one of his companions by the side. 

“Claire Florey is on that side.”

When she saw the man take out a small knife, Lydia made an indistinct cry. 

“Miss, you be quiet a little. We won’t kill you, but you will become the one to kill that woman.”

The man used even more strength to press Lydia as he spoke.

Why? Lydia could only say that with her eyes. The man exposed a sinister smile. 

“As long as there is a criminal, there won’t be anyone investigating that woman’s affairs again.”

Slade of “Scarlet Moon” was suspected of murder by the Crown.

Those were the people who......

“Fighting over a man, ultimately leading to a murder. Forget it, in any case, this kind of scandal happening to that Earl isn’t unusual……”

Lydia was wondering why he only spoke halfway, when the man suddenly released her. 

Having originally exhausted all her power trying to escape, Lydia fell forward without trouble. As she blankly raised her head, she caught sight of Raven kicking down another person. 

Lydia did everything she could to stand up and look toward Claire’s direction. 

“Hey, hurry up and get rid of the woman!”

The men beside Claire anxiously called out. 

The man holding the knife was bending and leaning down towards Claire. If Claire didn’t move, would she be unconscious? 

“Raven, hurry and save Claire!”

“May I ask why?”

He turned his head, asking indifferently.

There wasn’t time for an explanation. 

Lydia immediately rushed to Claire’s side. 

She grabbed onto the man holding the small knife from behind. 


The man instantly immobilized Lydia. The moment her arms were twisted, her ears heard the man’s blood-curdling shriek.

After the man let go of Lydia, he fell at her feet, and another man fell down beside Claire at the same time. 

“Is this okay, milady?”

Raven spoke indifferently once more.

Lydia breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned against the red brick wall.

“Raven, thank you……”

Raven was expressionless as he picked up the borderless soft hat that had fallen to the ground unbeknownst to Lydia, and handed it to her. 

Catching sight of the unconscious men on the ground, she couldn’t help but tremble, thinking that she didn’t know what could have happened without Raven. 

“Uh, how did you get here?”

“A strange old lady told me. You were not in the church, so I rushed over here.”

Old lady. Was it the same one that had warned Lydia?

Was it the sixth fairy who had been waiting in the church?

She rescued Lydia in spite of everything, was there something wrong?

“Is...... that so. I’m sorry, I left the church without permission.”

As one would expect, Lydia lowered her head, knowing that she should reflect on her reckless actions.

“Then, let us return.”

Raven turned away. 

“Ah, hold on, is there any place nearby that can lend a room? We shouldn’t leave Claire like this.”

Ultimately, Raven became burdened in shouldering Claire. Although he kept his face blank, silently doing according to what she said, would he feel that after Edgar got married, that troublesome matters would increase?

In short, as Raven led Lydia to “Scarlet Moon’s” nearby secret base, he didn’t expose any displeased expressions. But even if he displayed an unhappy face, Lydia wouldn’t be able to tell.

Lydia borrowed a room to let Claire rest. 

“May I ask why we did this?”

After Raven put her down, he suddenly asked in a whisper.

“This woman undoubtedly approached Lord Edgar and hurt you.”

Since that was the case, why did you help her? He probably wanted to say something like that. Although Raven obeyed Lydia’s words, he surely felt that it was unreasonable.

“If it was Lord Edgar, he wouldn’t forgive the man who kissed you while you were sleeping.”

“While sleeping?” 

“She has done this before. When Lord Edgar went to the Bourton’s house as a guest, he was kissed when he fell asleep.”

Kiss… would he be referring to that matter? 

Claire liked Edgar, and it must have been a sudden impulse for her.

But, Lydia found it very suspicious. 

“Was Edgar really asleep?”

Raven subtly looked away.

I knew it. 

After all, it was Edgar, and he ought to have known that Claire was interested in him. A girl quietly approaching him like this, he would definitely pretend to be asleep. 

Lydia’s shoulders drooped helplessly, while also feeling more at ease. Since it wasn’t Edgar playing with the other person’s feelings, she felt glad. 

“Raven, thank you for worrying about me. But I haven’t been hurt by Claire, I just became overly nervous.”

Then, she looked in Claire’s direction. 

“As it was an important day that could only happen once in a lifetime, I didn’t want Edgar touching other women…… I was awfully jealous.”

Lydia sat beside the sofa, pulling on Claire’s hand. 

There was a nasty scar on her hand, which probably came from when she dodged the small knife and was wounded. 

While she wrapped that hand in a handkerchief, Claire seemed to have regained consciousness and opened her eyes.

“……Miss Lydia……? I……”

“Claire, it’s very safe here, you needn’t worry.”

She tried to turn her head but frowned tensely; perhaps it was because she felt pain.

“Did you hit your head? It’s better to lie down first. The wound should only be on the palm of your hand, you just won’t be able to use it for the time being……”

Despite this, Claire was still tried to sit up, barely managing to squeeze out the words:

“I’m sorry…… I misunderstood you, Miss Lydia. It’s all because of me that you were put in danger.”

“……Do you know who called us out?” 

Although she nodded her head, she opened her mouth painfully. 

“It was my brother. I wanted to return the ribbon, so I wrote an apology letter.  He picked up the letter from the paper basket in my room.”

“Your brother? How is that possible, because……”

Lydia couldn’t believe it at that moment. 

Just then, those men were planning to kill Claire. 

“It’s probably because he found out that I knew the religious order’s secrets…… My brother was forced to obey the higher-ups’ commands…… If he resisted, he would be killed. So, even if I am his sister, he has no other choice but to give up on me.”

Was it because Lydia was also suspected of knowing the religious order’s affairs, that she was almost framed into becoming the criminal that killed Claire?

“I truly am very sorry for taking your blue ribbon. I originally wanted to return it, but I was afraid and couldn’t.”

Claire covered her face with both hands. 

“Was it because you like Edgar?”

Lydia asked, seemingly appeasing her.

“It’s only a one-sided love. Although I was only the Bourton family household’s tutor, the Earl was very gentle to me, treating me like a lady.”

“And you liked him as a result.”

“I’m a good-for-nothing girl, I’m not outstanding as a tutor, and even the eldest daughter couldn’t get along with me. However, after the Earl praised me as responsible and enthusiastic, everyone looked at me favorably. I suddenly integrated into that family, the Madam and eldest daughter both became very trusting of me, and I felt like I really became a capable tutor……”

Edgar is that kind of person. As long as he was praising them, no matter what kind of woman they were, they would feel like they had become a princess.  He would guide out the charm that they themselves hadn’t found, and as long as they stayed by his side, the expressions around them would change as a result.

Lydia was also like that. Although she was lead along by Edgar’s magic-like att.i.tude and skilled conversation, she tried not to be fooled on the other hand, and was unable to discern her true feelings for some time. 

[Please read this chapter at hakushakutoyousei.com]

Lydia was protecting her heart, believing that if the magic was immediately removed, she would be cautious, and yet didn’t Claire naively fall in love with him?

Lydia felt a little envious. 

If she could have straightforwardly admit Edgar’s merits and openly expressed her feelings, she essentially wouldn’t have quarreled with him.

Since Lydia, who was worried that he was still angry and couldn’t take the initiative to apologize, she felt that her love seemed lacking, and so she felt humiliated.

However, she didn’t have the kind of confidence to face Edgar. 


At this moment, the door to the room suddenly opened. 

Edgar rushed into the room. 

Lydia stood up and was immediately surrounded in his embrace.

“It truly is a relief that you are safe and sound.”


He withdrew a little and gazed at Lydia’s face. As his face was too close, she wanted to lower her head, but Edgar was holding her face with both his hands, resulting in her simply being unable to move. 

“As soon as I heard the news I flew over. I heard that you were attacked by someone……. did you get hurt? You have no injuries? Ah-- but you must have been scared.”

He tightly embraced Lydia again. As he did that, he seemed to notice Claire on the sofa. 

“What did you try to do to Lydia?”

Lydia was still in his arms, but the voice she heard was different from before, becoming completely cold.

He had just let go of Lydia when he began to interrogate Claire.

“The one who called out Lydia was you, right? On whose orders did you do this?”

“Hold on Edgar, how could you speak to her in that manner? It seemed that you were a little gentler towards her yesterday......”

“Ahh, that’s right, I was bad, Claire. Yesterday I did something that would make you misunderstand. If Lydia were to see this and suffer through something like that, then I cannot forgive myself.”

“N--no, Claire she……”

Although Lydia tried to explain, Edgar wasn’t listening to her, and continued glaring at Claire coldly. 

“You felt that it would be better as long as Lydia disappeared?”

Claire’s face paled, and Lydia desperately intervened between her and Edgar. 

“Edgar! Claire was also attacked just now. They tried to murder Claire and then blame me. It was them who called the two of us to Birdsfield…… They must be the people who framed Mr. Slade!”

After she finished speaking, Edgar finally looked at Lydia. Then he glanced at Raven, and Raven nodded in confirmation. 

“Lord Edgar, it is possible that Miss Florey is truly unconnected to the religious order. The group that attacked the two of them had asked who Miss Lydia was.”

Edgar sighed. He probably understood.

“I see. The religious order that wors.h.i.+ps devils is apparently quite anxious.”

“Edgar, you knew……”

“I know the general outline of the matter. Mr. Florey spoke of many things. However, because his status was possibly quite low, he didn’t know of anything crucial.”

