Hakushaku to Yousei - Vol 8 Chapter 3

Vol 8 Chapter 3

P. 87

Lydia thought it was the seals who were crying.

Her mother had talked to her a lot about seal fairies. That’s why, even if Lydiahad never seen one before, they were creatures that felt nostalgic to her.

They were said to be kind and considerate fairies who could feel the same emotions as humans. 

Then her mother told her, but selkies are still fairies of the sea.

Humans would fear that a selkie who they become friendly with would return to the sea. They would wish for them to stay by their sides forever and hide their fur coats. Or there would be those who would try to use them since they were so submissive. 

That’s why Lydia wanted to do anything she could for the sake of the selkies who were being held captive.

In the morning, Lydia sneaked out of her room so that she could look around the house. 

Her memory was a blank from the evening of last night, and according to Suzy, the ghost of Teresa would come out at night. 

While she was walking around in the grand house, she came out into a large garden. As she followed along the cobble stone pathway, she came to where she could see an arbor that supported a trellis of wisteria that climbed up it and saw there was someone standing there. 

P. 89

She gently s.h.i.+fted over towards the shadows of the trees and hid. 

It was a beautiful woman wearing a black dress. The air about her was different since she had always been wearing men’s clothes, but no matter how you looked at her, she was exactly alike as Ermine. 

She thought she had drowned in the sea of the merrows, but then, she wondered if she had survived. But, then, why was she here. 

Wasn’t that the name of the spiritualist?

“Seraphita, do you hate me?”

“I know you wish to die. But, please do not think in that way. One should not make themselves wish for the wrong outcome.”

P. 90

“No, even that man cannot rule over our heart’s desires.”

“You better not go out now. This way.”


Lydia thought she was being made to believe in make-believe even more.

It was no mistake, this man with his bright golden hair, those ash mauve eyes that he smiled with, was Edgar. However, he spoke out to Lydia by calling her “Teresa.”

Oh, my, goodness, was he trying to seduce Teresa?

P. 91

P. 92

Finding out that he easily said the same kind of thing that he always told Lydia to any other girl, it made Lydialose her temper.

Even if she slapped away his hand with all her might, Edgar didn’t look at all troubled and kept talking like he was used to it. 

He might be used to being blamed by women. He must be confident that he could coax her and buy her back. That made her even more furious.

Before this, she had been trying to think of a plan to annul their engagement while Kelpie was away. She had completely forgotten about that since now wasn’t the time for that, but if Edgar was here, then Lydia thought it was good timing as she breathed in to yell at him some more.

“Uhhh, …..Lydia?”

With a winning smile, Lydia placed her fists on her hips and glared up at him.

She was trying to pick a fight with him, and yet, Edgar relaxed his expression like he was relieved. 

“I’m so relieved…. I thought I wasn’t going to see you again; I didn’t know what to do.”

Lydia thought that no one would realize that she was taken away from London and be in a place like this.

The summer sun that she peered up to over beyond his shoulder felt so bright and then, like a blot of lighting, the thing that Lydia suddenly rose up from her memory was his kind voice.

He said something like that even yesterday.

Oh, but, that could also be one of his methods. 

Lydia somehow managed to push him away and turned around to leave. 

Huh? Thought Lydia, and stopped her walk.

“Don’t you want to know how we were like?”

When she went up to him again, he gave her a suggestive grin.

“You did something that needs responsibility taken?!!”

“The maid was keeping her eye on me the whole time, so how could I possibly make any moves? We just had a pleasant conversation.”

“She’s a good, serious girl and cares for who she works for. Even if it was for the sake of Mrs. Collins, I could sense that she felt awful for what’s happened to you and was desperately trying to be heroic by wanting to protect you.”

“She was the only one who said that she would help try to let me go home safely. But she warned me that the spiritualist was dangerous so I had to be cautious and it was best that I pretend to be Teresa for a while. Oh, yes, I saw the spiritualist for the first time just now, but she looked just like Ermine.”

His voice sounded unusually stiff and nervous.

“Then, she survived and….”

P. 96

A man. That person called Ulysses was definitely the one who had kidnapped Lydia. And he might also be the one who is making Ermine do as he says. Even if that spiritualist was indeed the real Ermine, it wasn’t a situation that Edgar could optimistically be wild with joy.

