God Of Life And Death - Chapter 3575

Chapter 3575

Chapter 3575 carefully calculated

It suppresses one strong person after another, and the source of some disasters also comes from it.

"If that's the case, I have a plan in my heart!"

Fang Yue made clear his future path.

It is about getting up and returning to the human race.

The other thing is second, he intends to let Shaojun recover as soon as possible.

Shaojun's soul is still sleeping in that jar. If the soul body is separated for too long, it will inevitably cause irreversible damage to Shaojun's soul.

Fang Yue left, the sixth King of Destruction did not stop him.

Half a day later, Fang Yue appeared in Tianhuang Kingdom again.

"Lord Tianhuang, I want to see Shaojun's body!"

Fang Yue said to the Heavenly Desolate King.

"Young Jun's body has been placed in his bedroom, and it will be buried in seven days!"

The Heavenly Desolate King looked at Fang Yue with an indifferent expression.

"I see! Farewell!"

In a flash, Fang Yue appeared in the Shaojun's bedroom.

However, he came too late.

The entire palace is actually full of corpses scattered all over the place.

The maids and guards in the bedroom were all killed, and the bodies were incomplete.

"Damn, I'm late!"

Fang Yue gritted his teeth.

"What are you doing, Lord of Heaven? You can't even guard the body of your own son!"

Fang Yue's tone was quite sharp.

He did not expect that at this critical moment, the young master's body was actually stolen.

"Bold thief, dare to insult my lord in my heavenly kingdom!"

A general at the Daluojin fairyland level felt a sense and appeared in the Shaojun's bedroom, accusing the other party Yue Bajian.


Fang Yue roared.

Fang Yue's anger rolled in his chest and had nowhere to vent.

He worked hard to **** Shaojun's soul back from the hands of the Destroyer, but Tianhuang Kingdom couldn't even guard his body.

And this guard leader, he didn't show up when Shaojun's body was stolen, and now he insulted the Tianhuang Kingdom Lord in the palace of Tianhuang Kingdom, so that he actually came to the door to ask the teacher to ask the guilt.

This makes Fang Yue's heart not angry!

"What, Shaojun's body was taken away? Who did it?"

The Heavenly Desolate King appeared in the Shaojun's bedroom.

At this moment, the always indifferent country lord finally showed a look of rage!

His eyes opened angrily, and the suppressed emotions in his heart erupted at this moment!

"It was done by the Human Alliance!"

Fang Yue said softly.

His palm waved, and the old scene reappeared.

The two powerhouses at the level of the Immortal Monarch quietly sneaked into the Shaojun's bedroom.

A maid who was in charge of guarding the dormitory came to the side of the coffin.

She saw the two Immortal Monarchs who sneaked into the bedroom, her eyes widened, and she was about to exclaim.

In the next moment, the sword qi was horizontal, and the maid and the other guards in the dormitory were silently killed by the sword light.

Around the dormitory, a shallow pattern lit up.

It blocked all the overflowing breath, so that other people in the Tianhuang Kingdom Palace could not sense what happened in this bedroom.

Fang Yue remained silent.

On the chest of one of them, the logo of the Renmeng was striking, the swords crossed, and the murderous intent was pressing.

"Damn! The League of People bullied me too deeply!"

Tianhuang Kingdom's fist slammed on the ground, and the entire Tianhuang Kingdom's palace shook slightly.

With the shaking of the entire palace.

Fang Yue's eyelids lifted slightly.

"They just walked away for less than half a column of incense, and it's not too late to follow them now!"


The Heavenly Desolate King gritted his teeth, as if he had made a certain determination!

Weakness and compromise do not bring peace.

Only by fighting can we get fair treatment for ourselves.

"it is good!"

Fang Yue teleported in a space, and he took the Heavenly Desolate King to follow the cause and effect line and directly came to a cave.

The cave was gloomy, extremely humid, and drops of water dripped from the upside-down lava pillars.

At the end of the cave is a palace.

The gates of the palace are open.

A strong man of the supreme level of the corpse race sat leaning on the tiger skin stone chair.

There was a sullen look on his face.

He looked sideways at the two immortal monarchs who were kneeling on the ground who stole the corpse of Shaojun.

"This is the corpse that King Hei Lian asked you to send? Did the lord of this Heavenly Desolate Country ever know about this!"

The supreme tone of the corpse race was contemptuous.

There is an indescribable contempt when mentioning the three words Hei Lian Wang!

Even the corpses of the strong in their own group are bought and sold like this.

This Hei Lian King is really difficult to make him look at.

"The lord of Tianhuang Kingdom doesn't know about it, but my King Hei Lian said that the lord of Tianhuang Kingdom has always been a person with the world in mind. He can even sacrifice his son's soul for the human race and sacrifice it to the destroyer. , This corpse doesn't really matter! Even if he knows about this, I believe that for the stability and future of the human race, he will tolerate it!"

A human alliance powerhouse at the level of the Immortal Sovereign said slightly flatteringly.

And after hearing this, the Hei Lian King next to him was simply furious!

He gritted his teeth with hatred, and the whole person seemed to be caught in the flames of hatred hunting and burning.

"King Hei Lian, you must die!"

The words of the Heavenly Desolate King came out of his teeth.

He didn't control his emotions and breath.

"Who's outside?"