Lydia looked up at Edgar, stunned. 

“You took Claire’s brother……? Wh- what did you do?”

“I just forced him to provide help. Right now, his entire body is in good physical condition.”

Edgar finished saying this, reached out to embrace Lydia’s back, then quickly turned away.

“Well, there’s no use staying here for too long. Let’s go back, Lydia.”

“Edgar…… hold on, your att.i.tude towards Claire is honestly……”

Just when Lydia tried to protest, he suddenly stopped. Although he turned his head with an empty smile to look at Claire, his tone hadn’t changed a bit. 

“Miss Florey, when I thought that I might have been deceived by you yesterday, I became really anxious. It’s embarra.s.sing that I misunderstood you, but I am that kind of man. If something happened to Lydia, I would hate you. So long as it’s to protect Lydia, even if I say words of flattery to you, it’s to use you. My sincerest apologies.”

Then, he said to a young member of “Scarlet Moon”, who was outside the door:

“Can you hide Miss Florey here for the time being today? The matters should be settled by tomorrow.”

“Um…… Earl……”

Claire called out, seemingly wanting to cling onto his small consideration, but……

“If an accident happens to you, I worry that Lydia would be angry with me.”

Even when he said this sentence, he maintained that perfect smile. 

After leaving “Scarlet Moon’s” secret stronghold and getting in the carriage alone with Edgar, Lydia suddenly started to feel uneasy. 

Up until now, Edgar had still rushed over as if they didn’t quarrel at all yesterday because he was worried about Lydia, but he was now silent. 

In short, not only did Lydia worry him, she still hadn’t apologized for yesterday’s matter either.

She should have honestly said sorry. Even if she was unable to receive forgiveness immediately, there was no benefit in being troublesome.

Although she thought this, what she actually said was different from what she was thinking.

“Why did you have to give her such a rude att.i.tude?”

Edgar looked at her and sighed heavily. He seemed to be repressing his impatient thoughts, and this made Lydia feel even more uneasy about having to apologize. 

“It’s now unecessary to coax her for her favour, isn’t it?”

Because there’s no longer any merit to using her?

Lydia thought that the reason why Edgar treated Claire coldly was probably because he couldn’t allow her to hope again, while also taking consideration of Lydia’s feelings. However, Edgar didn’t provide an explanation for this, so she felt that Edgar might still be angry about yesterday’s matter.

“If you no longer needed my favour, would you do that to me too?”

I can’t say this kind of thing, it’ll only tear at the wound even more from that stupid quarrel.  Although Lydia thought that, she was unable to stop herself. 

“Because, your att.i.tude isn’t the same as just a moment ago, and now you are ice cold with me. In fact, you simply can’t forgive me, right?”

“The person who can’t forgive me should be you, isn’t it?”

His tone was very cold, and Lydia closed her mouth with fright. 

Lydia had probably always thought she and Claire were very alike. 

The circ.u.mstances were very similar as a daughter of a teacher. Even so, Lydia’s father was still healthy, engaged in a profession that had an upper cla.s.s status, and Lydia was even able to get engaged with a n.o.ble. But ever since Claire’s father pa.s.sed away, she had to work in order to live.

Even if the she still had her brother, she was forced to go out and work. 

In fact, she was also at that age where she should be dressed in wonderful clothes and attending parties.

Although the matter of the ribbon occured, Lydia was unable to blame Claire.

She sympathized with Claire’s reasons for liking Edgar. 

And even Lydia was recently able to approach and live within the world of the upper cla.s.s at last, because Edgar had played his cards well. 

If Edgar’s heart changed, what would become of her?

There were all kinds of problems related to the marriage ceremony that perplexed him, and also hurt him.  

As Lydia thought this, she still felt uneasy, even though she knew that Edgar wouldn’t treat her the way he did with Claire. And because she had witnessed Edgar’s gentle actions toward Claire, she just couldn’t help imagining the scene of him being able to change his att.i.tude easily.

Lydia understood Edgar’s reason for doing this, and didn’t doubt his love, but because she knew he was angry at her, she felt that if she said anything, she would be given a cold response by him.

“Tonight, it seems that religious order will be holding a ma.s.s in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the monastery ruins.”

Edgar said abruptly.

“I’m going to sneak in and make a deal with their leader.”

Lydia lifted her head in astonishment. 

“Ththat sort of thing can be done?”

“This is an opportunity to rescue Slade. I have a chance.”

However, Edgar intended to step into danger again. 

“They’re the ones who wanted to murder Claire, right? Would she be okay?”

“She only knew of the religious order’s existence. So long as we catch their fox’s tail, those people will probably understand that aggravating matters will only bring trouble to themselves. They would probably halt the punishments and leave her alone.”

Edgar wasn’t looking at Lydia as he spoke. This also brought back Lydia’s feelings of wanting to escape. 

In Lydia’s case, she wasn’t worried about Claire or anything else, it was Edgar.

“Sneaking in is too dangerous.”

You’re worried for me? The usual Edgar would probably say something like this. But it wasn’t the case now.

“Perhaps such an accident is worth rejoicing. Even if I had a contingency, you still wouldn’t be my wife, and there are ways in the law to make this marriage invalid. You can become the Carlton family’s daughter again and return home.”

Lydia really wanted to cover her ears. She endured the tears that nearly forced itself out of her eyes, with both hands tightly clenched into fists on her knees. 

“Wait for a bit while I discuss tonight’s plan with the members of “Scarlet Moon”, I won’t be returning until tomorrow......”

“The one unable to forgive me is actually you!”

Lydia called out, interrupting his indifferent voice. 

“I definitely don’t want to return to the Carlton family! I want to seriously be a couple with you.”

By the time she had realized, she had already reached out and grabbed Edgar’s coat.

Lydia’s eyes met with Edgar’s, who was astonished; she suddenly came to her senses and retreated back to her seat.


“Don’t say anything!”

If he said he was unable to feel the same way, Lydia may no longer be able to pull herself together, and would try to jump out of the carriage. 

Lydia clearly knew he was angry with her, so why would she say that as if it she were forcing him?

The anxiety and unease rendered her unable to think. 

“Forget what I said just now. I…… If you are disappointed with me, then regardless of whether you want the to annul the marriage or whatever else……”

No. That wasn’t what I wanted to say.

I should be straightforward with my feelings.  The words that were blurted out just then were her true feelings. 

But her voice was already stuck, and the words wouldn’t come out. 

“I really am a hopeless man. As long as you are in front of me, I will always lose control of myself.”

Edgar lowered his head and said this with a sigh.

“No matter what happens, I can’t let this marriage be void, can’t I? I know I also said horrible things. To be honest, I didn’t know how to make you forgive me, and was afraid of being hated by you, so I desperately restrained myself.”

He worriedly buried his fingers in his hair, then looked at Lydia again. 

“I’m still confused now, even unable to use the usual means. I don’t know if I should apologize to you endlessly, or pretend nothing happened and slowly shorten the distance between us again.  However, you believed that the reason why I wouldn’t touch you was because I couldn’t forgive you?”

He leaned towards Lydia, with the previous oppressive feeling of indifference already completely gone. He revealed a sincere smile, pa.s.sionately gazing at Lydia. 

“I want to become a couple with you now.” 

His att.i.tude suddenly changed, and as Lydia felt fl.u.s.tered, she subtly retreated again. 

Even if she did this, this place was the inside of a cramped carriage.  At best, she could only press her back against the corner of the seat.

“N-now?……We’re in a carriage right now.”

“You’re not willing?”

Isn’t that obvious?! Lydia almost said this out loud, but thought that he must have been joking, so exposing that kind of sharp att.i.tude maybe wasn’t too good. Just when she was at a loss, Edgar chuckled, already seeming to see through Lydia’s heart. 

“Ahh, the usual Lydia has returned.”


“You’re not angry anymore, right?”

“……You're not angry either?”

“If you kiss me, you’ll find out.”

The moment that Lydia didn’t know how she ought to answer, the carriage stopped. 

Even though Raven opened the carriage door, Edgar wasn’t willing to get out as if he was waiting for Lydia to move. But, the expressionless Raven was waiting for his master to get out, so she simply couldn’t kiss him. 

“……We’re already home.”

Lydia tried to push Edgar back. 

Although he looked a little dissatisfied, he still got out of the carriage, and entered the house without a word. 

Did I make him unhappy again? Although Lydia thought that, after he gave his hat and cane to Tomkins, who came to welcome them, he suddenly pulled Lydia into his arms. 

“Tomkins, regardless of who comes to visit, don’t notify me for the time being. Even if Her Majesty the Queen appears as well.”

“I understand.”

Tomkins bowed with a face of understanding. 

“Um, Edgar…… Hold on, weren’t you going to discuss something with ‘Scarlet Moon’……?”

He ought to have said so a moment ago. However, Edgar pulled his face close and whispered: 

“My fire is already lit.”


“Raven, before I head over, discuss this evening’s plans with everyone first, then start preparing.”


Raven immediately nodded, and turned around to leave. 

Wh-what’s going on?

After she slowly began to understand the situation, her face started burning. Edgar was hugging her, and walking in the direction of the private room. 

“Umm……. it still isn’t night yet.”

“It doesn’t necessarily have to be at night.”

I--is that so?

