Hacker: Hard Limit - Hacker: Hard Limit Part 9

Hacker: Hard Limit Part 9

She laughed, a throaty sound that rang over the steady murmur of the cafe. "Yeah, right. You can pay me back in drinks. Speaking of, when are we going out next? I'm hearing rumblings about a bachelorette party."

I laughed nervously. "Has Alli drafted you into her plans yet?"

"Oh, yeah." She winked, a wicked grin lifting her lips.

I nearly choked on my coffee. "Oh, no. The look on your face is seriously worrying me."

"It should." She laughed again.

I shook my head, and she slapped me playfully on the arm.

"Not to worry, Erica. We'll have a blast."

"I have no doubt." I grinned and grabbed my purse to head out. As worrisome as her playful threats were, I had bigger things on my mind. "All right, I'll catch up with you later."

"No problem, hon. Knock 'em dead." She smiled and gave me a quick hug before I left.

I stepped outside, hesitating in front of the entrance that would take me back up to the office. The aroma of coffee and the promise of fall mingled in the air. I couldn't go back to work with all this news in my head. I glanced up and down the street, unsure which way to go. Clay's black Escalade sat at the end of the block. I walked that way.

I hopped into the back.

"Hi, Clay."

"Miss Hathaway. Would you like me to take you home?"

"No, not yet. Would you mind driving me to Harvard?"

"Of course not."

The financial district disappeared as we made our way to the other side of the city. We crossed the river and wove through the tight streets that surrounded Harvard's historic campus.

"Here is fine, Clay," I said, when we were stopped at a light in an area I knew well.

"Where would you like me to pick you up?"

"I'll give you a ring."

He hesitated.

"I'll be okay, I promise. I'm just taking a walk around campus. I won't wander far." I gave him a crooked smile. He had already taken a lot of grief from Blake for letting me disappear before on his watch. Still, I think Clay sympathized with me a little bit. His presence gave me comfort, but I had to spread my wings from time to time.

"What should I tell Mr. Landon if he asks for you?"

I sighed. "Tell him I went for a walk, and if he's worried, he can call me. I have my phone."

He nodded, and I took that as good enough to leave the car. I wove through the afternoon crowd, a mix of students and tourists. For having only been away a few months, I was surprised I didn't recognize anyone. Harvard was officially in the past, and my, how life had changed.

I walked through the gates that led into the campus. The air changed, and memories of my old life here settled over me. I smiled, grateful that I'd been able to make so many memories here. I walked until my legs started to tire. I found an unoccupied bench under a tree nestled in a fairly quiet courtyard.

People walked, engrossed in their own conversations. The breeze filtered through the old trees overhead. The buildings of brick and stone stood silent and imposing. The faint murmur of the city streets beyond the campus boundaries hummed in the distance.

Everything felt different. The ground under my feet, the air around me, and now too, this place from my past. Had it been the conversation with Alex? I was used to seeing my world turn upside down with Blake in my life, but this was different. This was my business.

The prospect of selling to Alex thrilled me. And terrified me. A part of me was ready to burst with the promise of going through with it, of being able to say that I did it. After all our struggles trying to stay above water, I could walk away knowing I'd made it a success. I had no idea how much Alex would offer, but based on the already hefty checks his business was paying out to us, I imagined it would be impressive. Blake wouldn't let me accept anything that wasn't more than fair, and Alex had promised just as much.

My mind ran away with the possibilities. Freedom from the daily grind, the kind of freedom that Blake enjoyed being able to pick and choose his projects. Whatever I walked away with from a sale wouldn't come close to Blake's wealth, but I could pay him back and have a little nest egg of my own that I could say I earned. Maybe it would be enough to invest in Geoff's project independently too.

I had worried about how I would make time for his project, with everything else going on. This could be the perfect time to make a change. Troubling little pangs of worry tempered my giddiness. What if life changed more than I wanted it to? The beautiful office Blake had renovated for me, the team with whom I'd grown so close, and the daily routine that drove me forward. None of that would be guaranteed for long once I gave up ownership.

My mind swam back and forth, through every possibility, until my earlier excitement bordered on anxiety at the prospect of making the wrong decision. My phone rang. It was Alli.


"Hey, is everything all right? You were gone for a while and I didn't see you downstairs."

I sighed, grateful to hear her voice. "I'm fine. I decided to take a walk after meeting with Alex."

"Is everything okay?" Her voice softened with concern.

I closed my eyes. I needed her advice now more than ever. "Everything is fine. I just needed some air. Do you have any plans tonight though? I want to run some things by you."

"Um, sure. Girls' night, or should we invite Heath and Blake?"

Blake would no doubt have an opinion about Alex's proposition, and I valued his opinion more than anyone's. He had more experience than all of us combined, and I had faith that he'd never steer me wrong.

Whether he'd give me enough space to negotiate the deal on my own was another question.

"Sure," I said hesitantly. "Just text me where you want to meet up."

"Okay, will do."

We had just ordered enough sushi to fill a sizable boat when Alli started in.

"So what happened with Alex?"

Her eyes were focused on me expectantly. Blake and Heath followed suit.

I swallowed over the knot in my throat. Here goes nothing. "He wants to buy Clozpin."

Alli almost choked on her mai tai, her eyes impossibly wide. "What?"

"He wants to take the site to the next level, but he doesn't want to make that investment without ownership."

"What did you tell him?" Heath asked.

I looked to Blake, whose expression held no indication of surprise or disapproval. "I told him I'd think about it. He said he could make an offer if I sent him some financials."

"But we're finally starting to get ahead," Alli said, her lower lip pouting a little. The rush of emotions that I'd experienced earlier playing out in her features. Shock, excitement, sadness, and worry. "Don't you want to see how far we can take it first?"