The supreme of the corpse race sensed the breath of the Heavenly Desolate King. After all, the Heavenly Desolate King is also an existence of the Supreme Realm, and the aura of the cultivation base is extraordinary!

"it's me!"

The Lord of Tianhuang did not hide his whereabouts, and he appeared in the palace with popular strides.

"Lord Tianhuang, why are you here!"

An Immortal Monarch in the Human League said to the Heavenly Desolate King in an interrogating voice.

"This is not where you came from. If you delay the alliance plan between the Human League and the Zombie Race, will you bear it again?"

Don't look at the incomparable humility of the Immortal Monarch of the Human League towards this corpse race, kneeling and prostrate, but after seeing the Heavenly Desolate King, he was extremely arrogant, an Immortal Monarch actually dared to reprimand the Supreme !

"A good one to eat inside and out!"

The lord of Tianhuang roared, and he kicked the Immortal Monarch of the Human League with one kick!

The Xianjun slammed into the wall of the palace, and at least three ribs were broken!

He was seriously injured and vomited blood, but he still spoke to the lord of Tianhuang Kingdom extremely arrogantly.

"Lord Tianhuang, you can't die! You are so targeted at the messenger of the Human League, just wait for the thunderous punishment of the Human League!"

The Immortal Monarch of the People's League is still blackmailing the Heavenly Desolate King.

Fang Yue appeared beside the Immortal Monarch of the Human League like a ghost.

"I'll take it back for something that doesn't have long eyes! The lord of Tianhuang Kingdom shouldn't have any opinions!"

Fang Yue slowly lifted the Immortal Monarch of this alliance from the ground.

"Fang, Fang Yue?!"

The immortal prince in the alliance seemed to have seen a ghost when he saw Fang Yue. Didn't he agree to let the destroyer take Fang Yue away for sacrifice?

Could it be that Fang Yue is no longer afraid of the Destroyer?

The limbs of the Immortal Monarch of the Human League trembled.

Fang Yue has a fierce reputation outside, and even in the eyes of the Human League, Fang Yue's degree of viciousness and threat is several times that of the lord of the Heavenly Desolate Kingdom!

The lord of Tianhuang is still someone who takes care of the overall situation, what is Fang Yue trying to do!

It's not new at all to kill the Xianjun in the League of People.

"You still know me!"

Fang Yue said mockingly.

"Why, are you disappointed that I wasn't captured by the Destroyer?"

Fang Yue said with a sneer.

"How come you are still alive when you sacrifice others everywhere! You are so great, why don't I sacrifice you as a sacrifice!"

After Fang Yue finished speaking, he began to slowly withdraw the life essence and soul power from the body of the Immortal Monarch.

He deliberately controlled the speed, and asked the Immortal Monarch of the Human League to repay the sacrifice of himself.

The immortal monarch in the alliance felt the spirit power and life force in his body fading little by little, and he couldn't help but become extremely frightened!

"Fang Yue, don't!"

However, his begging for mercy lingered in Fang Yue's ears.

Fang Yue was unmoved, he pulled away all the essence of the immortal prince of the human race and turned it into a human skin with a face full of horror and slowly fell to the ground.

"The guys from the Human League are really treated well in life, and the various essential substances in their bodies are at least three layers higher than other human races of the same rank!"

Fang Yue chuckled, and he looked at another Immortal Monarch of the Human League.

That Xianjun was actually scared to pee his pants when he saw the miserable state of his companion!

A smell came.

Fang Yue sneered and said: "It's really useless, with this little courage, how can the Human League expect you to thrive in the future! Why don't you contribute your life essence and soul power together! I can use your soul when I look back. Power and life essence come to me to find a few more allies for the human race, in this case, you can be considered to have realized the value of your life, right?"

Fang Yue's disgust for Renmeng deepened.

Now, when he almost sees the people of the Human League, he will instinctively feel disgust in his heart!

"Fang Yue, Grandpa Fang Yue, I'll recruit, I'll recruit you, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

This Immortal Monarch in the Human League kowtowed like pounding garlic.

He was terrified of death.

"This time, King Hei Lian is behind the manipulation. He wants to take advantage of this opportunity to force the rebellion against the King of Heaven, and then take the opportunity to bring the Kingdom of Heaven under his command in the name of pacifying the chaos!"

"And about you, this King Hei Lian wants to use a knife to kill people! He thinks that your existence is a great challenge and threat to him in the Human League, and if you die! No one should challenge his authority again!"

The immortal prince in the human alliance said to the other side Yue stammered.

"I see!"

Fang Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"You really look down on me! You calculated me so carefully! But you, as an accomplice, knowingly committed the crime, it's really hateful."

When Fang Yue raised his hand, he still absorbed all the life essence in the body of the Immortal Monarch in this alliance!

"The odious King Hei Lian actually plotted against me like this! Fortunately, I put the overall situation first and sacrificed my poor child to let him sacrifice his soul to the Destroyer in exchange for the short-term peace of the human race. He plotted This is actually the ten thousand-year foundation of my Heavenly Desolate Kingdom. If I am really deceived, will I become an eternal sinner in the Heavenly Desolate Kingdom? If I fall under Jiuquan in a hundred years, how will I face my Heaven The ancestors in the barren country!"

The Heavenly Desolate King was terrified.

Fang Yue stood beside him and said.