Get To Know About Wife Fan - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

She practiced the lines till midnight, and finally Sheng Qiao was too cold to walk back to the hotel.

Just got on the elevator, a drunk Zhong Shen also came in, saw her surprisingly, smiled and said, “You haven't slept yet?” Looking at the script in her hand and her red face, he can't believe: “Sheng Qiao, you're too hard!”

“It's hard to win,” Sheng Qiao said.

Zhong Shen looks back and forth with a smile. After laughing, he takes a look at her script and says, “Yo, you're working hard. Just for your efforts, I will cover you in the future. If you want to play in the right place, just come to me. “

How do you like to say that when you've had a play more than ten times today? Do you feel guilty?

However, Zhong Shen didn't feel guilty about this at all. The next day when she was resting on the set, he really came to Sheng Qiao with a book to play.

Sheng Qiao: "Can I refuse? “

Zhong Shen: “no way! I'm kind enough to help you. How dare you refuse? “

Sheng Qiao silently picked up the notebook.

Fu Ziqing is sitting not far away, holding a bottle of orange juice and looking at them. After watching for a long time, he couldn't see any more. He put the juice on the ground, walked heavily behind Zhong Shen and patted him on the shoulder. Zhang Shen was also surprised that he didn't want to be interrupted. He turned around and gave Fu Ziqing a look.

Fu Ziqing said, “let me do it.”

Suddenly, Zhong Shen was not satisfied: “what do you mean? You don't think I'm good at it? “

Fu Ziqing said, “Yes.”

Sheng Qiao thought that Zhong Shen would be angry, but he said, “but I look good.”

OK, you are beautiful so you have reason…

Fu Ziqing ignores him and turns to Sheng Qiao and says, “right?”

The nodded head of Sheng Qiao is the same as that of the inker: “right, right.”

So they threw down the angry Zhong Shen and went to the opposite play. After the two scenes, Fu Ziqing was a little surprised to see Sheng Qiao: “much better than yesterday.”

It seems that her efforts last night were not in vain. Sheng Qiao was satisfied.

There is a reward for the effort. After the shooting, Sheng Qiao only went through the first scene twice. It's easy to do after starting. Fu Ziqing doesn't hide it. He tells Sheng Qiao about some of his professional performance skills.

At the end of the next day, she went to the lake to practice her lines as usual. The old method is the same. Bringing in Fu Ziqing to teach her skills and practice faster. And the role she plays has no difficulty, as long as she has mastered the basic performance skills, enough to pa.s.s the test.

And her official backup committee Weibo is also updated regularly every day, with a still picture on the set.

——There is only one light between me and you. Light is the wind, is the shadow, is the star, is when I chase you, your eyebrows full of rosy. Good morning, Qiao's fans.

——I hide you in the moonlight and don't want to be discovered. But your shadow cast, covering the whole world. Good night, Qiao's fans.

——No one knows what tomorrow will look like. The way we love you, you will know. And the way you walk, the angel will know. Good morning, Qiao's fans.

——Please believe that you will bloom like flowers in the world. Breeze and b.u.t.terfly will come for you. Good night, Qiao's fans.

Online voting group's manager Cha Cha sends messages at Sheng Qiao in the backup group: President, did we recruit a poet? This official blog's copy is really very good!

Little Qiao Strive to Be Strong: Thank you for your praise, it's the president herself.

When the actors find the status, the shooting progress will be improved a lot. The whole crew will have a good time, and their liking for Sheng Qiao will be improved in a straight line. In their spare time, the three leading actors play Glory of Kings with two supporting roles.

At the beginning, only Sheng Qiao was playing there, and Zhong Shen saw it, and strongly demanded to form a team, but Zhong Shen was not good at it. She could not bring him with her, and asked the third man in the play to take him with her. In the afternoon, she took the slag of the golden section, Zhong Shen, with diamonds.

Fu Ziqing is not happy to see it. He also wants to go to the diamond.

So a few people gathered together a five game team, began to fight the Kings canyon.

She didn't expect that in the first fight  Fu Ziqing and Zhong Shen fight for robbing [Cai Wenji].

She was angry with them,  gave each a kick and roared: “isn't it disgraceful for two men to rob an a.s.sistant role!”

“I can only play an a.s.sistant role,” said Zhong Shen.

Fu Ziqing said, “I just like the feeling of saving lives!”

Finally, under the regulation of Sheng Qiao, Zhong Shen played Cai Wenji, and Fu Ziqing retired to play Zhuang Zhou, another a.s.sistant occupation. The other two actors contracted archers and mages, Sheng Qiao, with the role of the King of Lanling, carries the whole scene.

The drama crew often maintain their daily enthusiasm by posting their daily life, so they took a video of five people in a game team, uploaded to the official Weibo of Crazy Word, and posted their performance picture. As usual, netizens scolded Sheng Qiao first, and then look at the performance picture to guess.

——Cai Wenji and Zhuang Zhou? Two a.s.sistant roles? It's hard for the King of Lanling to win.

——Call the King of Lanling! Playing so well, it is Fu Ziqing!

——Cai Wenji killed 0 people and helped 3 people and died 12 times. It's the same as absence! It's obviously Sheng Qiao!

