GrimReaper BodyGuard - 8 New Mission

8 New Mission

Kai started to feel a warm sensation on his hand it felt nice, he hadn't felt this before, he had a look what was causing it when to his surprise it was the women who sat by his bed, she was holding his hand. Tears started to run down the woman's face until she blurted out crying.

"Jay I can't believe it, you're alive" She put her head on the bed and started to cry again.

The doctor came and lifted her head and tried to comfort her. "Julia, you need to give him some s.p.a.ce, he only just regained conciseness"

She nodded her head towards him and rose herself back in her seat.

The doctor then turned his attention towards Kai, he had a clipboard in his hand and started to ask questions.

"I have a few simple questions I need to ask you, I need you to try to answer them the best you can okay"

Kai was confused at what this person was doing, so he remained silent and didn't reply.

The doctor got his pen ready and asked his first question.

"Do you remember your name?"

"Of course, my Name is Kai Novis I am the 5th son of Death, Ruler over the land of souls"

The silence was met in the room, the doctor and the women didn't know what to say, they weren't expecting that type of reply from him. The doctor recomposed himself to ask more question.

"Um kai do you remember why you are here"

Kai nodded and replied

"I am here to fulfil my mission as Deaths son, to become a full-fledged Grimreaper"

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Julia couldn't take it anymore, she was in shock at what had happened to her son, he had gone crazy from the series of events. Julia pointed at kai and started to cry again.

"he's broken! my son is broken, you need to fix him!"

The doctor was now trying to calm Julia down

"He's not broken, he's not a toy. humans are complex things, why don't we talk together and if given, errr Kai was it? some s.p.a.ce"

The doctor and Julia walked over to the corner of the room where Kai wasn't able to hear them. Kai was looking at his body moving his arms again, as he was starting to remember what had happened to him.

"that's right this isn't my body, my mission what happened"

Just before Kai himself was going to go into a panic, a black ball of smoke appeared in front of him. The black ball of smoke had a devilish figure on it with narrow sharp eyes and fang-like teeth. Kai recognized it was a creature from his world a black spirit.

Kai stared at the black ball and commanded it with a rough voice.

"black sprit state your business here"

The black spirit was moving left to right like a playful child.

"I'm here to help you deliver a message from death"

That caught Kais attention

"A message from farther"

The black spirit grinned

"yes, yes, yes mission. Your new mission is to protect this person"

The black sprit Changed its shape into a black smoke figure of a Girl

Kai raised his eyebrows at what he had just heard

"Did you say protect, don't you mean, Kill, or take her soul"

The black spirt got angry.

"No, protect Death says the girl Must live, Protect her Kai"

As the black sprit said those words it started to disappear away.