_tani_ some; _tani oto ni saiai_, some people.
_tangafulu_, numeral, ten, used only in counting; _e tangafulu_.
_tangafulu ana_ tenth, for the tenth time. S. _tangahulu_.
_tangalau_ numeral, one hundred; _e tangalau_; _tangale doo_, one hundred things. S. _tangalau_.
_taofai_, _tataofai_ v. i., to stumble.
_taraina_ today, now, bye and bye.
_tarakaukau_ a bramble. _kakau_.
_tarau_ v. i., to be continuous, traditional.
_taraungaini_ v. tr., to do continuously. S. _tarau_.
_taru_ a chamber. S. _duru_.
_tasa_ v. i., to be too much, used in comparison; _nia baita tasaa ana_, it is bigger than it.
_tasala_ v. n., _ro fe tasala_, twice as much,
_tasaa_ adj. excessive.
_tasaliu_ v. i., to be in excess, exceedingly.
_tata_ adjectival prefix; _tatagwelu_, headlong. S. _tata_.
_tatabi_; _tatabi i tala_, a bifurcation of the path.
_tatae_ v. i., to rise, arise; _tatae oli_, _tatae olila_, resurrection.
_tataea_ v. n., a getting up, a steep place. S. _ta'e_.
_tataga_ v. i., _bae tataga_, to speak blasphemously.
_tatagala_ adj., _bae tatagala_, to speak blasphemously.
_tatagwelu_ adj., headlong. S. _tataqelu_.
_tatale_ v. tr., to uncover, reveal.
_tatao_ v. i., to be flat, on one's back.
_tau_ 1. v. i., to wash; _tau aba_, to wash hands.
_taufi_ v. tr.
_tau_ 2. v. i., to be far off; be a long time; _too ka tau_, _too ka tau_, for ever and ever. S. _ha'atau_.
_te_ 1. numeral, one, the same, a certain one; _te ni ai_, a certain person; _da tefe bae ana te si baela_, they all said the same thing; _te si na doo_, everything; _te taifilia inia_, he only; used of units (cf. Sa'a _ata_), _te fiu fe doo_, only seven things; _te ai ma te ai_, one by one; _too te ai_, singly; equivalent to and; _te na Mwela_, and the Son. Florida _keha_, one, Kingsmill _te_, M. L. p. 246.
_te_ 2. n., mother; _ni te nau_, my mother.
_telana_, n., of relationship, _ro mwai telana_, mother and child, wife. S. _teitei_.
_tea_ v. tr., to utter, speak; _e tea tesi baela nena_, speaking the same words. S. _tea_.
_tefe_, _te_ 1. _fe_ 2.; _da tefe bae ana tesi baela_, they all (only) said the same thing; _tefe mwela matala_, an only son.
_tefou_ with one accord, together, always.
_tefua_ adj., irreverently, haphazard.
_tefliana_ all, every, _ta tefuana tani_ too, all peoples; _te_ 1.
_tegelai_ partic., lost, dropped. S. _tekela'i_.
_teo_, _teteo_ v. i., to lie down, sleep; _teo bole_, to dream; _teo bolea_, _teo bolela_, v. n., dream.
_teteola_ adj., sleepy; _maada e teteola_, their eyes were sleepy.
_teqa_ v. i., to be tall, high.
_teqala_ adj.; _take teqala_, to stand erect. S. _tewa_.
_terefi_ v. tr., to move as a fan, to fan. S. _tetere_.
_tero_ v. i., to be ulcerous, lame, halt, withered.
_tete_; 1. _manata tete_, to be anxious.
_tete_; 2. _bubu tete_, to look fixedly.
_teu_ a wooden bowl, a measure.
_ti_ interrogative pronoun, sing, who? pl. _gerati_; _ti gera_, one of them; with pers. article a, _ati gera_, who of them? _ati satamu_, what is your name? S. _tei_.
_tobi_ v. tr., to gather, garner; n. a chamber.
_toda_ v. i., to gain, get, collect; _toda bata_, a tax gatherer.
_toe_ v. tr., to strike against, to desire; _liona e toea_, he desired it.
_tofu_, _totofu_ v. tr., to chop.