Good Evening, Mr President! - Chapter 1193

Chapter 1193

Chapter 1193

1193 I seem to be pregnant

Me? Yun Xi snorted, a little unhappy that he asked her this question. She felt that he was asking nonsense. what do you think? Do you think Ill get through this with you? Whats the point of living a hard life for me? Back then, I took care of Beibei and got through all that. Now that I have you by my side, Im not afraid of anything anymore, Yingluo!

Shao moqian was quite touched by Yun Xiaos att.i.tude. He held Yun Xiaos hand and could not help but stroke the back of her hand with his soft fingers.Youve already suffered enough in the past. I promise I wont let you suffer again!

Shao moqian said in all seriousness.

Even if there were to be hards.h.i.+ps in the future, he would be the one to suffer. He would definitely not let his wife and child suffer even a little bit, not even a little bit!

Early in the morning.

The first ray of golden morning sunlight shone into the warm bedroom and spread over Chi Yi and Chi zuxu. Chi Yi flipped over and climbed onto her husband.

Feeling the softness on his body, the sleeping Chi zuxu opened his eyes drowsily. Squinting his mesmerizing eyes, he looked at the girl before him and asked in a lazy and hoa.r.s.e voice, What are you doing?

Perhaps it was because he had just woken up, but his voice still had a lazy magnetism to it. It was particularly pleasant to the ears, and even had a kind of bewitching charm.

Chi Yi sprawled on top of him and stared at him for a long time without uttering a word, seemingly hesitating about something.

Chi zuxu narrowed his alluring eyes. what exactly happened?

He subconsciously tightened his arms around her slender waist and repeated his question.

Biting her lower lip, she mulled over it for a moment before speaking in a low voice, That ran ran, I ran ran


Its been more than a week since my Yingluos period, Yingluo

Yingluo really is! Chi zuxu actually did not notice it.

He smacked his forehead. I really forgot about this. Whats wrong? Was he feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital?

Im a little uncomfortable. She nodded.

Where? Chi zuxu tensed up at once. does your stomach hurt? Or what?

You keep vomiting.


Furthermore, hes extremely drowsy.

Chi zuxu widened his eyes at her.

Moreover, he cant stand hunger. He always feels like hes not full.

Chi zuxus s.e.xy thin lips parted slightly. After a long while, he finally asked, Honey, the symptoms you mentioned, why does it sound like Yingluo is pregnant?

She blinked. I think so too, Huahua.

Chi zuxu was instantly agitated. He hurriedly hugged her and sat up. are you really pregnant? Youve tested it?

No! I havent!

Chi Yi hurriedly waved her hands with a timid look on her face. Im alone. I dont dare to take the test.

Actually, she wanted to do the test on her own, but she was a little afraid to do it alone. She was afraid that she would be too disappointed.

She struggled for a long time to decide whether she should tell her uncle about this. In the end, however, she decided to tell him because she really felt that her reaction was too much like that of a pregnant woman.

How long have you been vomiting? how come I didnt know? He didnt even notice it! d.a.m.n it!

uncle, nows not the time to talk about this. Chi Yi was convinced by him and hurriedly pulled her to the right path. shouldnt we first find out if shes really pregnant?