Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant's First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine - Chapter 14

Chapter 14

This night, the entire city of Jinling, or the entire Central Plains, has undergone earth-shaking changes throughout the entire world.

TLN: CENTRAL PLAINS – Collection of chinese states with the most important people living in them. See glossary.

This is just a change that the human eye can see.

More changes come a little bit at a time over a long period of time like a long boundless river. But the world can not see it.

Still no matter if the visible changes are good or the invisible changes are good, Nan Yan is entirely ignorant about it.

She once again opened the corner cabinet. Empty, she could not help sighing. Closing the cabinet door and going over to sit down on one side of the chair.

She was brought in to the room by those people and as soon as she entered of course she knew that she was locked up and could only stay inside. After a while she started to feel that it was inappropriate only wearing a cloak. So she rummaged through the room trying to find something to wear.

Unfortunately, not even an upper garment could be found.

She could vaguely distinguish that this room was in the Eastern Garden Courtyard and it seems like it had been forgotten for some years. No wonder all the stuff was gone.

Even worse, after the door was locked the guards all departed and seemed to have forgotten about her. Surroundings was so calm but she could not hear even a little sound.

What was going on outside, she was completely unaware.

As soon as the morning light appeared, the light and shadow on the ground from the door moved slowly with the pa.s.sage of time. The sun turned a b.l.o.o.d.y red and orange color and then once again slowly darkened.

The Earth sank into darkness once again.

A day pa.s.sed by and no one came.

In fact, in such a chaotic Imperial City where so many people died outside. It is a good thing to be safe in a corner like this where no one has found her. But for Nan Yan there is a bigger problem and that is hunger.

Originally when she been sent to serve at Qin before she had already been starving for half a day. Now it has been a whole day with no water or rice. She was already dizzy and eyes dimmed with hunger.

She could not go on like this.

Thinking of this problem she shuffled up to the door with a soft stride. Exerted herself to bang on the door while shouting:

"Is there anybody outside, Is there any one?"

“Come on, I'm locked up here?”

"Is there anyone!?"

Her voice reverberated in the quiet, desolate, little courtyard. But outside there was only the rustle of the wind blowing the fallen leaves and nothing else could be heard.

From the door looking out the other rooms in the small courtyard was empty. She did not know if there was no one living in them originally or weather people at an earlier time had already escaped. The courtyard door had been locked with an iron lock and there was really no one around.

Yelling now was meaningless. She can only sit at the door and listen for the sound of movement. If someone walks past she will shout again.

However after a long time, except for the wind there was no noise outside.

Hunger slowly corroded her strength and even more it corroded her spirit. Si Nan Yan leaned on the door slowly pa.s.sing out.

The next day she was sleeping until wus.h.i.+(between 11am-1pm). But even though she eventually woke up she was delirious. Nan Yan had no strength to even open her mouth. She could only use her soft hands to make fist and keep pounding on the door. At the end of the day she can not even lift her hands. Subconsciously with her head little by little she banged it against the door.  

"Somebody come…….."

She murmured unconsciously:

"Help me, help me."

End of Chapter