Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant's First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine - Chapter 81 - Do You Regret It ?

Chapter 81 - Do You Regret It ?

h.e.l.lo Everyone!Sorry for the long absence???

Edited by:Yuuko

Proofread by: Yuuko

As soon as she looked back, she found that all the people in the hall were coming out. When he opened his mouth, he was dragged behind by Madam Jiahe.

As Zhu Feng has come to them, he looked at the smiles on the faces of the two of them.

Nan Yan was stunned and hurriedly lower her head.

She thought that Zhu Feng wanted to tell her something, but he just looked at them and said nothing. Then he turned around to Jian Tongguang said.

“Master Jian, I have greatly benefit today. We will be able to thoroughly talk about it in the future.”

Jian Tongguang said: “This weak Old Man respectfully send off His Highness Yan w.a.n.g.”

After that, the man behind him leaned over and greeted him with a fist and palm salute. His Highness Yan w.a.n.g also respond at him with the same gesture, after that he said: “Let us go.”

This order was of course said for Nan Yan.

She has not reacted until Zhu Feng has already pa.s.sed by her side. She hastily greeted Jian Tongguang and his family and then hurriedly catched up Zhu Feng footsteps.

Looking at the back of them, Jian Tongguang sigh: “Such a good girl.”

Madam Jiahe said with a smile: “Is Father still not going to give up ?”

After that, a pair of gentle eyes looked at Jian Ruocheng, who was also looking at the back of the cloister, the figure had already nearly faded away in daze. He smiled and said: “This kind of thing, this Old man is always anxious.”

Jian Ruocheng turned around: “What ?”

The whole family shook their heads and scattered.

After a while, he turned back to look again. But the figure, on the long hallway, had already disappeared.

In front of the Jian Fu's door, the people around were almost scattered.

Only some of the more insistent scholars guard on both sides. As Zhu Feng went out, he did not even glance sideways and directly stepped into the carriage. After Nan Yan got into the carriage, she heard him say to Ye Zheng: “Let all the military forces here withdraw.”

When Ye Zheng heard this, he hurried to rely the order.

Soon, all the soldiers pulled back and followed the carriage. With the whip on Ye Zheng's hand, there was a sharp noise and the carriage departed.

As they came out very early, there were not many people in the street. Yet, at this time of the day, the entire Jinling City was lively. The street is full of hawkers' enthusiastic cries as well as the voices of pa.s.serby gossiping and yelling. The roads were bustling with a lot of noise and excitement.

In contrast with this lively bustling, the inside of the carriage had a peculiar atmosphere as it was relatively quiet.

Nan Yan originally thought that once this matter was solved. It will resolve Zhu Feng's secret worry before ascending the throne. He should be happy or at least be a little more relaxed—— In fact, she did see a little tenderness in his eyes when they were outside the Jian Fu.

Still, currently, his whole body was emitting an air more cold than ever before.

The whole carriage seems like it was turned into an icehouse.

Nan Yan did not know what to do. Yet, she also knew that, at this moment, it would be best to speak less.

So she huddled in the corner of the carriage.

But just then, she heard the voice of Zhu Feng coldly asking——

“Do you regret it ?”

Nan Yan looked up at him with some astonishment——

What ? What do I regret ?

Seeing her face puzzled, somehow, the original not very happy face felt once again an indescribable and evil anger soared from him.

Zhu Feng coldly said: “Jian second son also seems very pleased about you. Is there a little regret now that he has not agreed to Jian Tongguang request ?”

It turned out that he was talking about this.

Nan Yan lowered its head, ears slightly reddened: “This slave servant has just said that this slave whole body is only concerned by His Royal Highness' matter. Since this is naturally a matter of His Royal Highness, this slave has no other thoughts.”

There were no other thought…

When Zhu Feng heard this sentence, his heart seemed to ease a bit. But when he remembered that she just smiled beautifully at that Jian second young master in the hallway in front of the lobby, he squinted.

“Yet, you were with Jian Ruocheng just recently——”

End of the Chapter

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