Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game - Chapter 730

Chapter 730

Published at 10th of May 2022 08:35:41 AM

The next day, Fang Heng got up early, first worked in the sinking corridor for a morning to earn Lord God points, and did not go online until near noon to return to the game, with Mo Jiawei and Sandy San who were ready to go. The people entered the ninth district of the end of the blood race together.

Work non-stop.

Working as a worker is really hard.

A shimmer flickered.

Fang Heng and the three appeared in the sewer.

At this time, a large number of resurrected lickers have gathered in the sewers of Weicheng.

After 18 hours, the number of zombie clones has tripled due to the effect of proliferation skills!

In another six hours, after Qiu Yaokang's latest research and development, the licker who completed suicide will be resurrected again, increasing Fang Heng's combat effectiveness.

"Wait here for a while now, I'll take care of something, and I'll pick you up soon."

After all, Fang Heng switched his academic form to the bloodline of the blood clan, transformed into a bat form and flew out of a sewer exit and flew into the air.

Mo Jiawei opened his mouth and looked at the direction Fang Heng was leaving, "Hey, Sandy, look, this trick is pretty cool, I want to learn..."

"No, you don't want to."

Soon, the vampires entrenched in Weicheng noticed Fang Heng who was hovering in the city.

Fang Heng stopped at the height of a building and looked down at the entire Victoria City.

Within a few minutes, Venieret, who had heard the news, flew to Fang Heng's side, transformed into a human form, and knelt down on one knee.

"Lord Marquis, it's really good that you're fine, we've been looking for you all the time."

"what's up?"

"My lord, the elders want to see you."


Fang Heng turned his gaze to Venieret aside.

"The Elder's Home?"

Immediately after, a line of game prompts appeared.

[Hint: Players trigger optional quest - Invitation to the Elder's House].

Task Name: Invitation to the Elder's House.

Quest description: Your prestige in the presbytery has reached the limit value, and you have attracted the attention of the presbytery.

Mission requirements: The Elder House invites you to enter the Elder House. There may be tasks assigned to you. You can also choose to ignore the invitation of the Elder House.

Mission Rewards: None.

Mission Penalty: None.

Fang Heng's heart moved.


Elders home.

If I remember correctly, Anguitas is firmly in the hands of the Blood Clan Elder House.

In addition, the Sanctuary of the Blood Race was initially distributed by the House of Elders.

In the vampire apocalypse world, the most widely circulated saying is that in order to balance the balance among the major clans of the vampire clan and internal competition, the House of Elders distributed the sacred artifact of vampire clan to each clan due to various considerations.

At the same time, the House of Elders reserves the right to recall the Sanctuary of the Blood Race at any time.

From a certain perspective, the House of Elders is the real central authority within the blood clan.

So thinking about it according to this line of thinking, the elders should know how to wake up Anguitas?

Fang Heng remained silent.

At least there should be some clues in the elders' home.

"Well, I see, what about the clan?"

"The clan has learned what you have done for the blood clan and the protection of Weicheng. Thank you very much for your help to our clan. If you are willing, the clan is willing to hand over the full power of Weicheng to you for safekeeping."

"Well, thank them for me."

Venieret bowed his head respectfully again, "This is our honor, Lord Marquis."

[Hint: You have obtained the actual control authority of the blood clan in Weicheng, and your prestige in the blood clan has been improved].

[Hint: You unlock the Weicheng operation page (click here for details)].

Fang Heng glanced at the game prompt.

He has already controlled the seventh and eighth districts of the entire zombie apocalypse. He has no interest in the small Weicheng, and quickly turns his eyes to the distance.

At present, there is no news from Chu Yan of the Holy Court Church for a short time. He can take the time to go to the blood clan elders' home to explore the way, and by the way, he can also borrow the blood pool of the elders' home to complete the next stage of bloodline promotion. , enhance the strength.

No matter when, improving strength is always needed.

Unfortunately, the central building of the blood clan was destroyed, and the transmission channel was gone, otherwise he could directly teleport there, which greatly saves time.

After thinking for a while, Fang Heng asked: "There is something, I want to know where Meng Hao is. He thinks he should belong to your clan, and do it as soon as possible."

"Yes, my lord, I'll check immediately."

After two hours.

Elkino, the city where the Blood Clan Elder Home is located.

A Rolls-Royce drives in an empty driveway.

Leading the way is a group of vampire bats.

Adin drove the vehicle, carefully following a group of blood clans leading the way.

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He never even dreamed that he was on his way to the headquarters of the Blood Clan Elder Home!

That's an elder's home!

They actually touched the core of the blood race!

The big boss in the back seat is amazing!

Simply unfathomable!

In comparison, Meng Hao was much calmer. He handed over to Fang Heng the information he had carefully sorted out for a day and a night yesterday.

"Boss Fang, this is part of the information we collected. The time is a little tight, so the information has not been fully collected yet. If we give more time, we can improve it better."

"Well, thank you, hard work."

Fang Heng thanked him, took the document bag from Meng Hao in the co-pilot, and took out the document to examine it carefully.

Detailed information on the Thirteen Holy Artifacts of the Blood Race.

Meng Hao is very detailed.

In the current ninth district, six of the sacred artifacts of the blood clan are in the hands of the blood clan marquis of each clan, two are in the hands of the blood clan dukes of each clan, one is in the hands of the blood clan prince, and the remaining two are still temporarily kept by the elders' home. .

As for the last two pieces, their whereabouts are unknown, and they are not currently in the hands of the blood clan.

Fang Heng quickly browsed the file.

Thinking about it carefully, he already has nine blood race holy artifact suits in his hand.

Two left and right boots.

Two left and right gauntlets.



Spirit battle.


The right eye of blood.

Nine pieces in total.

In addition, there are two spirit battles that belong to different blood race world servers.

A total of ten pieces.

Among them, the most valuable should be the blood belt that exploded after killing the Duke of Blood.

It is the most difficult to obtain.

The four missing pieces are the Blood Cross, Blood Ritual, Blood Headdress, and Blood Ring.

In the current ninth district, UU reading www. The headgear of blood belongs to the blood prince.

The prince is still asleep. According to the information, it is rumored that the place where the prince sleeps is located in the elders' home, but the specifics are unknown.

It is also unclear whether the tiara is still worn on the sleeping prince.

The Blood Ritual is currently in the hands of the Vampire Duke.

The whereabouts of the ring of blood are currently unknown, and the information suggests that it may still be in the hands of the elders' home, or it may have been lost.

All three are more difficult, in contrast, only the last blood cross is relatively easy to obtain, currently in the hands of the Marquis of the clan Revno.

After reading all the information, Fang Heng raised his head and asked, "Have you heard the rumors about the sacred artifact of the blood race?"