It seemed like the reason he was written up in the gossip papers after he attended the spiritual ritual wasn’t for a sporty purpose like having his eyes on the spiritualist. 

“It might just be a method of theirs to try and provoke me so they could lure me out, but I don’t know yet how that man is related to Ulysses who is behind all of this. Either way, since we came all the way here, it looks like we’re only left with facing Prince’s outside man. That’s why it would be best for you to get out of here and hide yourself somewhere safe.”

“I’ll think of a way for you to slip out. We’ll do something about Teresa later.”


P. 97

Edgar looked like he was thinking that over as he furrowed his brows.

And then he thought for a bit and opened his mouth.

Lydia nodded her head as she stood nervously.

Eh? Really?

“The daughter Teresa is innocently enjoying how she has come back to life. She has every intention of choosing and marrying one of the four guests in this marriage match that the lady of the house had arranged for her. Now, Lydia, there is no guarantee that a shameless man wouldn’t sneak into your room during the night when you have no control, and it would be a problem if he forced himself on you, wouldn’t it?”

P. 98

“Oh, come on, like that is possible. And, besides, it looks like Miss. Teresa likes to be approached by men and so she hardly ever pushes men away. She didn’t mind how much I got near her. I was able to hold her hand the whole time and pull her shoulder close, and she was at my mercy the

“Wh-what do you mean by at your mercy!”

She nearly blew her top, but panicked when he told her that and now she was completely frantic and didn’t know what to do.

“I won’t let anyone put their hand on you. I’ll have Teresa have her eyes only on me. That’s why you too have to be looking at him only during the day. Understand.”

Her ardor to have him agree to annul the engagement had completely flown out of her mind.

On that night, it was a different night than what Lydia spent yesterday.

However, even if her conscious was awake, it was the same situation that she was possessed by Teresa, and Lydia could only watch nervously in great suspense.

The dress that Teresa chose was a flamboyant rose red, which Lydia didn’t think it could possibly suit her, and she didn’t like the perfume she had on either, and was nervous from feeling like she didn’t belong sitting at the dinner. 

Lydia had thought that it was ridiculous to be thinking about seriously marrying a ghost girl who revived, but it looked like the men gathered here were serious. 

But it looked like both Teresa and Mrs. Collins were both satisfied the more they were praised and flattered. 

Lydia focused her attention on the blond-haired young man who called himself the earl. He must have had a little too much to drink as he appeared to be full of glee and joy, but he still looked frivolous, and she couldn’t tell if he was acting like the rumored lady’s man earl or not, but Lydia thought he looked weak in the head. 

However, in regards to Teresa, she was distracted about Edgar who was called a viscount here. And in comparison, Edgar wasn’t paying her any attention at all.

On top of that, even when Teresa tried to start a conversation with him, he only returned with a halfhearted response. Lydia tilted her head in confusion at where his lines of flattery that at times were too much. 

And yet, it looked like Teresa was made to be furious at that att.i.tude of Edgar, and openly started to coquet to the other three men. 

P. 101

Looked what you’ve done, Edgar. You’re always doing opposite of what you’re saying. I knew I couldn’t trust you!

But unrelated to Lydia’s tiredness, Teresa had more than enough energy. 

“Oh, I wouldn’t know…., I can’t really grasp what the misters are thinking…..”

Her maid Suzy was waiting for her to help her change, as she replied standing troubled.

You have to be joking, whispered Lydia.

“Oh, my, do you perhaps have feelings for him?”

P. 102

If she were to be interested about Edgar, maybe she might be Ermine.

Teresa suddenly stopped walking, and she appeared to have lost her calm.

“Suzy, where is the viscount’s room?”

“I’m going to go kick out a man who would ignore me and try to seduce another woman.”

If Edgar was kicked out, oh, then what should I do?

But, when she opened the door, she suddenly stopped.

“Teresa, where are you going?”

P. 103

As Suzy was about to finish what she was saying, Teresa stomped on her foot and stuck her nose in the air and replied.

“I thought you would open some of your time up for my sake again tonight.”

“I thought you had lost your interest in me? Because, just earlier, you wouldn’t even give me a glance.”

He made a surprised look, like that was unexpected for him.

There was no way Edgar would feel subservient. 

“I couldn’t tell if a man was serious even if I tested him.”

“Are you saying that I should head back to my room? If I were to remain feeling so ill at ease like this, then I might seek out someone else in your place.”

