Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant's First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine - Chapter 134 - She Has A Knife In Her Hand

Chapter 134 - She Has A Knife In Her Hand

Ran Xiaoyu frowned and said, "Look at what Consort Kang just did to you! How can it not be her?"

Nan Yan shook her head in disagreement. "It still doesn't mean that she is the one who sent to kill me last night."


"If it was her, it's unlikely that she would have come today."

Ran Xiaoyu looked puzzled. She contemplated Nan Yan's reasoning for a long time. "Let's say you are right," she temporarily agreed before stating, "The only other person who might want to kill you is——"

"Imperial Concubine An!" Nan Yan gasped in shock. "It is Imperial Concubine An."

"Imperial Concubine An? How can it be her? Isn't she just one of Consort Kang's followers?"

"You're right, Imperial Concubine An relies entirely on Consort Kang. They probably devised this scheme together."


"However, something must have gone wrong…" she mused out loud. "Something unexpected that Consort Kang still doesn't know about— something for which Imperial Concubine An needs to silence me."

Ran Xiaoyu became more and more puzzled. "I don't understand."

Nan Yan sighed and said, "Last night, I was carefully thinking about everything that had happened that day when I recalled something. Yesterday at noon, I noticed that my dressing table was very messy, so I tidied it up. Only, I clearly remember I hadn't used it."

"You mean, someone came to rummage through your dressing table?"

"Yes, I think Consort Kang and Imperial Concubine An wanted to have the coral beads put on my dressing table to frame me."

"But didn't you say——"

"Yes, the red coral bracelet that was found is mine."


"Then the person they sent to plant the stolen bracelet must have panicked when they saw mine and didn't know what to do."

Ran Xiaoyu suddenly understood. "So, the person that was sent didn't actually put the stolen coral bracelet in place."


"In that case, couldn't they just——"

"If there had been more time they probably could have thought of a better way. However, they must not have had enough time to react properly with the time they allotted themselves for the task."

"Why is that?"

"Because the Empress appeared in Shou An Palace too quickly."

Ran Xiaoyu had to think again then gasped in shock and said, "You mean that while they were putting the bracelet on your dressing table, they were also leading the Empress to Shou An Palace; their plan was to have the matter blow up so that you'd be condemned to death."

Nan Yan nodded her head and said, "They didn't want to allow me enough time to respond, but that ended up harming them as they also didn't have enough time to deal with any accidents."


"They had no choice but to improvise at the time."

Ran Xiaoyu frowned for a long time before speaking, "This is really too complicated, but I am finally beginning to understand everything."

As she said this, she looked at Nan Yan again. "But since they already framed you, why does Imperial Concubine An want to kill you?"

Nan Yan was silent for a moment then said, "Yesterday, the person who led the Empress to Shou An Palace was Consort Kang, so I believe Imperial Concubine An should have been in charge of arranging someone to leave Xia Yunting's bracelet in my room. Therefore, she learned that I also had obtained a red coral bracelet of my own."


"She must have been anxious."


"She doesn't know where my bracelet comes from. If I had revealed its origins when it was discovered then it would have been clear that Xia Zhaoyi's wristlet hadn't been stolen by me."

"Still, there shouldn't be a need to kill you."

Nan Yan looked up and replied, "There shouldn't be, but she now has a knife pointing at herself."

Ran Xiaoyu was astonished. "What knife?”

End of Chapter


Edited by Anon & Michelicious11

Proofread by: SageKage

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