Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game - Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Published at 8th of April 2022 06:29:48 AM

At the moment, the development in the game can be divided into three parts.

The first is the evolution of lickers.

The battle at the mansion has fully proved the power of the lickers.

Must be mass-produced!

There is no shortcut in this regard. We can only try to find a way to find researchers to improve the research level of the shelter, and rely on Qiu Yaokang to study slowly.

The second is expansion.

28 game areas are big enough to develop on their own for a while.

First, all the resources in the area are excavated, sorted and stored in the shelter, and then the shelter is expanded the second, third, and fourth times.

As for the last.

Upgrade plan!

Thinking about it carefully, this blood moon was not bad, a lot of purification crystal fragments exploded, and the level was also raised to level 17.

There are still two levels away from level 19, but there are a lot of first-order evolutionary crystals that are missing.

Let's start by expanding the shelter level!

Fang Heng opened the shelter properties page.

The materials needed for the second expansion of the shelter require a lot of stone, wood, and iron.

He has no shortage of wood, and stone can be found everywhere as long as you are willing to dig.

In addition to iron ore, iron nuggets also need a furnace for smelting.

Currently in short supply!

You can buy it from the Doomsday Merchant Camp.

In this way, it seems that there is a lot less strong labor to transport stones and wood.

A little headache.


"Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you already draw blood?"

Looking up, Fang Heng saw Qiu Yaokang holding an oversized blood sample collector in his hand, staring at him blankly.

The expression was indescribably strange.

"The blood sample was just drawn to study the pupa project, and now it is to draw your genetic sample to prepare for the subsequent rebirth."

"Mr. Tsugawa Hideji's chrysalis plan is truly amazing."

"Victor has successfully assembled the Chrysalis Project Rebirth Device in the basement."

"The design of the device is very delicate. If you disassemble it all and study it, you can get more information about the chrysalis project."

"But doing so will also damage the machinery and make it inoperable."

"Anyway, you need to take your genetic sample in advance. I heard Mo Jiawei say that you seem to have tricked a lot of people outside this time."

"There are too many enemies outside. If one day you die accidentally, I can still run the device to save your life."

Fang Heng swallowed.

Looking at the oversized genetic sample collector, he suddenly felt a little floating under his feet.

The top floor of AEFC company.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on his body, Meng Hao felt warm on his body.

"I heard that you are leaving."

"Of course, the man who takes the blame, the company has suffered such a huge loss. It's not bad that I didn't arrest me and go to jail for half my life."

Zhao Qinsi was silent for a while and said, "We all know that the responsibility for this matter does not lie with you. Your plan was approved by the board of directors."

"Hahaha, you're the only one who speaks for me, it's interesting." Meng Hao patted Zhao Qinsi's shoulder friendly.

"Are you still worried?"

"That's not true, his skills are not as good as others, and he is willing to give up."

Meng Hao shrugged, looking very calm.

"What do you mean? We were designed by someone?"

"Yes, I have thoroughly figured it out. Everything was designed, and I was deceived."

"I was deceived from the beginning."

"Using my plan, and then counteracting, using the chrysalis plan as a bait, causing us a lot of losses, and finally causing unpleasantness between us and the Federation."

Recalling the whole incident, Meng Hao was still a little unwilling.

"Looking back and thinking about it carefully, the other party's flaws still exist, but unfortunately the situation was too urgent at that time, and the other party didn't give us time to think."

"What flaw?"

"A task reminder. In retrospect, Tsugawa Hideji didn't receive a task reminder when he agreed to exchange the chrysalis plan with us."

"Unfortunately, we were already overwhelmed at that time, and there was such a big temptation in front of us."

Meng Hao said and sighed.

"I can't stop the temptation!"

"I can't blame you all, and there are very few tasks that don't trigger the task prompt." Zhao Qinsi lowered his head and thought, "So from then on we..."

"No, it's much earlier than that, you know, I got the news yesterday that it only took less than 10 minutes to clean the battlefield at the prison."


Zhao Qinsi raised his head, with disbelief flashing in his eyes.

"You feel it too?"

"The blood moon difficulty of the prison is much lower than we thought, but our shelter has encountered the LV: 32 moon blood difficulty level."

"And we met Lucia there, who belongs to the prison."

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The two said almost in unison: "Space tearing!"

Zhao Qinsi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "So we were tricked by him from beginning to end, are you going to take revenge?"

"No, I'm not interested."

Meng Hao shook his head.

"Never again. This kid is a fool. It's boring to play with him."


"Besides, I'm going to the sixth district of the blood clan. Do you need me there?"


After listening to Fang Heng's story, Mo Jiawei looked at him in surprise.

He looked around and lowered his voice, "Great God, the friend you mentioned..."

"That's right, it's me, don't tell anyone else."

Fang Heng admitted it generously.


Mo Jiawei agreed immediately.

He hesitated again and asked, "My God, are you really related to the anti-Federal forces?"

"of course not."

Mo Jiawei looked relieved, "I do know a little bit of news, but it's best not to mention it to others."

"Well, okay."

"If I judge correctly, you should have held some kind of ceremony."

Exactly! It's the ceremony!

Fang Heng stared at Mo and said more. "

Mo Jiawei scratched his hair, looking a little distressed.

"This... Actually, I'm not quite sure. According to what you described, you saw in your dream that you were forcibly held a ceremony..."

"But as far as I know, such ceremonies can only be performed actively, and it is difficult to be forced."


Fang Heng felt strange.

Could it be that the original owner of your body was a voluntary ritual?

He asked, "What is the purpose of the ceremony?"

"To unlock."

Mo Jiawei sighed and whispered, "The end is coming."

Fang Heng immediately recalled what he saw on the notebook and blurted out.

"Games map reality?"

"Sure enough, you know it."

Mo Jiawei had such an expression on his face.

"Is it all true?"

Mo Jiawei nodded, then quickly shook his head.

"I don't know the first half of the sentence, but most of the second half is true."

"The so-called lock is the restriction set by the game."

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