_moi_ adj., broken. S. _'o'i_.
_moko_, _momoko_ 1. v. i., to be corrupt, to smell; 2. n., corruption.
_mokola_ v. n., corruption;
_mokofa-_ (_na_) v. n., the smell of.
_molagali_ n., all the islands; the world,
_momoi_ v. tr. to buffet; _afe e momoia na ola_, the wind buffeted the ship.
_momoko_; _momoko ia_, breast, bosom.
_mone_ adv., gives life to the narrative; _tamone_; _otomone_.
_mori_, _momori_, as _mouri_, to live. Cf. S. _moli_, _walaimoli_, _mauri_.
_morumoru_ v. i., to be broken in pieces. S. _morumoru_.
_mou_, _momou_, v. i., to fear.
_mouni_ v. tr.
_moumoula_ v. n., fear. S. _mau_.
_mouli_ to be left-handed, awkward. S. _mauli_.
_moumouli_ (_gu_) n., left hand.
_mouri_, _momouri_ v. i., to live.
_mourisi_ v. tr., to survive, escape from.
_mouria_ v. n., life.
_mourila-_ (_gu_) v. n., life. S. _mauri_.
_mousi_ v. tr., to cut off, sever. S. _mousi_.
_mu_. 1. pers. pron. pl. 2. used by itself as subj. or follows _gamu_; _mu kafi lea mai i angita_, when will you come?
_mu_. 2. pronoun, suff. to nouns, sing. 2., thy.
_mumudi_ crumb, chip, scrap; _mumudi i doo_, scraps.
_mwaa_ snake. S. _mwaa_.
_mwaela_ laughter. _famwaela_.
_mwaemwae_ v. i., to be obedient. S. _mwae_.
_mwai_ 1. a bag;
_mwaila_ adj., rich. S. _mwa'i_.
_mwai_ 2. prefix marking reciprocity of relationship; _ro mwai telana_, mother and child; _ro mwai fungona geni_, mother and daughter-in-law; used as plural article, _mwai asi nau_, brethren.
S. _mwai_.
_mwaimwane_, woman's brother, man's sister, _a mwaimwane nau_.
_mwaluda_ adj., soft, gentle, kind, possible, easy.
_mwane_, a male, man, boy, exclam. you! added to proper nouns and to certain other words to show sex distinction. S. _mwane_.
_mwaomwao_ v. i., to be weak, feeble.
_mwela_, child, boy, person; used with article _ni_ of women; _ni mwela ne_, this woman; _mwela bibiu_, little child. S. _mwela_.
_mwemwedua_ honey.
_na_ 1. definite article, a, the; used with both sing. and pl.; _gera na Grekia_, the Greeks. Cf. Florida _na_. M. L. p. 524: _na noni_, the body; _na sasigamu_, your brethren; is in more frequent use than the corresponding _nga_ in Sa'a; in many cases nouns are used without any article when the signification is general. S.
_na_ 2. pronoun suffixed to nouns, sing. 3; _abana_, his hand: added to the first of two nouns to express a genitive; i _tolona fera_, on the tops of the hills; _gwauna na ai gi_, head of men: added to cardinals to form ordinals. S. nd, Mota _na_.
_na_, _nana_ 3. demonstrative pron., there, that, follows noun; _si doo na_, that thing.
_na_, _nana_ 4. adv. follows the verb and denotes a preterite, already, finished; _e sui na_, _e sui nana_, it is finished; _sui na_, thereafter.
_naga_ v. tr., to waste, to spend.
_namo_, inner harbour, lake, pool; _suu i namo_; _asi namo_ a lake.
S. _namo_.
_nana_, _na_ 3. 4.
_nani_, _nanani_, v. i., to seek for.
_nanisi_ v. tr.
_nao_ (_gu_) n. face; with locative _i_; in front of, before; _naoe gula_, first place; _i naogu_, before my face; before my time, _naonao tolia_, chief portion at a feast.