God Of Life And Death - Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384

However, this time the Galaxy Star Alliance is selecting elites and geniuses, not to make a fortune taking advantage of this gimmick.

The Galaxy Star Alliance's rewards for this trial are quickly determined. Except for the first half a million people who can get a place to enter the gambling battle between the two galaxies, the top 10 million people can get the corresponding place. reward.

The higher the ranking, the better the reward!

Fang Yue took a look. If he could reach the top 100 in the 0-500 year-old group of trials, he would be able to obtain a true saint-level magic weapon.

The top ten are innate magical artifacts that are not very high!

The top three are innate magical weapons comparable to the peak level of Saint Realm!

The first place is an innate magic weapon comparable to a half-step great saint-class magic weapon!

Fang Yue's eyes suddenly became enthusiastic. He knew that the top ranking in this trial would be able to get the innate magical artifact. Why did he take the effort!

As soon as this reward came out, the entire Galaxy Star Alliance fell into a state of almost boiling.

Many strong players who have been assigned a quota have been selected to participate in this trial!

As for the default quota in their hands, they have done favors. Not everyone will be as willful and courageous as Fang Yue, and dare to put this quota out for public auction!

This trial is divided into five levels.

The lowest level is naturally the 0-500-year-old level he sees.

Then there are the 500-1000 years old level, the 1000-1500 years old level, the 1500-2000 years old level, and finally the 2000-3000 years old level!

At the last level, the age span is one thousand years. People at that level are actually five hundred years longer and five hundred years less. There is almost no big difference!

Fang Yue soon received the access device for the virtual optical brain of the Galaxy Star Alliance, but he was not rented, but the eternal virtual optical brain access device gifted by the Galaxy Alliance.

Fang Yue is the seed of the platinum level in the Galaxy Alliance. Although there is a lot of controversy against him in the high-level aspects of the Galaxy Alliance, the Galaxy Alliance still won't be stingy with Fang Yue on some minor matters.

Fang Yue checked the schedule a bit.

His first game was scheduled at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

If he wins, he will have another game at four o'clock in the afternoon.

The competition in this virtual optical brain will not cause any loss of physical strength, so the frequency of this competition is also very high. Sometimes it is two or three games a day, which is extremely normal. Sometimes it can reach one day. The frequency of seven or eight games.

Within half a month, half a million people in the Galaxy Star League will definitely be determined to participate in the gambling competition between these two star regions.

To Fang Yue's surprise, he just took part in this game.

This Alice even chose to participate in the trials after hesitating.

Originally, she was also a default member.

Because in the age range of 500-1000, there are not many powerful people who can reach the peak of the Saint Realm. If she is not determined by default, there are not many people in the Galaxy Alliance. Qualified to participate in the gambling game between these two galaxies!

"Sister Alice, why are you studying with me! Could it be that your quota has already been sold?"

Fang Yue said with a hint of teasing when he met Alice.

Alice glanced at Fang Yue and said, Don't underestimate the enemy in this trial. It's very possible that some spies from other stars will penetrate in and take the place of the gambling fight in my galaxy! In this universe, infinite forces, Infinite population, infinite realms, our Galaxy Alliance is just one of the very small existences, looking at the entire universe of the universe is simply insignificant. There are 78 star regions around us that border our Galaxy Alliance. , Some are allies making good friends, some are often friction and collision, I can't wait to drive my galaxy into an incomparable hell! My participation in the trials this time is also an appointment in danger, and I joined the galaxy star alliance under the will of the senior leaders. Among them, after all, it is impossible to give the best rewards in this trial to the spies of other stars!

Fang Yue, your previous sales of quotas have caused many bigwigs in the Galaxy Star Alliance to have a bad opinion of you. This time is just an opportunity to reverse your prejudice against them! You must seize this opportunity well, otherwise even if you can break the game in Helen, your life in the Galaxy Covenant will be difficult in the future! "

Alice's Fang Yue can be said to be digging his heart and lungs, knowing everything, and saying everything, although Fang Yue's heart still disagrees with the high-level views of the Galaxy Star Alliance.

But he didn't want Alice to worry so he had to agree.

Fang Yue's first game ended soon.

The opponent is a practitioner of the eighth level of the rotation realm, and he is about a hundred years old. To be honest, he can reach the eighth level of the rotation realm at the age of a hundred, he is already a very talented player, but unfortunately After meeting Fang Yue, Fang Yue kicked him off the ring after letting him perform his various assassin skills!

Fang Yue asked him to perform because they managed to save his life to compete once, and it was not easy to blame. After all, he wanted to give them a chance to perform.

As for kicking him down with a kick, it was because Fang Yue didn't bother to use any moves. If he used any moves, the spirit of this young man would probably be alive.

