Gou Zai Xianwu Marries A Wife And Lives Long - Chapter 188

Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Marries Yao Xi, Empress Huangyue is furious! The source of the catastrophe! At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the female emperor watched a good show!

Daqian, Lifu.

Han Li walked out of the bedroom of his beloved wife Chu Xianlin.

After these two months of double cultivation, and last night's hard work, Chu Xianlin's cultivation has finally taken a step further, breaking through from the third level of the Vientiane Realm to the fourth level of the Vientiane Realm.

After the realm breakthrough, Chu Xianlin rewarded her husband severely, allowing him to fight with her in all aspects, and she herself enjoyed it.

Come to the top floor of the Chongxiao Tower, Han Li overlooks the entire Li Mansion, the huge Li Mansion is now very lively, and the population has increased a lot compared to before.

Originally, there were thousands of people in the Li Mansion, all of whom were maids and guards. Now there are more than 500 of his descendants, ranging from newborn to five years old. age offspring to be cultured.

In addition to the descendants, there are also a large number of palaces in the Houfu area, more than 140 of which are inhabited by people. The owner of each palace is Han Li's beautiful wife and concubine. They also have a large number of maids. The figure is very beautiful.

Han Li's consciousness swept away, and all the beautiful wives and concubines came to his mind, where they were, what they were doing, and what they said. Everything was clear.

"This is all the result of the ancestor's hard work." Han Li sighed with emotion.

In the past two months, he did not marry a wife or take concubines in the Han Mansion, but took two more concubines in the Li Mansion, and added two new concubines, both of whom are of the fifth-rank qualification, with a beauty of more than 85 points.

Now Han Li no longer intends to recruit beautiful female cultivators with qualifications below the fifth rank, unless there are some special extra points that attract him, such as (fill in the blank).

According to his plan, the standards for marrying wives and concubines in the Han Mansion and the Li Manor will be unified, and all of them will be greatly increased.

From then on, only stunning female cultivators with a beauty of 85 points or above and aptitudes of the fifth or fourth rank can be his concubines, and those with a beauty of 90 or above and aptitudes of the third or higher ranks can be his concubines. wife.

Han Li is deliberately controlling the number of wives and concubines.

With his current strength, taking a stunning female cultivator with sixth or seventh rank as his concubine, and marrying a stunning female cultivator with fourth rank as his wife, is somewhat unworthy of his status.

The outside world doesn't know his true combat power, but Han Li knows it himself, and those stunning female cultivators who don't have enough qualifications are not high enough to withstand his conquest.

There are not many stunning female cultivators with fifth-grade qualifications and fourth-grade qualifications in Daqian Dynasty. Many of them were collected by Han Li in the Han and Li residences. There are even fewer stunning female cultivators with third-grade qualifications. Han Li has never met a single .

Lu Tianxiang, Bai Keqing, and Longyue are all third-rank qualifications and above, but they are not native female cultivators of the Dagan Dynasty, and Longyue barely counts as half of them.

Now his eyes are on the entire Xuanyu, so that the purpose of marrying wives and concubines has skyrocketed in an instant, and those beautiful female cultivators below the fifth-rank aptitude of the Daqian Dynasty will be handed over to his descendants.

The Dagan Dynasty already had a territory of nearly tens of millions of miles. Since the collapse of the situation, it lost a large area of territory, and now it has a territory of three to four million miles.

The Xuanyu is very large, with a radius of more than 500 million miles. Now the territory of the Dagan Dynasty is less than 1% in the Xuanyu, and its strength is also the weakest among the nine powers in the Xuanyu.

Although the territory of Fengbolou is smaller than that of Dagan Dynasty, and there is only one Martial King at the early stage of true martial arts, no one thinks that Dagan Dynasty is stronger than Fengbolou.

Now the mysterious force behind the Storm Tower has been exposed, and it is Pluto, the strongest force in Chaotic Domain.

The Fengbo Tower with the support of Hades, although not as good as Qitianjiao, Kurong Temple, Yinyang Dao, and Dagu Dynasty, but its foundation is stronger than Daliang Dynasty, Dajing Dynasty, Wudi City and Dagan Dynasty.

A few years ago, Pluto came to the front of the stage, but it shocked the entire Chaotic Region and Qianyuan Shenzhou, causing an uproar, and the reactions of various forces were different.

Pluto Heaven is the power of Shenyuan Realm in the East China Sea. It actually infiltrated Chaotic Territory secretly, controlled one-third of Chaotic Territory, subdued countless forces, large and small, and became the number one in Chaotic Territory. Moved to chaos.

