God Of Life And Death - Chapter 2251

Chapter 2251

That small tower is very delicate, with the ability to seal and imprison! And the quality of the small tower should have reached the level of the true fairy peak and even the spiritual fairy level!

"If you can help me reshape my body, I can give you benefits you can't imagine! Over the years, I have also stored a lot of cosmic origins in my hands, and the existence of these cosmic origins is unknown! If you can help If I reshape my body, I can give you the power of the universe the size of three human heads!"

The Holy Spirit opened the mode of the devil's temptation, and wanted Fang Yue to desire it. Looking down to surrender.

"There is another great will in that small tower. It's not that I don't want to use it to reshape your body, but this great will I am afraid you can't afford it!"

Fang Yue deeply knew the power of the nine-story tower.

From a certain perspective, the small tower he gave to himself was a clone of him.

Fang Yue had no problem fighting with this small tower, and even if the small tower was damaged in the battle, there would be no punishment.

But if he used the small tower as the holy spirit of the Void Tower as the vehicle of the flesh, the Void Tower would come down immediately, directly suppressing him to death!

The Holy Spirit frowned.

She didn't expect that there was such a pot among them.

If she can't reshape her body, then she will come here for nothing!

"However, if you want, I can create a fleshy shell for you! This fleshy shell carries your will, and can also be used as a clone to walk outside!"

Fang Yue proposed another plan.

For this reward for wanting to go to the source, his heart is also ready to move!

This thing makes Daluo Jinxian and even the powerhouses of the Fairy Sovereign Realm be tempted, and even hesitate to launch a war for it. He said that he didn't desire it, that was self-deception!

"A mundane flesh body can hardly carry my will! Each of this Void Tower can be comparable to your so-called Daluojin Wonderland level magical artifact, and I am a collection of the will of a thousand Void Towers. If you reshape the flesh for me The shell, at least if it is at the peak of the Great Luo Jinxian or even at the level of the fairy king! But if it is a tower-shaped magic weapon, because of the special material, just add some special materials to become the carrier of my will!"

The Holy Spirit slowly shook his head.

If she really chose a physical body to take her home at will, she would have done it long ago.

The problem is that her willpower is too big, so big that Da Luo Jinxian is terrified!

"If it's another way?"

A faint brilliance flashed in Fang Yue's eyes.

If this powerful Holy Spirit can really reincarnate successfully, maybe it can become a terrifying existence beyond imagination.

"What if I could give you a chance to reincarnate and become a real creature?"

Fang Yue suddenly spoke.

And the Holy Spirit shook his head and said: "It's impossible! A tool spirit is a tool spirit, and a creature is a creature. There is a very clear boundary between the two. No one can transform the Holy Spirit into a creature! Even some supremely strong It's hard to do this! Reincarnation and rebirth involve some ancient Xinmi. I have vaguely heard some old antiques say, life and death, reincarnation, soul and so on!"

"What they can't do, I may not be able to do it! I may not be able to reincarnate all your thoughts, but I can refine a flesh and blood body for you! If one day, I find a tower for you The material of the body, it's not too late to transfer all your will at that time!"

Fang Yue's eyes lit up, and he came up with a compromise idea. Using his current cultivation skills and methods, to create a body for the Holy Spirit that is comparable to a powerful person in the Immortal Sovereign Realm is nothing less than a dream!

But all this is not impossible.

He can transform part of the will of the Holy Spirit into the soul of a creature, refining a clone to walk the world.

Even if his will is really discovered by the old antique in the city of a thousand towers, there will be a way out.

At the very least, you can guarantee that your will will survive the world and will not be completely destroyed by others!

"That kind of method can also be said to be utterly open to the sky! Even if part of the will is reincarnated as a person, it still involves the mystery of life and death and the soul!"

The Holy Spirit still looked at Fang Yue with suspicion.

She didn't think Fang Yue could do this.

"We are the spirit of the instrument. By coincidence, the creation of heaven and earth gave birth to our own will. This will does not belong to the sequence of the soul, and there is no trouble of life and death, but at the same time it cannot become a real soul!"

If possible, the Holy Spirit hopes that he can change into a real being!

No matter how weak she is, she can cultivate strong step by step!

Although she was not born for a long time, she was imprinted in the tower of the void, and the performance of one trial after another was imprinted in her memory. She even witnessed the city of a thousand towers and the void family. Wars again and again!

"What others can't do, I may not be able to do it! I am proficient in the three heavenly realms of soul, life, and death. I only need you to incorporate a little bit of your willpower into this drop of soul power, and I can naturally reincarnate for you once !"

Fang Yue smiled, and he took out a drop of Rank Six Soul Liquid.

This drop of soul fluid is equivalent to a third of the soul power of a creature that has just entered the Great Sacred Realm level.