“B--but, the fairies specifically helped me in making pajamas……”

“I’ll think of it as a pleasure for when I return.”

Lydia heard this, and just remembered that he was planning to do something very dangerous.

She stopped, and couldn’t help but show an uneasy expression, but Edgar tenderly smiled at her. 

“It’ll be alright, no matter what happens, I will return to your side.”

After stepping into the room, the gentle afternoon sunlight s.h.i.+ning in through the large window could be seen. Lydia felt that the s.p.a.cious bedroom, which she was alone in yesterday, was a little too bright. But, as she received a playful sort of kiss in the doorway, the housekeeper quietly pulled the curtains. 

“Would you like me to help the Madam get ready?”

“No need, I will do it.”

Lydia wasn’t too sure what this part of the conversation being quietly discussed meant. 

After hearing the sound of the housekeeper shutting the door, Lydia pondered over them being alone, while thinking that what was said just now were quite strange. At that moment, Edgar narrowed his eyes, as if he found it amusing.

“It’s because there are ladies in the world that don’t know how to loosen a corset.”

Lydia did not grow up that sheltered. 

“You know how to?”

Lydia was already unable to understand, and she purely felt odd even at this. 

“I learned in public school.”

Didn’t Edgar not attend school for lessons?

Lydia looked up again and saw Edgar staring at her, amused. She realized she was being teased by him.

At that moment, her body suddenly floated up lightly, but just as she thought that, she was placed down on the bed. 

Lydia gazed at him, astonished as he took off his gloves.  After Lydia’s gloves we also taken off, their fingers immediately intertwined. 

She seemingly became a lady who had never untied her shoelaces before as she simply gazed at Edgar doing so. Although Lydia was willing to follow along with Edgar’s desired actions, she still struggled to think. 

I still haven’t told him something important. 

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.  The only place that I’m going to return to from now on is by your side.

No, what I want to say should be even more important. 

Only for you, I……

“Lydia, are you willing to be mine forever?”

The tension and her pounding heart left Lydia at a loss, but she still nodded firmly. There wasn’t enough time to say the words “I love you” as the long kisses had already begun. 

“Oi Lydia, did you catch a cold?“

It was Kelpie’s voice. 

“The moon still hasn’t risen and you went to sleep?"

At his call, Lydia awoke from a shallow sleep, opening her eyes. 

On this side where the curtain was slightly pulled open, there was the sky which had already turned completely dark. Kelpie was sitting on the balcony railing outside the window, looking in. 

“Oh no, I fell asleep.”

As she rubbed her eyes, she moved her body, finding that Edgar had already left her side. 

He seemed to have already gone out. 

It would have been nice if he woke me up. 

His embrace was both warm and comfortable, which made Lydia feel completely at ease, so much that she didn’t even know when she fell asleep. At that thought, a little flush tinted her face. 

On the other hand, Lydia slowly came to understand the fact that Kelpie was here, and then jumped up. 

“Wai-- Kelpie! Why are you here! Didn’t I tell you to not come into the bedroom anymore?!”

“That’s why I’m outside.” 

“Staying on the balcony isn’t acceptable either!”

She blushed a deep red, as she panicked at finding herself wearing only a chemise, and dug back into the blankets. She used her hand to fumble for a nightgown, until she finally found some decent clothes and breathed a sigh of relief, in which at that time she heard Kelpie’s voice again; it seemed like he was still there. 

“You’re in a really bad mood, have you still not made up with the Earl?”

We already reconciled. This matter came into mind, and Lydia got even more flushed in the face. 

“Open this window. Because the old women said there was a serious matter that came up that they had to find you, so I brought them over.”

Old women?

She hurriedly put on the nightgown as she moved towards the balcony, and saw the five old ladies crouching by Kelpie’s feet. 

It was the group of kind-hearted yarn spinner fairies. 

They weren’t afraid of Kelpie? Or was it because they were really old, it was possible that they didn’t find out that the fairy who was in a close relations.h.i.+p with Lydia was a Kelpie?

After opening the window attached to the balcony, the five fairies hurriedly ran in, surrounding Lydia. 

(Bride of the Blue Knight Earl, please save us.)

(The G.o.ddess’ statue was nearly destroyed.)

(If it is destroyed, the G.o.ddess’ magic will dissipate, and we will disappear along with it.)

“Calm down, the G.o.ddess’ statue you guys mentioned, is that what the sixth granny spoke of?”

The five fairies nodded desperately. 

“You’re all the last descendants of that ancient G.o.ddess, right?”

(We are the G.o.ddess’ alter ego, no, we are more like embers of her faint magic. Nevertheless, we still survived by avoiding people’s attention.)

(Luckily the humans put together that statue of the Virgin Mary......)

“Who is planning to destroy it?”

(We heard that humans will occasionally a.s.semble at that place and repeatedly conduct unusual ceremonies.)

(I didn’t expect it to actually be a ceremony for summoning the devil......)

That’s right, in those monastery ruins, there is a statue of the Virgin Mary holding a spindle. The diabolic religious order that wanted to murder Claire seemed to be conducting ceremonies somewhere in that area.

Sure enough, the statue of the Virgin Mary was the G.o.ddess statue that the sixth fairy was speaking of.

This was quite a serious issue for the fairies. Moreover, this matter made Lydia more anxious, apart from worrying for the fairies.

Because that place should be where Edgar will be leading the “Scarlet Moon” members to face tonight. 

“Don’t tell me a real devil could appear……though shouldn’t that be impossible?”

She crouched down and looked around at the old grannies.

(That place has already garnered evil magic. The devil might appear at tonight’s ceremony.)

“Will it really appear!?”

(If the G.o.ddess’ magic is consumed by the devil, the statue will be destroyed, us as well......)

…...It seems to be real. Lydia sighed. 

What was she going to do? Devils simply weren’t within the professional range of a fairy doctor.

(It really is a vulgar fellow.)

(In the past, the monks that came from a continent brought Catholicism or something into the G.o.ddess’ land, and that fellow came in around that time.)

(The monks punished that fellow, and sealed it under the G.o.ddess statue. That fellow should have fallen into a deep sleep…… However those people are trying to wake it up.)

“Oi, you mustn’t get involved with that devil. It’s way too reckless.”

Kelpie interjected. 

Although Lydia also thought this, she didn’t want to abandon the group of kind-hearted yarn spinner fairies. 

Furthermore, if a real devil did appear, wouldn’t it be dangerous even for Edgar?

“Well, so long as we can protect the G.o.ddess’ statue from being destroyed, the devil can’t appear, right?”

(That is without doubt. The devil is unable to maintain its strength under the G.o.ddess’ magic)

“Even if that’s the case, how should we protect the G.o.ddess’ statue? Not everything is impossible for you guys, right? Lydia is human, she doesn’t have any magic powers, nor can she use magic.”

Speaking of fairies who possess strong magic, the only one around Lydia was Kelpie. 

The moment Lydia thought that, the old fairies also seemed to sense that the black-haired fairy before them possessed formidable magic, thus they looked imploringly at Kelpie. 

“I’ll say it clearly first, I’m a Kelpie that can use magic. I don’t want to fight with the devil, but if I really have to, your G.o.ddess’ statue might be crushed if I use it.”

Yes, so he couldn’t be relied on.


(Unseelie Court!)

(H--how could this be? How could this evil being follow the Blue Knight Earl’s bride!)

The old ladies let out an astonished yell, swiftly circling behind Lydia’s back. 

Sure enough, they didn’t realize that he was a Kelpie.

“Grannies, I tell you, he’s rather special so there isn’t any danger, don’t worry.”

The yarn spinner fairies looked at each other while murmuring something in discussion, but they were likely determining that protecting the G.o.ddess’ statue was more important than running away from here, so they continued to stay behind Lydia’s back. 

(We originally had ample magic power as well.)

(That’s right, before, we weren’t afraid of fairies like kelpies at all.)

(It’s just that there is one problem.)

“What, even if you bluff again, you are merely weak fairies now, right?”

“Kelpie, please be quiet. Grannies, is there a way to protect the G.o.ddess’ statue?”

(As long as we join forces we can. That place is the G.o.ddess’ land, protecting the G.o.ddess’ statue from the outsiders’ clutches shouldn’t be difficult.)

(But, the other fairy won’t be willing to lend a hand.)

(That one loves to get angry, and went so far as to say she wasn’t going to lend her power to a person who didn’t know her name.)

They were probably talking about the sixth fairy.

“What! But if she doesn’t lend a hand, she will also disappear, won’t she?”

(She really is an awkward fellow beyond redemption.)

Indeed, she was a stubborn fairy. It seemed clear that she wanted people to call out her name, but she wasn’t willing to let anyone know her name. 

(It’s all because of her that the monastery covered the G.o.ddess’ land about seven hundred years ago.)

(The G.o.ddess’ image wasn’t destroyed at the time.)

She was that kind of fairy since a long time ago. 

“But, even if I try to persuade her in that way, she wouldn’t help us protect the G.o.ddess’ statue, right?”

(Please find out her name.)

(That way, everything will turn out well.)

However, Lydia thought of doing so as well during the wedding, but she didn’t succeed.

“Right, Edgar will be going to where the G.o.ddess’ statue is tonight. If the ceremony is interrupted, the devil can’t come out, right?”

