Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game - Chapter 688

Chapter 688

Published at 17th of April 2022 09:56:17 AM

Meng Hao was a little angry.

A week ago, he just took great pains to get the bound bloodline skill book from the sixth area of the zombie apocalypse, and then laboriously transferred to the ninth area, and spent a high price to transfer the skill book from the sixth area to the nine districts.

Originally, he was going to make a big show in the ninth district.

I didn't expect that each of the subordinates here is more stupid than the other.

It was not until the museum was set on fire that it was discovered that there was a problem there.

What have they been eating all these years? Can the branch of the Holy Court be allowed to open in the jurisdiction for so long without being discovered?

Meng Hao felt that the ability of this group of people to do things was really bad.

What made him even more incomprehensible was who actually killed the lackeys of the Holy Light lurking in the art museum?

There are also incidents in Victoria City next door.

Very unusual.

Something must have happened.

Meng Hao could vaguely sense that there was definitely a connection between these two things.

There was something very wrong with the vampire tonight.

"Understood, boss, everything is for the task." Adin has always been cheerful, "Boss still has insight, we used to take tasks and earn rewards, right?"

Meng Hao nodded helplessly.

Facing this heartless and heartless Adin who was full of positive energy all day long, he felt that it was useless to be angry.

It's really a shame to let him join the blood clan!

"The bloodline of blood is just an initial stepping stone. The mission will not fall from the sky, and it has to be won by oneself."

"I see, boss! I'll keep working harder!"

Weicheng under the moonlight.

Eleven holy beams of light pierced the night sky.

A dark swarm of bats circled low over the city.

Affected by the sealing magic circle, the vampires were at a disadvantage when dealing with the Holy Court.

After receiving the signal to gather, a large number of blood races withdrew from the battle and gathered in the air.

Almost all the blood clans in the entire Weicheng city gathered in the air.

A piece of darkness obscures the sky and the sun.

Fang Heng landed on the top of a tall building, regained his human form, and looked at the alchemy magic circle in the entire city from a height.

Just now roughly overlooked the entire city from a high altitude.

It can be determined that there are eleven beams of light in the city.

These eleven beams of light are the nodes of the main weakening array.

The eleven beams of light work together with the main alchemy magic circle center, and play the role of increasing and spreading.

The beam of light can be strong or weak.

The beam of light that was just destroyed is relatively strong, so it is inferred that the central node may also be strong or weak.

As for the central position of the magic circle, it is temporarily invisible, it should be consciously erased by the arranger of the magic circle.

Fang Heng quickly analyzed the current choices.

For the huge magic circle, each node destroyed can slightly affect the operation efficiency of the magic circle.

Of course, the most effective way is to directly destroy the formation center.

According to what the Pious Guild said just now, the center should be located at the headquarters of Shengdingwei City, in the ecological environment protection area to the east of Weicheng.

There are generally few citizens in that place, and it is indeed suitable for the Holy Court to hide traces.

"Lord Marquis." Veneret in bat form hovered beside Fang Heng, "A large number of Holy Cast Knights are rapidly concentrating, they are gathering towards the central building of the blood clan, they should want to do something to the central building."


as expected.

The battle strategy of the Holy Court is predictable.

The central building of the blood clan has a teleportation channel. Although Weicheng is only a small city, and there is not much reserve energy, in an emergency, the blood clan in various areas will still enter the Weicheng through the transmission channel for support.

This will cause trouble for the Holy Court to completely control the city of Victoria.

Therefore, the Holy Court will occupy the central building of the blood clan for the first time, occupying the transmission channel.

The advantages of the blood clan lie in air dominance and maneuverability, and their reconnaissance capabilities far exceed that of the Holy Court.

The advantage of the Holy Court lies in the magic circle.

Under the shroud of the Holy Light Magic Array, the strength of all the blood races has been greatly reduced. On the contrary, the strength of the Holy Court has been partially improved.

So next...

Strengthen advantages and make up for shortcomings.

It is very disadvantageous to rely on the blood clan for frontal combat, so they do not need to join the frontal battlefield.

Visit for extra chapters.

Fang Heng opened the game log and glanced at the game time.


The resurrection time of the zombie clones is also approaching.

The magic array for the blood race will not have the slightest effect on the zombie clone.

Rely on zombie clones as combat output, and use blood clan for reconnaissance and assistance.

"Lord Marquis, what should we do?" Seeing Fang Heng's worried face, Veneret couldn't help but suggest, "Should we return to the central building to start the teleportation array and ask for help from the elders' home? Report this to the elders' home and run it with all our strength. If the teleportation array is used, the follow-up support force will soon arrive..."

"No, Venieret."

Fang Heng raised his hand to stop Venieret from continuing.

"We don't need to bother the elders' home, we can solve the matter of Weicheng by ourselves."

Veneret was startled, looked at Fang Heng, and suddenly wondered if he had heard it wrong.

Of course you can't go to the elders' home!

There are still a lot of first-order evolutionary crystals to be upgraded, the evaluation of the task is only , the holy water has not been obtained, and the sacred learning skills have not been upgraded...


How can the reinforcements of the blood clan come to grab resources?

Whether it is evolutionary crystallization, or bloodline reputation quest points, whether it is the sacred energy contained in the sealing stone of the magic circle node constructed by the Holy Court, or the holy water of the Holy Court...

I want it all!

Fang Heng's eyes flashed with greed.


Venieret respectfully responded: "I am here, Lord Marquis."

"Tell the elders that we are all fine now, we can solve the problems of Weicheng by ourselves, and we don't need outside support."

Fang Heng stood at a high place and looked down at the whole city below, "Don't you think this is an opportunity? Venieret."

Veneret was puzzled and said doubtfully, "I am short-sighted and cannot understand your elaborate arrangements, Lord Marquis."

"The entire Weicheng, and even the Saint Court forces in the surrounding area of Weicheng will emerge from the shadows. This is an opportunity to wipe them all out." Fang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about the plan, "Let them come. , the more the better, how much to come and how much to solve.

It turns out that the Marquis has such a grand plan!

Venieret suddenly cheered: "Yes, Lord Marquis, what should we do?"

"Cut off all communication equipment, power generation facilities, etc. in the city. I want the city's communications to be completely paralyzed. If you encounter the Holy Court, you don't need to fight head-on, you can just turn around."

"In addition, strengthen aerial inspections, and I want to know the dynamics of the Holy Court at any time."

"Yes! Lord Marquis!"

Venieret wrote down Fang Heng's words one by one.

He couldn't figure out why Fang Heng did this.

Instead of fighting the Holy Court head-on, and not asking for help from the outside world, instead, it destroys the city's communication system?

What is he trying to do?

In two more hours, it will be dawn.

At that time, the overall strength of the blood clan will decrease slightly.

Despite all the doubts in his heart, Venieret still chose to firmly accept Fang Heng's orders to do things.