Various forces guessed that the reason why Pluto Heaven took the initiative to expose it was probably the request of several holy places. Since then, Pluto Heaven has not expanded any more, and they also understand why Pluto Heaven wants to intervene in the Dagan Dynasty.

Under the constraints of several holy lands, Hades is no longer able to expand in Chaos. The Chaos territory ruled by Hades has calmed down over the years and is no longer chaotic. The rest of Chaos is still the same as before, but many Chaos forces have With a sense of urgency, I am worried that another top power like Pluto will come.

At the same time, the God of Pluto also released the news that he will go to Xuanyu to jointly deal with the crisis of Xuanyu. The forces of all parties speculate that this is probably also requested by the four holy places. In exchange, Pluto is allowed to move the dojo to Chaotic Domain , officially boarded the stage of mainland China.

Han Li had known these news for a long time, but he didn't care about it. Pluto Heaven was only a mere force in the Shenyuan realm. In the eyes of countless forces, he was a giant and unshakable, but in the eyes of Holy Land, he was just a small shrimp.

It is the same in Han Li's eyes. If he is disobedient, Han Li doesn't mind destroying the entire Pluto Heaven with one palm.

Now that his height has reached the same level as Baiyujing, Mount Sumeru, Wanyao Mountain and other holy places, he only has a little fear. When his strength improves further, the structure of Qianyuan Shenzhou will be re-divided.

At that time, he will be in the first rank, and the major holy places can only be placed in the second rank.

At that time, he will be able to marry wives and take concubines in the entire Qianyuan Shenzhou. Who would dare to refuse from all parties? The Holy Land must obediently send daughters to the ancestors!

At that time, his standard for marrying a wife and taking concubines will be raised again, at least by one level.

Then, Han Li will hibernate and devote himself to development. He has never thought of setting foot outside Qianyuan Shenzhou, at least not for the time being.

Unless Qianyuan Shenzhou can't satisfy him, then he will focus on other places in Yuankun Region. At that time, his cultivation base may have been promoted to Shengyuan Realm and Tianyu Realm, and he can fear nothing.

During this period of time, he has heard a lot of news outside of Qianyuan Shenzhou from Lingyinling, a health furnace, and has a rough overview of the power structure of the eight hundred Shenzhous in Yuankun Domain.

Han Li knew that this was very rough. The Great Calamity of the Ancients had caused too much damage to Yuankun Domain. Many powerful holy places were destroyed, such as Jiuyangtian, the number one holy place in Chiyang Shenzhou. The power structure of Yuankun Domain should have undergone considerable changes. .

"Take your time, Patriarch, I can afford it."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Han Li's face showed a cheerful look.

When this matter in Xuanyu is resolved, his influence will skyrocket, and he will be able to marry wives and concubines in the entire Xuanyu.

There are very few stunning female cultivators with fifth-rank and above qualifications in Dagan, but when they expand to the entire Xuanyu, there are many, at least hundreds of times more.

Just the Great Ancient Dynasty, I don't know how many there are. This is the number one force in Xuanyu, occupying one-third of the territory of Xuanyu, and there are many true martial arts kings in it, which is far beyond the comparison of the other three dynasties.

After staying in Li Mansion for a while, Han Li Yinian returned to Han Mansion.

At the summit of Chengdao Peak, there is a peerless beauty waiting for Han Li's return, not any of Han Li's beautiful wives and concubines.

She is wearing a gorgeous pink dress with fluttering sleeves, bright and soft hair, round and white forehead, straight nose, eyes like autumn water, bright eyes and white teeth, beautiful cherry lips, skin like creamy fat, bright and charming, pure and moving , like a combination of a witch and a fairy.

She stands here, with a graceful figure, a soft back, slim and moving, seductive curves and exquisite undulations, peerless grace, beautiful beyond the dust, shrouded in divine brilliance, like a fairy in the dust.

Her beauty is peerless, without a doubt, her long pink hair is waist-length, sometimes dancing with the wind, standing here quietly, but like a star holding the moon, Zhong Tiandi is beautiful, her peerless appearance makes the world eclipse.

The scenery of Chengsheng Mountain is beautiful, but it is not as good as her Baiyi.


Seeing Han Li's figure appear, Yao Xi spoke, her voice was sweet and sticky, her beautiful eyes were full of affection.

Han Li stood beside her, looking at this beautiful girl with fluttering pink hair, he took her into his arms very naturally, and kissed her white forehead.

"Xixi, why are you here?"