(Interrupted? That would be bad. The Earl might be in danger. The devil that will be called out during the ceremony will obey the person who summoned it, but if it’s interrupted, the uncontrolled magic will go wild and kill everyone present.)

“What! It--It’s this terrible?”

What am I going to do? If that’s the case, then it’s not merely the fairies’ problem. 

Edgar was going there in order to free Slade from “Scarlet Moon”. If he intended on obtaining evidence of the religious order’s devil wors.h.i.+pping and properly negotiate with their leader, then he would definitely break in after the ceremony begins.

“That’s terrible! We have to stop him! Kelpie, bring me to “Scarlet Moon’s” secret stronghold.”

Lydia said as she reached out towards Kelpie, but she found herself only wearing a nightgown at this time. 

“Okay, let’s go!”

“Ah! Wait I need to get changed!”


After leaving “Scarlet Moon’s” secret stronghold, Edgar proceeded to the outskirts of the monastery ruins. 

In order to wash away suspicious of Slade, there were an unexpected number of “Scarlet Moon” members gathered by Edgar’s side. Not only were there young people, there were old faces that served as managers all present as well.

Concerning Edgar’s resignation as “Scarlet Moon’s” leader, although there wasn’t anyone who planned on directly asking for the reason, so long as he tried his hardest for the organization in this way, the gazes towards him that had some hope automatically gathered. 

“Scarlet Moon’s” members knew that Edgar wasn’t truly of the Blue Knight Earl’s bloodline, but in order to fight against the Prince, they had no choice but to let Edgar take charge as the leader. But compared to the bloodline, they now trusted Edgar as a person.

Because of this, Edgar didn’t want to betray them, and decided to step down from leaders.h.i.+p. This matter was only one sidedly informed to them. 

Despite this, everyone was still willing to trust him. He was happy about this, but on the other hand, he also felt heartache. 

He wouldn’t hesitate to help Slade escape, but even if he made an effort, Slade might not be happy.

Slade was a manager of “Scarlet Moon,” and regarded Edgar with a calm gaze. He knew Edgar didn’t have the lineage that they should obey, and also knew the both sides were only collaborating to accomplish their shared goal, so he couldn’t show his emotions about the matter. Slade was such a person. 

If he could be rescued, Edgar might have to explain the facts to him. Edgar began to have that sort of idea. 

Now, the only one who knew about Edgar’s connection to Prince’s memories was Paul, but if it continued on like this, then it would become a situation where Edgar hasn’t completely cut ties with “Scarlet Moon”, hiding the truth from everyone. This was the same as continuing to betray them.

“Earl, we’ll be arriving at the Bourton residence soon.”

Paul said, as he looked outside the carriage. Edgar silently nodded. 

Within a short time, the carriage stopped in a hidden place under the shadows of the trees, and after getting off the carriage in that area, there were already several members of “Scarlet Moon” waiting, hidden in the shadows. 

“Everyone has already arrived at the property of the Bourton residence.”

Jack said as he came over. 

“Florey wasn’t a problem?”

After they caught Claire’s brother and interrogated him, he revealed that there would be a ma.s.s held here today. If his whereabouts were unknown, the religious order could become suspicious, so they let him go. 

Of course, it was in a situation where they made him lose consciousness before releasing him.

“He was originally a drug user, so we made him have a lot. He probably can’t even speak clearly at the moment.”

“Then let’s go, we mustn’t draw other people’s attention.”

They headed for the Bourton’s house on foot from there. 

Regarding the underground pa.s.sage found out from Claire, Edgar heard that the members of “Scarlet Moon” had already confirmed its existence. 

The pa.s.sage really connected to an underground chapel, and the mosaic on the chapel’s wall seemed to be the entrance.

From the other side of the chapel, it seemed that the mosaic couldn’t be seen as a door.

Although the religious order punished the Bourton family, they didn’t take the action of sealing this place. There hasn’t been anyone pa.s.sing through here for several months, so Claire’s brother, who was responsible for the punishment, also didn’t know of the pa.s.sage’s existence. The religious order likely doesn’t know yet either.

Whether or not Lord Bourton entrusted Owen out of pure interest to portray the scene that he stole a glance at, in reality he had no relations with the religious order, and just happened to be gazed upon by the religious order, who was investigating the monastery’s remains.

Claire’s brother followed the religious order’s commands to gather information surrounding Lord Bourton, and only later did they learn of the painting’s existence.

Edgar thought to himself that in short, as long as they used the underground pa.s.sage, it wouldn’t be difficult to break into the ceremony.

On the moonless night, the Bourton family’s garden didn’t have a single ray of light; it was completely surrounded by darkness.

Edgar and the rest didn’t carry any illuminating equipment, and came up to the side of the scorched building that way. They stopped at the rear of the house, deeming that this place shouldn’t be seen from the underground pa.s.sage, and then lit a very small light.

Even so, they still carefully only used the light to illuminate the ground at their feet. 

Because, they mustn’t be found by the members of the diabolic religious order who were a.s.sembled in the monastery ruins behind the Bourton residence. 

“The stone tablet of the ancient cross is covered in the depths of the garden plants. Just like Owen’s sketch.”

As they were lead forward, they were barely able to identify the shadow of a cross in the area around the withered trees.

Although this place was a part of the Bourton family’s garden, this area was likely a former corner of the monastery. Behind the cross was a small stone building, resembling an ancient temple. Though it already looked almost destroyed, there was still a rough outline left. 

It was like someone had dug up the almost-masked remains, because the surrounding earth was turned over and the rusted iron gate was also on the verge of collapse.

Lord Bourton probably excavated the remains out of curiosity and surveyed the inside, but this was probably the beginning of the tragedy.

Many medieval buildings would have secret pa.s.sages. This monastery had a pa.s.sage built underground, and the pa.s.sage’s only entrance might have been here.

Edgar and Raven entered the temple together, immediately catching sight of stone steps leading underground.

“How long is the distance approximately?”

“Just about five hundred yards. This pa.s.sage doesn’t have any split paths, and the underground chapel is at the end of the road.”

After walking down the stairs, they found that the narrow pa.s.sage really did go straight ahead, but even if they lifted the oil lamp forward, the pa.s.sage depths merely seemed like a dark cave.

“In addition to Jack and Louis, send around five other people to come with me. The others have entered the pa.s.sage at the same interval and are on standby, waiting for the signal to enter the chapel. The remaining people will keep watch outside, understood?”

The members of “Scarlet Moon” solemnly nodded. 

“Raven, you’ll sneak in with the religious order’s followers, and enter the chapel from that side of the monastery ruins.”

Raven silently nodded, as he should have naturally expected this. 

It was almost time for the followers to gather and partic.i.p.ate in the Black Ma.s.s. 

Edgar took a step forward towards the pa.s.sage depths.

Just like the initial report, there was a stone door at the end. 

“Can this door be opened?”

“It can’t be opened because of the rust, so we have our hands and feet against the door. As long as you push, the door will collapse on the other side.”

“So that’s it.”

At first, Edgar was leaning against the stone door, but after hearing this he immediately drew his hand back.

Having said that, this door was quite thick and heavy, so just leaning on it shouldn’t be able to open it. 

“There’s a hole on top.”

He followed the direction where Louis pointed at and raised his head. A tiny hole was opened on top, and a light from the other side slightly penetrated through.

Edgar leaned forward to steal a glance at the other side, finding that the underground chapel was wider than he had imagined. 

The altar and walls had many lit candles on them. There were many mosaic paintings hanging on the walls; it was a very beautiful chapel, and was preserved quite well. At the thought of the building above ground being nearly destroyed, it felt like this underground chapel ought to possess considerable value as a historical remnant.

However, this sacred place was being tarnished by the devil-wors.h.i.+pping Black Ma.s.ses.

A sheep’s head was offered as a sacrifice on the altar, and there were rope arranged as a magic square on the ground ahead. 

Moreover, presiding over the Black Ma.s.s was a person of the clergy. 

But if so, Edgar didn’t feel indignation either, only revealing a wry smile. 

Because, the person who completely destroyed the residence of G.o.d, that is, the monastery, which was originally within England and banished Catholicism was King Henry VIII. 

He was called the devil by Rome. 

And now, devil wors.h.i.+ppers really intended to gather in this underground chapel. 

However, he saw the partial silhouettes. 

Everyone wore a black hooded cloak, even their appearances couldn’t be seen. 

Edgar watched the altar attentively. 

The mastermind would soon show himself. 

“I already know the bishop’s name.”

Edgar murmured, seemingly not talking to the people beside him. 

“Even if I fail, I have already given the sketch of the evidence to some aristocrat. However, I can’t guarantee that he’ll definitely reveal the evidence to the public. After all, he is a major figure, and his self-preservation would take priority no matter what. On the other hand, trying to save Slade became difficult, but as long as someone gets a hold of the evidence, this religious order won’t be able to dispose of “Scarlet Moon” easily. So I can’t tell you the name that I know. As long as you guys don’t know, you shouldn’t be in danger.”

Everyone was silent. 

Edgar continued carefully observing the situation in the chapel. 

“Earl, no matter what happens, I will protect you.”

After a short time, someone said this. On that occasion, this seemed to be the consensus of everyone who was present, which made Edgar’s confidence grow. 

The other side of the door suddenly quieted down. 

In an instant, a person holding a long cane who seemed to be a priest entered the chapel. 

