Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can't Afford To Offend! - Chapter 405

Chapter 405

In the middle of the night, Meng Nan couldnt sleep. In the end, he got up and wear his coat.

He pushed open the window. The bright moon outside was round, the shadows in the courtyard were visible. A familiar figure sitting in the courtyard was drinking alone under the moon.

Meng Nan hurriedly pushed the door and said: Good, good, you, Jin Shiwei, you dont even call me for a drink now. Then, he went over the table and sat down. He also poured himself a glass of wine.

Jin Shiweis actions were very fast. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he quickly put the fragrant roast chicken he had under the table.

Gongzi, why did you come out? You also cant sleep?

Meng Nan, who raised the wine glass, raised an eyebrow: Also? You cant sleep either? Do you have a problem?

Jin Shiwei shook his head: I have nothing to worry about, I just didnt have enough dinner, I was hungry, hehe ~~

Meng Nan brought Jin Shiwei to accompany him in the banquet, but in the end, he could only stay outside and wait. Hes afraid that he didnt even have a chance to drink water.

Meng Nan pointed his finger under the table and said: Dont hide it, Ive seen it already. Isnt that a roast chicken? Give me half of it, Ill pay you back tomorrow.

Jin Shiwei quickly shook his head: No, no, this is not enough for me to eat. If I give you the half, wont I starve to death by then?

Meng Nan touched his belly and sighed: If I wasnt hungry, I wouldnt even ask you for food.

Jin Shiwei squinted his eyes and said: Didnt you had dinner? There is this guy called Fengsheng, I saw him eating fresh seafood in one go, so dont tell me you didnt eat!

Meng Nan made a bitter face: Its true, I didnt eat, I drank a few glasses of wine with an empty stomach, so now Im having stomachache. Hurry, give me half of it, didnt I said I will pay you tomorrow?

Jin Shiwei had no choice but to take out his roast chicken. He had just eaten one chicken wing.

Meng Nan didnt try to be polite, he stretched out his hand pulled the big chicken thigh.

Jin Shiwei busily pulled the other big chicken thigh and took a bite. Then, he asked: Gongzi, you seem to have something on your mind!

Meng Nan looked up and stared at Jin Shiwei: Jin Shiwei, you can tell that I have something in mind?

Jin Shiwei laughed out loud: Of course, as long as you frown your eyebrows, I know that something is bothering you.

Meng Nan took another bite of the chicken thigh and then said: Then, what do you think is bothering me?

Jin Shiwei proudly smiled: Do you still need to ask? It must be because Zhier hasnt responded to you yet!

Meng Nan waved his hand: This time, you guessed wrong. Im not upset because of that today.

Not that? Then what is it? Jin Shiwei looked at his young master with a puzzled look in the face. Since they returned to the capital, Meng Nan only thought one thing. He only thought of how he will trick Bai Zhi. Oh, thats not it, it was how he will pick her up.

When Prince Xiao came, did you see him? Meng Nan asked.

Jin Shiwei shook his head: No, I wasnt there at that time. I didnt see him, whats the matter?

Meng Nan looked around the surrounding. When he determined that no one was around, he said with a low voice: Prince Xiaos appearance is similar to Hu Feng. Say, do you think its just a coincidence?

Jin Shiwie nodded without thinking: It must be a coincidence. Many people look similar, so isnt it just a coincidence?

Meng Nan gave him a blank look, and said with a bad tone: Use your brain, dont just open your mouth.

Oh! Jin Shiwei tried his best to use his brain and diverted his attention to the chicken thigh. Thinking about it, he really felt something was not right.

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