Give Me A Reason - Give Me A Reason Part 78

Give Me A Reason Part 78

"It's your house and not hers?"

"Yes, and with all her insecurities, this is probably going to be the easiest one to fix."

"So any thoughts as to where you'll move?" Eleanor asked, reaching into a cabinet for a pot.

"Toni likes it up here."

Seeing her mother's head pop up like a children's toy, Laura smiled. "Sorry, Mum. I love you, but our jobs are in London."

"They don't have to be," Eleanor said in a voice syrupy sweet.

"Yes, they most certainly least for now."

Regarding her daughter through narrowed eyes, Eleanor asked, "Are you trying to give me hope with that statement, young lady?"

"No, more like trying to get you off my back," Laura mumbled. A second later, Laura laughed as she dodged a stalk of celery, thankful that her mother's aim had never been true.

Toni drew a long, slow breath as she rolled to her side. Casually placing her arm around Laura's middle, she spooned against her and sighed.

"Hiya," Laura whispered.

"I thought you were supposed to be in the kitchen baking a pie or something," Toni mumbled into Laura's neck.

"I was, up until about forty minutes ago. Mum and I decided to take a break, so I came up for a short kip."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"Exactly what purpose would that serve?"

"The usual purpose," Toni said, placing a kiss on the back of Laura's neck.

A slow smile grew on Laura's face. "You are in no shape for that, Toni, and we both know it."

"True, but haven't you heard that it's better to give than to receive?" Toni asked, sliding her hand under Laura's T-shirt.

Laura couldn't help but moan when Toni's hand covered her breast. While a thin layer of fabric lay between Toni's palm and her skin, Laura knew that if she didn't act fast, Toni's skillful fingers would find their way under her bra. The only problem was...Laura didn't want to act fast.

Hearing no argument, Toni moved a bit closer and slipping her fingers under the spandex, she smiled when she felt the erect nipple. Caressing it gently, she listened as Laura's breathing grew louder, but with no need to rush, she continued to softly rub and tweak the tip until it was hard and surrounded by pebbles of pink.

Laura closed her eyes and luxuriated in the sensual massage, and when Toni's hand finally began to creep lower, all Laura could do was purr in anticipation.

Easily opening the snap of Laura's jeans, Toni pulled the zip down ever so slowly, taking great pleasure in the lackadaisical tempo she was setting. Hearing a contented sigh slip from Laura's lips when the zipper finally reached its end, Toni pushed her hand under the denim, and Laura sighed again. Toni's fingers traveled over the silk of Laura's knickers, and when Laura shifted just a bit, Toni slipped her hand between Laura's legs.

"Oh," Laura said in a whisper as Toni rubbed her through the silk. "Oh...yes."

Toni continued to tease Laura through the fabric. Gently wiggling her finger over the rapidly thickening folds, it didn't take long before Laura's passion soaked through the material.

With a low, sultry growl, Toni moved her hand under the silk, and before she reached the patch of brown curls, Laura raised one knee and offered herself to her partner.

Laura was dripping with desire, and Toni's fingers easily moved through the swollen petals, pressing and tweaking, rubbing and wiggling, until Laura began to pant. Short, ragged gasps signaled her need, and the sound caused Toni's own juices to flow free. Waiting only for a moment, Toni pushed her finger inside of Laura.

Knowing they weren't alone in the house, Laura bit down on her lip to prevent the sounds of ecstasy from escaping as Toni entered her. Craving all Toni could give her Laura grabbed Toni's wrist and encouraged her to go deep...and to go hard.

At first, Toni didn't heed Laura's request, but then slowly she began to increase the force and depth of her strokes. Unable to move for fear the bed would squeak, Laura could do nothing but lie there in silence as Toni took her to orgasm. Again and again, Toni tormented Laura with skillful probing until finally, Laura felt the contractions begin. Knowing she wouldn't be able to stop her cries of pleasure from escaping, Laura buried her face in the goose down pillow as the climax swept over her.

Moving away enough to allow the heat between their bodies to escape, Toni listened in silence as Laura's breathing slowly returned to normal. Smiling, she asked, "Are you still alive?"

A gurgle of laughter slipped from Laura's lips as she turned in Toni's arms. Studying her face for a moment, she said, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Second most beautiful."

"What say we call it a tie?"

Chapter Fifty-Four.

"Absolutely not."

"But it's tradition."

"I don't bloody care!"

Coming into the kitchen with Toni one step behind, Laura asked, "What the hell is going on?"