The person seemed to have arrived. Edgar waved the signal, and everyone braced themselves at the same time.That sense of tension was also taken with them as they proceeded. 

Although Lydia sat on Kelpie’s back anxiously heading towards “Scarlet Moon’s” secret stronghold, there was already no one there. The servant who was in charge of looking after the house said that everyone had gone out.

Lydia immediately changed her destination, deciding to head for the monastery’s ruins. 

At any rate, she must persuade that sixth yarn spinner fairy no matter what. Since she was unable to warn Edgar about the existence of the devil, she could only rely on the power of the fairies. 

“What! Aren't there already a lot of dangerous men gathered there?”

Nico crossed his arms against his chest in dissatisfaction and looked up at Lydia. Lydia had brought him out just when he was sleeping comfortably, so he was completely unwilling to help.

No, he usually has this kind of att.i.tude. Lydia thought again, and then stared at Nico. 

“That’s why I brought you over, as long as we make use of the fairy pa.s.sages, no one will find us, and it may be easier to find that sixth fairy’s den.”

“If you enter the fairy pa.s.sage, you won’t see where the Earl is.”

That’s right. It would be as if she cannot see anything of the human world.

Because of this, Lydia tried to talk with him before he left. However it was already too late, so her only remaining option was to negotiate with the fairy.

“I am a fairy doctor. I can only solve fairy related matters-- besides, helping Edgar this way is my duty.”

Because, Lydia actually became the Blue Knight Earl family’s fairy doctor. 

“Kelpie, please, we must go a little faster.”

“Hmph, I know.”

He turned into a horse in an instant, with Lydia and Nico seated on his back. 

The hustle and bustle of London immediately disappeared from Lydia’s eyes, and the pitch-black Kelpie sped by the ash grey buildings and empty neighborhoods that were all around.

Kelpie shuttled between the cracks of the fairy realm and human world, with Lydia seated on his back, looking out on London’s streets from the back side.

While the townscape pa.s.sed by fleetingly, Kelpie was already galloping along the gra.s.s-covered riverside before she knew it. 

The gra.s.sland extended endlessly. Kelpie finally ran into a lush forest. 

At first, she thought they had already pa.s.sed through the trees, but Kelpie stopped.

A stone pillar illuminated by moonlight stood before their eyes.

It was the doorpost of the former monastery.

On the other side of the stone arches, there were many stones which seemed to be from the collapsed building. Although buried in gra.s.s and dirt, the white surfaces still shone under the moonlight, appearing faintly from within the darkness.

This monastery’s remains should be located in the outskirts of London’s residential district, but aside from the remains of the walls and pillars here, there weren’t any houses around whatsoever. 

There were even more newly built houses in this region.

Like looking over from the fairy world, whether it were houses or humans, the things that haven’t existed for a long time were merely like faint shadows, and simply wouldn’t appear before one’s eyes.

“I think the fairy’s den should be in an area where the G.o.ddess’ statue can be seen.”

Lydia pa.s.sed through the remains of the gate, where only it’s arches remained, and relying on her memory, she headed towards the location of the spindle-holding G.o.ddess statue.

Because there were no buildings or paths in their surroundings, her sense of direction was not quite coinciding with her memories. 

“So, where is the statue?”

“Umm, you walk straight from the gate and you will see the remains of a considerably huge wall.... ah, it’s that one.”

However, the statue that was located on the left of the wall according to her memories was not there. 

“It’s not on the opposite side either.”

Kelpie said, having went around the edges of the wall and came back.

“This is strange.”

Furthermore, they had expanded the search area by splitting up, but for some reason they couldn’t find that G.o.ddess statue. 

“Lydi--, it’s probably not here.”

Nico said, and sat on the gra.s.s, worn out.

“That shouldn’t be case though...”

Lydia was completely confused about the situation. 

Although it was now night time, those existing in the fairy realm can naturally make their appearance known, and in Lydia’s eyes, even the position of every leaf remained unchanged compared to daytime. Therefore, she cannot miss the sight of the G.o.ddess statue.

(Bride of the Blue Knight Earl.)

When she was at a loss, a voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

(Over here, Bride.)

“Is it the grannies? Where are you all?”

Lydia suddenly broke into a run toward the sound. There were the figures of five fairies right on the top of the hill shaped area.

As she approached that place, the huge boulders that appeared as rocks that had risen up from the ground, turned out to be a rocky hill. This was the hill of boulders. Were the ruins of the monastery in this rocky area? 

While she was also feeling doubtful, she was out of breath from running up the hill. Kelpie and Nico had also followed her.

(As expected, that sourpuss insisted on lending his strength.)

(We’re done for. The G.o.ddess statue is going to be shattered in pieces.)

The old women said hurriedly, at the sight of Lydia.

"Hey, about the G.o.ddess statue, I’ve been looking for it and yet I haven’t been able to find it.”

Lydia said, as she recovered her breath. The old women fairies exchanged looks of bewilderment. 

(It cannot be seen, huh? It could even be seen from a far distance.)

(Now, now, the eyesight of humans is quite poor compared to us.)

They said, and pointed at their feet.


Lydia’s gaze fell to her feet and she couldn’t help but gasp. 


Nico shrieked, jumped up and then climbed onto Lydia’s shoulder.

What was thought to be a rocky area at their feet, were clear lines that was like the shape of a hand.

Could it be that what looked like a hill that they saw before, was the stone statue?

“What’s up with that! Lydia, you didn’t tell me the stone statue was this big!”

"But, when I saw it, it was around the size of a person....”

The rough and incomplete stone statue that was neither the G.o.ddess nor the Virgin Mary, was around the height of a child. But now, what could be seen at their feet was the same spindle that was being held, a huge G.o.ddess statue lying down half buried in the ground. 

(What can be seen from the human world is the G.o.ddess’s toes.)

“I--is that so.....that is certainly the G.o.ddess.”

“But it’s only huge, the magic is very weak.”

Kelpie said.

(In the past, the magic of the G.o.ddess covered the ground around this area, but now only we possess the remaining magic.)

(However, if we combine our magic in this place, there will still be enough magic to protect the statue.)

The five old women fairies widened their eyes and turned to Lydia in antic.i.p.ation. Lydia hoped she could find a way to convince the sixth fairy to give its name. 

“Where is the sixth fairy?”

(Probably in her den. But we don't know where that fellow’s habitat is.)

(If you call her out, you can speak with her, but she won’t respond afterwards.)

Lydia was frantically contemplating.

The problem lied with the den. In the majority of the legends, the fortune of being able to find out the yarn spinning fairy’s name would usually descend upon the person who found its den.

However, ever since the time Lydia found the ruins of the monastery, the sixth fairy’s habitat wasn’t able to be found. 

Yet there was no doubt that it should be within the vicinity of the G.o.ddess statue. 

While Lydia thought that, she recalled what the fairy accidentally said. 

She said that whatever the G.o.ddess can see, she could see. 

Lydia thought that there was no mistake that the habitat was next to the statue. But in this fairy realm, the G.o.ddess statue was too huge, even if it was just the circ.u.mference of it, it would be a very large area.

Just as Lydia’s thoughts were flowing from that, she felt her surroundings suddenly grew dark and looked up to the sky.

The black clouds were expanding towards them, the moon was being covered by a smoke like cloud.

“Oi, Lydia! That’s.... "

Lydia turned to the direction Nico pointed towards and gulped down a scream. 

The ground looked like it had been painted pitch black. What looked like ink droplet that formed stains, was now expanding bit by bit towards them. 

(It’s the devil.....)

The fairies had a frightened tone to their voice.

(It’s already too late.)

(Now that it’s come to this, we can only protect our habitat........)

(But I don’t know how we’re going to survive....)

“Please wait, grannies!”

Lydia was going to have them cooperate with her till the very end. However, the frightened fairies had dispersed, having ran away.

She thought that perhaps they had broken into a run in different directions on the rocky hill, then the five of them all disappeared at once.

“Oh, they’ve disappeared...... what am I going to do?”

"That was only the shadow, not the body.”

Kelpie muttered, who was looking at the devil.

The shadows were growing bigger on a large scale, little by little. Perhaps the ceremony had begun.

“Has it’s true form finally emerged? I don't want to see it.”

While Nico hid himself under Lydia’s skirt, his fur stood on end all over his body.

“Well, let’s get out of here, Lydia.”

“What are you saying, Nico? Edgar and the others are already nearby.”

If the ceremony began, stopping midway would be dangerous. Before Edgar and the others break in, she needed to seal the devil. 

Lydia took a deep breath to calm down. While she confirmed that the five old women fairies had disappeared, she walked on top of the rocks.

They said that they were going protect their own habitat. In other words, they returned to their own habitat.

So did that mean, their habitat was also not in this rocky area?

“Well Lydia, what are you going to do? Are you going to drag out the old woman from before?” 

Kelpie knelt down in front of the G.o.ddess statue’s chest.

“Is the yarn spinner fairy over there?”

“Yeah, inside the hole of the rock.”

Lydia peered into the hole as small as a knothole at her feet. There was s.p.a.ce inside the hole, as well as an old woman. While she was mumbling for some reason, she was moving around inside the room.

This was the hole just at the right hand of the G.o.ddess holding the spindle.

Lydia looked up and confirmed the place where the other fairies had disappeared. 

