Global Towers: Starting With The SSS-Rank Talent, God-Tier Extraction - Chapter 645 – 645 Secretly Telling on It?

Chapter 645 – 645 Secretly Telling on It?

645 Secretly Telling on It?

Luo Qingcheng felt a little surprised upon hearing He Yang's description of what had happened. That's really strange. This little Wolfie appeared quite gentle and docile previously. Why is it so arrogant now?

When they were at the third-and-half-level central resting platform, Luo Qingcheng was already following Liu Yan. Naturally, she had interacted with the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf. Back then, she felt that it was very obedient and docile, which was why Luo Qingcheng and Murong Xue gave it such a cute name Wolfie.

He Yang couldn't help but feel bitter upon hearing what Luo Qingcheng said.

He couldn't believe that a terrifying creature like the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf was given such a cute name. Wolfie? Seriously?

Also, did she say that it was obedient and docile? He Yang thought about how ferocious the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf looked. He just couldn't associate it with those two words.

Luo Qingcheng looked toward Liu Yan and said, But I think captain Yang was speaking the truth. Amongst the five squads in Team Origin, the Fourth Squad suffered the worst injuries. Their injuries are worse than the other four squads combined. Fortunately, you cast that amazing spell and helped them to heal most of their injuries. Otherwise, if we only depended on Chu Long's healing ability, they would need a very long time to recover. That would have an impact on their development and raising their combat strength. It would also hinder the expansion of our territory.

When the others heard the conversation, they all found the incident really funny.

It was incredible that a fierce beast developed such levels of intelligence.

Although the other fierce beasts that they had met were also intelligent, it was only at the most basic level. They didn't develop any advanced intellect.

Like the Whirlwind Turtle King just a moment ago, it had already developed basic intellect.

It knew that it needed to bait Team Origin and get them to leave their territory. Otherwise, Team Origin would be able to retreat at any time.

At the very end, the Whirlwind Turtle knew that it wouldn't be able to escape alive, so it tried to kill Allen Smith before it died. They were all signs that it had developed some level of intellect, but that was it.

The Whirlwind Turtle had been tricked by Liu Yan and baited by him for almost three days. Despite fighting against Liu Yan for a substantial period of time, it didn't realize that Liu Yan hid his true power. It thought that while Liu Yan was very agile, he was no match for it in terms of power.

Although the Whirlwind Turtle King had some intellect, it wasn't anything advanced. That was why Team Origin was able to wipe out the entire Whirlwind Turtle herd so easily.

Otherwise, if the Whirlwind Turtle King simply brought the entire herd and ran away as fast as it could, there was nothing that Team Origin could do.

Usually, only extremely powerful fierce beasts would have advanced intellect.

According to some rumors, the most powerful fierce beasts were able to morph into humans. Without careful detection and observation, they were identical to real humans both in their appearance and intellect.

That was why many people were surprised when they learned that the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf had developed such high levels of intellect. It even had a unique personality.

If it already had such levels of intellect at its combat strength level, its upper limit when it was fully developed in the future would be extremely formidable.

Even right now, the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf already had 8-star combat strength. Within Team Origin, it was already one of the most powerful forces with the exception of Liu Yan.

I did not expect that the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf had already developed such a high level of intellect. It even has its own temper. How interesting! Xu Han laughed as he said.

Derek Dole laughed as well. This Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf is so naughty. It was so arrogant. It almost caused serious consequences.

Sun Wen nodded and said, I think he'll be fine with some discipline. Given that it is already so intelligent now, it would definitely become extraordinary in the future.

Jin Cheng did not expect that at all. He sighed and said, Old He, it's a good thing that you put down your pride to beg the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf for help. If it didn't join the fight, I'm afraid that the Fourth Squad would suffer some really severe injuries.

Jin Cheng immediately felt that the enchanted puppets were much more dependable. They spontaneously joined the battle and helped them. They were war machines with no temper at all.

He Yang sighed when he heard that. He said, I know, right? I feel quite scared now that I think about it. If the Fourth Squad had to fight those powerful Whirlwind Turtles alone, we would be done for.

Everyone laughed. They found it quite interesting.

Just then, the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf walked over.