"Wait for my brother to come back and marry me."

Nestled against his brother's broad and thick chest, Yao Xi raised his head and looked up at his lover, his jewel-like eyes flashing, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

She has been waiting for this day for nine years.

Brought back to Han Mansion by Han Li at the age of ten, she was placed in Han Li's harem. Now she is nineteen years old.

Over the years, Yao Xi has long fallen in love with Han Li, and he is the only one living in Fang's heart, waiting for Han Li to speak and say the words she has been looking forward to for many years.

It's just that Han Li seemed to have some scruples, so he didn't say it all the time, Yao Xi didn't urge him, and just waited patiently.

She knew that her brother also liked her, and the relationship between the two had already been settled, otherwise her brother would not have let her live with those older sisters.

When she was young, Yao Xi didn't know the meaning of it, but when she was thirteen or fourteen, she understood it. From then on, she began to look forward to when she could live here with another identity.

In the past nine years, her brother has treated her very well. Compared with her previous life, there is a world of difference. She is very glad that she met her brother in Lingjun City that year. If it was later, she would miss it forever. .

Over the years, my brother's wives and concubines have grown bigger and bigger, and he has married one beautiful sister after another, which makes Yao Xi feel a little uncomfortable, with a sense of urgency and expectation in his heart.

Brother has married so many wives and concubines, when will he marry her?

As she got older, she became more and more exquisite and beautiful, and there were very few of her brother's beautiful wives and concubines who could compare with her.

She also likes, looks forward to, and misses her more and more, but her brother has never spoken, and even spent less and less time with her in the past two years.

Thinking about it, tossing and turning, Yao Xi didn't want to wait any longer, and decided to speak out by herself. She knew her own mind and her brother's mind, and she wanted to take the initiative to break the scruples in his brother's heart.

When these words were spoken, Yao Xi's accumulated emotions for many years poured out in an instant. He turned around, put his arms around Han Li's tiger waist, then stood on tiptoe, and actively leaned over, biting Han Li's lips.

Han Li didn't refuse, and moved accordingly.

After a long time, the lips of the two parted, and Han Li smiled and said, "It turns out that Xixi can't wait any longer."

Looking at the beautiful girl in his arms, Han Li also felt a lot of emotion. He also waited for Yao Xi for nine years, and it took nine years to finally raise this little loli.

He still remembers the little girl that no one wanted nine years ago. After being brought home by him, she put on a costume and instantly turned into a little princess.

Now that little Lolita has grown up, she still likes to wear pink skirts, which seems to be the reason why the skirt she wore for the first time was a pink skirt, and her hair has also changed from blue silk to pink hair, which seems to be the reason why Yao Xi didn't realize it.

Since she strengthened the seal on Yao Xi's soul last time, Yao Xi no longer had a headache, nor did a lot of inexplicable memories appear in her mind, but her soul was still growing gradually, and her spiritual power was growing rapidly.

Yao Xi has not practiced yet, her soul is comparable to many masters of the Void Realm, and Han Li is aware of this.

Now, it's finally time to harvest.

"Hmm~" Yao Xi looked into his lover's eyes and nodded heavily.

Afterwards, red clouds appeared on her beautiful white face, which was so beautiful that Han Li was caught off guard and was stunned.

He has hundreds of beautiful wives and concubines, and has seen all kinds of stunning beauties, but facing Yao Xi in this state, he still can't resist.

"Then brother will marry you right now."

After the words fell, Han Li bowed his head. This time he took the initiative, and his big hands couldn't help it.

The two of them were on the top of Chengdao Peak, making love to each other, living a world of two people.

Yao Xi didn't know that this scene was watched by many people on Chengdao Peak, such as Longyue, Bai Keqing, Lu Tianxiang and others. Han Li knew it, but he didn't care.

"Yao Xi has finally achieved a positive result."

Jiang Baiye, Yun Miaoyi, Gongsunyue and other beautiful wives of Han Li watched this scene with smiles on their faces.

They have long regarded Yao Xi as a younger sister, and they were relieved to see Yao Xi succeed. They have been looking forward to this day for a long time, and they have to discuss when their husband will marry Yao Xi's younger sister from time to time.

Three days later, the patriarch of the Han family got married again!

This news spread throughout the entire Yongchang Mansion at lightning speed, shocking the major forces in Yongchang Mansion, and wry smiles appeared on the faces of the top leaders of the forces.

Has that ancestor Han come back?

Since the patriarch of the Han family married six years ago, he hasn't married a wife for six years. They all thought that the patriarch Han had changed his son.