“Who do you mean by that? So you don’t mind even if it wasn’t me.”

Edgar swiftly stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Suzy was shut outside, making the two of them alone in the room.

To his forcefully that didn’t allow her to say anything back, Lydiapanicked and desperately tried to move her body.

Edgar didn’t let that stop him, and tightly squeezed Teresa, no Lydia’s body to him. Lydia wasn’t able to move at all and that made her more panicked.

All of Edgar’s flirtatious lines were rather light, so he seemed to not mind if she rejected him and gave her an opening to escape. But, when he took forceful measures, it was like he had his eyes set on his prey. He had no intention of lettering her escape. 

P. 105

“…….Oh, please, stop, viscount…..”

“Why, you are the only person that appears in my eyes.”

Lydia was now just barely keeping the strength in her left hand in trying to fight against him, but Teresa was practically limp.

Still keeping one of his arms holding her to him, he used his other to bring her face up.

Ohh, she wanted to complain about why of all things, she was wearing a dress that had the front of it was so revealing.

He was talking about Lydia’s eyes. But then, for that moment, when Lydia had the feeling like he was talking about her, it also made the strength in her legs give out.

P. 106

Oh, this is idiotic.

After she came to that conclusion, she was barely able to keep up her fight. 

Like he was enjoying her reaction, his fingers ran from her cheek down along her neck and traced the nape of her neck. Just by having him take off the Belgian lace chocker, she was filled with the embarra.s.sing sensation like she was revealing her entire body’s nakedness, and yet Teresa didn’t move.

Wh-what do you think you’re doing. Oh, my goodness, you pervert! I won’t forgive you if you do anything more than this!

“I want to go on and make you mine.”

“…….Are you sure someone like me will do?”

But, no matter what much Lydia was yelling that out inside of her head, Teresa was already swooned over and spellbound by Edgar’s gaze. 

Ahh, I knew he was an unbelievable, wicked man.

Most likely, Teresa only had eyes for Edgar right now.

His lips dangled above her lips, almost touching hers but not, then brushed up against her ear lobe.

If Teresa didn’t refuse him, everything was going to go as Edgar wanted. Her heart was beating rapidly and she was nearly pushed to tears.

However, he softly let his grip go.

All at once, Lydia lost all of her strength, but Teresa gave a little stir like she didn’t get her fill. 

At last, Suzy was able to open the door just a slight that had been held shut by Edgar’s back, and peeked in nervously to make sure everything was all right. 

“Nothing to worry, Suzy.”

“Teresa, would you spend your time with me tomorrow?”

“It’s a promise.”

“A token of our promise.”

“I st.i.tched it in. I felt like it was sort of bland being an all white handkerchief.”

“You have quite the skill.”

What an honest girl, thought Lydia. She believed every word of Edgar and floated in the sweet thought of being a happy lover.

If she was able to believe Edgar from the bottom of her heart and be able to have feelings for him, then Lydia might also be in complete happy bliss.

Because what just happened was too much for Lydia to bare with, she wasn’t able to quickly notice her embarra.s.sment and while her mind was lingering as she was starting to feel his warmth, there was a terrible commotion and an spine-chilling scream.

“Wh-what is it?”

When Edgar stepped out into the hallway, a man jumped out from the shadows.

He swiftly grabbed ahold of the man. He twisted his hold on the man to hold him down and held him in place.

P. 110

Edgar walked over to Raven to look down at the groaning man and shrugged his shoulders.

The young blond-haired man who could maybe be described as good looking was indeed the earl imposter.

“What is your business?”

“A ghost?”

“Raven, that’s enough.”

“Isn’t it a little too late for someone who came to ask for Miss Teresa’s hand in marriage to be spooked by a ghost.”

He didn’t pay any attention to his ruffled necktie and leaned himself over towards Edgar.

“It’s a murder!”

“No! Not me, Sir Stanley was! His room is covered with blood,”

Why do you always try to touch him every chance you get.

“It was the room next to mine, and I heard a terribly loud noises and went I went over to yell at him to be quiet, I saw that the room was covered in blood.”

“It isn’t ‘I see’. This is homicide.”

“Huhh? Why would I!”

“I would never do such a thing!”

“Then, why would you go all the way to look for me?”

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He scratched his head like he too was baffled at his behavior. If his ignorant, foolish behavior was part of his plan, then it was hard to tell if he was smart or just plain dumb.

