Hakushaku to Yousei - Vol 2 Chapter 1

Vol 2 Chapter 1

P. 161

    Seabirds were fluttering above the pale green island silhouette, which made it appear magical, like it was the fairy world, Ibrazel (Island of Happiness) of Lord Blue Knight, but from the turbulent waves that surrounded it, Lydia had gotten completely seasick.

    The waves around the island very violent throughout the year, and they were told that it was dangerous to cross the waters unless you were an experienced sailor. They finally arrived on the secluded island that only fishermen sailed out to, and by the captain's recommendation, headed to the only inn on the island.

    "Thank you," said Lydia, half leaning up against the back of a sofa and accepting the cup of medicine.

P. 162

    Lydia also wondered why the three of them were alright. She could understand if it was Nico, a fairy cat, but Edgar, and Raven and Ermine were calm and composed as they went across the waves that could nearly roled over the s.h.i.+p.

    "Nico, that's not funny."

    She managed to somehow gulp down the sour medicine.

    "Yes, there is. If you feel that this inn is unsuitable, would you like switch over to there?"

    If he was talking about the castle, there was only the castle, and that was the Blue Knight Earl's. Of course, their objection was to search that castle, but Edgar must have become suspicious of the innkeeper who suddenly allowed them to use it.

    "Of course not. It is the master of this island's castle. However, sir, coming to such a remote island like this, must mean that you are the descendant of the Earl family, am I wrong?"

    "I see, you must have gotten endless visitations of imposters, claiming to be the Blue Knight Earl, to this island. No wonder you're so used to that kind of hospitality."

    "Here is the key to enter the castle. Please feel free to use it. We've had an endless number of people break the doors and windows, trying to find the legendary treasure, and the management got so out of hand that we've started to hand this out to those that claim to be our lord. And if you will excuse my rudeness, I'd like to mention that the number and type of all the furnis.h.i.+ngs and valuables indoors are accounted for, so please do not try to carry them out. You will need to remember that even if you wanted to, it will be impossible to carry them out of this island."

    "I'm honored. Furthermore, if you plan to leave this island, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will be happy to provide you a s.h.i.+p."

P. 164

    "Unfortunately, as far as I know, the ones I've met have all washed up lifeless onto the sh.o.r.es within three days. So that doesn't happen, sir, I will be hoping that this won't be our last meeting."

    "Yes, that's right, young lady. They must have been dragged into the sea by the merrows."

    "Have you ever seen a merrow?" she questioned.

    "Everyone has merrow's blood? So that means, innkeeper, do you have webbed feet and scales?"

    "Impressive. Now that's a butler of the Blue Knight Earl family for you."

P. 165

    "No wonder he smelled fishy," whispered Nico, quietly.

    The green Jack will come from Spankie's cradle.

    Go beyond the Silkies' cross.

    Follow the Wyvern's foot marks.

    Go under the Dullahan's feet.

    Locate the sleeping bed of Clurichaun.

    Exchange a star for the merrow's star.

P. 166

    The castle stood on an elevated cliff on the hill of the island.

    It was a beautiful building, the perfect, ideal country manor house.

    "So this is the merrow's island. Lydia was right on deciding this location. There's no mistake that the sword is in the castle."

    However, to Lydia, the real difficulty starts from here.

    "I see, so that covers the first part of the coin's riddle. And the next one, what's a Spankie?"

    "So we just need to look for a graveyard?"

    "So they wouldn't be in a graveyard, but buried somewhere else," said Ermine, and walked over to a gate left open.

    The people on this island must have been taking care of it for the sake of their master who they believed would return.

    "I don't know. Although, these graves could have existed before the castle was even built."

    Edgar and Ermine walked along side each other. Ermine was dressed in men‘s clothing, but even her plain clothing and hair cut to her shoulders didn't hide her radiating female beauty.

    She wondered what happened between them after that. Were they together until morning?


P. 168

    "Why, why do I have to go with you?"

    Raven and Ermine went their separate ways, heading off to different directions of the garden.

    At the inn, Nico said he was going somewhere else and left their group.