"We've made some great headway lately, but mostly because of this partnership with Alex," I explained. "The referral commissions we're getting are substantial. Think of how that might translate into a sale for us."

"Alex already knows the profit potential. I doubt he'd bring you an insulting offer," Blake said, breaking his thoughtful silence. "But the bigger question is whether it's something you want to do."

"I honestly don't know. He said he wanted all of us to stay on board. For me, it could mean more flexibility to work on other projects."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Geoff's?"

"Maybe. Or others. It's occurred too me that I could be spreading myself a little thin trying to do everything I want to do. Eventually something's got to give."

"What if he changes who we are though... I mean, the essence of the company."

Alli raised a valid point. I could tell she was playing devil's advocate, and for good reason. She'd uprooted her life in New York to come back and work for me in Boston. For her, Sid, and me, the business was a huge part of our lives. Changing any part of that could have an impact on all of us.

"I would hope that he doesn't. He seems to really value what we've done already. But I suppose that's a risk we take."

"So what are you going to do?" Heath asked, pushing me further toward a decision I was in no position to make tonight.

I shrugged. "I've been thinking about it all day, and I can't say I'm any closer to really knowing what I should do. I have to admit it's a promising idea, though. I sent him the financials this afternoon to get things started. If the offer is fair, I think we should strongly consider it."

Alli blew out a breath. "Wow."

"Well, I think it's a great opportunity. For both of you. You've both worked really hard, and if the time is right, go for it."

When Heath smiled, Alli's worry seemed to melt away, her eyes warming as she gazed into Heath's. I looked to Blake beside me. His arm draped over the back of my chair and he rubbed my back gently. The gesture was a small reassurance of his support and approval. I had a feeling he had more thoughts on the topic that he wasn't willing to share in front of Alli and Heath, but at least for now, I didn't feel so off track considering Alex's offer.

The waiter brought an enormous boat of sushi and placed it in the center of the table. We proceeded to stuff ourselves and down another mai tai each. After another hour of talking wedding details and business, Blake and I said our goodbyes to Heath and Alli.

We walked back to the apartment, which was only a few blocks away.

"Sounds like you had a big day," Blake said, threading his fingers with mine as we walked.

I laughed. "No kidding."

"I can talk to Alex tomorrow and feel him out for offers," he said.

I stared down at my strides over the sidewalk. "About that." I hesitated, bracing myself for the blowback. "I'd like to negotiate this myself."

We slowed in front of the awning of our building.

"We've gone over this, Erica."

His voice was quiet, but tension rippled off of him. I drew in a deep breath and prepared to hold as much ground as I could.

"I know. And I know it makes sense for you to work this out with Alex. Obviously you're both sort of evenly matched when it comes to business. I'm still learning a lot, and I value your advice. I always do. But I've built this business from the ground up. With Alli and Sid, yes. With your investment to help us grow, yes. But if this is really the end of me being an owner, I want to be able to say that I wrote the final chapter."

I looked up at him, pleading silently with him to give me the control I craved to take this next step on my own.

"You must want this chapter to be a good one, more than anything, right?"

I sighed. "Yes, of course. But I can do this," I said quickly, not wanting to show any inkling of doubt. "And if I start to feel like I'm getting in over my head, I'll be more than happy to send Alex your way. After our meeting in California, he probably already thinks I need your permission to order office supplies."

He shoved a hand through his hair. "You know that's not true."

I shrugged. "I don't take for granted that anyone respects me in this business. I've had to fight and prove myself every step of the way. Having you hovering, waiting to jump in when I falter, probably doesn't help much. I appreciate it. I do."

"This is what I do, Erica," he pressed.

My shoulders fell. "I know, but Blake...this is my baby."

He cursed under his breath before meeting my imploring gaze.

"Fine. Negotiate the deal with Alex, but promise me you won't commit to anything without running it by me first?"

"I'm fine with that. I wouldn't anyway."

"And if you decide you want to sell, we'll have my lawyers draw up the agreement."

I rolled my eyes at his persistence. "Blake, I have my own lawyers. They'll do fine."

He took a step forward, determination clear in his eyes. I stepped back, only to find myself pressed against the front door.

"You're enough to drive a man insane, do you realize that?"

I trapped my lower lip between my teeth, trying to suppress a smile. I curved my hands over his shoulders, kneading them gently. "Yes," I admitted.

He looked away, as if he were trying to hold on to his frustration. I kissed his jaw, the stubble from the day's growth rough against my lips.

"I love you," I whispered.

"My lawyers," he said firmly, his eyes serious. "And I want you upstairs naked, on your knees, waiting for me. I'll be up in a few minutes."

I frowned. "Where are you going?"

"I have to make a call."

"Who are you calling?" I tried to push him away, but he kept me firmly trapped between the door and his tightly wound body, catching my wrists, pressing them above my head.

"Ask me again, and I can promise you'll regret it." His hips shifted, pinning me firmly against him, punctuating the husky promise.

I stilled, weighing the ratio of anger to lust in his words, and how much room I had to push him. I bit my lip for a second but couldn't help myself.

"Are you calling Alex?"

His eyes darkened. The corners of his lips lifted in quiet mischief. "Oh, I'm going to have some fun with you tonight. Get your ass upstairs before I decide to punish you in a more public fashion."

My skin warmed and my nipples pebbled against my shirt, my body's traitorous reaction when he threatened the kind of punishments I was likely to sign up for any day of the week, whether or not they were inspired by any actual infractions. Damn him. Gradually he stepped back, allowing me to escape his clutches.