Fang Yue took out this drop of soul liquid and felt a little distressed!


The Holy Spirit hesitated a little, but she felt that this attempt did not cause any loss to her. Even if it failed, it would only waste a little willpower!

Therefore, after the Holy Spirit hesitated, he merged his soul power into that drop of soul fluid of rank six.

A slight wave ripples from the top of the soul fluid and merges with the will power of the Holy Spirit!


Fang Yue injected a puff of reincarnation in his body into it.

This is a strand of reincarnation true energy that Fang Yue has refined from the deity's body, and the power of life and death in it has reached a state of balance.

"It must be successful this time! I have lost my money!"

Fang Yue grinned!

The seed of the power of reincarnation in the soul fluid of the Holy Spirit gradually took shape.

The Holy Spirit felt that her willpower to integrate into that mixed industry was inexplicably involved, and she could not resist this involvement! After that, her willpower became different.

It seems to have become an independent individual, this individual can grow, be strong, and even be able to perceive many laws between heaven and earth!

There was a bang!

At this time, a bucket-thick silver lightning pierced down and blasted Fang Yue's brain!

It is the authority of the rules of the universe to create creatures, and Fang Yue is clearly out of bounds!

However, Fang Yue didn't panic. He opened his mouth and swallowed the lightning abruptly.

Afterwards, Fang Yue spit out a faint smoke ring, and then he burped!

"Holy Spirit, I can only help you here! Creating life, contrary to the way of heaven, fortunately, my own cultivation realm is only at the level of the Saint Realm, and the flesh I forged for you is only the level of the Great Saint Realm. Of the two, the power of this tribulation is not very strong, at most it is only at the level of the virtual fairyland, which can destroy all the creatures at the level of the great sacred realm! The rest of the matter needs to be solved by yourself! This becomes stronger, practice, I I think it shouldn't trouble you!"

Fang Yue said to the Holy Spirit.

Now the clone of the Holy Spirit has just taken shape, and it is only in the shape of a drop of soul fluid, but the seeds of the power of reincarnation in it are destined to be able to breed into a real creature!

The Holy Spirit nodded, showing a beautiful smile.

"I never thought that one day, I could actually be reincarnated as a living being, I could truly understand the world and embark on the road of practice!"

After that, the drop of soul liquid seemed to be blowing in air, rapidly growing and swelling.

In just a few breaths, this creature clone of the Holy Spirit is formed!

Her cultivation level is not high, only the seventh level of the Saint Realm cultivation level. It is not because Fang Yue has given him insufficient resources. In terms of Fang Yue's spirit power level, the body formed by the Holy Spirit is at least in the Great Sage. At the initial stage of the realm, the only reason why she was so weak was that the Holy Spirit deliberately suppressed her realm!

The realm is low, the potential is great.

Such as Fang Yue.

"The fifth floor of the Saint Realm!"

"The third floor of the Saint Realm!"

"The first level of the Saint Realm!"

After a while, the clone of the Holy Spirit had fallen to the first level of the Saint Realm, but her combat power could definitely fight for the existence of the Great Saint Level!

"From now on, my name will be Fang Yi!"

The Holy Spirit integrated the energy incarnation into the body of the flesh and blood clone, and the realm of the flesh and blood clone's cultivation immediately gave rise to fluctuations.

The first floor of the Saint Realm!

The second floor of the Saint Realm!

The third floor of Saint Realm!

Fang Yi's cultivation realm increased one after another, and her breath became more and more intense.

However, after less than two breaths, Fang Yi's cultivation realm returned to the first level of the Saint Realm.

She famously said that this is a process of laying down the foundation.

But Fang Yue inferred that Fang Yi now has at least the fourth and fifth levels of the Great Sacred Realm! This is not to mention her powerful and terrifying deity of the Void Tower injecting energy into her and the unimaginable rich combat experience!

Fang Yue suddenly felt that she seemed to have released an extremely terrifying existence this time. Although she is still very weak now, she might be able to grow to an incredible realm in a very short time!

"The feeling of practicing is really great! Fang Yue, you helped me a lot this time! This is the reward I promised to give you before! Three pieces of the origin of the universe! However, the existence of this thing is better not for others Find!"

Fang Yi wore a pink dress with a nice face and two cute croissants.

This Fang Yi is in a cute style, and her smile is sweet and refreshing!

"Thank you!"

Fang Yue carefully collected these three cosmic origins, and it was this thing that started the war again and again before the Void Clan and the city of a thousand towers!

In order to compete for these cosmic origins, they have suffered great losses, and often even powerhouses of the spiritual fairyland level have fallen.

"Recently, I will be by your side! This is the first time I have walked out of the Void Tower. I don't know much about the outside world! I need to find a reliable person to introduce me to the world around me. !"

Fang Yi said with a sweet smile.