Global Towers: Starting With The SSS-Rank Talent, God-Tier Extraction - Chapter 632 – 632 Martial Arts Addicts

Chapter 632 – 632 Martial Arts Addicts

632 Martial Arts Addicts

Normally, the Third Squad members would not have the ability to fight head-on against Whirlwind Turtles who were one star higher than their combat strength. It would be great for them to be able to stall and defend against them.

But the Third Squad members relied on powerful fusion skills to seriously injure the Whirlwind Turtles in front of them, which was really shocking.

With one blow, the front-most dozen Whirlwind Turtles had been killed in a flash.

Under the command of Derek Dole, the Third Squad members continued to cast the powerful S-grade fusion skill, Silver Moon Slash.

Facing their powerful attack, Whirlwind Turtles' shells cracked straight away. They also looked dusty.

Their original mission was just to defend against a certain number of Whirlwind Turtles.

However, the Third Squad simply finished off the Whirlwind Turtles!

After performing powerful Silver Moon Slash several times, the Whirlwind Turtles were almost completely wiped out.

But after the fierce battle, the energy of the Third Squad members had long been depleted.

As powerful as the fusion skill was, it was also extremely draining.

Just a moment ago, the Third Squad members were in a perfect state. But after using the fusion skill three times, all of the energy in their body had been depleted. Their combat strength had declined severely. If they didn't take a good rest, they couldn't recover their fighting power.

Although the Third Squad couldn't go and help the rest of the squads, they had also completed their mission ahead of time. They basically finished off all the Whirlwind Turtles that they were facing.

The Second Squad, on the other hand, completed their mission more easily.

The Second Squad was from the original Red Star Empire team. They were well-known for their strength!

The Red Star Empire members were already so strong that they didn't need any other methods.

At that moment, the Whirlwind Turtles' combat strength reached 6-star, which was much stronger than the Second Squad's general 5-star combat strength.

But half of the Whirlwind Turtles were fighting Liu Yan. At that moment, the number of Whirlwind Turtles that the Second Squad faced was only half of their team members. The Second Squad actually fought directly with their enemies head-on, with two team members dealing with one Whirlwind Turtle.

It would have taken more people to finish off the Whirlwind Turtles, but the Second Squad's grouping strategy allowed them to confront the Whirlwind Turtles despite difficulties.

Although it wasn't easy for the Second Squad members to win against the Whirlwind Turtles, it was good enough to stall them. That showed that the Second Squad members' combat strength was still impressive.

At that moment, the First Squad was relatively quiet. The reason was simple. Sun Wen's Array Technique and Xu Han's crowd spell caused a lot of difficulties for the Whirlwind Turtles in front of them, causing them huge damage and controlling effects.

As a result, the Whirlwind Turtles had not even touched the First Squad members so far.

Xu Han noticed the situation of the Second and Third Squads next to him while casting the spell and was surprised.

I didn't expect the Second Squad members to be so powerful. Last time in the ultimate gambling duel on the fifth floor of the tower, our squad clearly won against them. How come it feels like they've become stronger now? Xu Han couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Sun Wen laughed and said, I am from the Second Squad and I know the situation of the Second Squad better. The Second Squad's captain Ye Yifan and regular members are basically martial arts addicts. After losing to you last time, many Second Squad members have been working hard to improve their strength. But even so, it seems that their strength has not caught up with the First Squad yet.

He couldn't help but glance at the fat man beside him, Xu Han.

Before, Sun Wen did not pay too much attention to Xu Han. He only thought that Xu Han knew some crowd spell. He felt that he was a team-oriented man.

But after entering the sixth floor of the tower, Sun Wen realized that he might have made a mistake by judging Xu Han by his appearance. In fact, he was not ordinary at all.

First, when it came to combat strength assessment, the entire Team Origin of more than 300 members was the best from five continents. In addition to Liu Yan, only five people reached 8-star combat strength, which was the top combat strength among Team Origin members.

And Xu Han was one of them!

Also, under the leadership of Xu Han, Sun Wen noticed during that period of time that the strength of First Squad members was progressing rapidly.

Now that he thought about it, Sun Wen couldn't help but think Liu Yan had made the decision to give the First Squad to Xu Han. It did seem to be a good choice.

At that time, Xu Han took a look at Sun Wen, recalled Sun Wen's words, and couldn't help but understand why. They are all martial arts addicts. That explains things better. It seems to be normal to have such a fast speed of strength improvement. It seems that the Second Squad can all become experts in the future.

Sun Wen smiled but didn't say much. In his heart, he thought that the First Squad members' strength growth should be the fastest.

Even if the Second Squad was more powerful, it would be suppressed by the First Squad all the time.

Sun Wen also found it difficult to understand.

It was reasonable to say that the most extraordinary person in the First Squad was Liu Yan.

The First Squad had been handed over by Liu Yan to Xu Han, and Liu Yan would not intervene personally in many matters of the First Squad.

The First Squad's strength should be slowed down without a legend like Liu Yan to lead it.

The First Squad's strength had always been growing and even growing at an alarming rate.

Sun Wen vaguely felt that this had a lot to do with the current captain of the First Squad, the fat man beside him, Xu Han. He felt that he had to observe and learn more later.

At that time, Xu Han noticed the situation of the Third Squad not far away.

The Third Squad's battle was even smoother than the Second Squad's.

After casting Silver Moon Scimitar three times, the Whirlwind Turtles had basically been wiped out, leaving only a scattering of three or two, which were seriously wounded and no longer were a threat.

What's going on with the Third Squad? That was really impressive! Xu Han said in shock

Even Murong Xue, who was not far away, was also a bit confused and said, I can't believe the Third Squad is so powerful. We fought on the fifth floor of the tower before, and it feels like their strength is only average.

Sun Wen, who understood the situation, laughed out loud and said, You guys are definitely mistaken about the Third Squad. In the past few years, the Third Squad has been fighting with us. The Third Squad's strength should not be underestimated. You easily defeated the Third Squad before because you belong to the First Squad and also because the Third Squad members were basically exhausted or injured. They were not at their best.