    While he was at it, he said he was going to collect information about the merrows of this island and what kind of role they had in protecting the Earl's sword.

    If the small fairy clans were also the residents of this island, then they should have lived as the fief of the Blue Knight Earl, just like the merrows.

    However, Nico wasn't as keen as Lydia in doing this job. He felt an extreme animosity towards Edgar. It wasn't only because he was nearly thrown into the hearth, but of the sole reason of the fur on his tail being burnt off. Fairies were beings that really were devoted to small trivial things and did not forget their grudges.

    She wondered if Edgar realized Nico wasn't just an ordinary feline. Even if he didn't believe that cat's could talk, he still took caution and even became angry when the cat eavesdropped on them, and of course, was still taking precautions with Lydia as well.

    Taking a breath to build her bravery, Lydia decided to follow him.

    "Of what?"

    "If you ask me, I think they were fools. They must have fallen into the traps laid out to protect and catch the ones who came to steal the sword."

P. 170

    Looking over to her, he gave her a winning smile.

    "Huh? Why don't you say that to Ermine."

    "Because....she's your lover."

    "She's not. So you can be relieved."

    "Just hoping."

    "Now listen, you should stop saying something like that to tease people."

    He hasn't changed the subject at all.

P. 171

    Maybe, that was because Lydia wasn't used to flattery.

    "Hmmm, so that means, you were watching."

    They slowly walked down the garden pathway.

    The side of his face that was facing straight was unusually serious.

    With Lydia's limited experience and imagination, she was no match against these people. But that could have been normal for someone like her, who could see fairies but didn't know how to befriend people.

    Looking far off into the distance, he looked like he was deep in thought, but without changing his expression, he slowly turned towards Lydia.


    "I just thought you might be hiding beautifully colored b.u.t.terfly wings on your back."

    Probably, he must have accepted Lydia as someone from a different world, by how she took people's words without doubting their meaning, and by not knowing how to keep up appearances before others, and by how she said things straight from her heart.

    When she was by Edgar's side, she would periodically feel like she could be reborn into a different person than how she was now. Even if she tried to think of him as evil, there were mixed feelings inside Lydia every time she tried to convince herself.

    In the corner of the garden there looked to be something like a small shrine.

    "It says [This is for the mermaid children resting here in peace]. It looks to be like a memorial stone, but I wonder what it means by mermaid children."

    "I see. If it was a secluded island like this, then all the island residents would be related. If consanguineous marriages continued, then I can understand how there would be certain diseases and deformities that started to appear."

    "Does the lord have to believe in fairies to be qualified? I don't think that matters. Whether it is mermaids, or diseases, if there are scales or fins on the island people, then that's just how it is here."

    She felt like she just heard something unimaginable.

    Humans who don't believe in fairies, don’t acknowledge the beings they can't see them, but instead, choose to believe that they don't exist.

    That's why he doesn't make fun of Lydia.

    "Raven? Ahh, did he talk to you about that?"

    "Hmm, that's rare. It looks like Raven has taken an interest in you. It must be because you also have a deep connection to fairies."

    "I don't know if there really is a sprite inside Raven. I only need to know what kind of person he is, and what he needs, and what there is I can do."

    But that could also mean he had a strong heart. No matter how the world was still unbeknownst to him, he still had imperturbable self-possession. His clear‐cut att.i.tude was to just do what he can do.

P. 175

    Even if he couldn't see fairies, suddenly Lydia hoped that he could be the real blood descendant of the Blue Knight Earl.

    "Anyway, there's no mistake that this is the Spankie's cradle. Which means, the next thing is 'Dance with the Pixies on the moonlit night,' what does this mean?"

    "A ring, huh, something like that?"

    "Yes, yes, I think so."


    "What is it?"

P. 176

    "What would have happened if it was?"

    "Hmmm, that‘s interesting. But, more importantly, Lydia, look at that. The scenery changes if you stand here."

    On the castle building, there was a doorway that stood like it was welcoming them.

    "Now there's no way to get in."

    The two of them was just about to turn to head that way.