So the patriarch of the Han family got married two months ago, and all parties enthusiastically went to join him, sending various precious gifts to congratulate.

I thought that Patriarch Han would take another six years before marrying his next wife. Unexpectedly, Patriarch Han married again after only two months, which made all parties dumbfounded.

If things go on like this, Patriarch Han will not marry a wife every two months, will he?

The people in charge of various forces feel bitter. Ancestor Han can give ordinary congratulatory gifts for concubines, but they have to give precious congratulatory gifts when they marry wives. If they marry wives frequently, they will empty out their family.

But it's okay not to go, and it's even worse not to give gifts. If the gift is too thin, it will definitely not work, and the ancestors of the Han family will hate it.

Although their hearts were bitter, the heads of various forces honestly went to Chengsheng Mountain with congratulatory gifts to participate in the marriage ceremony of the ancestor of the Han family.

They would rather spend some resources to appease Han Mansion than Han Mansion get angry, take the initiative to step out of the comfort zone, and compete with them for the cultivation resources and territory of Yongchang Mansion. They can't compete with Han Mansion.

The grand wedding arrived as scheduled, and it was held lively.

On the wedding night, Han Li walked into the bridal chamber with a happy mood. Looking at the beautiful woman sitting by the bed, his breathing became short of breath.

At this time, thunder came from outside the window, and the "rumbling" sounded non-stop, as if it was about to rain.

Dark clouds filled the sky, covering the sky and the earth, like a man's thick and broad body, quite a feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city.

On the earth, the vegetation is lush, the ancient trees are towering, and the tender branches and leaves are fluttering in the wind, like the jade hands of a beautiful girl, shaking irregularly.

The tender branches and leaves were devastated by the storm, swaying, with a tenacious and unyielding will, trying to resist the dark clouds that were under pressure, and let the world see the light again, but failed.

Finally, there were bursts of rapid thunderclaps between the sky and the earth, and the dark clouds were finally brewing.

The vegetation nourished by the rain became more delicate and beautiful, and the tender branches and leaves swayed again, as if echoing the roaring thunder.

It is raining on Chengsheng Mountain, and it is also raining at another place far away from Qianyuan Shenzhou. This rain seems to have crossed time and space.

Yuan Kunyu, Kunji Shenzhou.

The entire Yuankun Territory is vast, with endless territory, and had a history of brilliance and prosperity to the extreme.

Qianyuan Shenzhou is located in the southwest of Yuankun Domain, and Kunji Shenzhou is located in the east of Qianyuan Shenzhou. Unlike the declining Qianyuan Shenzhou, Kunji Shenzhou is still strong.

There is an imperial dynasty in Kunji Shenzhou, named Huangyue Emperor Dynasty, which governed nine major Shenzhous in ancient times. It is said that the founder of the imperial dynasty was a female emperor of the Huang clan.

The ancient catastrophe came, and the endless Yuankun domain fell into great turmoil. The true immortals and emperors of all holy places, great religions, imperial dynasties, and longevity families all died, and the immortals and emperors of the Huangyue Dynasty also fell one after another.

After the great catastrophe of the ancient times, the eight hundred divine states fell into chaos. The great emperors and above of the holy lands, great sects, imperial dynasties, and longevity families died. The forces in the Holy Abyss Realm saw the opportunity and set off endless killings.

When the sky sends out murderous intentions, the stars change places;

For a while, the turmoil and chaos in the Yuankun Territory intensified, and a Martial Emperor of the Divine Origin Realm, a Great Master of the Tongxuan Realm, and even a Saint of the Holy Abyss Realm fell one after another.

In this fierce battle, some holy land great religions, imperial dynasties, and long-lived families were destroyed, and some Tongxuan Realm forces and Saint Abyss Realm forces rose one after another to replace them.

Although there are no gods or true immortals in the Huangyue Emperor Dynasty, there is still a great emperor who will live forever in the world. He governs the nine major divine states, and the imperial power overwhelms the eight hundred divine states.

The current Empress Huangyue, with peerless grace, peerless talent, stunning talent, and stunning past, has risen amidst the turmoil, ascending to the empress position step by step.

She swept Liuhe, suppressed the eight wildernesses, and fought until there was no opponent in the sky and the earth, and the power of the empress spread throughout the eight hundred divine states in the Yuankun domain.

