Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant's First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine - Chapter 87 - Why Are You So Sad When You Talk?

Chapter 87 - Why Are You So Sad When You Talk?

Thinking that previously she had thought about it so seriously, Nan Yan felt a little pain in her chest. Although it was not like before, there was still a dull pain.

“What else can I say? Men… Are they not all same?"

Ran Xiaoyu looked at her and suddenly said: “Why are you so sad when you talk about him?"

“No, I am not !”

Nan Yan suddenly turned her back, only to find herself a bit strange. She hastily tried to cover up and said: “Just casually talking.”

After that, she catched the sight of several things wrapped in cloths on the bed. She knew it was Ran Xiaoyu's belonging that she had brought with them. She suddenly said: “Xiaoyu, your things haven't been cleaned yet. Let me help you.”

After speaking, she got up and busied herself with cleaning.

Not only they were busy, but the entire Imperial Palace of Jinling was also busy. In every place, someone was sweeping, dusting the carpet, hanging the red lanterns under the roof and wiping the main Hall of the Buddhist temple bright and clean.

The Imperial Palace looked completely new, glistening and dazzling in the sunset.

Soon, the sunset sets behind the mountain and the Jinling City was plunged into darkness.

The night was so quiet that there was no sound of the wind. Apparently, some kind of stifling mood seems to be gathering in this condense night. Naturally, everyone knew the reason why.

Because tomorrow, the new Emperor will ascend the throne.

That night, many people inevitably could not slept well.

It was already very late. Yet, Nan Yan was still awake and soberly looked at the moonlight outside of the window. She had trouble falling asleep.

In fact, for theses who were servants, whoever ascend the throne was not going to change much of their life. No matter who the emperor, their days will go on, but for her, it will be different.

She closely followed Zhu Feng as his side servant. So, the quality of her master directly affected her fate.

Although she was drawn to enter the Emperor's Palace, she already had no hope for her future. But now, there were another path opened for her to go.

She just did not know where this road will lead her in the future.

She also did not know what kind of Emperor, Zhu Feng would be.


Finally the next day arrived.

Early in the morning, someone called her to serve in the Wu Ying Palace. Nan Yan hurried to properly dress and soon went over there.

As soon as she entered the main Hall of the Buddhist Temple, she saw the tall, straight and somehow relaxed figure standing in front of the window.

It was Zhu Feng, expressionlessly looking outside.

At this moment of the day, the sun had not completely rise. However, his face looked like the Emperor Gao. Even those pair of eyes who usually always looked serene and bottomless were, now, sparkling with radiance.

Hearing the footsteps of Nan Yan, he turned his head.

Nan Yan bowed and softly spoke: “Your Majesty.”

“You arrived."

He said this sentence lightly, afterwards, he turned around and went to the bedside. Then, he spread out his hands.

Nan Yan hurried forward to take off his clothes, placed them on the rack and served him to put on his ceremonial clothes.

Today was the big day for him as he will ascend the throne. He was naturally dressed differently than usual, wearing one ceremonial robe after another. It was making Nan Yan's whole body sweat, but Zhu Feng's face still had no expression.

The dark robe, embroidered with red border adding to an exquisite dragon embroidery made with golden threads, was put on him. Not only did it made him look more tall and upright, but it also reveals a reserved and n.o.ble manner.

His breath was even more steady than before.

Nan Yan kept her head down and concentrated her hand on properly doing her task. Even though, while she was doing her work, she could all along sense the eyes of Zhu Feng that seemed to have continuously pursue her.

With great difficulty, she endured his gaze during this period of time. Finally, all the ceremonial robes were properly wear.

At this time, the Palace Chief Cui Yuanmei walked to the door of Wu Ying Palace and lightly spoke: “Your Majesty, you must go to Great Ancestral Shrine to offer sacrifice.”

Zhu Feng nodded and turned away.

Nan Yan subconsciously relaxed.

However, just as she breathed out of relief after the grievance from a moment ago. Zhu Feng suddenly stopped at the door did not looked back. He said: "Si Nan Yan."

Nan Yan looked up in panic: “Yes ?”

End of the Chapter

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