    The ones that appeared from behind it were men dressed in black suits.

P. 177

    "You really are persistent," said Edgar, raising one of his brows to show his irritation.

    "Release her? That's strange of you to say."

    "But did you know Lydia, if you were captured by him, who knows what he would have done to you. Don't you think it was better to have come with me?"

    I wouldn't believe either one of you. Lydia was a little amazed at the nerve of these two men be able to play like they were innocent.

    There was no wind blowing, yet the trees around them gave a ruffling, moving noise from their branches. Just as they all were eyeing to find the source, one of the men at the corner of the group gave out a yelp and fell to the ground.

    "Lord Edgar, this way."


    "Father! why are you.."

    Lydia took a step out with her arms out to her father, but Edgar stopped her by grabbing onto one of her arms.

    "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carlton. I really have been in great care thanks to your daughter."

    "What are you after? I'll do anything you want. Just don't hurt my daughter!"

    "What in the world are you talking about?!"

P. 179

P. 180


        Could there actually be someone, who after saying something so embarra.s.sing, that would get away with this?

        Lydia's father, who appeared to be in a disorderly state that even his daughter had never witnessed, kept opening and closing his mouth. 


        "Hold on right there Edgar, you're making this sound completely different!"

    "Well, I won't disagree that Lydia is the perfect daughter. However, young man, don't you think it’s irresponsible as a man to drag along an young, unwed woman, because you can't control yourself?"

    "Yes, I agree. I regret my carelessness."

    "John, let her go!" yelled Huxley.

    "Hold on, you’re aiming near Lydia."

    "Gossam, I can imagine what you must have said to convince Mr. Carlton, but you shouldn't do something that would reveal you'd do anything ruthless to get your hands on that jewel."

    In that moment, he made it seem like he was the obvious winner if this were to be the site of a duel.

    Perhaps to try intimidate Edgar, Huxley put his finger on the pistol's trigger.

    The pistol that was aimed towards Edgar, was also pointing at Lydia who was right beside him. Trying to stop that, Carlton grabbed ahold of Huxley's arm.

    "Yes, my lord." With a simple reply, Ermine pulled Lydia's arm. The last thing Lydia saw was Edgar pulling out the rapier from his walking stick. At the same time, she heard a gunfire.

    However, as soon as they came out to a different dirt path, Ermine stopped in her tracks.

P. 183

    Lydia, along with her father, was locked inside a room in the castle.

    Carlton was deceived by Huxley, well, actually the Gossam brothers, and was brought here by them, and after finding that out, he breathed out a dispirited sigh.

    "Father, I'm sorry to get you involved into this."

    Who knows what the cause of all this. It could have started from when Gossam tried to use Edgar as his research experiment, or when Edgar decided to use Gossam. However, that wasn't a problem at this point.

    Lydia and her father weren't hurt because the brothers must have thought the two of them weren‘t a threat, but Ermine was punched and kicked, and now her hands were tied-up and she lay unconscious. 

    She wanted to untie her ropes, but Huxley said that if she were to do something like that, then he'd beat-up Ermine even worse.

    "So, about that young man earlier..."

    "Oh, thank goodness. Are you sure it isn't an elope?"

    Relieved, the professor made a faint-hearted smile and pushed his round spectacles up that were low on his nose.

    "Oh, my goodness, father. Are you saying that you wouldn't mind my courter to be a thief as long as I chose him?"

    "I would never choose my husband just by his looks."

    "Yes, that's what he claims, and looking at the way he talks and how he acts, everything about him makes him look like one. But, father, are you saying it's a problem for him to be a n.o.bleman than a thief?"

    "He is serious."

    "Lord Edgar is serious when he says he needs you, Ms Carlton. He is willing to love you if that's necessary to have you do as he wants."

    "Ermine, I already know. That I'm a tool to find the sword for him."

    She lowered her eyes like she was stricken with a deep sadness.

    Nico had said that Edgar was still hiding something from Lydia, maybe this is what he meant.

P. 186

    Ermine frowned like she was stricken with a headache, but she sat up, and with a pressured look, she finally opened her mouth.