“Hard to say if it was just a shadow. It’s night and it’s dark, so you could have just been your imagination.”

“There are humans who aren’t normal either.”

It was hard to believe what kind of curiosity Teresa had, as she said she was coming with them. Lydia didn’t want to see any pools of blood, but she wasn’t in any position to refuse.

There was no gas lamp equipped in the remote estate that was situated away from the town of people, and the candle that Raven held was the only thing that lit up the hallway beyond them. For the eyes that were used to living in London, this was too dark to see anything.

At the end of the long hallway, they were finally able to come to a door that was left open. If seemed the earl imposter must have left it open after he was terrified. 

P. 113

“I shall go ahead.”

The candle stand that Raven brought was the only light in the room, but didn’t take any time at all to se that the table and chairs were all were thrown all over the room in havoc. And one could see even in this dim light that blood was splattered and soaked all over the table cloth and curtain, as well as the walls and windows.

Raven inspected the closet and under the room’s bed, but just reported in a calm voice that “There is no body.”

If he wasn’t acting, it seemed like the earl imposter had finally calmed down.

“But, the owner of here is Mrs. Collins. I hate to say it, but she isn’t the type of lady who could handle this kind of situation.”

“There was one more member of the Collins family.”

“He isn’t so young to be labeled as a child. He is a man after all.”

Lydia became nervous at the earl imposter slinking himself into the room and getting near Edgar.

But he was just timidly peering over Edgar’s shoulder to look down at a puddle of blood.

“Oh, my….., this is terrible.”

“Oscar, you had better search if there is anyone intruder that could have entered into this house. Just to be safe, you should also search for Sir Stanley’s whereabouts, whether he is dead or alive.”

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P. 116

“Viscount, will it be all right for me to trust you? There is no proof that the one who did this is one of you guests.”

The young man signed with a hmm.

“You’re calmer than I expected.”

“I’ll return the comment right back at you, my lord viscount. For the time being, I am the subst.i.tute for the lord of the Collins’family.”

The one who whimpered that was the fake earl.

P. 117

“Battleground? Oh, the Battle of Hastings, you mean. The story was that this is the first place in Englandwhich was covered in blood when it was nearly invaded by the Normans.”

“She has long gone off to bed. It seems she’s always goes to sleep early. If one of the ghosts that is controlled by her was the perpetrator, then it might be useless even if you lock your doors.”

It seemed like she was aimlessly listening to their conversation, but her reaction was so sudden. 

“Oh, my, my lady, what is the matter?”

“Teresa, are you all right?”

“This isn’t the type of thing that a young woman should witness. It’s best that you return to your room.”

Like I said, don’t use every opportunity to hang onto him.

P. 118

Joining with her feelings of sickness, she became dizzy.

“You let Teresa be taken away by him. Are you all right with that?”

Oscar’s voice could be heard as he spoke to the fake earl from behind them.

After Edgar escorted Teresa back to her room, he arrived to his room and was inspecting the handkerchief that she had given him. 

Raven, who had just returned from his rounds in inspecting inside the house, walked over to Edgar who sat in deep thought.

“Oh, yes, I suppose.”

“She claims to have no memory about herself. Maybe she didn’t intend it to be her initials.”

P. 119

The ghost inside of Lydia, may not be Teresa. It was unimaginable for Teresa, who had died at five years old to be able to come up with doing needlework and even perform such a perfect job.

He had a feeling like something important was hidden behind that, but he couldn’t recall what it was.

“Did the letter from Paul arrive?”

It was the one that he went to get from the town post office before sundown.

There was another report that caught his eye. 

Mr. Collins’ younger brother was operating a business in America. Oscar was his son. The reason for his trip to England was to study-abroad starting this fall.

“So there is a possibility that Oscar and Ulysses had already met aboard the s.h.i.+p. So perhaps Ulysses decided to use Oscar from then.”

“So it was part of Prince’s plan to get the Collins family involved in this.”

Then, Edgar turned his eyes towards the note that was quickly scribbled on the corner of the letter. 

Yes, he said and nodded.

He said that he didn’t trust the spiritualist that had revived Teresa, but perhaps it was Ulysses who was making him say that. 

However, then would could Ulysses be. 

As Edgar mulled that over in his head, he held the letter over the fire of the lamp to burn it away.