"Right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot, and then the torso....the five fairies’ habitat are in places aren’t they? Then the sixth fairy would be.... at the head, right?”

“I see. Then, where in the head?”

Kelpie took the initiative by heading towards the G.o.ddess’ head. 

“Whatever the G.o.ddess can see, I can see.”

Did she mean next to the statue? If that was the case, it would mean the G.o.ddess’ eyes, wouldn’t it?

Lydia who realized this, broke into a run towards the eyes of the statue and pushed away the leaves and searched through the holes. 

“Found it! But the inside cannot be seen. The inside of the hole seems to be winded.”

Then Lydia looked at Nico.

“I get it...... it’s fine as long as I go in and take a look, right?”

Although Nico seemed to really want to return immediately, he also understood that as long as Lydia was dissatisfied about the matter, they wouldn’t be able to go back. That’s why, perhaps he had given up, as he held out his paw.

“Thank you, Nico.”

“It’s impossible for me to enter the G.o.ddess’ region. Take this with you. If something happens to you, I will drag you out immediately.”

Kelpie tied his mane around Lydia’s finger.

“Thank you, Kelpie.”

"Well, let’s go.”

The moment after Nico said that, Lydia was inside a grotto like place. 

From the circular opening above, the moon between the rift of the black clouds could be seen. 

Was that hole the entrance?

"Having said that, the hole was quite winded. Even the pa.s.sage is difficult like that fairy.”

Nico walked ahead while he complained.

The roads were surely meandering left and right everywhere, it was unknown how far it continued on. Nevertheless, if they continued persisting forward, they will eventually reach the end.

There was a stone gate and from the small dug out window, light was coming through it.

Lydia peered into that window.

There was a spinning-wheel in the middle of the room, before it was the sixth fairy sitting alone. But she seemed to be absent-minded and motionless, it also seemed that she wasn’t going to mumble out her name. 

“How is it?”

“The fairy is there, but she isn’t talking to herself.”

Lydia was going to try waiting for a while for now, but the fairy wasn’t going to say anymore.

What should I do? There’s no time. The ceremony must be steadily taking place. 

"Hey, Lydia, what are you intending to do?”

While Nico quietened his voice, he was in panic because Lydia put her hand through the door. 

“I’m going to try directly talking to her.”

“She’s not going to tell you her name!”

However, Lydia was already pus.h.i.+ng open the door. This fairy was actually lonely and surely she wanted her name to be called.

Because she was uncooperative, she stubbornly did not want to say her name. However, if the person who informed Raven of Lydia’s danger at the church at that time was her, then Lydia thought that it perhaps wrong of her to trick her into asking for her name.

“h.e.l.lo, granny. You have a wonderful house.”

The fairy’s eyes widened in surprise, but soon her her face twisted into one of anger. 

(It’s you! Why are you here! Don’t you just come into my house out of your own accord!)

"I’ve come to save you. You should know that the G.o.ddess statue is shattering, right?”

(Hmph, I don’t care what happens to me. Anyway, you came because those five fairies asked you to come.)

“Why do you say that? Are you alright with disappearing?”

(It can’t be helped. Because no one knows my name. If you don’t say my name, you cannot use the magic.)

“Then please tell me your name.”

(Why do I have to tell you!)

The old granny fairy’s face went all the more red with anger.

Suddenly the area around them shook violently. 

Small stones fell from the ceiling, the shaking was to the point where people could almost fall. Nico frantically grabbed onto Lydia who was leaning against the wall. Lydia noticed the fairy was also clinging onto her skirt. 

After the vibrations had lessened, her eyes met with Lydia’s and the fairy jumped away, panicked.

(......I was just a little frightened, that’s all!)

“Yes, but granny..."

The devil’s power is probably becoming stronger. Lydia hurriedly tried to continue persuading her.

"I hope you can help us. The Blue Knight Earl is nearby. If you are willing to save us, then I will always be grateful to you from then on....”

Just when she wondered whether it was going to fiercely shake again, the floor crumbled by their feet. 


She jumped with Nico and Lydia managed to avoid the fall, however, from the opposite side of the hole that opened in the ground, she sensed a sinister presence with the smell of blood drifting in the air and frowned. 

(This…... seems to have connected with the human realm.)

The old fairy said. 

If you were to peer down into the lower part of the hole, you could see something like magic squares directly below. There were many people who were completely in black gathered around it. 

Words that sounded like spells being chanted in a low voice could be heard by the ears, a man who looked like a priest was dripping a fluid that appeared to be blood, from a container that looked like a chalice. 

Within the magic square, shadows that looked like smoke were rising up and were gradually becoming darker. 

“Is that a demon….?”

However, perhaps the demon’s figure could not be seen by the humans on the other side. 

(It’s already over. Everyone will disappear. Humph, it’s turning out that way because I’m being shunned.)

“Why? If you honestly open your heart, everyone, including you will become happy.”

While she became saddened as she pleaded with her, the old lady would not respond. She averted her eyes from the fairy and looked deeper into the hole.

“Where is Edgar?”

Lydia surveyed the chapel and did not know whether the he had intermingled with the crowd down below. 

“Lydia, it’s Raven.”

The moment Nico said that, someone in the corner quickly moved. 

The men surrounded the priest as if they wanted to protect him from being suddenly attacked. 

At that moment, the mosaics decorated on the wall collapsed, and shadows rushed out from there, one by one. All of a sudden, the chapel became noisy.

At the beginning of the brawl, the candles flickered and Lydia could not recognise who was who. For a moment, she sensed that Edgar’s golden hair appeared to have flashed before her eyes.


Lydia desperately called out.

“Edgar, don’t do this! If the magic square were to be destroyed, the demon will swoop down to attack everyone!”

However, it seemed that her voice didn't reach him as the shadow in the magic square suddenly expanded and grew bigger. 

Perhaps someone has disturbed the rope used to make the magic square. The shadow that was expanding spread out on the magic square quite considerably, as if it were trying to break the barrier, but then their surroundings shook violently fiercely once again. 

The chapel also shook fiercely. 

In midst of the accidents that appeared to be happening in the human world, everyone there were surprised by it as they surveyed their surroundings. 

The candlesticks that fell, disappeared, and the candlelights on the wall quivered.

Pebbles fell like raindrops in the chapel, everyone was bewildered.

The things that were shaking did not settle down and the rocks of the floor collapsed once again. 

The yarn spinner fairy’s foot slipped. 


Lydia stretched out her hand and caught the old lady’s foot. Is what she thought, but the floor had also collapsed by her feet.


There was nothing more they could do, as the two of them fell down together. 


They should have fallen from a considerably high place, and yet, it felt like merely around two or three steps down the staircase, the reason being that they may have fallen from the fairy realm to the human world. 

While that may be true, it cannot be said that the situation was great.

If they were to get up and rub off their waists, there would be a person wearing a black robe before them. The face inside the hood was covered by a mask, however, this person was holding a ceremonial staff. There was no mistaking this was the one conducting the Black Ma.s.s. 

Lydia appeared to have fallen before him, who had hidden behind the altar in order to escape the brawl. She wondered whether he was surprised as he turned towards her and kept silent, but it was plain obvious that Lydia was in a pinch. 

“You… where in the world did you come….”

When the man tried reaching his hand out to her, a clump of grey hair came down and hit onto the man’s head. 


“Lydia, hurry up and get out of here! Use Kelpie’s mane!” 

But Edgar should still be in this chapel.

Lydia managed to stand up the moment Nico saved her, but soon she could not escape as the priest got up and stood in her way. 

Behind his back, at the altar on the other side, was a demon that had grown huge. 

The shadow that looked like smoke was becoming a distinct black clump. She could recognise something like horns and a long tail. 

The fighting may have ceased as something like screams could be heard, perhaps everyone had noticed the existence of the demon.

Because the ceiling had collapsed quite considerably, the fairy realm and the human world had inadvertently intermingled, there was no mistaking that everyone could also see the demon with their eyes.

But perhaps it had been too late. The magic square that had broken could no longer contain it. Even so, Lydia first had to figure out a way to escape from the priest of the demonic religious organisation, she stared at the man before her while slowly stepping back. 

(You! How could you do this to our G.o.ddess!)

The old lady who hid behind Lydia’s back suddenly said, and jumped over to the priest.

(Cruel human! More cruel than the Blue Knight Earl!)

But the old woman whose height was that of a small child’s could only shout by the feet of the priest who was of large build. 

“What is that…”

Perhaps the priest had not seen fairies and the like, stepping back a little like he was seeing something uncanny, however having immediately changed his mind, he raised up high the staff he was holding. 

The Bishop staff.

Lydia who realized that, rushed over. 

If it was genuine, fairies would instantly turn to stone if they came into contact with it.

The staff that was swung downward drew near Lydia’s head, who hugged the old lady.

Although there was no time to close her eyes, the staff suddenly stopped before her.


The brown skinned youth had raised and twisted the priest’s arm. The staff was s.n.a.t.c.hed away, and whilst holding the man’s arm, he took the opportunity to kick the tall man and send him flying to the wall with vigorous force. 


Lydia almost slumped to the ground and the person who held up her arm was Edgar. 

“Ah, why are you here?”

He embraced Lydia, who was still holding onto the old lady, close to him and frowned. 

“Sorry, I acted out of my own accord…but I was going to warn you about something….” 