At that time, after the great emperors and heavenly immortals of the Huangyue Emperor Dynasty fell one after another, the Emperor Dynasty fell into extreme turmoil. Some powers of the Tongxuan Realm and the Holy Abyss Realm within the Emperor Dynasty rose up one after another, and the Nine Great Divine States affiliated to the Huangyue Emperor Dynasty also One side was separated, and the Huangyue Dynasty was no longer recognized. Many forces in the Holy Abyss were fighting endlessly, wanting to dominate a piece of China.

Empress Huangyue was born in the sky. It is said that she is the daughter of the fairy who founded the Huangyue Emperor Dynasty.

Empress Huangyue rose rapidly. She was born in the True Martial Realm. She cultivated to the Divine Origin Realm in just ten years, to the Tongxuan Realm in forty years, and became a saint in the Holy Abyss Realm in a hundred years.

After becoming a saint, Empress Huangyue ascended to the throne and became an empress, and began to clean up internal and external troubles.

She once personally conquered a Sacred Abyss Realm force with imperial soldiers in hand, and destroyed it with a domineering attitude. That battle shook the world and awakened all forces.

Afterwards, Empress Huangyue fought in all directions, wiped out all the forces in the Holy Abyss, pacified the internal hidden dangers of the imperial dynasty, and went to the nine major divine states. After spending a hundred years, the nine major divine states were finally brought back to the Huangyue imperial dynasty.

When Empress Huangyue was 400 years old, she became an emperor, broke through to the Heavenly Control Realm, and controlled the Heavenly Controlling Way.

A formidable enemy attacked, wanting to seize Empress Huangyue's Great Emperor Dao Fruit, but was suppressed and killed by Empress Huangyue who had just proved her Taoism, causing a sensation in the endless Yuankun domain.

This battle made the Huangyue Dynasty completely stable, no one dared to disagree, and no other forces dared to peep.

One hundred thousand years have passed, and the majesty of the Huangyue Dynasty has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The Huangyue Empress also fought south and north, conquering east and west, and constantly expanding the sphere of influence of the Huangyue Dynasty.

In ancient times, at the peak of the Huangyue Dynasty, it was only at the peak of the Huangyue Dynasty that it commanded the ten major Shenzhous, including the Kunji Shenzhou and the nine affiliated Shenzhous. Today, the Huangyue Dynasty governs forty-eight Shenzhous, and it is one of the strongest forces in the entire Yuankun Domain.

The imperial capital of the Huangyue Emperor Dynasty is a city in the sky, suspended above the nine heavens of Kunji Divine State, exuding a heavy power at all times, covering the entire Kunji Divine State, and also monitoring the forty-eight affiliated Divine States.

Huangyue Imperial Capital is vast, brilliant, prosperous, and prosperous. It has countless praises, and it can bear it. This imperial capital is like a phoenix soaring nine days. less than.

Among the imperial capital, inside the glorious imperial court.

At the entrance of a majestic and majestic palace, Empress Huangyue, wearing a golden battle armor, was holding her hands behind her back, looking east at the majestic and majestic mountain.

Under the golden battle armor, there is the exquisite body with undulating waves and waves. Outside the golden battle armor, layers of golden ripples bloom continuously, covering that peerless delicate body.

After staring at it for a long time, Empress Huangyue said softly: "I really want to blow up this sacred mountain."

Yuan Kun Territory is boundless and vast, but in the far east there is a majestic and majestic sacred mountain. This is the first sacred mountain in Yuan Kun Territory, the tallest and strongest.

This sacred mountain is named Xuanshenjian Mountain!

According to the ancient historical records of the Yuankun Territory, there is a vaster and more infinite vast world outside the Yuankun Territory, and the Yuan Kun Territory is just a corner of this infinite world.

The Xuanshenjian Mountain is the only exit from the Yuankun Territory to the outside world. The Xuanshenjian Mountain isolates the Yuankun Territory from the outside world, making the Yuankun Territory rarely communicate with the outside world for countless epochs.

If you want to leave the Yuankun domain and go to the broader infinite world, you need to climb Xuanshenjian Mountain, walk through one of the three ancient roads of Xuanshenjian Mountain, and endure the test of the supreme sword intent before you can successfully leave.

Empress Huangyue wanted to blow up Xuanshenjian Mountain, not because Xuanshenjian Mountain isolated Yuankun Domain from the outside world, but because Xuanshenjian Mountain was the chief culprit that caused the ancient catastrophe.

In other words, the catastrophes that occurred in the Yuankun domain were all caused by the Xuanshen Sword Mountain. Every time the Xuanshen Sword Mountain revived, the Yuankun domain would cause a catastrophe. remove.


