Guarding Raine - Part 32

Part 32

Raine Sat in her bed, motionless for long minutes after he'd left


She felt splintered, as though Macauley had taken something of her with him when he walked out that door.

She replayed his in her over After a time anger started to override her


out of bed she marched to her closet Ky lie Brant 115 and took out a robe.

Tying the sash around her narrow waist with furious motions, she headed

for the door.

Mac had knotted the towel above his hips and opened the bathroom door to head back to his room.

He was faced with a very angry Raine.

He stepped aside, but ~she followed.

"I want to talk to you,"

she said belligerently.


"No, now?" she a.s.serted, pointing a finger at his chest. " We have

something to get clear between us, and it can't wait." His mouth firmed at her insistence but he didn't move. She was mad.Well, she was sure as h.e.l.l ent.i.tled. And he couldn't blame her forwanting to get even with him. How could he when he couldn't stand tolook at himself in the mirror this morning? " All right, shoot;" hesaid resignedly. " Don't tempt me," she answered, her eyes spittinggold sparks at him. " I don't much like people making decisions forme, Macauley, and that includes you.

You may be the chief of your company, you might have called the shotswhen you were doing whatever you were doing for the Army, but you areonly responsible for your own choices.



You aren't responsible for mine.

I am a reasonably intelligent adult, and I will accept the consequences

of my behavior.

" " What in h.e.l.l are you getting at?

" He crossed his arms impatiently. She wished for the first time that

she was taller, so she could yell at him face-to-face instead of at his


But she was angry enough not to let the difference in their sizes give her pause. " What I'm getting at is this you are here to protect me and to keep me safe from this creep, whoever he is.

I accept that.

But that's where your responsibility to me ends.

made my own choice last night to sleep with you, and if anyone was

seduced, it was you.

" His mouth quirked in an almost smile. The sight of it made her evenmadder. " Don't you dare laugh at me, Macauley O'Neill!And don't you dare take credit for my choices.I learned a long time ago that every action has a price, and I've been paying a price for most of my life.

You aren't going to change that.

I won't let you change it.

" " Are you about done?

" he inquired interestedly. She pursed her lips. " Not quite.

You have something you're carrying around on your shoulders,


I don't care how much you deny it, it's there.

" The accuracy of her statement stung him. " And you're going to say that you can take care of that for me?

Ease my immortal soul?

" She shook her head, biting her lip. Her voice lowered. " I can't help you with that.

No one can.

You're the only one who can fight your way out of the darkness, because you're the only one holding the key.

But I won't let you add me to that load of guilt you're carrying


" She met his frozen expression squarely. " I refuse to become anyone's regret.

" Chapter C ext week went by with an almost monotonous regularity to the days. Mac and his men finished their work on the house. The beams of all the floodlights they'd installed reached clear to the road. They were lefton at night, filling it with a synthetic bright heSS Raine workedunceasingly on her final project. She'd never experienced such driveto complete a picture before, nor been such a perfectionist in herattempts.

She began as soon as she go~ up each morning and worked late into theevening. It gavel her very little time to be around Macauley, and thatwas a bonus. She wasn't sorry for anything she'd said to him, but herwords had added to the chasm between them. Or maybe she was givingherself too much credit. It was more likely caused by hisunwillingness to let anyone too close. And she had a feeling that~he'd been closer than he'd all owed anybody for a very long time.Sarah stopped in twice, each time asking Ra/the to come out with herfor lunch. Both times she'd hesitated, then refused. She used her work as an excuse, but the second time she'd turned down an invitationshe was very much afraid that she'd offended her friend.

Sarah hadn't stayed long after that, and Raine blamed Macauley for herfriend's hurt feelings. Although she'd originally kept the 118Guarding Raine extent of his involvement from her friends, it was hewho was insisting now that she keep his role as bodyguard from them.Macauley. Justthe thought of him made her throat clutch. She didn't regret the night they'd shared, and she wasn't sorry she'd told him so.What had been a mistake to him was still a source of wonder to her. Her limited experiences' with the opposite s.e.x hadn't taught her Very muchabout men, and nothing at all about men like him. Whether he wanted to believe it or not, he'd given her something very precious that night.In his arms the demons had been driven back into the night. Anger hadfailed to sustain her for long. She knew that he expected such anemotion from her, and that he put his own interpretation on it. But it wasn't hurt pride that wounded her each time she looked at~ him. If anyone was hurting over this it was him, and she was helpless to reachhim. She knew that despite her words he was still blaming himself fortouching her, and although the knowledge made her impatient, she hurtfor him, too. A knock on her studio door interrupted her work and herthoughts. " Come in," she said faintly. Macauley rarely interruptedher work. She released a breath when she saw Trey standing in the opendoorway, and pushed away a feeling of disappointment. " Hi.

Y She forced herself to smile at him.

He made an imposing figure in the doorway, but his wasn't the figureshe would have liked to see there.

"Well, you don't look much the worse for wear,"

he said, strolling into the room.

"All recovered from the accident?"

"I was shaken up a little, but I wasn't hurt" she explained: " Ishouldn't be interrupting genius at work, I know, but I couldn't findMac.

Do you know where he's run off"-- He stopped in mid-sentence, his. eyes on her half-finished painting. He walked toward it without another word and stood in front of the canvas, staring at it through slitted eyes. Then he turned a speculative gaze on her. " This is a real change from your usual works.

" " Yes," she answered shortly. She wished she'd thought to turn thecanvas before she'd invitation for him to come in. She detested people seeing her work in progress. " But I like it," hehastened to a.s.sure her.

Shaking his head in admiration, he continued, " You're good, lady.

Will this be for sale?

" " No way," she answered quickly, without even having to think. Ky

lie Brant 119 He gave a half-satisfied smile. " Somehow I didn't-think


" Giving the canvas one last look, he said, " Anyway, I didn't see Mac around the house.

Do you have any idea where he might be?

" She started to shake her head, then thought again. " Try the back bedroom.

The light they installed on top of the house isn't working the way he

thinks it should.

They ran the wiring through the closet in that room.

It's the last door on the right.

" " Okay, !

'll look for him there.

" Trey left the room and walked down the hallway. He met Mac just

closing the back bedroom door behind him. Trey gave a long, lowwhistle. " You don't look so good.Baby-sitting detail getting you down?" Mac gave him a sour look. " What are you doing here?" " Now is that any way to greet your best friend?