“It appears that they truly are summoning the demon…”

Edgar gazed at the goblin in the magic square, somehow calm.

“We have to hurry and get out of here. If the ceremony were to be interrupted, the demon will slaughter everyone here.”

Holding Lydia’s face with both hands, Edgar quietly nodded. 

“I understand. Raven, tell Scarlet Moon to retreat.”


Raven quickly turned back, but at that moment, the rope of the magic square was torn, as it fluttered in the air. 


A scream came from the depths of the chapel.

Perhaps the demon had knocked some people off their feet and was coming in their direction. 

“Lord Edgar!”

Only Raven's voice could be heard, but a large part of the wall collapsed, as if it was trying to create an obstruction between the master and his servant.

While hugging Lydia, Edgar took up residence in the hollow of the altar. 

But it seemed that they couldn’t move about from then on and the demon was increasingly shaking up the chapel, it seemed that it was trying to destroy it.

“Lydia, I’m sorry. I got you involved in this.”

“I…. am not competent enough. There is a way to get rid of the demon, but I couldn’t do it.”

Lydia continued to cling onto him in such a situation as this, and yet she mysteriously calmed down. 

While she thought that she was glad they were together because of this sort of situation, she felt that she was being hugged tightly. 

“It’ll be alright. No matter what happens, I will protect you.” 

Edgar tried to encourage Lydia, despite how the rocks had fallen violently and how they weren’t able to leave the area. 

“It’s ok, if we are here like this, I’m not afraid.”

“That’s no good. We need to return safely. Previously, I still haven't expressed enough of my complete love, and I don't want to die with you regarding me as that kind of guy.”

Wh--what is he talking about?

He stared at Lydia who was puzzled, and finally, it seemed that he had noticed the fairy she was carrying in her arms. 

“That fairy is?”

“A friend of the Earl household.”

Will she not be able to save this fairy, after all?

As a fairy doctor, Lydia was unable to resent fairies, and she said this in hopes of it coming true.

As a result, the granny immediately escaped from Lydia’s embrace.

She fled from there and turned her head in revulsion, saying:

“Friend? I hate people from the Blue Knight Earl’s family the most! I, Tom-t.i.t-Tot*, will never be your friend!”

Lydia was startled, and murmured:


The granny fairy suddenly rushed in the direction of the devil.


Lydia stood up, reciting the fairy’s name like chanting an incantation.

“Trwtyn-Tratyn, Gwarwyn-Throt, Triten-Troten, Whuppity Storrie, Habetrot! Use the G.o.ddess’ strength to protect this place!”

The grannies’ figures emitted a faint light. At that moment, there were five lights gathering together. After the final sixth fairy met with the other lights, a dazzling beam of light was produced at once, enveloping the surrounding area in a white flash.

She immediately closed her eyes, but the light was branded into her retina, as if it was thrust into her eyes.

Although the magic that Lydia felt on her skin was slowly waning, there was a period of time where nothing could be seen.

It ought to have been the same for Edgar and everyone else at the scene. Even if it wasn’t known what happened in the end, not one person moved.

Among the stillness of the shaking and the sounds of falling stones stopping, their sight was finally restored. As Lydia felt Edgar place his hand on her shoulder, she gazed at the center of the chapel.

Whether it was the destroyed magic square or another area, there were no traces of the devil. Although she saw the six spinner fairies dancing happily, that scene disappeared immediately.

“Oi-- Raven, are you okay?”

Raven felt a soft furry object against his cheek and opened his eyes.

“H--, it really was a matter of life and death. I thought I was going to be crushed by a rock.”

Nico stared at him. Raven was lying down on the gra.s.s.

He recalled the pillar falling as he felt the impact on his back, and then he lost consciousness.

While remembering, Raven sat up reflexively.

“What about Lord Edgar......?”

Although his back was still aching, he could still move. He had to hurry and save his master. Just as Raven was thinking about how to return to that collapsed underground chapel, Nico’s leisurely voice removed Raven’s nervousness, which had risen to its highest point.

“I’m sure they’re safe. The devil seems to have already disappeared. Just then, the surroundings of that chapel emitted light.”

“......Is that true?”

“Hey, cat and crow! Why is it you two!”

Kelpie suddenly appeared.

“I lent my mane to Lydia, why are you two the only ones glued to it!”

“Errr-- it was Lydia who let go of the mane. Then I followed Raven and grabbed the mane in the nick of time.”

Nico hid behind Raven and said.

“Tsk, here we go again. Then how is Lydia now?”

“She should be with Lord Edgar.”

After Raven spoke, Kelpie frowned with even more disgust, then turned around and disappeared.

He probably went to find Lydia. Raven suddenly realized that Nico disappeared as well.

“Mr. Nico......?”

Raven didn’t know that because Nico was still grabbing onto the mane, he was dragged along. He thought to himself that Nico was a fairy, so disappearing like this couldn’t be helped.

At any rate, he had to leave as well. He thought up to here and stood up.

At this time, a rustling sound came from the depths of the plants. As soon as Raven looked back, he saw figures that were staggering out from the darkness.

There were two people. One was a man with a mask, and one was clinging to his side, who seemed to be a guard.

It was the mastermind of the diabolical religious order; he couldn’t let them escape.

He immediately rushed forward, and even forgot the pain in his body.

Raven jumped in front of the masked man and struck him down.

While the other man tried to flee in horror, Raven suppressed the masked man, barely noticing.

“Raven, it’s the other person!”

Edgar's voice came to his ears.

He released the masked man in astonishment, and chased after the other man that was escaping, whilst throwing a knife.

The knife pierced the cloak and was thrust deeply into the side of the tree, and the man was unable to move a single step, as if he was sewn there.

“Raven, you did great.”

Edgar came up from behind the tree. He pa.s.sed Raven and stopped in front of the man.

Then, after confirming the purple robe that was exposed at the other person’s feet, he removed the hooded cloak and looked at him.

It was a man with sharp eyes, about fifty years old.

Although Edgar had never seen him before, he saw the distinctively clear hooked nose. It was just as the n.o.bleman who knew him said.

“Nice to meet you, Bishop Chamberlain. You had your religious brother wear your mask, were you planning on making him bait to escape?”

“......That’s not my name.”

He averted his gaze and denied it.

“In any case, I already know your true ident.i.ty, and have the evidence as well. It is Owen’s sketch of the Black Ma.s.s.”

“Merely depending on a painting, how would you know whether or not it’s me?”

“It is because it could be made out that you disposed of the painting and its painter, is it not? Of course, a specific person cannot be pinpointed by merely having the bishop’s cane and the purple robe, but the person in the painting is left-handed, and you are the only left-handed bishop.”

“Do you think this ca.s.sock and bishop’s cane are genuine?”

It truly was a useless resistance. 

“Now that I have had the privilege of identifying your face, if you continue on leaving like this, then you cannot deceive anyone. I naturally believe that I have a considerably fixed position in this country, and I think that you already knew me.”

He couldn’t hide his agitation, so he was silent.

“That being said, I do not want to waste time here arguing whether or not you are actually Bishop Chamberlain. If it is necessary, I will put forward a suggestion to Her Majesty.”

“......If it is necessary?”

Edgar stopped halfway. The tone of his inquiry brought slight expectations.

Originally for Edgar, it didn’t matter who was wors.h.i.+pping the devil. He himself and “Scarlet Moon” both had ulterior motives, so if he used a reasonable trick to expose the bishop’s crimes, he would also realize that he will bring trouble to himself.

Thus, he snuck in here tonight in order to make a deal with the other party.

“Please release Slade, who was suspected of murdering Owen. It is pretty simple, is it not? Afterwards, I’m also going to ask you to terminate the search for “Scarlet Moon”. Do you not think it is the wisest choice to not interfere with each other?”

Although the bishop thought a little, he slowly raised his head and said:

“......If I do so, are you truly capable of keeping a secret? If that’s not the case, then I have my own plans as well.”

“I am the only one who knows your true ident.i.ty. As long as you abide by the agreement, you will not have to worry.”

The bishop glanced at Raven, but perhaps he thought that a foreign attendant’s statement wasn’t reliable, so he nodded, accepting the fact that Raven wasn’t one of the people who knew of his true ident.i.ty.

“Oh that’s right, please do not think that it is fine as long as you kill me. Because I am not a righteous person either, you will witness the world of purgatory.”

He clearly tried to summon the devil among the ceremonial ma.s.s, yet the bishop fearfully looked at Edgar’s smile.

Perhaps he thought that the person who dispersed the devil was Edgar.

Edgar turned around and walked away, with his back towards the bishop. 

After Raven pulled out the knife from the tree, the bishop lost his strength and collapsed on the spot.


The markets of London were crammed with carriages early in the morning to the point that nothing could get by. After learning that the road was blocked by a carriage whose wheels were broken and unable to move, Bishop Chamberlain suppressed his anxious mood and leaned back heavily against his chair.

A carriage also stopped at the other side of the window. It wasn’t known whether or not it was because they were impatient and couldn’t go forward. A man in the carriage stuck out his head from the window.

“You tried to make the devil obey you, and failed as a result, didn’t you?”

The man wasn’t looking at him when he spoke.

The bishop was startled and stared at the man's face.

“......Oh, it’s you, don’t scare me.”