    Merrows are said to collect the souls of humans, like humans collect jewelry. It was possible to interpret that they'd request a human soul from the Blue Knight Earl descendant as reward for guarding the sword.

    Lydia brought both of her trembling hands together and made a tight fist.

    Anger boiled up inside her.

    That meant there wasn't one bit of truth in any of his words.

    "There is no gimmick or trick behind any of this. Merrows do exist. It's wrong to think you'd win the sword as long as you've met the conditions. If you aren't the true Blue Knight Earl, then all that's waiting for you is death."

    "Yes, Ermine, that's why you told me the truth."

    "Either way, it's not like we're able to escape from here, so we'll have no chance of meeting the mermaids," said the relieved Carlton.

    “But Gossam is after the star sapphire that’s on the sword. So that man also needs the help of Ms Carlton. Of course, Lord Edgar would have no intention of backing down. That’s why, I thought now was the chance to tell you everything. Even if telling you meant my betrayal to Lord Edgar, as long as he would give up the sword, then…”

P. 188

    The eldest Gossam son, Huxley, came striding in and stopped in front of Lydia.

    It looked like Ermine was right about her expectation.

    “...Hey! are you saying you’re holding my father as hostage?”

    There was nothing else Lydia could do. 

    “I promise.”

    “It’s alright, Father. I promise I’ll come back.”

    The ones that accompanied Lydia, was Huxley and three of his younger brothers. His other brothers must have remained behind to keep an eye on her father and Ermine. Or they could be looking for Edgar and Raven.

    Because she knew where he would appear.

    “Hey, are you sure this is the way?"

    “Why don’t you just quietly come along? You won’t be able to tell the difference anyways.”

    “I can tell that."

    If he was going to only use her from the beginning, then he should of just played the villain from the start, and forced her to listen to him by frightening or blackmailing her.

    Am I hurt?

    That’s why she felt like she could convince him that it was impossible for him to get the merrow’s sword.

    But that was just Lydia’s imagination.

    It was the spot where the door was painted on the outdoor wall.

    The dark hall only had one window, and looked as if there could be anything looming behind the stairs or behind the pillars.

    But, there was no reply or noise from them who should have been behind them.

    Just when his eyes were looking down, Lydia felt the air beside her move. Just then, Huxley was flew away from Lydia and his body slammed down onto the floor.

    He grabbed the pistol away from Huxley and aimed it back down at him on the floor.

    But Lydia’s voice didn’t reach his ears, as he looked down with his cold, expressionless eyes and aimed his mark in the middle of Huxley’s brow with his finger on the trigger.

    “Raven, that’s enough.”

    At his master’s order, Raven lowered his arm. But at that same time, he gave a powerful kick into the pit of Huxley’s stomach, knocking him unconscious. 

    His golden hair sucked in the light and made it radiating. His beauty was perfect and his smile was dauntless.

    “But the situation has gotten bad even for you. If I don’t find ‘The Merrow’s Star’ and hand it over to Huxley, my father will be killed.”

    To find the sword, Lydia needs to solve the riddle and get the silver key that Edgar was carrying somewhere on him. Edgar shouldn’t know that Lydia knows about the key, it looked like she would have to pretend she was cooperating and then steal the key at the last moment.

    She couldn’t believe that Edgar would be worried for a stranger like Lydia’s father’s life. As long as he got the sword, he was sure to abandon her father.

    But for now, Lydia nodded.

    "Let’s get started with the next fairy. What does the ‘Silkie’s Cross’ mean?”

    “I don’t see any cross on it?” said Edgar, puzzled.

    When she opened the door, there was a narrow pa.s.sageway beyond it.

    It wasn’t that difficult for Lydia to follow the path according to the fairy riddle.

    But the sword was supposed to be inherited by the Blue Knight Earl’s descendant, so it would be a problem if anyone could find it if they knew about fairies.

    “How was Ermine?” asked Edgar, as they continued walking.

    “I see.”

    “…She was worried about you, Edgar. If you try to steal the sword, who knows what kind of dangerous traps there will be.”