Empress Huangyue sighed, she knew that although she was the strongest in Yuankun Domain, she was still far from being able to blow up Xuanshenjian Mountain.

She is the founder of the Huangyue Dynasty, the daughter of a fairy, who knows countless secrets, and she knows all the information collected by the Huangyue Dynasty over the countless years.

It was precisely because of knowing that she felt powerless, even deeply hopeless.

She learned from ancient history that Yuankunyu will set off six catastrophes in every era, and it will be launched every 216 million years. It is punctual and there is no exception.

It is precisely because of this catastrophe that the ancient history of the Yuankun domain is divided into multiple eras. At the beginning of each era is the ancient era, then the ancient age of gods, then the ancient era, and after the ancient era is the ancient era, and then It was the ancient times.

The era she is in now is the sixth era of this era. When this era is buried, Yuan Kunyu will start the next era, repeating the cycle of reincarnation one by one, endlessly.

When she first saw these top-secret information recorded in ancient history, Empress Huangyue didn't believe it. Who can overlook the eras and control the countless eras of the entire Yuankun Domain?

Even the legendary Immortal Golden Immortal can't do it!

But after inquiring from many sources and learning more and more detailed ancient history, Empress Huangyue believed it, because the ancient history records of the great religions of the holy places, the longevity families, and the imperial dynasties are all like this, which is extremely cruel.

In every era and era, there are countless sages who are fighting to break free from the shackles of fate, but they all fail.

Xuan Shen Jian Mountain, this is the source of darkness in the Yuan Kun domain, the birthplace of catastrophe, and the harvester of countless great emperors, heavenly immortals, and true immortals.

As long as the living beings who know these top-secret information, whether they are true immortals, saints in the Holy Abyss Realm or even powerful people in the Profound Realm, they all know that their fate is locked.

Although the powerful masters of the Tongxuan Realm, the Saints of the Holy Abyss Realm, and the Great Emperor of the Tianyu Realm have lived for less than 200 million years, their cultivation is against the sky. They all want to become immortals, heavenly immortals, true immortals, and even immortal golden immortals. .

If they become immortals, they will also face the big problem of Xuanshen Sword Mountain, and they will be harvested by Xuanshen Sword Mountain when the time comes.

Even if they did not become immortals, if it happened at the time when the catastrophe came, they would probably die as a result, and their sect and family would also be destroyed as a result. There are too many such records in ancient history.

"What level of weapon is this fairy sword?"

After a long silence, Empress Huangyue whispered to herself. She had thought about this question countless times, but she never had an answer.

Because Xuanshenjianshan was too strong after recovery, so strong that the entire Yuankun domain was in despair.

Every time a great catastrophe comes, Xuanshenjian Mountain revives, this fairy sword does not move at all, it just blooms the sword light, and kills all the great emperors, heavenly immortals and true immortals in the endless Yuankun domain with light and cold.

Where the sword light passes, the heavens and the earth tremble, time and space are shattered, and all karma and fate are destroyed by this sword light. From the emperor to the real immortal, no one can resist a sword light, and they will be killed in an instant .

Even the real immortal hiding in the small world is no exception, the real immortal and the small world will be killed together.

This is the top-secret information recorded in the ancient history of Yuan Kunyu in each era and era. From just a few words, one can experience the horror of Xuanshenjian Mountain and the deep despair.

No one knows where the limit of this fairy sword is, even the gods and gods can't peek out, because the gods and gods can't hold a sword light.

"This is definitely not a fairy sword at the level of a golden fairy!" Empress Huangyue was extremely certain.

In this era, no golden immortals were born in the Yuankun domain, or in other words, many eras have disappeared. Those true immortals were beheaded by Xuanshen Jianshan recovery before they reached the golden immortal realm.

But there are records of golden immortals in the ancient history of Yuan Kunyu. Heavenly immortals have a lifespan of one era, true immortals have a lifespan of one hundred eras, and golden immortals can live forever.

The ancient history records the lifespan and combat power of the Golden Immortal, and some rough descriptions of the realm of the Golden Immortal, etc. It can be seen that the sword of the Golden Immortal level cannot do all this.

What is above the golden fairy?

No one in the entire Yuankun Domain had an answer, and Empress Huangyue didn't know either. She guessed that this fairy sword was a weapon above the golden fairy, and only then could it have such infinite power.

"This era has just begun, I still have a chance." Empress Huangyue whispered to herself again.

An era lasts 216 million years, and only 110,000 years have passed since the ancient era, and the new era has just begun. She has already cultivated to the peak of the Heavenly Control Realm, and she is the Great Emperor of the Extreme Dao.