Is it true that there is no danger in entering the virtual world with just a ray of mental power?


This can only be said to reduce the risk factor.

When encountering a player like Fang Yue, even a bit of spiritual power can use some of the methods recorded in the "Soul Scripture" to kill the opponent's soul alive according to the picture!

Fang Yue's three scriptures are unified, and it is possible to emit this method of killing the soul in any gesture. So kicking it down is to protect the safety of the opponent's soul. As for Fang Yue, who appreciates and does not appreciate, he doesn't know!

Then came the second, third, fourth...

Fang Yue easily won the first five consecutive victories.

But from Fang Yue's third game, he discovered that the practitioners in the rotation realm have basically been eliminated.

Among practitioners under the age of five hundred, there are still quite a few masters at the Yin-Yang level and the leader level!

Of course, when Fang Yue encountered the Yin-Yang state, he still pressed and beat.

One punch and blast, there is no ambiguity at all!

In the sixth game.

Fang Yue finally met a decent opponent.

The other party was a woman with bronze skin and a very good figure, like a little female leopard, her eyes were fierce!

After seeing this opponent, Fang Yue immediately became vigilant. Although she was in the fifth level of Yin-Yang realm, the aura that radiated from her body was not weaker than some strong people at the peak of Yin-Yang realm, and her body exuded. The murderous intent that came out was even more intense to an unbelievable degree. It seemed to be the accumulation of corpses, mountains and bones. A little distraction, you will feel that there is a dead and desperate world behind this woman, and then sink into this world. Unable to extricate himself and end in despair!

"Fang Yue, Fang Yue, your opponent in this game is named Emma. She is suspected to be the spy of the Alpha Galaxy infiltrating the Galaxy Alliance. You must be careful. The Galaxy Alliance has issued a secret order for you. Be sure to defeat it, you will be rewarded with 10 internal points, if you can kill the deity, you can get a reward of 50 internal points!"

Alice's voice echoed in Fang Yue's ears.

This entry into the virtual light brain for battles and competitions could not have been affected in any way.

But this virtual optical brain was originally made by the insiders of the Galaxy Alliance!

Therefore, the people of the Galaxy Alliance have a way to achieve internal calls during the battle.

"Such a high reward?!"

Fang Yue was taken aback by the reward points.

Fang Yue has also stayed in the Galaxy Alliance for a long time, and he also knows about the precious Fang Yue's internal points in the Galaxy Alliance.

An ordinary master-level magic weapon can be exchanged for only one hundred to three hundred points inside the Galaxy Alliance!

And killing this suspected Alpha Star Territory spy can get 50 internal points, such a generous reward, if it is made public, it is enough to make many of the rich seniors in the Galaxy Star Alliance go crazy!

"This spy of the Alpha Star Territory lurks extremely deep in the Milky Way galaxy. Each of them is a big worm in the Milky Way galaxy. In order to find and kill these worms, the Galaxy Covenant will pay a huge price every year! And if they can In this trial, it is easy to kill a spy of the Yin and Yang level in the Alpha galaxy. The Galaxy Covenant is willing to pay some internal points. Anyway, the internal points are ultimately used to cultivate the seeds of the Galaxy Covenant and will not flow out! With regard to the left-handed and right-handed thing, the senior leaders of the Galaxy Star Alliance are not stupid. They will not make a loss-making business!

Alice explained this to Fang Yue.

While talking, that Emma was already the opponent Yue Ruan shot!

Her figure was vigorous and slaughtered towards Fang Yue like a cheetah.

Every movement of her is no extra power wasted, she is extremely concise, and her gestures are all for killing.

"The soul is gone!"

Fang Yue's gaze fell into the corner.

The ray of divine thought that Emma entered into this virtual light brain immediately shattered.

At the same time, Fang Yue followed the power of cause and effect and killed Emma's deity at the same time!

The ring at Fang Yue's feet disappeared.

He withdrew from the virtual light brain.

At the same moment, the senior officials of the Galaxy Alliance also received information.

Emma's deity fell, and there was no trace of wounds on her body. Seven orifices bleed and died, which was a death caused by the annihilation of the soul!

The 50 internal points of the Galaxy Star Alliance entered Fang Yue's account.

Fang Yue's incident attracted the attention of the senior leaders of the Galaxy Star Alliance.

"This Fang Yue is really good at the soul! In our investigation, he used soul fluid to raise the soul level of his sister Fang Yunshan more than once! There are two possibilities. Fang Yue himself is a soul refiner. With the means to refine the soul liquid, the second possibility is that there is a soul refiner in Fang Yue's intersection circle, who can refine the soul liquid and deliver it to Fang Yue at a certain price!"