Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate - Chapter 1327: Three Divine Kingdom Soldier Types! War Summary!

Chapter 1327: Three Divine Kingdom Soldier Types! War Summary!

Chapter 1327: Three Divine Kingdom Soldier Types! War Summary!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Zhou Zhou reached out and took the three Divine Kingdom soldier type Cla.s.s Change Certificate recruitment books.

Then, He looked at them one by one.

[Treasure Name: t.i.tan King Cla.s.s Change Certificate]

[Treasure Level: Divine Kingdom]

[Treasure Effect: Divine Kingdom soldier type cla.s.s change tool! After using it, you can become a Divine Kingdom soldier type professiont.i.tan King! You will also have three sets of Enhanceable equipment of low-level Black Iron, 1,000 years of combat experience of the t.i.tan King, and the initial strength of Yellow Gold Advance Grade.]

[Item Description: A Divine Kingdom soldier type of the t.i.tan G.o.ds. It is famous for its strength and close combat. It is undoubtedly the king of the land!]

[Note: This soldier type Cla.s.s Change Certificate can only be used by the t.i.tan G.o.d Race.]

The t.i.tan Kings soldier type.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

Wasnt this the strongest soldier type of the t.i.tan G.o.d Race that was famous in the myriad worlds?

This soldier type was indeed very strong. In fact, it could even slightly suppress His Divine Kingdom soldier typeHoly Dragon Knight.

However, the condition that it could only be changed by the people of the t.i.tan G.o.d Race limited it.

It was a pity.

Zhou Zhou felt that it was a pity. Then, he looked at the next soldier type cla.s.s change.

[Treasure Name: Holy Sage Cla.s.s Change Certificate]

[Treasure Level: Divine Kingdom]

Treasure Effect: Divine Kingdom Battle Profession Cla.s.s Change Tool! After using it, you can become a Divine Kingdom soldier type profession-Divine Sect Saint! You will also have three sets of Enhanceable equipment of Black Iron Elementary Grade, 1,000 years of combat experience of Divine Sect Saint, initial strength of Yellow Gold-Tier Elementary Grade, and a combat beast with the potential of a True G.o.d-Tier Advance Grade.

[Item Description: A Divine Kingdom soldier type of the Sect Clan. They are famous in the myriad worlds for their sealing techniques and controlling magical beasts. Peak Divine Sect Saints can at most control ten beasts of the same level at the same time. Their combat strength is astonis.h.i.+ng! ] [Note: This soldier type Cla.s.s Change Certificate can only be used by the t.i.tan G.o.d Race.]

Zhou Zhou shook his head again.

It was another restriction.

Then, Zhou Zhou looked at the last Divine Kingdom soldier type Cla.s.s Change Certificate.

[Treasure Name: Battle G.o.d Cla.s.s Change Certificate]

[Treasure Level: Divine Kingdom]

[Treasure Effect: Divine Kingdom Battle Profession Cla.s.s Change Item! After using it, you can become a Divine Kingdom soldier type profession-Battle G.o.d! You will also have three sets of Enhanceable Equipment of Low-Grade Black Iron, 1,000 years of Combat Spirit combat experience, the initial strength of a Yellow Gold-Tier Advance Grade, and a Super Heaven Combat Spirit manual.]

[Item Description: A Divine Kingdom soldier type of the Combat Spirit Civilization. A Battle G.o.d profession in the name of Combat. It can control Combat Spirit and unleash extremely shocking combat and destructive abilities. Its combat strength crushes most Divine Kingdom soldiers!

Zhou Zhous eyes lit up and showed

He finally encountered a Divine Kingdom soldier type cla.s.s change certificate that could be used.

Battle G.o.d?!

It sounded like its combat ability was very strong.

As expected of a combat profession with the name Fight!

How much have we gained from this Battle G.o.d Cla.s.s Change Certificate?

Zhou Zhou looked up and asked.

Reporting to Your Majesty, this Battle G.o.d Cla.s.s Change Certificate comes from the people of the Battle G.o.d Clan. We eliminated about 21,312,502,360 Battle G.o.d Professionals and obtained a total of 85,250,9440 Battle G.o.d Cla.s.s Change Certificate and Battle G.o.d Recruitment Books. The soldier said.

Zhou Zhou was a little surprised.

There were more than 20 billion Divine Kingdom soldier types?

Good G.o.d!

This race is so fierce?!

