Hakushaku to Yousei - Volume 19 Part17

Volume 19 Part17

Hey everyone! Apologies for the delay. You can read it  

I also wanted to answer a question I think many of you may have pondered or been anxious over, but have been afraid to approach the team with this one. Paraphrasing and summing up what the girl had asked was this:

"I don't want to come off as sounding like I'm complaining, rather, I want to start off by saying I'm extremely grateful for you translating HTY for all of us. However, I am honestly worried. If the pacing of the updates go on monthly, then I calculated that it would take more or less than ten years to complete the series. Isn't that too long?" (Again, thank you to the person who asked politely, I really appreciated it :)

Before I joined Daydream Translations, I was one of the fans among you, eagerly waiting for each and every chapter release. I've actually anxiously pondered over that question long ago, so I have been quite worried too. By having more than 20+ volumes to complete, it didn't seem possible to finish them all. Because I wanted to know what happened next in the series, as well as help get translations done quickly, I joined. 

Now with an understanding of how much work there is to complete, I will say this flat out to all of you: I don't think we can finish the series. 

Many of you (probably all of you) have seen the situation with Nalya as well as probably with many other j.a.panese translators out there. Not only do we have other life commitments, but over the years, we all change. We get distracted and be swept up with more commitments that are more important than our hobby of translating this series. Our pa.s.sion may even die out too. I may even step down as an admin. Sad as it is, that's the way things are with life. 

Knowing this, I decided that to at least try my best in translating as much as possible, while I'm still in love with the series and make the most out of it. By constantly recruiting people as people come and go, I hope to do my best, rather than worrying too much on whether we'll finish the series. Recruiting people as soon as I see we need recruits, as I try to put the flame out before it gets too big and we go on hiatus and so on and so forth. Trust me, if we had enough chapters to release one every two weeks, I would truly do so if I had more people not only helping out, but are committed to the project. Even for fluent j.a.panese translators, it's way too much work and commitment. I'm quite impressed by how far Nalya has come with her translations, all by herself when we're just barely managing. Sadly, this is a light novel series and not a manga series that can be completed in a short period of time. The text is a lot more complex and different, thus a lot more challenging to translate.

And we can't rush the translations. Because if we do, we can't properly translate to the accurate meaning, thus resulting in a unpleasant reading experience if not proofread correctly and if things just don't make sense. So a lot of time is mainly put in getting an accurate and coherent translation for a more enjoyable reading experience.

Anyway, this is my answer. I'm sorry to disappoint you all and it's probably not the response you were hoping for. But again, I'm hoping that all of you, (including myself) will make the most out of this present time of our lives, enjoying this series while we still can, rather than worrying over a future possibility. And of course, I'm still looking for recruits! Recruitment has been a little slow lately, so if you have applied but haven't gotten an answer from us, please pop in a form or contact us via .

I also appreciate your patience and support for us, especially with the pacing of updates. 

On the bright side, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, that's more hopeful after all the terrible things that have happened with the characters. We've finally finished this volume! :D Look forward to the next one!