One hundred thousand years ago, she had already cultivated to this level, but she has been suppressing the realm, without breaking through, and she wanted to become stronger at the level of the heavenly realm.

She has the Huangyue Immortal Physique, which is also the aptitude of Immortal Grade. It is not difficult to break through to the Celestial Immortal, and the so-called Heavenly Tribulation cannot stop her.

Empress Huangyue knew very well that it was useless to break through the Celestial Immortals, at most she would live for 200 million years and die in the catastrophe set off by Xuanshen Sword Mountain.

Only by becoming stronger and possessing the combat power of a celestial being in the heavenly realm, will there be a chance to break the shackles of fate.

For the Great Emperor, Celestial Immortal, and True Immortal in the Yuankun Domain, they can't resist the revived Xuanshenjian Mountain. If they want to survive, the only way is to leave the Yuankun Domain and go to the infinite world outside.

Although there are three ancient roads leading to the outside world on Xuanshenjian Mountain, very few creatures can pass through them.

Empress Huangyue guessed that she might have to be in the Realm of True Immortals, with the combat power of Golden Immortals, in order to successfully cross the Xuanshen Sword Mountain and successfully reach the infinitely vast outside world.

How difficult is it to achieve this step?

On the road of cultivation, the further back the realm, the greater the gap in combat power. Let alone a large realm, even a small realm will have a huge gap in combat power.

It is very remarkable to be able to have the combat power of a celestial being in the Celestial Imperial Realm. There have not been many since ancient times, but to be able to have the combat power of a true immortal in the Celestial Immortal Realm, and to have the combat power of a golden immortal in the Realm of the Immortal Realm is even less and less. I'm afraid it's not more than two hands.

I don't know if Empress Huangyue will be successful in the future. She has to let herself have the combat power of celestial beings in the Tianyu Realm first. For this reason, she began to try 100,000 years ago.

Empress Huangyue deduces a supreme immortal method, separates a ray of primordial spirit, reincarnates, and seals part of her memory, countless cultivation experience, and many imperial scriptures and immortal skills in the divided soul.

In this way, the sub-hundred souls can be cultivated smoothly, advancing by leaps and bounds all the way, and when they reach the Holy Abyss Realm, Empress Huangyue will take back the sub-hundred souls, and then assist the sub-hundred souls to break through to the quasi-emperor and prove the way to be emperor.

One hundred thousand years have passed, and Empress Huangyue has separated tens of thousands of souls, but only a few of them can grow to the Holy Abyss, only eight of them were taken back to the Emperor Huangyue Dynasty by her, and carefully cultivated, some of them Has successfully broken through to the emperor of the sky.

Empress Huangyue is waiting for the appearance of the ninth Holy Abyss Realm split soul. She has high hopes for the split soul that was split decades ago, and sealed more things to ensure its growth.

If this sub-soul is successfully cultivated to the Holy Abyss Realm, after she takes it back and trains it, and waits for all nine sub-souls to cultivate into the Emperor of the Heavenly Realm, then she can activate the Supreme Immortal Technique to unite the nine sub-souls with herself.

Empress Huangyue is confident that after the nine souls unite with her, her combat power will skyrocket countless times, break through the shackles, rush into the realm of celestial beings, and truly possess combat power comparable to celestial beings.

At that time, it was the time when she survived the catastrophe and became a fairy.

It's just that there seems to be something wrong with her soul that she has high hopes for. Someone tampered with this soul and sealed it so that she couldn't even perceive it.

Empress Huangyue has several targets of suspicion, all of which are her enemies. Her main target of suspicion is the empress of Yuanchu Mountain.

That female emperor fought with her a lot, and Yuanchu Mountain and Huangyue Emperor Dynasty also had constant friction. The two female emperors had the same goal. The Yuanchu Mountain female emperor probably found her soul and moved her hands and feet.

This is not the first time she has encountered this kind of thing. Many of her souls have fallen due to force majeure. If it wasn't for the reincarnation of the souls, she couldn't control it. Empress Huangyue would definitely want all the souls to reincarnate in the Huangyue Dynasty.

"I hope you are not playing tricks, otherwise this emperor will make you pay the price." Empress Huangyue's eyes flashed a look of evil spirit.

Suddenly, Empress Huangyue's delicate body trembled, her pupils dilated suddenly, a look of disbelief flashed in her eyes, her jade-white cheeks were dull.

"Why is my body reacting?"

Empress Huangyue's tone was dull, and she felt a tingling sensation of electric shock rushing through her body, which made her moan involuntarily.

