_bibiu_, _mwela bibiu_, a baby, an infant. ?Mota _piopio_.
_bilage_ v. tr., to shut; _bilage maa_, to shut the door.
_bili_; _fabili_, to make dirty.
_bilia_ adj., dirty, unclean.
_bilili_ v. tr., to press upon, weigh down. S. _pilingi_.
_bilingi_ v. tr., to press down.
_binaae_ v. i., to shine, of sun.
_binisi_ v. tr., to bind.
_bito_ 1. v. i., to sprout, to shoot, to begin to grow; 2. n. a sprout;
_bitona e bito_, it sprouted. S. _qito_.
_bobola_ to be fitting, meet.
_bobongi_ with loc. i, i _bobongi_, tomorrow. Mota _qong_.
_boe_ v. i., to be whole, big.
_boeboela_ adj., whole, sound, fat, well.
_bokosi_ v. tr., to hinder.
_bola_ n., a pigeon, _carpophaga rufigula_. Florida _bola_.
_bole_; _teo bole_, to dream; _Teo bolea_, _teo bolela_, a dream.
S. _qole_, Mota _qore_.
_bona_ v. i., to cease speaking, to be silent.
_bono_ v. i., to close a hole; _toongi bono maa_, sackcloth. S.
_bongara_, _bongangara_, v. i., to succor, nourish; _bongara fonosi_, to oppose.
_bongi_; 1. _too bongi_, to be sad of face.
_bongi_; 2. _dau bongi_, to take hold of.
_boro_ 1. (_na_, _ni_), _borona aena_, heel.
_boro_ 2. adv., perhaps, probably, possibly.
_boro_ 3. v. i., _boro tafa_, to emerge, come out from. S. _pola_.
_boso_ n., a pig. Bugotu, _botho_, Florida, _bolo_, New Guinea, _boro_.
_bota_ used with poss., blessed, to receive a thing gratis, to be well provided with; _bota ana_, haply.
_fabota_ v. tr., to be of assistance to.
_bouruuru_ v. i., to fall down, to kneel down.
_bouruurula_ v. n. S. _pouruuru_.
_bubu_ v. i., to look; _bubu tete adalu_, to look earnestly at them.
_bubungi_ v. tr., to look at.
_bubulu_ n., a star; _fe bubulu_, a star; a bottle (late use).
_bubulua_ adj., black. S. _pulupulu'e_.
_bubungi_; _bubungi luma_, a village. S. _pungu_.
_bukonu_ v. i., to be grieved; _lio bukonu_, to be sad of heart.
_bulo_, _bulobulo_ v. i. to turn; _afe bulobulo_, a tide rip. S.
_bulu_ n., gall. S. _pulu_.
_bungu_ 1. a shell trumpet; _ufi bungu_, to blow the trumpet.
_bungu_ 2. v. i., to be deaf; _alinga bungu_, deaf. S. _pungu_.
_buri_ (_gu_) n., back, stern, behind, after, of persons, _buri mwane_, second son.
_burina_ after that; _i burimu_, in your absence. S. _puri_.
_buro_; _lio buro_, _manata buro_, to forget. S. _pu'o_.
_burosi_ v. tr., _burosi lio_, to keep in doubt. S. _mahuro_.
_buroburo_ v. i., to bubble, to spring up, of water. S. _hure'i_.
_buru_ v. i., to be narrow; _tala e buru_, narrow is the way.
_buruburu_ v. i., to be frequent; adv. frequently. S. _puru_.
_busu_ v. i., to squirt, to eject spray; _busu asi_, a whale. S.