"Your father wants to get a branch from the rowan, and I told him no," Eleanor said, crossing her arms.

"Oh," Laura said quietly.

"Hello? I'm new here. Could someone explain what this is all about?" Toni asked.

"Sorry, sweetheart," Laura said. "It's a Scottish tradition to burn a small branch from a rowan at Christmas. It's supposed to clear away any bad feelings like jealousy or mistrust between family, friends and neighbors."

"That sounds like a great tradition to me. So what's the problem? Aren't there any rowans around?"

"Yes, there are," Bill said, pointing out the window. "Past the maple, there are at least four or five-"

"And I had them all trimmed this past spring!" Eleanor said, glaring at the man. "William, you can't reach the branches without a ladder, and I'm not having you traipse out there in the snow carrying a bloody ladder. Now stop acting like-"

"I'll do it," Toni said.

"," Laura said, touching her arm. "You're still sore-"

"Please, Laura. It's a tradition, and after everything that's happened, having a bit more luck on our side sounds like a good idea to me. Don't you think?"

"I suppose-"

"Good," Toni said with a quick nod. "Now, where's the ladder? Oh, and I suppose I'll need a saw."

"I'll show you where they are," Bill chimed in as he began to head for the hallway.

"William!" Eleanor shouted, stopping the man in his tracks.

Slowly, Bill turned around, and with all the boyish charm he could muster, he said, "Yes, dear?"

Eleanor knew she had lost the argument as soon as she saw the playful look on Bill's face. "Just please do me a favor and don't hurt yourself. Okay?"

Smiling, Bill strutted over and kissed her quickly on the cheek. "Wouldn't think of it, love." Turning to look at Toni, he said, "Now, let me just get my coat, and we'll be off."

Watching them disappear into the hall, Eleanor said, "Laura?"

"Yeah, Mum?"

"I don't know about you, but I have this feeling we're going to have to keep those two separated."

"I feel like I could sit here until spring," Bill said, relaxing into the sofa.

"You shouldn't have had that last slice," Eleanor said, nudging the empty pizza box on the ottoman with her foot.

"I'm not full...just content. I can't think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve than with you three lovely ladies."

The smile on Laura's face matched that of her mother's and Toni's, and gathering the paper plates and discarded napkins, she headed to the kitchen. "Coffee, tea...or something stronger?" she said over her shoulder.

Three voices became one in an instant. "Stronger!"

Snickering, Laura tossed out the rubbish, and then opening a cabinet, she perused her mother's wine selection.

"Dry and red is my choice," Toni said as she came into the kitchen and placed the empty pizza boxes on the counter.

"I know what you like."

"Yes, you do," Toni whispered, wrapping her arms around Laura's waist.

"What's gotten into you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been today."

"Am I not always?"

"Yes, but after everything that's happened, I expected you to be a little...a little less-"


"Yes!" Laura said with a laugh. "Don't get me wrong, I don't mind. I was just wondering why?"


"Yes, please."

"I'm alive."


"I'm alive, and I feel good," Toni said with a shrug. "I don't know how else to explain it, but sitting out there, chatting and laughing as we all sat around eating just felt so right. normal and comfortable."

Turning in Toni's arms, Laura looked up at the woman. "It sounds to me like you're happy."

"I am," Toni said as she leaned in for a kiss.

The kiss was slow and soft, and it would have lasted much longer if Bill hadn't shouted from the lounge, "Oi! Where's our drinks?"

Amused by the interruption, they separated and while Toni uncorked a bottle of Pinot Noir, Laura grabbed the glasses, and together they returned to the lounge.

"It's about time," Bill said, sitting on the floor by the tree.

"Where's Mum?" Laura asked, handing him a glass.

"Using the loo."

"Why are you sitting on the floor?"

"Your mother and I were talking while you were snogging in the kitchen, and we thought it might be a good idea to open our presents tonight. Tomorrow is going to be chaotic around here, what with all the children and the food, but of course, if you'd rather wait..."

"No, we can, that is as long Toni doesn't mind."

"I've been wondering for days what's in that large one," Toni said, pointing to a coat-sized box wrapped in foil. "Give it here, Bill."

"No, no, no," Laura said quickly, scrambling to intercept the package before it got to Toni's hands. "This one needs to wait, sweetheart."

"They're all going to wait," Eleanor said, coming back into the room carrying some shopping bags. "At least until we take care of a few more things."

"Like what?"

Smiling, Eleanor pulled a box of votive candles from one of the bags and handed them to Laura.

"I can't believe I forgot," Laura said as her mother handed her a lighter.