He recalled that man’s name being Ulysses. Although he seemed to be a teenager of a young age, he had a position that was closest to the “Prince”, and was given considerable authority.

“You were overthrown by that Earl, correct? You seem to have been caught by the tail by him, so now you’re following him obediently.”

The fact of it being like this was correct, but having this pointed out by a seemingly immature young man made him quite angry.

“There will be problems with disposing of ‘Scarlet Moon.’ Didn’t I advise you on this before?”

“Did you just show up to say these things?”

“No, I came for a more important matter.”

“Don’t put on airs, just finish what you have to say.”

Upon seeing the bishop’s fidgety appearance, Ulysses revealed a contemptuous smile.

“That’s our new Prince.”

The bishop frowned and did not understand what he was saying.

“I’m referring to Earl Ashenbert.”

“......Prince? Isn’t that Prince already dead?”

“Yes, and he took on everything from the former Prince.”

“Meaning he is the successor? But that Earl doesn’t seem to plan on joining forces with you guys. He seems to prefer that artist's organization more, however, following those young imps of that puny organization now, and possessing the strength to contend with the royal family......”

Although the bishop said it as such, because he recalled the indescribable menace he felt when his ident.i.ty was revealed, he trembled. The one who made the devil perish, could it have really been Earl Ashenbert?

“However, you surrendered to him.”

[Please read this chapter at hakushakutoyousei.weebly.com]

Ulysses laughed, as if he saw through him. As if to say that he knew earlier that this would be the result.

“You, who smoothly asked for the former Prince’s favor, might be disliked by the current Prince. You still have the opportunity to redeem yourself. It’s just that he doesn’t possess the awareness of Prince at all. As long as someone tries to s.n.a.t.c.h away his toys, he will resist with all his strength. For the time being, letting him play for a bit will be the first plan.”

“Lord Ulysses, what you’re saying is that if it was you, there would inevitably be a day where you can control the Prince?”

“You shouldn’t have these kinds of thoughts. Even if the prince is like an infant, he also instinctively knows he has to stand above everyone... haven't you experienced it personally?”

That’s right. That young aristocrat was like a beautiful yet sharp blade. Not just that, the bishop felt a sense of terror behind his smile, without reason. Perhaps he truly knew what purgatory was like.

“If you want to receive blessings in the Prince’s new England, then I should be able to ask you to obey us from now on, shouldn’t I?”

This young man, who was leading the Prince’s organization, possessed strength which was likely different from his external appearance.

“When the Prince awakens, he will likely abolish the Christian church and establish a church that you desire. Believing in devils is fine as well, believe as you please.”

The procession of carriages had already begun to move. Although Ulysses’ carriage was still parked in place, it wasn’t long before it disappeared from the bishop’s field of vision.


A stiff-faced, black-bearded gentleman that previously visited Earl Ashenbert’s residence was already a matter of the next day.

When he was lead to the reception room under Tomkins’ guidance, Lydia was enjoying tea time with Paul, Lota, and Nico.

Without a smile, he first looked at Lydia.

“Madam, this time I have given you trouble. I was unable to offer my blessings during the wedding ceremony, please forgive my rudeness......”

“No, please don’t worry, Mr. Slade. If it’s convenient, would you like to come over for tea?”

“There is no need, I will leave after I meet with the Earl.”

Because of his resolute att.i.tude, Lydia didn’t continue on with inviting him.

Moreover, he still might be angry that Edgar left “Scarlet Moon”. 

“You were clearly in prison, how have you not lost weight?”

Lota joked. Indeed, he still had a rather plump figure like last time. He frowned a little, but did not reply at all.

“Um, Mr. Slade......”

Paul called out as if it there were some meaning to it, but shut his mouth in the end. This time, Slade aimed a glance at Paul, then opened his mouth and said:

“Paul, I’m going to inform the Earl about my opinions directly.”

Then, he stood there waiting for Edgar.

After the devil disappeared, Edgar entrusted Lydia to a companion of “Scarlet Moon”, and went on ahead to pursue the escaping founder.

Not long after he returned with Raven, he merely expressed that a deal had already been established.

Then, Slade was released the following day.

Knowing that Claire wouldn’t be watched again, Lydia breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hey Slade, it great that your suspicions were cleared.”

Edgar’s cheerful voice could be heard. He didn’t appear from the doorway, but from the direction of the balcony.

After he entered the reception room, he walked quickly towards Slade. Edgar stared at him, who had a cold, stiff expression, and revealed a slightly lonesome smile.

“Don’t show such a terrible expression, I don’t want you to thank me. If you think that you can’t be an example to the young members by bowing your head to a traitor, then it’s fine as long as you be yourself.”

Edgar left Slade’s side and headed towards the table where everyone was seated around, then sat down beside Lydia.

“......I heard about it from Paul.”

Slade, who was still standing motionless, suddenly spoke.

The hand that Lydia placed on her knee was grabbed by Edgar; she sensed that this might be a topic that Edgar wouldn’t like, thus she looked towards him.

At first, Edgar’s eyes were fixed on Lydia, and after exchanging glances, his expression relaxed a little.

“Yeah, because I wanted him to tell you. I still think that the facts can’t be hidden from ‘Scarlet Moon’. In short, that's the way it is, so we will keep our distance from now on.”

Lydia intuitively believed that they were referring to the Prince. Edger inherited the Prince's memories, and as a result, he decided to resign as the leader of “Scarlet Moon”. This was already communicated to Slade.

“There isn’t anyone that is able to accept maintaining a distance with you.”

His tone seemed to be repressing anger.

“Then, do you guys want to kill me?”

A strange sense of tension increased in the reception room. However, Slade spoke with a completely fed up tone:

“Until the end, everyone wasn’t able to keep their distance from you. I need you to prepare yourself.”

“......What do you mean?”

“I’m going to ask you to continue on with “Scarlet Moon”. Although there are many aristocrats that are willing to be patrons, you are the only one who won’t hesitate to take risks for our “Scarlet Moon”. This is because you are the person who inherited the t.i.tle of Blue Knight Earl, aren’t you?”

“......Who knows? Perhaps I am merely using you guys in order to fight against the Prince.”

“Scarlet Moon is also Flandolen*; this name is the same as the first Earl’s child. Our organization was a.s.sembled under this name, and I think it is your duty to protect the organization like a clan. That's what everyone believes.”

“Is it the same even if you know the truth?”

“It’s all already quite clear. Now, we have to protect you even more. “Because, ‘Scarlet Moon’ was originally created for the Blue Knight Earl’s family.”

Edgar lowered his gaze, seemingly in thought. Finally, he raised the corners of his mouth, as if he found something interesting.

“I didn’t actually expect for you to be a romanticist.”

Of all the people present, the person who was most nervous about the conversation was probably Paul. After he sighed, Lota was nearby, keeping herself from smiling.

“Well then Earl, I will leave first.”

After the discussion was finished, Slade left urgently.

“Ah, it’s about time that I return too.”

After Paul stood up, Lota also put down her teacup.

“Then I’ll go as well. Because I can’t be the newlyweds’ third wheel.”

“That’s not the case, Lota, take your time......”

“Lota, you’re rarely this attentive, aren’t you? For the time being, you don’t have to come over.”

Edgar cheerfully interrupted Lydia, and Lota replied to him with a scowl which brought about a sense of familiarity.

“Ah, that’s right, Mr. Paul. Is Claire still staying at ‘Scarlet Moon’s’ secret stronghold?”

“She seems to be taking the afternoon train. I heard that she is going to leave her brother and be looked after by a distant relative’s family. I will be sending her off later.”

As Paul turned his head, Lydia ran over and handed him a blue ribbon.

“Then, could you please give this to her?”

This was an enchantment to become a happy bride.

“Lydia, isn’t that the ‘blue item’ that was blessed by fairy magic? You found it.”

“Yes, but I already have something more real than magic.”

For Claire, Lydia prayed that she could wear this ribbon someday and obtain happiness.

“Then this will be in my care.”

After watching the three of them leave, Edgar kissed Lydia’s hair.

“Compared to magic, you chose to believe in me, right? You understand that my sincere love belongs to you alone. ”

He truly is overjoyed. Lydia smiled bittersweetly. 

While saying that, he would always reveal a smiling expression towards girls who were interested in him. 

“Although I believe it, I somehow no longer feel the need for a maid. Because the women who fall in love with you definitely wouldn’t be stopped.”

“I won’t lay a hand on them.”

“However, you will pretend to sleep. ”

“......Who said this?”

Raven, who came to tidy up the teacups, had his hand slip, which was quite unusual, and the tableware made a clanging sound.

Edgar lowered his shoulders, but still pretended to not know, and gazed at Lydia, saying:

“Then, how about women who like you more than me?”

How could there be such a person? Though Lydia thought so, Edgar took out a letter from his coat pocket.

“I finally obtained approval.”

After reading everything in one breath, Lydia let out a voice of surprise.

“Kelly is willing to come? Is she going to come as my maid? Thank you, Edgar.”

Edgar looked down at Lydia, who was smiling widely, and tilted his head, like he was somewhat unsatisfied.

“At a time like this, shouldn’t you be embracing me?”

“Eh, i--is that so?”

“Because we are husband and wife.”

Was it like that? While Lydia was thinking and worrying whether or not to reach out, Edgar brought her into his arms, as if he couldn’t wait anymore.