He recalled the Master G.o.d-level corpses that War Master G.o.d Terrence and the others had given him today. He quickly recalled that one of the corpses seemed to be the Master G.o.d-Tier from the War Clan.

Oh, then it is fine.

It was indeed normal for a high-level bloodline race protected by a Master G.o.d-Tier to have tens of billions of Divine Kingdom soldier types over the years.

For example, the Divine Kingdom soldier type of the t.i.tan G.o.dsthe t.i.tan Kingwas calculated in terms of trillions.

Tens of billions was already considered a small amount.

Hand the Cla.s.s Change Book to Legion Commander Wu.

Give This Emperor the recruitment books.

The current Him wouldnt be afraid of any enemy.

Yes, Your Majesty!

The soldier immediately went to get the Cla.s.s Change Certificate and recruitment books.

A moment later

Chi Xuantian personally came over and handed them to Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Zhou looked at the 85.25 billion 9,440 Battle G.o.d Recruitment books in his World Rings and couldnt help but smile and nod slightly.

Tomorrow, He would have another Divine Kingdom soldier type under Him.

Then, Zhou Zhou chatted with the generals for a while before Zeros voice sounded.

[Your Majesty, generals, we have already returned to the Empire.]

In the Blazing Sun Imperial Capital, Zhou Zhou looked at the war summary organized by Zero in front of him.

Over the entire day, Zhou Zhou and Zhou Zhan had eliminated a total of more than 21,000 trillion soldiers, more than 11 million G.o.d Spirits, and more than 5,000 True G.o.d-Tier.

He obtained tens of trillions of Mist Cores, Origin Crystals, skill books, equipment, and basic materials.

There were also 1,203,642,650,600 Green Bronze-Tier Lord Talent Crystal Fragments!

1,300 Legendary-Tier and below Scarlet Lord Talent Spheres and a large number of other Lord Talent Crystal Fragments!

2,523,600,100,000 units of Divine Crystals from the Low-Tier Deity level to the High-Tier Deity-level!

133.2 million 1,500 True G.o.d-Tier Divine Crystals!

8,132,100 Master G.o.d-Tier Divine Crystals!

There were more than 860,160,000,000 Low-Tier to High-Tier Deity-level divine artifacts! 12,100,000 True G.o.d-Tier Divine Artifacts! 1,510 Master G.o.d-Tier Divine Artifacts!

There were a total of more than 120 million Divine Spark Fragments, G.o.d-Tier medicinal herbs, G.o.d-Tier ingredients, G.o.d-Tier ores, G.o.d-Tier blueprints, and other treasures!

123.2 million 3>56o Master G.o.d-Tier G.o.d-Tier herbs, G.o.d-Tier ingredients, G.o.d-Tier ores, G.o.d-Tier blueprints, and other treasures!

Zhou Zhou nodded in satisfaction after reading it.

The number and strength of the enemies they encountered today were unprecedented.

However, he would gain a lot after winning!

The harvest of Divine Crystals alone made up for all the Divine Crystals He had consumed in this war.

Even the consumption of Divine Crystals at the mysterious auction previously had been made up for, or even greatly exceeded.

But then He noticed that there were no elemental gems on the list, which made Zhou Zhou feel a little regretful.

The t.i.tan G.o.d Race probably hasnt thought of establis.h.i.+ng a new country in the Supreme Continent. Instead, theyre only prepared to take away the treasures in my empire. Thats why they didnt bring the elemental gems of all levels necessary to establish a country.

Zhou Zhou muttered to himself.

Then, he laughed again.

But He probably didnt expect this.

If this battle continues, not only will the army led by the t.i.tan G.o.d Race be defeated,

They even lost the entire t.i.tan G.o.d Race and all their subsidiary races to me. Zhou Zhou smiled.

The bet between Dis and Him was signed under the witness of the Supreme Will.

The t.i.tan G.o.d Race and His subsidiary race did not even have any room to go back on their word.

Send an army tomorrow and bring back all the treasures of the t.i.tan G.o.d Race and His subsidiary races, especially the elemental gems.

The storage of elemental gems of the t.i.tan G.o.d Race and the subsidiary races of His should be enough for me to upgrade my territory to the True G.o.d-Tier territory, right?

At that time, I can officially promote the empire to a Divine Kingdom Lord faction.

Zhou Zhou rubbed his chin and thought.

The Divine Kingdom Lord faction felt like it was right in front of him!