——Why Shenshen and Qingqing take Sheng Qiao to play together? There's her everywhere. I'm tired of it.

Until the evening, a netizen suddenly made a comment:

——Listen to the video carefully. Did Sheng Qiao say, “give me some a.s.sistance, Zhong Shen?” , with six minutes and 29 seconds left, Sheng Qiao said that Fu Ziqing should hold on a little longer. She took the blue and went to help him. My G.o.d, is this King of Lanling Sheng Qiao?

Netizens immediately went to open the video and listened to it carefully.

After listening, they were shocked.

——I can't believe my eyes.

——I'm so disappointed with Zhong Shen! Don't come out and make a fool of yourself if you play Cai Wenji like this!

——I can't imagine Fu Ziqing, a cold boy, holding Zhuang Zhou shaking like that.

——I'm sorry, but I'm sorry for a performance pic… I'm a little fond of Sheng Qiao…

Sheng Qiao crossed the comments and smiled silently, hiding her merits and fame.

She thought there would be some friction in the first group, but she didn't expect that the two protagonists she met were very nice.

Zhong Shen looks like a handsome man, but his personality is like a very small baby. When he is familiar with Sheng Qiao, he doesn't stick to his agent, he sticks to Sheng Qiao.

Although Fu Ziqing has a cold personality, he is very impressed with her hard work and efforts. Although he is cool on the face and doesn't like talking, but he likes to stay with her when he is free. He found out that all the things that had been posted on the Internet before were simply wrong. The girl was funny, humorous, straightforward and honest, and had a wide range of knowledge. She knew a little about what to talk about.

So that's what happened on the set.

Where to go, Fu Ziqing and Zhong Shen are just like two followers. Besides, they don't look good to each other. They have confirmed that they are the people who connect with each other.

When the publicity group leader took the gags, he asked Fang Bai, “look, it's not like Sheng Qiao with two silly sons?”

“I think it's more like they're competing,” Fang Bai said.

There, the two silly sons quarreled again because of what they will eat at night. Sheng Qiao holds her chin to read the script. Her mobile phone vibrates in her pocket. She takes a look. It's a strange number.

She made a gesture of Shhh, and the two shut up immediately.

Pick up the phone, there is a light male voice in the receiver: “h.e.l.lo.”

When she stood up, the joy in her voice could not be suppressed: “Huo Xi!”

“… Do you have my phone number? “

“No! I can hear your voice. “

Huo Xi is silent for a few seconds. “Give me an address and I'll send you the ticket.”

“Are you going to start rehearsal?”


Sheng Qiao thought about it and asked carefully, “can I add wechat to you? I'll send your address via wechat. “

“Yes,” said Huo Xi.

She was so excited that she stamped her foot. The Huo Xi asked in a low voice, “is the shooting going well?”

“Smooth! Everything is fine, you don't have to worry about me! “

“… I didn't worry about you. It's all right. Hang up. “

“Mmhmm, bye!”

After hanging up, she got crazy for a while, and then quickly saved the number. The note filled in “my honey”, and then searched the wechat of Huo Xi, and sent the added verification.

He pa.s.sed quickly. The head image was blank. The ID was a word of “Xi”. Sheng Qiao first sent a cute smile, and then sent the address of the cast hotel. Huo Xi returned an “OK”.

She adhered to the principle of not disturbing or hara.s.sing, and did not reply. After all this, she looks back contentedly and finds Fu Ziqing and Zhong Shen are looking at her with a very complicated eyes.

Sheng Qiao touched her face. “How can you see me like this?”

“Little Qiao!” said Zhong Shen heartily. "You disappoint me so much! How flattering you are! “

Fu Ziqing doesn't speak, his eyes have explained everything.

“It's not flattery, it's joy in the face of a loved one,” said Sheng Qiao.

Zhong Shen stares at her: “nonsense! What you just called is Huo Xi. When did Huo Xi become your beloved? “

Sheng Qiao did not change her face. “You heard wrong.”

Zheng Shen was so angry that his fingertips trembled and pointed to her mobile phone: “Sheng Qiao, do you think I am not only deaf but also blind? Do you think I didn't see your cell phone screensaver! ” He looked at her with a hatred of iron and steel. “As a famous female star, you chase star and chase so flatteringly. Do you lose your face? Can you afford to be a star? “

Sheng Qiao put her mobile phone in pocket and said, “it's none of your business. We can eat hot pot at night! Go! “

Zhong Shen drags Fu Ziqing and says, “look at her! Look at her! “

Fu Ziqing gave him a squint. “Little Qiao's private affairs, it's none of your business.” Then he left with a cold face.

Zhong Shen felt that he was going to be angry and cry.

Two days later, Sheng Qiao received tickets for the concert from Huo Xi. At present, there are only two performances for the tour. The two tickets in the envelope are all VIP seats. The first one is on the 13th of next month. It's about two days after she finished her play.

Sheng Qiao was so excited with the ticket that she didn't fall asleep all night. The next morning, when she got up with two black eyes, she received a call from Qiao Yu.

“Miss Sheng, the relevant materials are ready for litigation at any time.”

NOTICE: This is edited machine translation.

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