He Yang immediately shut his mouth. He didn't even dare to laugh for he feared that the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf would pick on him.

He Yang knew that he was no match for the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf. If the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf picked on him, he would get destroyed.

The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf was Liu Yan's pet and would probably listen to Liu Yan's instructions.

But if they enraged it and caused it to do something impulsive, they wouldn't be able to handle his wrath.

They all learned from He Yang just then that the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf had 8-star combat strength and was almost getting close to 9-star combat strength.

But the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf didn't seem to realize that the team was talking about him and even laughing at him.

The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf picked up several whirlwind turtle corpses with its teeth and walked to Liu Yan. Then, it pointed at the corpses.

It seemed to be asking Liu Yan to cook the Whirlwind Turtles for him so he could eat them. The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf didn't like raw meat and wanted to eat cooked food instead.

All of the Team Origin members were surprised.

They didn't think that the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf had reached such a high level of intelligence. It was demanding to eat cooked food? That was some serious level of intellect!

The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf was Liu Yan's pet. They had signed a bond before. They had a telepathic connection, and Liu Yan could directly tell what the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf was thinking.

Indeed, the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf wanted him to cook the Whirlwind Turtles for him.

The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf had seen Liu Yan use fire-attribute spells before. It remembered that Liu Yan used a fire that popped out from his hand to cook meat. The cooked meat was delicious. Right at that moment, the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf wanted to eat cooked meat.

If it was any other time, Liu Yan would definitely satisfy the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf's desire and cook meat for it.

Liu Yan had mastered the Fire Secret Art, so roasting some meat was basically effortless for him.

After mastering the SS grade Fire Secret Art, not only could Liu Yan cook the meat, he could control the heat and doneness very well.

Other people could only tell how a piece of meat is based on color, smell, time, and maybe experience.

But Liu Yan could feel it through the flames.

That was why the meat that was cooked by Liu Yan always had the perfect doneness. His cooking was so delicious that even the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf had a deep impression of it.

But now, Liu Yan wasn't happy with the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf after hearing about what had happened. He looked at the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf with a cold expression on his face and didn't say a single word.

Liu Yan knew that it was a good thing for the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf to have its own personality and temper, which meant that its intellect had developed even further. It also meant that it would surely be extremely powerful in the future.

Liu Yan was infuriated by how the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf almost disobeyed his orders because of its arrogance.

Liu Yan knew that if he didn't discipline the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf and make it mend its ways, it could make serious mistakes at crucial times in the future and cause serious consequences.

The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf could feel that Liu Yan was not happy with him, but it didn't quite understand why.

Yet, when it saw Liu Yan's cold gaze, it moved two steps back in fear and didn't dare to continue moving forward.

The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf had a high-grade bloodline and impressive combat strength, which was why he behaved so arrogantly in front of the other cultivators and fierce beasts.

But Liu Yan was its master. On top of that, he was extremely powerful. The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf didn't dare to show any arrogance or temper in front of him.

If it angered Liu Yan, he would end up in a very miserable state. The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf knew it a long time ago. It got to know after being beaten up by Liu Yan countless times.

The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf moved two steps backward. When it spotted Murong Xue and Chu Long, it hurriedly ran over to them.

He didn't know the other people, but he recognized Murong Xue and Chu Long.

After all, Chu Long and Murong Xue were the first people to follow Liu Yan. Naturally, the two girls had interacted with the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf before. They even sat on it several times.

The Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf went to the two girls and rubbed them with its head affectionately. It then looked toward the Whirlwind Turtle corpses that were left on the ground It was obvious what the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf wanted. It wanted the two girls to help it roast the meat.

Although it couldn't get the special roasted meat from Liu Yan, it still felt pretty satisfied if it could get ordinary roasted meat.

Murong Xue rolled her eyes and said, I thought you came over because you missed us. So, you just came because you wanted us to roast the meat for you.

Chu Long felt rather hesitant. She could tell that the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf wanted to eat cooked meat. She wanted to help it. However, she could also tell that Liu Yan didn't want to cook the meat for the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf. She turned toward Liu Yan and gave him a look to ask what she should do.

Liu Yan walked forward, grabbed the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf, and started walking away.