    But she only has eyes for Edgar.

    “In these days, the only thing that can defy power is power. He isn’t that easy a man to defeat.”

    Lydia could relate to those feelings of hers.

    However, Lydia still didn’t have an idea of how to counter Edgar.

     Or, for Lydia to win against Edgar, would that mean he would be the one to die?

    “Be careful of the Pookah's maze

    Turn right at the Fear Dearg.”

    “Lord Edgar, please wait,” said Raven, suddenly.

    “There’s someone approaching us."

    There must have been a different route, it was the squeaking sound of feet going down stairs. Not before long, the presence of those footsteps approached a door that was by them.

    Just when the door cracked open, Raven slammed the door open with his foot. He slipped into the next room through the open doorway and grabbed the stranger. He pinned his arm around the person’s neck.

    He was stopped just a second before he was about to pierce the person with his knife. Seeing that it was Ermine, he slowly unraveled his arm.

    “Ermine, you were able to escape.”

    “No, it’s alright if you’re safe.”

    “Only I was taken to a separate room. I used that opportunity. So, I think your father is still there as a hostage,” she replied, apologetically, and walked over to Edgar.

    “But this is the way to the location of the sword. We’ll continue this route.”

    “We’ll only guide them to the location of the sword.”

    It appeared like Ermine was discouraged to go because of her feelings of not wanting Edgar to get near the location of the sword. But she didn’t object to Edgar any further.

    “Yes, I know, to be caught like that,” said Ermine.

P. 197

    Ermine had revealed important information to Lydia. Could it be that her brother had sensed the unrest in her from doing that?

    “This is painting of Dullahan?”

    Lydia crawled through the opening. There were stairs that lead further downward.

    They were on a terrace that leaned out over the ocean waves.

    Beyond the simple railing, there was only the dizzying view of the ocean waves against the cliff straight below. The strong, coastal winds roared mercilessly.

    Just like Edgar pointed out, there was no way to go further from here. But on the other hand, there was no other paths that branched off from the way they

    The next phrase was ‘the Leprechaun’s treasure.’

    “Bas.e.m.e.nt, huh. I hope it doesn’t mean that we’re suppose to jump from this cliff.”

    Lydia concentrated and thought about the meaning behind the riddle, but after leading them here and becoming suddenly staggered, she had to confess that she was stumped.

    “If they reach us here, we’ll be cornered,” said Ermine with a worried expression, looking back behind them"

    All of them fell silent. Lydia was still in deep thought. She digged through her head, trying to remember the folktales about Leprechauns.

    “Lord Edgar, it was hopeless for us to think we could get the sword. …I don’t mind if I have to run in fear of being captured by Prince for the rest of my life. If you say doing this is for Raven and my sake, then, please, let’s stop here.”

P. 199

    Ermine lowered her eyes as if in deep thought, but eventually raised her head.

    “Prince knows my wish and weakness. He knows that I find happiness in being able to abscond with Lord Edgar… To be able to share the same goal, to be able to help one another, and to have an insular friends.h.i.+p that doesn’t allow anyone else to break-in. He knew that I the happiest woman to be the only one in that circle and keep Lord Edgar to myself. If we were to be freed of Prince, that would mean you and I would just have a common master and servant relations.h.i.+p. He figured out that that was the thing I feared the most.”

    “I am so sorry, Lord Edgar. I was told that if I continued to keep my eye on you, then he wouldn’t do anything to us for the time being.”

    When he said Prince’s name, even Lydia could sense the clear hatred and resentment steaming out from him. 

P. 200

    “Are you saying that all of our movements were being directly pa.s.sed on to him?”

    “…Then he must have known about this sword as well? And yet he’s spectating us from above.”

    All of a sudden, Lydia was taken into Ermine’s arms.

P. 201

    “Stop, Ermine!"

    Her hands searched for something to cling on, but there was only Ermine’s body, and even she was trying to fall down with Lydia, so her effort was pointless.

    The sky inched down as she felt the sea inch down on her, and just when she felt sick from that long