Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant's First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine - Chapter 146 - If The Emperor Was Angry, I Would Plead For You!

Chapter 146 - If The Emperor Was Angry, I Would Plead For You!


Nan Yan looked at him in his robe, she didn't know why her heart was pounding so hard.

Suddenly, she heard his cold, hard, and magnetic voice sound out overhead.

"Minister Jian."

“This small official is here.” Said Jian Ruocheng.

"You go with me inside the carriage."

Everyone looked enviously at Jian Ruocheng.

As everyone knew, the Emperor seldom let people to get on the carriage to accompany him except for his close ministers.

However, Jian Ruocheng had just entered the government and yet, he had won the favor and trust of the Emperor.

Jian Ruocheng hesitated. “This small official dares not."

“Don't let me repeat."


He got up quickly, and followed Zhu Feng afterwards.

Nan Yan knelt in the original place, didn't know why, her heart almost skipped a beat. This time, she carefully raised her head, only to see the flas.h.i.+ng of the back shadows of the two men, both getting on the imperial carriage.

She also got up and followed after with everyone. As she was about to go forward, someone had reached behind her and gave a pat on the shoulder.

Looking back, it was He Yi who was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with smiles.

Nan Yan said hastily, “Lord He Yi."

He Yi did not accompany him this time, but stayed in the capital city, so he was still dressed in a official clothes and looked very solemn. Those intelligent eyes glanced at The Emperor's imperial carriage. He said, “This time to Yong Province, the situation over there is unknown and it may be difficult."


” You should admonish The Emperor more, to be more lenient to officials and common people. Don't act rashly and resort to force."

After saying that, He Yi patted her on the shoulder again, and then turned and walked away.


Nan Yan stood, somewhat dumbfounded.

Why did He Yi tell those things to her?

She was suddenly at a loss, why would she dare to speak foolishly in front of Zhu Feng.

She felt that He Yi must have made a mistake. She shook her head and turned to one side.

The palace maids who accompanied her also rode in the carriage, but some officials didn't want to follow by walking. Therefore, many people crowded into a carriage. She could only put her things on the carriage, then someone patted her on the shoulder. “Nan Yan.”

Looking back, it was Ye Zheng.

Nan Yan promptly asked. “Ye Zheng, what can I do for you?"

Ye Zheng felt somewhat awkward looking at her injured mouth and the bruise on her neck that had not faded completely, so he said softly, “The Emperor has let you – let you follow behind the imperial carriage."


Nan Yan remained standing there, stunned.

Of course, she had heard that if the Emperor traveled, there were people who accompanied  the imperial carriage. But it was usually attendants and imperial guards, and she had never heard palace maids following behind the imperial carriage.

Because, palace maids were not supposed to follow the imperial carriage!

Nan Yan asked: ” Let me – follow behind the imperial carriage?"

Ye Zheng forced a smile and uttered. “It is His Majesty's order.”


You – You'll first have to put up with it. I'll plead for your mistakes when the Emperor's anger subsides afterwards."

Then, he turned and walked away

.Plead? For what?

She was speechless.

Nan Yan was frowning while standing in the same spot, only feeling wronged and unwilling. Especially looking at the people getting on the carriage and mounting on the horse, while she stood there alone. After a long time, she could only follow and walk along the imperial carriage.

All the guards and attendants around looked at her.

And those concubines who stood on the top who saw this scene also revealed different expressions.

After a while, The Emperor had already arranged everything. After giving a few words to the Empress, the caravan slowly drove out of the palace.

Nan Yan followed the large army and slowly walked forward, her thin figure soon mixing into the crowd. While Wu Wan, who was standing at the top looking at this scene, looked coldly with fierce eyes, saying,

“This time, you'd better die in Yong Province!”

End of Chapter

Edited by Anon