Immediately, Empress Huangyue suppressed this feeling, her pretty face turned frosty, and a terrifying aura was released. The imperial prestige shook the Three Thousand Realms, attracting the attention of countless forces.

"Who the hell?!"

Empress Huangyue flashed back to the bedroom, lying on the big soft and comfortable bed, using her kung fu to try her best to calm the discomfort in her body, and shouted angrily.

At this moment, Empress Huangyue was sure that her divided soul had not fallen into the hands of Empress Yuanchu Mountain.

Although the empress did not deal with her, she would never do such a ridiculous thing. The empress also knew that doing such a thing would definitely make her furious, and the loss outweighed the gain.

This is the first time she has encountered this kind of situation in a hundred thousand years. Before, she died when her soul was separated, and Empress Huangyue didn't care, she just separated and reincarnated.

But today's situation caught Empress Huangyue by surprise. Someone actually did that kind of thing to her soul, and even transmitted it to her main body across endless time and space, which made Empress Huangyue furious.

Empress Huangyue was furious!

Someone dared to ruin her innocence!

Although she lost her soul and innocence, she also felt it, her body reacted, and even her stalwart primordial spirit was about to be polluted, which made Empress Huangyue extremely furious.

She felt her innocence was gone!

The split soul is her, and the main soul is also her. If the split soul is innocent, then her main soul will also be affected.

"Don't let me know who you are?!"

After practicing many times, Empress Huangyue finally suppressed this strange feeling, and her spiritual consciousness permeated.

After a while, a peerless, elegant and beautiful figure in green clothes appeared in the bedroom of Empress Huangyue. She was like a fairy descending from the earth, extraordinary and beautiful.

"Your Majesty~"

The celestial figure in purple bowed his head and greeted respectfully.

"Ji Mingyue, go to Qianyuan Shenzhou and other thirty-six states, and bring back the soul of this emperor."

"This emperor wants to know whose hands the split soul fell into, and bring that person back together."

Empress Huangyue's tone was indifferent, hiding endless anger.


Ji Mingyue took the order and left directly.

She didn't know why Empress Huangyue was so furious, but thinking it was related to this mission, she felt a sense of urgency in her heart, and she had to find Empress Huangyue's soul back as soon as possible.

Otherwise, she would have to walk away without food.


In the sleeping hall, Empress Huangyue snorted coldly, her tone contained endless anger, and she wanted to burn Jiuchongtian.

When Fenhun broke his body just now, the seal in Fenhun's body loosened for an instant. Although it was quickly strengthened by the thief, Empress Huangyue still sensed a vague place.

She locked the location of the divided soul in the southwest of Yuankun Domain, where is the area where Qianyuan Shenzhou and the thirty-six Shenzhous it once ruled are located.

It's just that Qianyuan Shenzhou has long since declined, and now there is not even a saint in the Holy Abyss realm, and Empress Huangyue doesn't pay attention at all.

No matter who defiles her soul, she will make the other party pay the price. Even the holy places in Qianyuan Shenzhou can't bear her anger.

Empress Huangyue was furious, and the entire Yuankun Territory was boundless, and all eight hundred divine states were about to fall into turmoil. It was only a mere holy place, and there was not even a saint in the Holy Abyss, and she could blow up countless of them with her backhand.

Yuan Kunyu, Shenzhou in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Here is another powerful force in the endless Yuankun domain: Yuanchu Mountain!

Yuanchu Mountain occupied the Shenzhou at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and also ruled over 46 Shenzhous. It was one of the most powerful forces comparable to the Huangyue Dynasty.

The strongest person in the mountains at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was the empress of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Empress Huangyue is angry again? This is the second time in the past ten or twenty years. What happened to her? Is there something wrong with her soul?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the female emperor sensed the overwhelming imperial prestige, thinking in her heart.

She had done black hands to the soul of Empress Huangyue many times, killing it before it reached the holy abyss level, in order to delay the progress of Empress Huangyue.

The empress at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty knew very well what the empress Huangyue was doing. The two of them were the two most dazzling women in the endless Yuankun domain, and they were the two empresses, destined to compete all the way.

Before she did not succeed, she did not allow Empress Huangyue to succeed.

Empress Yuanchu also knew that Empress Huangyue also played tricks on her, causing her progress to be delayed for a long time.

PS: Update today in advance, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

It's the last day of this month, and the monthly pass will expire if you don't vote.

If the goal set yesterday is achieved, there will be another update tonight.

(end of this chapter)